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  1. forum rang 10 voda 25 april 2012 16:45
    'Energierekening consument hoeft niet omhoog'

    Gepubliceerd op 25 apr 2012 om 09:36 | Views: 451

    DEN HAAG (AFN) - De energierekening dreigt jaarlijks met 40 euro per gezin omhoog te gaan doordat minister Maxime Verhagen (Economische Zaken) een andere oplossing afwijst. Dat hebben de Consumentenbond en de VEMW (vereniging van zakelijke energieverbruikers) woensdag gezegd in aanloop naar een debat van Verhagen met de Tweede Kamer donderdag.

    Energie wordt duurder doordat er kostbare investeringen nodig zijn om nieuwe kolengestookte centrales op het elektriciteitsnet aan te sluiten. Een groot deel van het bedrag is nodig om overschot van in Nederland geproduceerde stroom te transporteren naar Duitse consumenten. Het totale bedrag kan volgens de Consumentenbond en VEMW oplopen naar 1 miljard euro.

    Volgens Verhagen moeten óf de eindverbruikers óf de duurzame energiebedrijven voor de kosten opdraaien. Volgens hem bieden EU-regels geen andere mogelijkheid. Maar de Consumentenbond en VEMW zien een derde uitweg: de rekening neerleggen bij de uitbaters van de kolencentrales. ,,Dat mag ook van Brussel, het vereist alleen een kleine wetswijziging'', aldus een woordvoerster van de Consumentenbond. Zij wijst erop dat de Kamer in 2009 een motie heeft aangenomen waarin staat de de consument niet voor de hogere kosten mag opdraaien.
  2. forum rang 10 voda 25 april 2012 17:07
    China Q1 power consumption up by 7pct and shortage looms

    Shanghai Securities News citing the China Electricity Council said China posted a 6.8%YoY rise in power consumption in the first quarter to 1.17 trillion kilowatts with the growth rate down 5.9 percentage point YoY.

    According to an industry expert, power consumption growth especially that of the manufacturing sector began to rebound in March.

    In March, power consumption increased 7%YoY and the growth rate was up 0.3 percentage point from January and February combined.

    The China Electricity Council predicts there is a high probability economic activities will expand gradually over the next three quarters, leading to a steady increase in power consumption, though the growth rate will be lower than in 2011.

    The council anticipates power consumption growth will hit 8% for the first half of 2012 while for full year 2012 and power consumption may total 5.14 trillion kilowatts up by 9.5% from 2011.

    The council said thermal power suppliers still face operational difficulties due to increases in coal and borrowing costs and the key to guarantee power supply is to control coal supplies and curb coal price hikes.

    The council added that the power supply situation is likely to remain tight over the next three quarters of 2012, with the power supply shortage in the second quarter likely to peak at between 10 million and 20 million kilowatts, while the shortfall could hit 30 million kilowatts this summer.

    Should extremely hot weather persist, and water and coal supplies are insufficient, the power supply shortfall could hit 40 million kilowatts.

    The average utilization hours of power generation plants across China are expected to approximate 4,750 hours, while the figure for thermal power producers may hit 5,300-5,400 hours.

    Source - Shanghai Securities News
  3. forum rang 10 voda 25 april 2012 17:12
    Power plants in India grappling with coal shortage

    Hindu reported that power plants in the country continue to grapple with coal shortage as 19 stations suffered acute scarcity, with only four days of fuel stock, last week.

    As per the Central Electricity Authority data (April 19), 19 power plants spread across all the four regions of the country had less than 4 days of coal stock. However, some plants in the northern region faced grave coal stock position or coal reserves for less than four days, on account of inadequate fuel allocation.

    The report said that power stations in the southern and western India also received less fuel supply.

    It said that state run NTPC's thermal power projects at Kahalgaon in Bihar and Farakka in West Bengal suffered due to inadequate coal allocation.

    Interestingly, the company's Simhadri project in Andhra Pradesh witnessed acute fuel shortage due to higher generation from the station.

    Meanwhile, over 30 power stations witnessed coal stock position of less than seven days. These plants do not include those 19 stations with less than 4 day stock.

    While there has been no change in the situation of plants with less than seven days stock, the number of stations facing less than 4-day supply has gone down from 25, last month.

    Power Ministry has set a target of generating 920,000 million units of electricity during 2012-13, of which over 150,000 million units is expected to come from the private sector alone.

    It has plans to add over 760,000 million units of coal-based power during the period.

    The government would add over 122,000 million units of hydel power during 2012-13, of which nearly 60,000 million units would come from the northern part of the country.

    It would also import over 5,000 million units of hydro power from Bhutan to bridge the shortfall.

    Source - Hindu
  4. forum rang 10 voda 26 april 2012 16:43
    Groene stroom in de lift

    Gepubliceerd op 26 apr 2012 om 11:14 | Views: 269

    ARNHEM (AFN) - Duurzame elektriciteit zit in de lift. Zowel de vraag als het aanbod stijgt, meldt elektriciteitstransporteur TenneT. Vooral omdat het afgelopen jaar veel particulieren zonnepanelen op hun dak plaatsten en zelf energie zijn gaan opwekken stonden er eind 2011 ruim 10.000 productie-installaties voor duurzame energie ingeschreven. Dat is 36 procent meer dan het jaar ervoor.

    Dat blijkt uit het donderdag gepubliceerde jaarverslag van Certiq, de dochteronderneming van Tennet die certificaten uitgeeft voor energie die is opgewekt uit zon, wind, water en biomassa. Het aantal bewijzen van duurzaam opgewekte stroom kwam in 2011 uit op 11,1 miljoen, terwijl het in 2010 nog om 10,7 miljoen certificaten ging. Eerdere cijfers gaven al aan dat Nederlandse huishoudens en bedrijven steeds meer groene stroom zijn gaan gebruiken.
  5. forum rang 10 voda 26 april 2012 16:58
    Global energy needs USD 38 trillion to meet energy demand

    he global energy industry must invest a whopping USD 38 trillion to build the energy supply infrastructure by 2035 to keep up with an added 40% rising energy consumption in the same time span.

    World Economic Forum said that the energy systems of 124 countries are currently not ready for a transition to a sustainable and secure energy architecture required to harness economic growth.

    WEF pointed out that the existing energy architecture was inadequate for balancing economic, environmental and energy security needs and added that country specific approach was needed to enable effective transformation. The way energy is produced, distributed and consumed is currently undergoing fundamental change of almost unprecedented proportion.

    The report, produced in collaboration with Accenture, revealed that countries which are managing the transition to a new energy architecture will have to deal with trade offs and difficult choices, ranging from Germany’s nuclear shutdown following the Fukushima disaster and Nigeria’s removal of energy subsidies to France’s ban on hydraulic fracturing.

    According to the report, petro states continue to struggle to maximize the value of their assets in a sustainable manner that supports economic diversification.

    The countries in the developing world, meanwhile, are focusing on economic growth and development often at the expense of environmental sustainability while a number of nations continue to struggle to supply citizens with basic energy needs; estimates show that 1.3 billion people worldwide are still without access to electricity at all.

    Mr Roberto Bocca senior director head of energy industries WEF said that “Never before have we experienced such pressure for change in the way we source, supply and consume energy. Decision makers must understand how they are being impacted by the changing dynamics and how they can effectively create desired change, especially as the choices they make will determine the speed, direction and cost of the transition.”

    Two in depth country studies on India and Japan highlight practical applications that can lead to new energy architecture. The study on India underlines the challenges posed by supply bottlenecks which present a considerable risk to the nation’s growth story and suggests that India considers creating a unified energy regulator to support the expansion of its renewables sector, promote the development of decentralized distribution and generation to expand energy access, and rationalize energy prices through the gradual phase out of subsidies.

    The study on Japan underlines the crisis of confidence currently faced in its energy sector and suggests that the country considers establishing a fully independent regulatory agency, complete a full cost benefit analysis of market liberalization in the electricity sector and support the development of pan Asian energy infrastructure.

    Mr Arthur Hanna the managing director, Energy Industry, Accenture, United Kingdom and member of the WEF’s Global Agenda Council on New Energy Architecture said that “The scale and complexity of the energy industry demands a patient and incremental approach to managing change. Our approach helps nations take stock of their energy architecture challenges and identify practical and cost effective solutions.”

    Source - Trade Arabia
  6. forum rang 10 voda 26 april 2012 16:58
    Pakistan government considering shifting power plants to imported coal

    Pakistan government is working on a plan to shift furnace oil based power plants to imported coal for bringing down electricity generation cost.

    Senior officials said that the government is also seeking a loan from the Asian Development Bank. We are in touch with the ADB for a loan to covert furnace oil based plants and in the first phase we have asked the bank to extend a loan for converting two plants one each at Faisalabad and Multan.

    The dependence on furnace oil for power generation increased significantly in recent years that not sustainable in the long term due to rising international oil prices. Per unit cost of electricity on furnace oil stands at PKR 18.72 per unit. As current energy mix which is heavily tilted to residual furnace oil based plants, National Electric Power Regulatory Authority has determined power tariff of PKR 11.91 per unit which will be implemented on May 1st 2012.

    In case the government manages to switch power plants to imported coal as a fuel then the determined tariff would reduce to PKR 9 per unit. When the official was asked about environmental aspects of the move the government intends to first use clean coal as fuel with high tech plants that would be environmentally friendly. But with the use of imported coal in power plants, the country would be in a position to generate cheaper electricity.

    The official said that the ADB has promised to consider the government’s proposal for credit lines. We have reduced furnace oil demand from 32,000 metric tons to 26000 tones per day to reduce the impact of fuel cost on power tariff. The cost of furnace oil has swelled to PKR 90,000 per tonne at the maximum from PKR 45000 per tonne which is why the option to run power plants on furnace oil is being considered more seriously.

    The other option to bring down power tariff is to ensure proper allocation of gas to the power plants. The power sector requires 210 million cubic feet per day gas per day and if it is ensured to the power sector then the energy mix will further improve in favor of consumers in terms of affordability. The electricity generation cost on gas stands at Rs5 per unit. If 210 million cubic feet per day gas is provided then system will produce 1,100 MW at PKR 5 per unit.

    Source - The
  7. forum rang 10 voda 26 april 2012 17:01
    Mott MacDonald appointed as owners engineer for USD 2 billion power plant

    Mott MacDonald has been appointed as owner’s engineer by the Phoenix Power Company for the construction of the largest ever power station in the Sultanate of Oman. The 2000 MW combined cycle power plant located at Sur in the Sharqiyah region is being developed to meet the growing commercial and consumer demand for electricity.

    Mott MacDonald’s role will run for the remaining two years of the design and construction period and will comprise design review and the supervision of construction, inspection, testing and commissioning.

    Mr Grant Willis project manager of Mott MacDonald said that “Early power of 433 MW is scheduled to be available from April 2013 with the remainder of the 2000 MW capacity scheduled for commercial operation in April 2014. Once built, some older, less efficient power plants in Oman will be decommissioned.”

    Source - Mott MacDonald

  8. forum rang 10 voda 27 april 2012 16:42
    Iran currently world 15th major electricity producer

    Tehran Times reported that Iran's nominal electricity generation capacity stands at 63 around GW ranking the country at the 15th place in the world.

    Mr Abdorrasoul Pishahang an official with Iran Power Generation Transmission and Distribution Management Company said that "Iran is the top electricity producer in the Middle East, as well. Some 450 power stations are currently in operation across the country.

    Mr Mohammad Behzad deputy energy minister of Iran said recently that the Energy Ministry will roll out power projects that will increase Iran's electricity generation capacity by 5 GW this calendar year which began on March 20th 2012. Over 10 GW should be added to the generation capacity of hydroelectric and thermal power plants by August 2013, the last month of President Mr Ahmadinejad's administration.

    Mr Abbas Aliabadi director of the TAVANIR said that Iran has indigenized the technology for developing thermal and combined cycle power plants. Iran exports power plant technical and engineering services to different countries and said that Iran is currently building seven large power plants in Syria, Oman, Iraq and Tajikistan.

    Source - Tehran Times
  9. forum rang 10 voda 2 mei 2012 16:48
    Raad van State keurt ondergrondse gasopslag Bergermeer goed

    AMSTERDAM (Dow Jones)--De Raad van State heeft woensdag alle bezwaren tegen de ondergrondse opslag van gas in Bergermeer ongegrond verklaard en daarmee zijn definitieve goedkeuring aan het plan gegeven.

    Met een opslagcapaciteit van 4,1 miljard kubieke meter zal de Bergermeer Gas Storage faciliteit de grootste gasopslagfaciliteit van Europa worden.

    Abu Dhabi National Energy Co (TAQA.AD), dat het project voor de gasopslag in Bergermeer ontwikkelt, meldt middels een persbericht verheugd te zijn over de goedkeuring van het project en te beginnen met de bouw van de gasopslag. "TAQA zal binnenkort beginnen met voorbereidende werkzaamheden", aldus het concern, eraan toevoegend dat pas met de werkzaamheden aan de aardgasputten zal worden begonnen na het broedseizoen van de weidevogels in juli.

    Eind april 2011 presenteerden de ministers van Economische Zaken, Landbouw en Innovatie en van Infrastructuur en Milieu het rijksinpassingsplan 'Gasopslag Bergermeer' om de ondergrondse gasopslag op de Bergermeerlocatie ten westen van Alkmaar mogelijk te maken.

    Het plan stuitte echter op bezwaren van onder meer natuurorganisaties, omwonenden, de gemeente Bergen en enkele bedrijven. Volgens hen zou onvoldoende onderzoek zijn gedaan naar de risico's voor aardbevingen als gevolg van de ondergronds opslag. Daarnaast werd gevreesd voor geluidsoverlast en getwijfeld aan de veiligheid van de aardgasputten.

    De Raad van State heeft nu alle bewaren tegen het plan en de daartoe verstrekte vergunningen ongegrond verklaard en stelt van oordeel te zijn dat er wel degelijk aan het plan "een aantal onduidelijkheden en onzekerheden zitten, maar dat dit niet betekent dat de ministers daarom van het plan hadden moeten afzien".

    "Weliswaar kunnen deskundigen geen reele inschatting geven van de kans op een aardbeving, maar die kans wordt in elk geval niet groter geacht dan tijdens de periode dat op de Bergermeerlocatie gas werd gewonnen. Verder zal de maximale kracht van een beving volgens deskundigen niet groter zijn dan 3.9 op de schaal van Richter en is de kans op een beving met die kracht extreem klein", aldus de Raad van State ter toelichting van zijn besluit.

    Door Patrick Buis; Dow Jones Nieuwsdienst +31-20-571-52-01;

  10. forum rang 10 voda 3 mei 2012 16:18
    Gasunie-auto's schakelen over op groen gas

    Gepubliceerd op 3 mei 2012 om 14:18 | Views: 193

    GRONINGEN (AFN) - Gastransportbedrijf Gasunie wil met zijn hele bedrijfswagenpark overschakelen op groen gas. In eerste instantie gaat het om 21 bedrijfsauto's die worden ingezet voor onderhoud aan het gastransportnet. Uiteindelijk zullen volgens het bedrijf alle 284 bedrijfswagens op groen gas gaan rijden.

    Dat heeft Gasunie donderdag bekendgemaakt. Bestuursvoorzitter Paul van Gelder noemt groen gas een belofte voor de toekomst. ,,Nadat we begin dit jaar zijn overgestapt op groene energie voor onze kantoren, is rijden op groen gas een logische vervolgstap in de vergroening van onze bedrijfsactiviteiten.''

    Groen gas is biogas, dat wordt geproduceerd uit afval, zoals mest, rioolslib of gft-afval. Bij het rijden op groen gas komt minder broeikasgas CO2 en fijn stof vrij dan bij andere brandstoffen.
  11. forum rang 10 voda 4 mei 2012 16:04
    Top 5 figures influencing renewable energy in US

    As embarks on its top 5 series, we thought it expedient to begin with our take on the key figures shaping and influencing US renewable energy efforts, not least because the issue of energy security is being prioritized in campaigning ahead of US presidential elections.

    In considering from the numerous choices for these top five slots, we take into account a number of variables, including investment in renewable energy, the ability to influence policy and shape public opinion, and advocacy efforts. This goes well beyond simply counting coin, it is about innovation, imagination, vision, risk and patience. Arguably, these people will play an important role in your life and leisure, for better or worse.

    These are our picks:

    Mr Steven Chu - The China Link
    Co winner of the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1997, US Secretary of Energy Steven Chu is one of the most distinguished faces of renewable energy in the world, tasked with helping the Obama Administration invest in clean energy, reduce dependence on foreign oil, address climate change concerns and create millions of jobs while doing it. Mr Chu has devoted a large part of his scientific career to alternative energy solutions and climate change research, in part as former director of the DoE's Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. While the last century saw him win the Nobel Prize, this century earned him R&D Magazine's Scientist of the Year award for 2011. In announcing his appointment as Secretary of Energy, President Obama said that the future of our economy and national security is inextricably linked to one challenge energy and Mr Steven has blazed new trails. Mr Chu's most tangible successes have been the government's investment in geothermal and offshore wind projects.

    Indeed, Mr Chu is one of the world's leading authorities on renewable energy; and on a geopolitical level, his influence reaches to China. Chu is a foreign member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, has trained prominent scientists in China and helped to establish the Bio X Center at Jiaotong University in Shanghai, all of this gives him valuable access to Chinese politicians.

    Mr Dan Reicher - Energy Guru
    Until November 2011, Mr Dan Reicher served as Google's director of climate change and green energy initiatives, during which time he convinced the company to invest in a number of energy projects, some of them rather eccentric and risky, others more pragmatic. He was also behind Google's policy proposals for Washington. Prior to 2007, Reicher served in the Clinton Administration as the assistant secretary of energy for energy efficiency and renewable energy. He was also considered for the post of energy secretary in the Obama Administration, but lost out to our first pick Mr Steven Chu.

    Today, he's practicing his innovation at Stanford University, which chose him to lead its new SUD 7 million center to study and advance the development and deployment of clean energy technologies through innovative policy and finance. Stanford alumni Mr Thomas Steyer and Kat Thomas donated the USD 7 million and trust in Reicher to lead the university's efforts, which they said is uniquely positioned to change our nation's attitudes and capabilities regarding how we make and use energy. What our university did for the information revolution, it must now do for the energy revolution. Broadly, the Stanford center will conduct research on energy policy and finance, with a particular focus on legislative, regulatory and business tools, all intended to boost public support for funding clean energy technologies. It also hopes to produce world-class research for policymakers, the business community, and technology leaders. Reicher is influential in the renewable energy world on a number of levels, from finance to policy to advocacy. Not only does he have the ear of the government on policy, he also has the USD 7 million Stanford research effort at his disposal.

    Mr Elon Musk - Iron Man
    Mr Elon Musk is probably the most colorful of the figures on our Top 5 list. He has Hollywood's eyes and ears, as well, which only adds to his public influence. Mr Musk is the co founder of and head of product design at Tesla Motors, the producer of electric cars, which is almost a singular focus of Musk's current green energy efforts. Mr Musk entrepreneurial innovation had already been demonstrated pre Tesla, when he co-founded PayPal and SpaceX. He also chairs the board of SolarCity, a start up focused on photovoltaic products and services aimed at climate change solutions. Most recently, Mr Musk created the first viable electric car of the modern era, the high end Tesla Roadster sports.

    The Tesla Roadster will be followed by the four door Model S sedan, scheduled to release in July, and the ModelX (a sort of SUV/minivan hybrid), slated for production in 2013. Musk's vision: making electric cars affordable to mass market consumers thereby making a huge footprint in American and global energy efficiency and security. The Roadster is a high end vehicle that will only attract the wealthy, but that is the point: Roadster revenues can fund research and development for lower priced electric cars.

    Countless awards and honors have come Mr Musk's way, from the Heinlein Price for Advances in Space Commercialization in 2011 to inclusion on Forbes' list of America's 20 Most Powerful CEOs 40 and Under that same year. Incidentally, Mr Mush designed the first privately developed rocket to reach orbit and served as the inspiration for the genius billionaire Tony Stark in the Iron Man movie series. He also made it onto TIME Magazine's (often dubious) list of 100 most influential people in 2010.

  12. forum rang 10 voda 4 mei 2012 16:05
    part 2:

    Mr Eddie O'Connor - Supergrid Superhero
    Mr Eddie O'Connor CEO and co-founder of Mainstream Renewable Energy and the original founder of Airtrcity is one of the world's most interesting, energetic and innovative clean energy figures. Mr O'Connor sold Airtricity to E.on and Scottish and Southern Energy for EUR 2.2 billion in 2008, when he launched Mainstream along with Airtricity's former finance chief Mr Fintan Whelan, investing EUR 32 million in the start up. Mr O'Conner, who got his start in Ireland's electricity company, has earned energy leadership awards across Europe, and in 2003 was named World Energy Policy Leader by Scientific American Magazine. Mr O'Connor is behind the creation of some amazing onshore and offshore wind farm projects in Europe, North America, South America and South Africa, and is perhaps best known for his promotion of the European Offshore Supergrid, which envisions electricity interconnectivity on a scale that would entirely transform the European energy scene. Mr O'Connor's work has been extremely influential on global policy and he has certainly earned his place among the world's most innovative public figures. He combines ideas with advocacy and action.

    Mr Paul Woods - The Algae King
    Mr Paul Woods would like no less than to revolutionize the energy sector, and his charisma is hard to match. Mr Woods is the co founder and chief executive officer of Algenol, the Bonita Springs based alternative energy company, and his trademark is turning algae into ethanol (with the help of salt, carbon dioxide and sunlight). Algenol has not yet made its definitive mark on the energy industry, but Woods is certain it will. It has not been easy but Woods has proven a very patient warrior. There have been stops and starts. Most recently Algenol was forced to shelve expansion plans after concerns were raised about potential environmental consequences, but in April 2012 expansion plans were back on track and in full force. We like Woods because he's a risk taker and not one who will give up easily. We're hedging our bets that algae will play a major role in America's future energy security.

    Source -

    By Jen Alic of
  13. forum rang 10 voda 7 mei 2012 16:24
    Aandeel hernieuwbare energie neemt toe

    Gepubliceerd op 7 mei 2012 om 09:51 | Views: 535

    DEN HAAG (AFN) - Hernieuwbare energie speelt een steeds grotere rol in het totale energieverbruik. Het aandeel hernieuwbare energie steeg vorig jaar naar 4,2 procent van het totaal. Het jaar daarvoor was dat nog 3,8 procent. Dat het aandeel hernieuwbare energie groeit, komt zowel door een toename van het verbruik ervan als door een daling van het totale energieverbruik. Dat blijkt uit cijfers van het Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek (CBS), die maandag zijn gepubliceerd.

    Het totale verbruik van hernieuwbare energie steeg van 86 naar 93 petajoule. Hernieuwbare energie wordt gebruikt in de vorm van elektriciteit, warmte en biobrandstof voor vervoer. Elektriciteit is vooralsnog de belangrijkste toepassing. Ze was goed voor 45 procent van het totale verbruik.
  14. forum rang 10 voda 9 mei 2012 17:07
    80000 MW power generation capacity under 12th Five year plan

    Power Minister Sushilkumar Shinde told the Rajya Sabha that a mammoth 80,000 MW power generation capacity is under construction during the 12th Five Year Plan period ending March 31st 2017.

    Mr Shinde during Question Hour that 21,000 MW of electricity generation capacity was added during 10th Plan period against the target of 42,000 MW.

    For the 11th Five Year Plan (2007-12), a target of 78,775 MW was set which was revised to 62,000 MW during mid-term appraisal. The actual capacity addition was 55,000 MW.

    He said that "In the 12th Plan, 80,000 MW of generation capacity is under construction adding the nation currently has an installed capacity to generate 194,000 MW of electricity.

    Replying to another question, Mr Shinde said that in 2011-12 20,400 MW power generation capacity was added, which was much higher than the projection of 17,000 MW.

    He said re-structured Accelerated Power Development Programme was approved as a Central sector scheme on July 31, 2008 with total outlay of INR 51,577 crore.

    Mr Shinde said that "The focus of the program is on actual, demonstrable performance in terms of Aggregate Technical and Commercial (AT&C) loss reduction.”

    Projects under the scheme are taken up in two parts. Part-A is for establishing IT enabled system for energy accounting/auditing and SCADA for big cities whereas Part-B is for upgradation and strengthening of electrical network.

    He said 43 projects with a total cost of INR 4495.82 crore were sanctioned for Bihar under the Rajiv Gandhi Grameen Vidyutikaran Yojana.

    He added that "Under RGGVY, funds are not allocated upfront but are disbursed as per the progress of works. So far, subsidy of INR 3475.39 crore has been disbursed as per the progress.”

    Source - Economic Times
  15. forum rang 10 voda 9 mei 2012 17:20
    Iran allocates EUR 500 million for renewable energy projects

    MNA reported that Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has approved drawing EUR 500 million out of the National Development Fund to develop renewable energy projects.

    Mr Mohammad Behzad deputy energy minister of Iran said that the sum will be paid to small developers in the form of loans. The National Development Fund which is currently valued at USD 35 billion was set up by Ahmadinejad’s government last year to tap 20% of oil and gas revenues for social investment.

    Mr Behzad said that Iran is projected to export as much as 10 billion kilowatt hours of electricity in the current calendar year compared to 8.6 BKWH in the past year. The value of electricity exports has increased by 40% since the beginning of this year which began on March 20, in comparison to the year before. A number of countries including Pakistan, Turkey, Iraq and Armenia have signed new deals to boost electricity imports from Iran.

    Mr Behzad said that recently that the Energy Ministry had prepared plans to increase electricity generation capacity of national power plants by 5GW this year. Over 10,000 megawatts should be added to the generation capacity of hydroelectric and thermal power plants by August 2013.

    Source - Mehr News Agency
  16. forum rang 10 voda 10 mei 2012 17:12
    Saudi Arabia carrying out SAR 140 billion energy projects in 2012

    Arab News quoted financial sources as saying that Saudi Arabia is implementing energy projects at a cost of SAR 140 billion during the current year, thus topping the list of the highest spending countries in energy projects in the Middle East and North Africa driven by increase of oil prices above USD 100 per barrel.

    According to a study by Global Energy, Saudi Arabia is merited with strong economic and financial position that allowed it to withstand the world financial crisis during the past four years.

    Its financial solvency has enabled it to go ahead with planning giant oil projects and exploit oil revenues for development and industrial diversification which will be positively reflected in its sustainable development and well being of its people.

    Analysts at Oil Investments said that energy projects in most countries of the world were hampered during the last four years and significantly retreated in oil producing countries by 40% due to uncertainty of global economic growth and future oil prices.

    They said that Saudi Arabia however continued steadily to implement projects related to the expansion of oil production and downstream industries focusing on oil refineries to meet the increasing demand on refined oil products.

    A report by Economist Intelligence Unit meanwhile said that Saudi Arabia has the highest rate of world energy consumption per capita but it also retains more than fifth of world oil reserves and is expected to continue to occupy the first position globally as an exporter of oil between 2012 to 2020 due to its production capacity by more than 12 million barrels per day.

    Demand on natural gas in Saudi Arabia is predicted to grow more than oil where it will be growing by a rate of 8.6 percent during 2012 to 2020. Saudi Arabia will therefore, focus on the expansion of natural gas projects to meet the growing demand on gas for electric generation and industrial expansion.

    Source - Arab News
  17. forum rang 10 voda 10 mei 2012 17:12
    Iraq plans to double power supply by 2013

    Reuters quoted the electricity ministry as saying that Iraq plans to double its electricity supply to 12,330 MW by 2013 as it brings new sources of power online but is still seen falling short of demand.

    Iraq needs investment in most of its industries after years of war and economic decline. In a country where temperatures can top 50 degrees Celsius in summer, power generation is especially crucial.

    The national grid supplies only a few hours of power a day to Iraqis. Sporadic electricity supply, one of the public's top complaints was at the heart of anti government protests last year.

    The electricity ministry said that total power supply, currently at 6,000 MW is expected to reach 9,000 MW in July and 9,600 MW in August. By December, capacity would be up at around 10,400 MW and would reach 12,330 MW in April 2013. Last year, the oil producing nation managed to supply less than half of the demand which peaked at 15,000 MW.

    The electricity ministry has said that it plans to add 22,000 MW of production capacity across Iraq, except for the autonomous northern Kurdish region by the end of 2015.

    Iraq has signed a series of projects, ranging from gas to thermal power plants with mainly foreign firms which are expected to help it reach these targets.

    Source - Reuters
  18. forum rang 10 voda 14 mei 2012 16:09
    Australië: genoeg gasreserves voor 200 jaar

    Gepubliceerd op 14 mei 2012 om 10:30 | Views: 856

    SYDNEY (AFN) - Australië heeft genoeg gasreserves voor de productie in de komende 200 jaar. Dat blijkt uit een maandag gepubliceerd rapport. De productie kan zelfs nog verdubbelen als de exploratie naarschaliegas succesvol is, zei minister van Energie Martin Ferguson in een reactie op het rapport.

    Het rapport bevestigt volgens Ferguson nog eens de capaciteit van Australië om tot ver in de toekomst gas te kunnen exporteren. Hij zei dat Australië de op twee na grootste exporteur van vloeibaar gas (LNG) in de regio Azië-Grote Oceaan is en de op drie na grootste in de wereld, met een export die naar verwachting nog eens met 19 procent zal groeien in de jaren 2012-2013.

    Op basis van voorgenomen nieuwe projecten kan de productiecapaciteit van vloeibaar gas in 2017 naar verwachting verviervoudigen, wat Australië tot grootste producent in de wereld van LNG kan maken, zei de minister.

    Gas staat nu op de derde plaats, achter steenkool en uranium, als grootste energiebron van het land.
  19. forum rang 10 voda 14 mei 2012 16:38
    Kuwait to tender for USD 14 billion oil refineries in June

    Kuwait National Petroleum Company will launch a tender next month to build a long delayed refinery at Al Zour with a capacity of 615,000 barrels per day.

    Mr Jamal Al Loughani deputy MD of marketing at KNPC said that "All the contracts might be awarded by early next year and we're hoping for completion in 2017.

    KNPC operates OPEC member Kuwait's three existing refineries, which together have a capacity of 930,000 barrels per day. Investment in the Al Zour refinery, estimated to cost around USD 14.5 billion has been delayed for years due to political wrangling.

    Mr Loughani said that he expected Kuwait to import 40 to 45 cargoes of liquefied natural gas by October 2012, more than it did during the peak summer period from March to October last year. The oil exporter needs to import gas for power generation to meet air conditioning demand in hot summer months.

    He expected Kuwait to take delivery of five cargoes in May alone. Kuwait began importing super cooled gas in 2009 and has term deals to buy it from Royal Dutch Shell and Vitol from 2010 to 2013.

    Source - Reuters
  20. forum rang 10 voda 15 mei 2012 16:08
    China building power transmission line of world largest capacity

    Xinhua reported that construction of an ultra high voltage power transmission line designed with the world largest capacity started Sunday in China far western Xinjiang region.

    According to the State Grid Corporation of China (SGCC), the project contractor the 800 kv ultra-high voltage direct current transmission line connects the energy base of Hami prefecture in eastern Xinjiang with the central city of Zhengzhou.

    The 2,210 kilometers long line goes through the vast region of Xinjiang, Gansu, Ningxia, Shaanxi, Shanxi, and Henan. It costs CNY 23.39 billion and is designed to have a transmission capacity of 8 million kW upon completion in 2014 setting up a new world record.

    Mr Liu Zhenya general manager of the State Grid Corporation of China said the line will transmit 37 billion kWh on average annually. He said that "We can reduce 317,000 tons of sulfur dioxide and 267,000 tons of nitrogen oxide which would otherwise be produced during the transportation."

    Mr Zhou Yongkang a member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee attended the construction launch ceremony in Xinjiang.

    In the meantime, a second 750-kv HVDC transmission line which links Xinjiang with the main network of the Northwest China Grid Co Ltd. kicked off on Sunday.

    With an investment of 9.CNY 56 billion the 2,180 kilometers long line will become the major route to transmit wind and solar power generated in Hami prefecture, Jiuquan city of Gansu province, and Qaidam basin in Qinghai province to the rest parts of the country.

    The construction boom of the ultra-high voltage power transmission lines came as the country strives to transmit the electricity from the energy-rich west to the booming central and eastern regions.

    Source – Xinhua
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