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  1. [verwijderd] 5 mei 2010 23:35
    Joint Venture Establishes Tele Atlas Kalyani India Print

    Tuesday 22 Apr 2008

    Global map maker Tele Atlas has signed an agreement with Indian industrial group Kalyani Group to acquire substantial equity position in Pune-based map maker Kalyani Net Ventures Limited.

    Tele Atlas's digital maps are used for a range of personal and in-car navigation, mobile and internet map applications. With this move, the Dutch company is establishing a strong foothold in the Asian mapping market, where demand for personal navigation devices and in-car navigation systems is expected to surge over the next five years.

    ‘Tele Atlas will position itself as a major player in the emerging but promising Indian market for location based services and navigation products,’ said Mark Steele, the chief operating officer for Tele Atlas Asia Pacific in a company statement.

    The company believes the new venture, named Tele Atlas Kalyani India Pvt. Ltd., will ‘significantly strengthen operations in India’ by providing access to map data licensing, GIS and customised mapping projects in the country. ABI Research, which specialises in economic analysis of the wireless market, reported on 1 April that lower-priced PNDs and GPS-enabled handsets boosted the Asian navigation market in 2007, with total shipments exceeding 39 million for the year.

    This figure is expected to exceed 185 million in 2012, according to the same data.

    Tele Atlas says that the new venture will use its own production platform to develop Indian map and navigable data products. The first products are planned for release in the third quarter of 2008 and will cover all major metropolitan areas and the national and state highway networks of India.

    This deal is the latest in a succession of equity bids that began in October last year. This spate of deals, some of which are awaiting approval from the European competition watchdogs, herald important changes to the face of global digital mapmaking.

    The wheeling and dealing began with Amsterdam-based PND maker TomTom’s bid for Tele Atlas.

    Finnish handset maker Nokia then announced plans to compete in the personal navigation devices market. It punctuated the decision with a $US8.1 billion bid for Tele Atlas’ key rival, Chicago-based digital mapmaker Navteq. The acquisition, signed in October 2007, is awaiting approval from European authorities.

    No sooner had the ink on the paper dried than Cayman Island-registered company Garmin, TomTom's bitter rival, bid on Tele Atlas, forcing TomTom to increase its offer for Tele Atlas by almost 50 percent.

    Then in mid-November 2007, just over two weeks after making the bid on Tele Atlas, Garmin signed a long-term deal with Navteq, guaranteeing access to Navteq data until 2015. The deal was a significant as it allowed Garmin to secure ongoing access to map data without having to enter an outrageous bidding war for Tele Atlas.

    Needless to say, Garmin then dropped out of the bidding for Tele Atlas.

    Now TomTom, having finally secured Tele Atlas for $US4.3 billion, appears to be on shaky financial ground. TomTom's share price has halved since November and the company issued a profit warning on 8 April. Analysts say its market capitalisation is now less than the price it is paying for Tele Atlas.

    In an interesting twist on the saga, Tele Atlas’ new deal with the Kalyani Group will make Tele Atlas the de facto map provider to Garmin in India. Aerial Services, the exclusive distributor of Garmin products in India, is currently using KNVL-supplied digital maps.

    Navteq announced its first map data for India (covering six major cities) in June last year; KNVL currently provides a full map of India, highway coverage and detailed intracity data for 50 cities. Tele Atlas Kalyani India plans to expand this database to include additional urban centres and more detailed points of interest content. The joint venture will also offer a range of additional products such as 3D landmarks and detailed city maps.

    Tele Atlas and Kalyani’s announcement coincides with the signing of a new multi-year contract between Tele Atlas and Infotech Enterprises in India, which continues a relationship that began in 1994.

    Under this deal, Tele Atlas will continue to provide map database and software development services to Infotech. Infotech employs hundreds of data conversion specialists to enter map data information into Tele Atlas' digital map database. This data is gathered from sources such as Tele Atlas' international fleet of Mobile Mapping Vans.

    Infotech will now also work on the production of Tele Atlas’ India database.

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  2. [verwijderd] 10 mei 2010 23:49

    By Roger Cheng
    NEW YORK -(Dow Jones)- Sprint Nextel Corp. (S) confirmed that it was backing away from making Google Inc.'s (GOOG) Nexus One handset available on its network in another blow to the Internet giant's ambitions to sell its own smartphone.
    It marks the second U.S. carrier to drop its commitment to sell the device. Last month, Verizon Wireless said it wouldn't make the Nexus One available on its network. T- Mobile USA is the only U.S. carrier to offer a wireless plan with the device; those who want the device to run on AT&T will have to pay the full $529 price tag.
    Sprint's decision to move away from the Nexus One is another kick at Google's plan shake up the existing wireless phone model by selling phones and service plans directly through its website and circumvent the traditional wireless retailers. The strategy has met with mixed results, including poor handling of customer service and lackluster sales.
    Sprint dropping the device was originally reported by website
    Sprint and Verizon Wireless, which is jointly owned by Verizon Communications Inc. (VZ) and Vodafone Group PLC (VOD), are both pointing to their own Android devices as superior alternatives. In Sprint's case, the company is pushing the upcoming Evo, which is the first U.S. device compatible with Sprint and Clearwire Corp.'s (CLWR) fourth-generation WiMax network.
    "There's really no need for it," said Sprint spokeswoman Michelle Leff-Mermelstein referring to the Nexus One. She added that with HTC Crop.'s (HTCXF, 2498.TW) Hero, and Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd.'s (SSNHY, 005930.SE) Moment, there wasn't room for another Android device in the line up.
    Verizon Wireless is pointing to the Nexus One's "cousin," the Incredible. All three devices were made by HTC Corp.
    Verizon Wireless and Sprint likely didn't want another Android device taking away attention from the new devices. The Incredible and Evo are seen as the flagship devices for their respective carriers.
    Despite the blow, the Android platform has quickly solidified its position in the growing smartphone market. The operating system overtook Apple Inc. (AAPL) and the iPhone as the No. 2 smartphone operating system, according to a report by NPD Group.
    Google rose 5.8% to $521.65, while Sprint shares rose 5.1% to $4.04.
    -By Roger Cheng, Dow Jones Newswires; 212-416-2153;
    Click here to go to Dow Jones NewsPlus, a web front page of today's most important business and market news, analysis and commentary: You can use this link on the day this article is published and the following day.
    (END) Dow Jones Newswires
    May 10, 2010 17:24 ET (21:24 GMT)
    © 2010 Dow Jones & Company, Inc.

  3. jan6307 12 mei 2010 10:41

    AMSTERDAM (Dow Jones)--Theodoor Gilissen verlaagt het koersdoel voor TomTom naar EUR7,50, maar handhaaft het buy-advies. "De winstgroei is op korte termijn beperkt, maar wij verwachten dat TomTom door de innovatieve kracht op lange termijn sterk marktaandeel wint", stelt analist Jos Versteeg. "De goede voortgang bij Automotive steunt onze verwachting dat daar een belangrijk deel van de toekomstige groei ligt." Omstreeks 10.35 uur noteert het aandeel 0,9% hoger op EUR5,53, terwijl de AEX met 1% stijgt. (HJL)
    Dow Jones Nieuwsdienst: +31-20-5715200;
    (END) Dow Jones Newswires
    May 12, 2010 04:38 ET (08:38 GMT)
    © 2010 Dow Jones & Company, Inc.

    AAND TOMTOM @ EUR 0.20
  4. [verwijderd] 12 mei 2010 14:43
    Garminfone gets real – We go hands on

    The Garminfone just got really real. T-Mobile (NYSE: DT) today held a little media event to show off their new Garmin-Asus Garminfone and we had boots on the ground in New York City to put hands on the new GPS navigation-oriented Android phone from the Garmin-Asus duo that brought us the decidedly underwhelming Nuvifone line of half-baked nav phones.

    ' Speaking of onboard maps, that’s where the Garminfone will outshine other smartphones with pseudo-GPS roots. While other smartphones that use cloud-based navigation services like Google Maps Navigation have to rely on their wireless data connections (WiFi, 3G, 2G) to get map data, the Garminfone puts all its map data right on the device.'
  5. Ralph van den Hoek 12 mei 2010 14:52

    BOEROE schreef:

    Garminfone gets real – We go hands on

    The Garminfone just got really real. T-Mobile (NYSE: DT) today held a little media event to show off their new Garmin-Asus Garminfone and we had boots on the ground in New York City to put hands on the new GPS navigation-oriented Android phone from the Garmin-Asus duo that brought us the decidedly underwhelming Nuvifone line of half-baked nav phones.

    ' Speaking of onboard maps, that’s where the Garminfone will outshine other smartphones with pseudo-GPS roots. While other smartphones that use cloud-based navigation services like Google Maps Navigation have to rely on their wireless data connections (WiFi, 3G, 2G) to get map data, the Garminfone puts all its map data right on the device.'
    Tja hierop loopt Garmin wel voor op TT. Je moet je alleen afvragen of dit echt een concurrent is voor Iphone etc.

    Wel leuk bericht. Goed gevonden.
  6. [verwijderd] 12 mei 2010 21:07
    Google Maps krijgt fietsnavigatie

    Google heeft een nieuwe versie van Google Maps voor de Android uitgebracht. Daarmee is het nu ook mogelijk te navigeren op de fiets.

    De fietsnavigatie bevind zich op dit moment nog in de bèta-status. Daarom is de update momenteel alleen nog beschikbaar voor Amerikaase fietsliefhebbers. Wanneer de functie ook in Nederland beschikbaar wordt is nog niet bekend.

  7. [verwijderd] 12 mei 2010 21:08
    HTC wil importverbod VS voor iPhone, iPad en iPod

    AMSTERDAM – Telefoonmaker HTC heeft een rechtszaak aangespannen tegen Apple. HTC laat weten dat Apple vijf belangrijke patenten schaadt en wil de invoering van iPhones, iPads en iPods in de Verenigde Staten laten verbieden.

    Apple beschuldigde HTC begin maart openlijk van diefstal, omdat patenten van het Amerikaanse computerbedrijf zouden zijn geschonden. De twee bedrijven zijn grote rivalen geworden op het gebied van smartphones.

    Ook Nokia en Apple zijn al enige tijd verwikkeld in een patentruzie. In januari liet Apple weten een importverbod op de telefoons van Nokia af te willen dwingen. Nokia klaagde op haar beurt eerder deze maand Apple aan om patentschending bij ontwikkeling van de iPad.

    “We hebben dit besluit genomen om ons eigendom, onze partners en onze gebruikers te beschermen”, aldus Jason Mackenzie van HTC tegenover persbureau Reuters.

    HTC is ontwikkelaar van onder andere de smartphones die draaien op het besturingssysteem Android van Google. Apple wilde woensdag niet meteen reageren op de actie van de telefoonmaker.
  8. [verwijderd] 12 mei 2010 22:19
    AND en Navmii gaan nog meer samenwerken

    AND International Publishers nv (AND) heeft de samenwerking met de Britse aanbieder van navigatiesoftware Navmii uitgebreid, zo meldt de maker van digitale kaarten dinsdag. AND levert nu ook de kaarten van België, Luxemburg en Zwitserland voor Navmii GPS Live, een applicatie die te downloaden is via iTunes van Apple. AND leverde al de kaarten voor Nederland, Frankrijk, Spanje en Duitsland.
  9. [verwijderd] 12 mei 2010 22:19

    MB2010 schreef:

    Ik meen dat dit het tom tom nieuwsdraadje is, ik zie alleen maar GEEN tom tom nieuws hier......raarrrr!
  10. [verwijderd] 12 mei 2010 22:41

    Dongen schreef:

    Ik meen dat dit het tom tom nieuwsdraadje is, ik zie alleen maar GEEN tom tom nieuws hier......raarrrr!
    Ze hebben de route niet in getoetst via de Tom Tom.

    de kat.
  11. [verwijderd] 13 mei 2010 10:20

    tocas schreef:

    TomTom fights to stay on right path...

    Al geplaatst ?

    Grappig, hetzelfde artikel heeft nu een andere titel gekregen.

    TomTom beats out a path for future growth
    By Michael Steen in Amsterdam

    Published: May 13 2010 03:00 | Last updated: May 13 2010 03:00

    Faced with Google and Nokia offering for free the service that constitutes its main business, TomTom, the Dutch satellite navigation company, is determined not to appear on the defensive as it launches its fightback.

    Its high-end "Go Live 1,000" personal navigation device, or PND, which goes on sale this summer, is based on a complete rewrite of the software used in TomTom's devices with a greater emphasis on speed and internet connectivity.

    While the new product, which can calculate routes almost instantly, may coax owners of TomTom's current top-ofthe-range devices to upgrade, the real test will come as it pushes the technology and features on to its lower-end gadgets, where competition from mobile phones is fiercest.

    The stakes are high. Since 2007, the share price has fallen more than 80 per cent. The average price of a TomTom PND has plunged from €204 ($259) to €89, a drop not fully compensated by a 20 per cent increase in sales volume.

    Meanwhile, Google is offering free navigation software for the US, UK and Ireland on smartphones running its Android operating system, while Nokia says 10m people have already downloaded free navigation software for its smartphones since January - not far off the 11.5m sales of TomTom PNDs last year.

    Harold Goddijn, chief executive - one of the four TomTom founders and big shareholders who took the stage at a lavish, Apple-style launch last month - sought to damn the mobile phone offerings with faint praise, saying they were "sufficient for occasional users" but involved too many compromises.

    Yet one area where rudimentary navigation software on a mobile phone beats a low-end satnav device is its constant connection to the internet, allowing it not only to download up-to-date maps but also receive traffic, weather and other information in real time.

    TomTom aims to answer that challenge by incorporating mobile phone technology into a wider range of its devices, so that Vodafone can pipe TomTom's own traffic information to devices in 16 European countries, along with other real-time content and, eventually, third-party services.

    There is no bill for users, so there are none of the roaming charges that would make using an Android or Nokia phone astronomically expensive for navigation outside one's home country.

    Mr Goddijn said he expected 80 per cent of TomTom devices to offer similar connectivity within a year of the launch of the flagship product.

    The company is also cutting the cost of the previously premium add-on services to zero in the first year and €50 from the second. Mr Goddijn said the price of devices would be "competitive" relative to ones without connectivity and TomTom was relying on sufficient buyers paying for a subscription in year two.

    "We've made assumptions on renewal rates after the first year and, if we've got it right, we're not suffering on the margin," he said.

    Analysts agree with TomTom's assessment that mobile phones are not about to kill off the market for PNDs overnight, but the latter no longer look like a growth market.

    "You can imagine in 18-24 months you're going to get to the point where mass-market smartphone adoption kicks in," said Stuart Jeffrey, technology analyst at Nomura. "But the usability of [navigation on] a smartphone still isn't quite the same as a PND."

    Alongside its digital map licensing business - acquired when it bought mapmaker Tele Atlas in 2007 following a bidding war with US rival Garmin - TomTom earns a small revenue from paid-for navigation on Apple's iPhone and other phones. But its main growth hope is in the market for "in-dashboard" car navigation.

    It already has deals with Renault and Fiat to provide in-dash units, typically at a much lower cost than existing offerings. The technical platform TomTom unveiled is based on open-source Webkit display software, which can run third-party applications. It should benefit the in-dash market as much as PNDs because it can be easily tailored to different car models.

    "In the past, every time we wanted to change something, we had to go back to the engineers and make changes to a big monolithic piece of software," Mr Goddijn said. "In automotive, the problem is magnified because you want to connect to the air conditioning, the radio, what have you. Now, either the car manufacturer can do that or we can outsource it."

    Mr Jeffrey said he believed that TomTom was doing as well as it could, but the crucial step would be in moving its new technology to its cheapest products. "How successfully they do that will determine where they are in three years' time," he said.
    Copyright The Financial Times Limited 2010. You may share using our article tools. Please don't cut articles from and redistribute by email or post to the web.
  12. [verwijderd] 13 mei 2010 11:43

    tocas schreef:

    Grappig, hetzelfde artikel heeft nu een andere titel gekregen.

    'Since 2007, the share price has fallen more than 80 per cent. The average price of a TomTom PND has plunged from €204 ($259) to €89, a drop not fully compensated by a 20 per cent increase in sales volume.'

    grappig ? :)

    [ ]
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