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militaire aktie tegen iran?

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  1. [verwijderd] 9 september 2008 22:34 column: Koerdische aanval onvermijdelijk (Bakir Lashkari)

    De situatie in Irak wordt in toenemende mate grimmiger naarmate de Iraakse Premier Maliki dreigt dat de Koerden zich moeten terug trekken tot de grenslinie van 1991. Hoe komt het toch dat Maliki nu in eens met de grootste sjiitische terrorist Mugtada Al Sader gaat samen werken?

    De VS en Israel vliegtuigen zullen binnenkort Iran aanvallen. Maliki is als sjiiet
    nu voor blok gezet en blijkt incompetent te zijn om de Amerikaanse aanval tegen Iran te stoppen. De Israëlische en Amerikaanse geheime diensten opereren al maanden vanuit het Koerdische noorden in Irak om Iran te bespioneren.

    Als de kat in het nauw komt, kan hij rare sprongen maken. De geschiedenis heeft ons geleerd dat wij de Arabieren, Turken en Sjiieten nooit moeten geloven en zeker niet vertrouwen. De legendarische Koerdische leider Mustafa Barzani heeft altijd gezegd dat over de steden Kirkuk en Xanakin niet te onderhandelen valt en daarom heeft hij altijd tegen de centrale regering in Bagdad gevochten. De aartsvijanden van de Koerden in het Midden-Oosten blijven de vuile spelletjes tegen de Koerden herhalen. Zoals de Israëliërs de Arabieren kennen, weten de Koerden waarschijnlijk nog steeds niet hoe een zwakke Arabier, een zieke Turk en onbetrouwbare schijnheilige Sjiitische Mulla’s, de baas over je willen blijven spelen zodra zij hiertoe de kans krijgen.

    Het wordt tijd dat de Koerden definitief afrekenen met de onbetrouwbare partners en de onafhankelijke staat van Koerdistan uit roepen. Het is voor de Koerdische strijdkrachten, strateeg gezien, verstandiger om de confrontatie tegen het Iraakse leger nu aan te gaan in plaats van wachten en later pas terug gaan vechten en de geannexeerde gebieden zoals Xanakin en Kirkuk opnieuw van het Iraakse leger te gaan heroveren.

    De Koerden moeten het ijzer smeden als het heet is! De beste verdediging is dus aanvallen!

    Bakir Lashkari
    Geplaatst door Redactie Columns op 08-09-2008 09:37:57

  2. [verwijderd] 9 september 2008 23:08

    fintech schreef:

    De Koerden moeten het ijzer smeden als het heet is! De beste verdediging is dus aanvallen!

    Bakir Lashkari
    Geplaatst door Redactie Columns op 08-09-2008 09:37:57
    Als ie nu eens niet zo kletste om anderen te overtuigen om te gaan schieten, maar gewoon zwijgend zelf ten strijde trok, zou ik het beter te verteren vinden. Waarschijnlijker is echter dat hij ophitsende stukjes blijft schrijven.
  3. [verwijderd] 10 september 2008 03:02

    durobinet schreef:

    Overigens zou het voor Iran puur zelfmoord betekenen een nucleaire aanval op Israël. Zouden ze echt zo dom zijn? duro
    Volgens de laatste gegevens zit Iran tsjokvol moslims en hun grootste hobby is zelfmoord plegen. Ergo...

  4. [verwijderd] 10 september 2008 05:30


    Iran kan nu al Israel aanvallen, als ze dat zouden willen.
    Ze hebben de wapens en de raketten.

    Maar Iran wil Israel niet aanvallen, nu niet en ook niet als ze de bom hebben, maar dat duurt nog 'n paar jaren.

    Israel en Amerika weten dat Iran de bom wil maken, maar kunnen het niet bewijzen.

    Amerika en Iran hitsen hun eigen bevolking en de rest van de wereld op, maar ze weten ook, dat Iran Israel niet zal aanvallen, want dat betekent het einde van Iran.


    p.s. Frappant is dat er regelmatige scheduled flights zijn tussen Iran en Irak's Koerdengebied, alsof er niets aan de hand is.
    Volgens hen is er ook niks aan de hand.

    p.s.s. Heb je gehoord, dat Bush has been spying on Maliki? (zie Bob Woodward's nieuw book "the War within")
  5. [verwijderd] 10 september 2008 19:17
    Die israëlische aanval op Iran kunnen we wel vergeten;

    From The Sunday Times
    September 7, 2008
    Shimon Peres warns Israel’s hawks over Iran strike
    Uzi Mahnaimi in Tel Aviv

    Israel's president, Shimon Peres, has warned the prime minister that a military attack on Iran’s nuclear facilities could provoke a broader conflict.
    Peres is the first senior politician to advise Ehud Olmert against such an attack at a time of growing tension when other leading figures are threatening airstrikes unless Tehran halts its nuclear programme.
    The Israeli air force has rehearsed an operation to destroy sites connected with the project.
    “The military way will not solve the problem,” said Peres, the 85-year-old founder of the Jewish state’s nuclear programme, in an interview with The Sunday Times.

    “Such an attack can trigger a bigger war.”
    Sipping black coffee at the presidential residence in Jerusalem, Peres also criticised American foreign policy in highly unusual terms for an Israeli leader, saying it relied too much on military force in attempts to impose democracy on the Middle East.
    “Bush stood up with the democratic slogan [for the Middle East] which is based on American democratic ideas and faced . . . enormous opposition,” he said.
    “In my opinion, the Americans are making a mistake in their foreign policy.
    “When they intervene abroad, they’d do better using the economy, which doesn’t provoke such antagonism.”
    Peres explained: “If you suggest elections to the Saudis or to King Abdullah of Jordan they will refuse, as they regard democracy as a new religion and they want to remain Muslims. But if American businessmen offer high-tech companies, they would be most welcome.”
    Turning to Tehran’s nuclear threat, he said: “There are two ways – a military and a civilian way. I don’t believe in the military option – any kind of military option,” he concluded, admitting with a smile that “what I’m saying to you I say to Olmert, but I can’t tell you what Olmert says to me”.
    The views of the Israeli prime minister and defence minister are not secret, however. Both have vowed that Israel will not allow Iran to acquire nuclear weapons. They are convinced that Iran is developing a nuclear capacity for military reasons, not for peaceful purposes as President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad claims.
    Peres, a believer in international cooperation, said: “We need a wider coalition to stop Ahmadinejad.”
    He believes Iran is not the “enemy” of Israel and that such problems lie not in a country obtaining nuclear weapons, but in dangerous leaders like Ahmadinejad possessing them.
    “I recently told [Vladimir] Putin [the Russian prime minister] that the Marxists say that religion is the opium of the masses. I say the religion is the opium of leaders [such as Ahmadinejad].”
    Peres only just stopped short of suggesting that with different leadership Iran might be permitted nuclear weapons. “If Switzerland announces tomorrow that it has nuclear weapons, would anyone worry?
    “If there were a wider international coalition, Iran would not be Israel’s particular problem.”
    Peres believes that a serious effort to cut oil prices would help reduce Iran’s ambitions to a more realistic level. “The world has no choice – if nuclear weapons reach the hands of terrorists, it will be impossible to rule the world.”
    Although as focused as ever, the president looked fragile and alone. He has enjoyed six decades of political life – he worked with Israel’s founder David Ben-Gurion and has had two spells as prime minister – but his wife Sonia refuses to join him in the presidential residence and he tells visiting friends that he’s living in “a golden cage”.
    He thrives on international visits and his travel budget is bigger than that of any previous Israeli president. This weekend Peres is in Rome, probably trying to persuade European leaders to step up the pressure on Iran.
    “An American general once said that you only go to war if you have no other option. We have another option,” he said.
  6. [verwijderd] 15 september 2008 20:56
    Iran Refuses to Cooperate on Atomic-Weapons Probe (Update3)

    By Patrick Donahue

    Sept. 15 (Bloomberg) -- Iran refused to answer questions about possible nuclear-weapons activity and expanded its production of atomic fuel in its latest defiance of demands by the United Nations to halt uranium-enrichment work.

    The UN's International Atomic Energy Agency hasn't been able to obtain information from Iran on allegations that it has been involved with nuclear-weapons research, the agency said in a report sent today to the UN Security Council and seen by Bloomberg News. Iran has also installed and operated more centrifuges at its nuclear facility in Natanz, the IAEA said.

    Iran's defiance may prompt increased pressure from the U.S. and its allies, though tension between Russia and the West over the Georgia conflict limits the prospects of a fourth round of Security Council sanctions against the Persian Gulf country.

    ``Their basic approach is that they want to sit out the next few months'' until President George W. Bush leaves office, Heinrich Matthee, an analyst with London-based Control Risks, said in an interview. ``They're playing a successful game here with a bad hand of cards,'' Matthee said.

    The IAEA has reached gridlock in its Iran investigation, a senior official close to the organization said. The agency is awaiting information from Iran on what the UN body said were comprehensive and detailed documents provided by member states that highlight possible Iranian nuclear-weapons work.

    The U.S. and several major partners have accused Iran of seeking to develop nuclear weapons, while the government in Tehran has insisted that its program is peaceful, intended to generate electricity, and is legal under the nuclear Non- Proliferation Treaty, to which the country is a signatory.

    Cooperation Blighted

    While IAEA Director General Mohamed ElBaradei has been able to clarify many aspects of Iran's declared nuclear work under an IAEA-brokered ``work plan,'' unanswered questions about possible atomic-weapons development have dogged the UN body's probe.

    ``The agency, regrettably, has not been able to make any substantive progress on the alleged studies'' on weapons activity, the IAEA said in its report.

    Richard Grenell, spokesman for the U.S. mission to the UN, said that ``the international community is forced to increase the government of Iran's isolation from the rest of the world.''

    The weapons allegations stem from intelligence passed from IAEA member states to the agency. They appear to document activity including Iran's production of a form of uranium, known as green salt, which can be used in weapons, explosives testing, and designs for a modified Shahab-3 missile that would enable it to carry a nuclear warhead, the IAEA has said.

    Links to Military

    More important is documentation that indicates links between these projects and military institutions, the agency official said, adding that the IAEA is hampered by the fact that it can't hand over copies of the intelligence to Iran and has no mandate to probe the country's conventional military operations.

    The IAEA, for example, showed Iran documents alleging that it conducted experiments possibly linked to a nuclear-implosion simulation, which may have been carried out with the assistance of foreign experts. Iran denied such activity and hasn't provided the agency with requested information, the IAEA said.

    Iran has declared most of the intelligence presented by IAEA inspectors to be forged or fabricated and said some of the projects are for conventional military purposes, the IAEA said.

    The Iranian ambassador to the IAEA, Ali Asghar Soltanieh, blamed the hold-up on weapons-related information on ``U.S. intervention'' and said that a 117-page reply to the agency called the ``laptop'' intelligence ``baseless and made-up,'' the official Islamic Republic News Agency reported.

    Centrifuges Installed

    Iran has installed about 3,800 centrifuges, fast-spinning machines that enrich nuclear fuel by separating uranium isotopes, in its underground facility at Natanz, about 150 miles (240 kilometers) south of Tehran, and continues to install more, the IAEA said. It's also developing more advanced centrifuge models in a pilot plant, the agency said.

    As of Aug. 30, Iran had produced 480 kilograms (1,058 pounds) of uranium enriched to less than 5 percent. The IAEA official said that about 1,700 kilograms of low enriched uranium would be needed to make a significant quantity of the highly enriched uranium needed for a bomb. An atomic weapon requires about 25 kilograms of 90 percent-enriched uranium, according to the Washington-based Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.

    Iran, the world's No. 2 holder of oil and gas reserves, probably can't produce enough uranium for a bomb until 2010 at the earliest, according to a U.S. National Intelligence Estimate, the consensus of 16 intelligence agencies, published in December.

    Fifth Report

    The IAEA report is the fifth issued since ElBaradei in June 2007 brokered an accord with Iran that gives UN inspectors more access to people and places involved in the country's nuclear work. Since November, inspectors have been able to clear up suspicions over radioactive contamination and a uranium mill while making no progress on the alleged weapons studies.

    The IAEA has sought additional information from Iran on the history of its nuclear program after it found in 2003 that the Persian Gulf country had hidden the work for nearly two decades.

    Foreign ministers of the U.S., U.K., China, France, Germany and Russia are scheduled to discuss possible next steps in the dispute over Iran's nuclear program on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly during the week of Sept. 22.

    Tension with the West over the war in Georgia, though, has sharpened Russian opposition to pressuring Iran at the UN, U.S. and British envoys said last week. Russia is one of the five veto-wielding permanent members of the Security Council.

    U.S. Ambassador Zalmay Khalilzad said Sept. 11 that the conflict in Georgia had had ``an impact on Russian statements on other issues, which we regret.''

  7. [verwijderd] 15 september 2008 21:03
    JERUSALEM - An Israeli Cabinet minister and one-time spy who helped kidnap Nazi mastermind Adolf Eichmann and bring him to trial said Tuesday the same tactic could be used on Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.


    Wat 'n goed idee !

    Hadden we moeten doen met Hussein

    en met nog zo'n stuk of tien andere dictators/democratische staathoofden.


  8. [verwijderd] 15 september 2008 21:12

    Amor Arrows schreef:

    Hadden we moeten doen met

    Weet het niet zeker,Amor.
    Maar ben jij daar niet wat te oud voor?


    ps hoe gaan de mijnen?,de mijne matig.En de jouwe?
  9. [verwijderd] 15 september 2008 21:14

    Amor Arrows schreef:

    JERUSALEM - An Israeli Cabinet minister and one-time spy who helped kidnap Nazi mastermind Adolf Eichmann and bring him to trial said Tuesday the same tactic could be used on Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.


    Wat 'n goed idee !

    Hadden we moeten doen met Hussein

    en met nog zo'n stuk of tien andere dictators/democratische staathoofden.


    Met alle respect Amor,

    Als ik jouw was zou ik het iets dichter bij huis zoeken, vooral vandaag.


  10. [verwijderd] 15 september 2008 23:01

    retep8334 schreef:

    [quote=Amor Arrows]
    JERUSALEM - An Israeli Cabinet minister and one-time spy who helped kidnap Nazi mastermind Adolf Eichmann and bring him to trial said Tuesday the same tactic could be used on Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.


    Wat 'n goed idee !

    Hadden we moeten doen met Hussein

    en met nog zo'n stuk of tien andere dictators/democratische staathoofden.


    Met alle respect Amor,

    Als ik jouw was zou ik het iets dichter bij huis zoeken, vooral vandaag.


    Howdy retep,

    Een van de 10 democratische staatshoofden en ook Hussein zijn voor mij dichtste bij huis, dichterbij kan niet.

    Howdy kck, Mijne klote


  11. [verwijderd] 15 september 2008 23:09

    Amor Arrows schreef:

    [quote=Amor Arrows]
    JERUSALEM - An Israeli Cabinet minister and one-time spy who helped kidnap Nazi mastermind Adolf Eichmann and bring him to trial said Tuesday the same tactic could be used on Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.


    Wat 'n goed idee !

    Hadden we moeten doen met Hussein

    en met nog zo'n stuk of tien andere dictators/democratische staathoofden.


    Met alle respect Amor,

    Als ik jouw was zou ik het iets dichter bij huis zoeken, vooral vandaag.



    Howdy retep,

    Een van de 10 democratische staatshoofden en ook Hussein zijn voor mij dichtste bij huis, dichterbij kan niet.

    Howdy kck, Mijne klote


    Ik heb denk ik cursus gewoon Nederlands nodig, beetje lezen is er niet meer bij tegenwoordig. Kun jij in mijn plaats Bush, gewoon om effe te pesten, even bij de ballen grijpen.

    Groet en succes met de mijntjes(Ook daar heb ik geen kaas van gegeten)

  12. [verwijderd] 16 september 2008 20:58
    TEHRAN (Reuters) - Iran's supreme leader has put its elite Revolutionary Guards in charge of defending the oil-rich Gulf against any enemy attacks, a top military adviser to Ayatollah Ali Khamenei was quoted as saying on Tuesday.

    The Guards, seen as fiercely loyal to Iran's system of clerical rule, would not hesitate to "confront foreign forces", adviser Yahya Rahim-Safavi told the official IRNA news agency.

    The move comes amid persistent speculation about a possible U.S. or Israeli strike on Iran's nuclear facilities, which the West and Israel say are part of a clandestine bid to build atomic bombs, despite Tehran's denials.

    Energy experts are concerned any conflict in Iran could lead to a shutdown of the Strait of Hormuz, a narrow waterway between the Gulf and the Sea of Oman through which roughly 40 percent of the world's traded oil is shipped.

    Rahim-Safavi, previously head of the Revolutionary Guards, said Khamenei, Iran's top authority, had given full authority to the Guards as the only military force defending the Gulf.

    "After the Americans found out about this decision they told their warships not to get close to Iranian territory because the Revolutionary Guards do not hesitate to immediately confront foreign forces," he said.

    Alongside the regular army, Iran has a Revolutionary Guards force viewed as guardians of the Islamic ruling system.

    The Guards have a separate command and their own air, sea and land units. They are deployed on sensitive border regions and guard key institutions and their arsenal includes the Shahab-3 missile, which reportedly can reach targets in Israel.

    One Iranian analyst said power in the military had increasingly shifted to the Guards, particularly in naval operations because of the cost of running a parallel navy.
    "It is an indication of the power of the Revolutionary Guards. They are the main protector of the Islamic Republic and Islamic revolution, and they are trusted by the supreme leader," the analyst said about Khamenei's decision.

    Putting the elite force in charge was probably also aimed at adding weight to Iran's claim that it could maintain security and defend its territorial waters in the Gulf, the analyst said.

    Rahim-Safavi said the regular army would still be in charge of the Caspian Sea and the Sea of Oman. The IRNA report did not elaborate on what practical impact Khamenei's order would have.

    Iran has dismissed reports of possible U.S. or Israeli plans to strike Iran, but says it would respond by attacking U.S. interests and Israel if any such assault was made.

    (Reporting by Parisa Hafezi and Edmund Blair; Writing by Fredrik Dahl; Editing by Richard Balmforth)

  13. [verwijderd] 16 september 2008 23:21
    Stel dat Bush in oorlog raakt met Iran .

    Blijft hij dan president .

    Ook al zal in die tijd de overwinning zijn voor Obama en de Democraten.
  14. [verwijderd] 16 september 2008 23:44
    The UN nuclear monitoring agency on Tuesday shared intelligence purporting to show that Iran tried to refit its main long-distance missile to carry a nuclear payload, according to diplomats who attended the meeting.

    The International Atomic Energy Agency.
    Photo: AP [file]

    Slideshow: Pictures of the week Responding to the presentation to the 35-nation board of the International Atomic Energy Agency, a senior US envoy said the information was compelling evidence of such work by the Islamic Republic. But his Iranian counterpart said the material shown was fabricated.

    Other diplomats, who demanded anonymity because they were not authorized to comment on the closed meeting's details, described the information presented as something in-between the American and Iranian standpoints.

    The briefing focused on an IAEA report circulated to the board members Monday that said Teheran stonewalled agency efforts to follow up on the alleged weapons program. The report also confirmed that Tehran was expanding its uranium enrichment activities - which can make either nuclear fuel or warhead payloads - despite three sets of UN Security Council sanctions.
  15. forum rang 6 NewKidInTown 16 september 2008 23:54
    Kennelijk broeit er wel iets, mocht daar de pleuris uitbreken, maak dan je borst maar nat, kan er nog 30 of 40% of meer van de koersen af, zeker als er nucleaire wapens worden gebruikt over en weer.

    Iran bereidt zich voor op Amerikaanse aanval
    dinsdag 16 september 2008 17:13

    Het elite-leger van Iran, de Revolutionaire Garde, is in opperste staat van paraatheid gebracht op het islamitische land te beschermen tegen een mogelijke aanval van Amerika of Israël op de nucleaire faciliteiten.

    Iran testte deze zomer raketten
    Dat zegt een topadviseur van de Iraanse Opperste Leider ayatollah Ali Khamenei. Zodra Amerika of Israël een aanval uitvoert, zet Iran de tegenaanval in, aldus de adviseur.

    De Garde heeft nu ook de verantwoordelijkheid gekregen voor het verdedigen van Irans territoriale wateren in de Perzische Golf. Het land heeft herhaaldelijk gewaarschuwd de smalle Hormuz Strait in de Golf te sluiten zodra Amerika of Israël aanvalt. Hierdoor wordt ongeveer 40 procent van de wereldolie vervoerd.

    De Revolutionaire Garde heeft kort geleden een aantal raketten getest, die Israël zouden kunnen bereiken. Daarop versterkte Amerika zijn militaire positie in de Golfregio.

    Iran verrijkt nog steeds uranium, zeer tegen de wens van de westerse gemeenschap in. De laatste is bang dat Iran het uranium gebruikt voor het maken van kernwapens; Iran zelf beweert nog steeds het uranium alleen maar nodig te hebben voor het produceren van kernenergie.

    In de nucleaire fabriek in Natanz zijn nu meer dan 3.800 centrifuges om uranium te verrijken, enkele honderden meer dan in mei van dit jaar. Iran heeft al diverse keren sancties opgelegd gekregen; Frankrijk pleit voor nieuwe maatregelen.

    Door Claudia van Zanten
  16. [verwijderd] 16 september 2008 23:56
    Part of the report spoke of what appeared to be drawings and calculations by Iranian engineers on reconfiguring its Shahab-3 missile to be able to carry a nuclear payload, and the presentation Tuesday went into greater detail on that issue, the diplomats said.

    Iranian officials say the new missile has a range of 1,250 miles - more than 2,000 kilometers - which would enable a strike on Israel and most of the Middle East.

    The presentation "showed board members for the first time photographs and documents of work undertaken in Iran on the redesigning of the Shahab-3 missile to carry what would appear to be a nuclear weapon," said Gregory L. Schulte, the chief US representative to the IAEA. He said the senior IAEA official doing the briefing "told us that information they have is very credible."

    But Schulte's Iranian counterpart said the meeting was told that the material shown could not verified.

    "We have given clear information ... (on) why this material is fabricated," Ali Ashgar Soltanieh told reporters. He called for "an end to this endless process" of probing Iran for evidence of an arms program he said never existed, saying his country considered the investigation closed.

    A diplomat from a third country inside the meeting told The Associated Press that board members were told "the information is credible but cannot be verified."

    Another said that while the information was compelling, most of it was known and what was new in the presentation "appeared to be only a few new photos and diagrams."

    In Washington, the State Department said it would host a meeting of top negotiators from the five UN Security Council countries and Germany on Friday to discuss how to proceed in wake of Monday's IAEA report, which was also sent to the council. Officials said the meeting would be held to prepare for a gathering of the six foreign ministers expected next week on the sidelines of the annual UN General Assembly session in New York.

    The US and its Western allies would like to see Iran hit with new UN sanctions for its nuclear defiance, but Moscow and Beijing have traditionally been opposed to harsh Security Council action. China said Tuesday that imposing further penalties will not resolve the nuclear impasse.

    Still, White House spokesman Gordon Johndroe spoke Monday of "the possibility of new sanctions." And on Tuesday, French Foreign Ministry spokesman Eric Chevallier told reporters that Paris had "no other choice than to work in the days and weeks to come toward a new Security Council sanctions resolution."

    The US and its allies allege that Iran wants to develop its uranium enrichment program to make nuclear weapons. But oil-rich Iran insists it only wants to make nuclear energy, and IAEA oversight and inspections of its known enrichment program has not found any evidence that contradicts that.

    Tja kid hoop dan wel dat dat raket schild in polen wel werkt!!
  17. [verwijderd] 17 september 2008 21:54
    Iran: eliteleger staat paraat
    Gepubliceerd: dinsdag 16 september 2008 14:27 UTC
    Laatst gewijzigd: dinsdag 16 september 2008 14:28 UTC
    Teheran - De Iraanse autoriteiten hebben de Revolutionaire Garde in opperste paraatheid gebracht om zich te verweren tegen een eventuele buitenlandse aanval. Dat heeft generaal Safavi laten weten.
    De Revolutionaire Garde is een schaduwleger met een eigen wapenarsenaal, dat onder meer zeer geavanceerde raketten bevat. Safavi zegt dat het eliteleger niet zal aarzelen om terug te slaan in het geval van buitenlandse agressie. Volgens de generaal kunnen de raketten van de Revolutionaire Garde ieder schip in het Golfgebied treffen.
    De uitlatingen van Teheran volgen op een waarschuwing maandag van de Verenigde Staten. Die dreigen met maatregelen als Iran de inspecties van zijn nucleaire programma door de Verenigde Naties in de weg blijft zitten.
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