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  1. [verwijderd] 23 april 2010 11:19

    suud schreef:

    “We continue to face tough competition with respect to the high end of our mobile device portfolio”, said Nokia CEO Olli-Pekka Kallasvuo.

    He seemed however very satisfied with the free Ovi Maps strategy: “The consumer response to the inclusion of our walk and drive navigation offering on our smartphones has been tremendous. Since launching in January, 10 million Nokia smartphone users around the world have downloaded the offering.”

    NAVTEQ’s revenue up 43%

    Nokia’s mapping subsidiary NAVTEQ reported €189 million in revenue in the first quarter, up 43 percent against the same quarter the previous year. Non-IFRS operating margins were 21.7%.

    NAVTEQ benefited from “growth in mobile device sales, particularly Nokia mobile devices [i.e. 10 million downloads of Ovi Maps in the quarter], and improved conditions in the automotive industry,” said Nokia. Obviously, in the case of Ovi Maps these are intra-company sales that do not change Nokia’s bottom line.

    ze schuiven dus gewoon intern met grote geldhoeveelheden om richting de aandeelhouders de aankoop van Navteq en de huidige strategie te verantwoorden.
    Zullen de aandeelhouders hierin trappen? het is toch duidelijk dat ondanks al dit hosanna gebrul dat Nokia slechter en slechter draait?
    een maand geleden zei ik hier op de form dat nokia onderuit gaat door i-phone en andere niemand geloofde me mij...het word nog erger.. gratis navigatie was niet bedoelt om extra service maar voor meer verkoop van smart-phone en dat is niet gelukt ...
  2. jan6307 23 april 2010 11:22

    AMSTERDAM (Dow Jones)--Het volume van de industriele orders in de eurozone is in februari op maandbasis harder gestegen dan verwacht, blijkt vrijdag uit cijfers van Eurostat, het statistiekbureau van de Europese Commissie.
    Ten opzichte van januari steeg de index voor industriele orders met 1,5%. In vergelijking met vorig jaar was sprake van een toename van 12,2%.
    Door Dow Jones geraadpleegde economen voorspelden vooraf een stijging van 1,0% op maandbasis en een stijging van 11,3% op jaarbasis.
    De cijfers van januari werden bijgesteld naar een daling met 1,6% op maandbasis en een stijging van 7,5% op jaarbasis. Eerder werd uitgegaan van een daling met 2,0% op maandbasis en een stijging van 7,0% op jaarbasis.
    Door Eelco Hiltermann; Dow Jones Nieuwsdienst; +31-20-5715 201,
    (END) Dow Jones Newswires
    April 23, 2010 05:20 ET (09:20 GMT)
    © 2010 Dow Jones & Company, Inc.

    Telt dus niet voor Nokia
  3. [verwijderd] 23 april 2010 11:53
    Google kondigt gratis navigatiesoftware voor iPhone aan

    vrijdag, 23 april 2010 (09:01) | Gonny van der Zwaag

    Google Maps Navigation is momenteel alleen beschikbaar op Android-telefoons en alleen in de VS en het Verenigd Koninkrijk. Maar Google heeft op een persbijeenkomst in Londen aangegeven dat ze gratis navigatiesoftware voor de iPhone gaan aanbieden. Wanneer de applicatie beschikbaar komt wilde Google niet zeggen, maar de kans is groot dat het niet meteen wereldwijd wordt uitgerold. Bij Google Maps Navigation heb je een dataverbinding nodig om de route te kunnen plannen. Google Maps slaat de complete route in de cache op, zodat je (in theorie) zonder dataverbinding kunt navigeren… zolang je niet van de gekozen route afwijkt.

    Google biedt de navigatie-optie momenteel al gratis aan via een update in de Google Maps-applicatie van Android. Slimme gebruikers wisten het ook al buiten de VS werkend te krijgen. Op de persconferentie kondigde Google ook aan dat ze andere mobiele platformen gaan ondersteunen, maar de iPhone trok de meeste aandacht.

  4. [verwijderd] 27 april 2010 10:46
    TomTom "overweight"
    27.04.10 | 09:57 Uhr
    New York ( AG) - Ashish Sinha, James Dawson, Patrick Standaert und Guillaume.Charton, Analysten von Morgan Stanley, stufen die Aktie von TomTom (ISIN NL0000387058/ WKN A0ET88) weiterhin mit "overweight" ein. Das Kursziel werde von 8,30 Euro auf 8,50 Euro erhöht. (27.04.2010/ac/a/u)


    New York ( AG) - Ashish Sinha, James Dawson, Patrick Standaert und Guillaume.Charton, Analysten von Morgan Stanley, stufen die Aktie von TomTom (ISIN NL0000387058/ WKN A0ET88) weiterhin mit "overweight" ein. Das Kursziel werde von 8,30 Euro auf 8,50 Euro erhöht. (27.04.2010/ac/a/u)

    Offenlegung von möglichen Interessenskonflikten: Mögliche Interessenskonflikte können Sie auf der Site des Erstellers/ der Quelle der Analyse einsehen.

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  5. [verwijderd] 27 april 2010 12:36
    One device, endless possibilities
    ~ New technologically advanced navigation device to make relevant real-time services accessible for all ~

    Amsterdam, 27 April 2010– TomTom today previews the GO LIVE 1000, the first in a whole new generation of navigation devices, designed to bring real-time services to millions of drivers.
    The new TomTom GO LIVE 1000 is the first TomTom product completely designed for connectivity. Based around a powerful ARM 11 500 Mhz processor, the device also showcases a new Webkit-based user interface and the latest capacitive touch screen technology.
    The software and service delivery platform have been optimised for rapid integration of third party applications and easy localisation to match the needs of specific markets or applications. The back end server systems have been completely redesigned, allowing effortless delivery of rich content and downloadable applications, via cable or over the air. All this also makes the TomTom GO LIVE 1000 future proof. It will be much easier than ever before to receive the latest content and relevant information instantly.
    Working with partner Vodafone, TomTom has pioneered an innovative new business model, delivering real-time connectivity seamlessly across 33 European countries for the first time. With the GO LIVE 1000 there is no need for subscription or activation, as a full year of services* is now included with the device. This suite of services includes TomTom HD Traffic™, mobile speed cameras and local search in 16 countries.
    New routing
    TomTom is committed to providing motorists with the best routing technology possible, developing industry firsts IQ Routes™ and HD Traffic™.
    For the new platform, TomTom engineers were tasked to design a new routing algorithm that continuously scans the road network for the fastest routes, using these layers of navigation information. This has resulted in a patented super fast routing algorithm that sets new standards in accuracy and speed. And user interface enhancements give drivers a better visual understanding of traffic conditions.
    Complete new look and feel
    The new user interface and application logic has been much improved. To existing TomTom users, the product will have the familiar TomTom feel, being easy to use and rich in features, but it does that in a much richer graphical environment. The new capacitive touch screen offers crystal clear graphics at high resolution.
    “Our customers are relying increasingly on their navigation devices and it is no longer about the destination alone, but also very much about the journey itself”, said Corinne Vigreux, managing director TomTom. “The GO LIVE 1000 has been designed to make the journey a relaxed, predictable, safe and enjoyable experience. Thanks to our technologies we know the road ahead and what is happening on the journey. The GO LIVE 1000 will get our customers to their destination easier, safer and faster than ever before.”
    Richer and more detailed maps, covering two million kilometres more roads and addressable locations across 45 European countries, ensure drivers never have to waste time looking for valuable information regarding their route. Also, a new Park Assist feature automatically informs drivers of car parks near their destination.
    *Availability of services will vary per country
    The TomTom GO LIVE 1000 will be available in the summer.
    - ENDS -
    Notes for editors
    IQ Routes
    TomTom IQ Routes applies the historical travel time experience of millions of drivers to calculate the fastest route possible. The technology is based on historical speed measurements for every time of day, one for every road segment, from large motorways to small local roads. In up to 35% of all cases, the use of IQ Routes results in driving a faster route, saving significant travel time as well as money and fuel.

    HD Traffic
    TomTom’s HD Traffic service is based on the anonymous measurements of ordinary mobile phones moving through the network. A significant proportion of mobile phones on the move are in cars. Analysis of these results gives accurate traffic information for all major and secondary roads. The HD Traffic service is further enhanced with information from TomTom users who wish to share their travel time information anonymously with other users. This contributes to the accuracy and granularity of this unique service. It gives a much more accurate traffic information resource than traditional systems and for much larger territories.

    For Investor Relations please contact:
    Richard Piekaar
    +31 20 7 575 119
    About TomTom N.V.
    TomTom N.V. (AEX: TOM2) is the world’s leading provider of location and navigation solutions. Headquartered in the Netherlands it employs over 3000 employees worldwide. More than 40 million people daily use its solutions, be it in the form of dedicated portable navigation devices (PNDs), in- dash car systems or tracking and tracing solutions for fleet management. In addition, hundreds of millions of people use TomTom’s digital maps on the internet or mobile phone.
    In 2009, TomTom reported €1.5 billion in revenues and a €340 million net cash flow from operating activities. More information about TomTom can be found on
  6. [verwijderd] 27 april 2010 12:38
    HD Traffic™ leaves rivals in a jam
    ~ It's official: TomTom’s HD Traffic service provides “best quality information” and leaves TMC and other rivals far behind ~

    Amsterdam, 27 April 2010 - TomTom’s proprietary HD Traffic service was recognized by TÜV SÜD in Germany for the superior quality of its traffic information.
    During two weeks of rigorous testing, HD Traffic was found to give drivers the most accurate and frequent live traffic information compared with any other traffic information service available in Germany. HD Traffic also provided the best road coverage of all the traffic information services tested.
    Overall, TomTom’s service scored 61% – which was 24% better than the runner-up.
    “The results of these independent tests clearly show that TomTom HD Traffic is the leading technology in the field of traffic telematics and traffic data collection,” says Harold Goddijn, CEO of TomTom. “Millions of users can now benefit from more than 10 years of research by avoiding traffic jams and reaching their destination faster and more relaxed.”
    Importantly, the tests were carried out by actual drivers on real roads. HD Traffic came out on top in every test, proving it really does help drivers make smarter route decisions that can save them time and money.
    Number one for accuracy, frequency and coverage
    HD Traffic via the TomTom GO 750 LIVE scored highest for accuracy, correctly reporting more than three quarters of all real-world jams. It proved 50% more accurate than the second placed traffic information service, which correctly reported only half the jams it encountered.
    TomTom’s service also delivered the most frequent traffic reports – a crucial factor, given how suddenly queues can appear because of new roadworks or an accident.
    In terms of coverage, HD Traffic was one of only two services that provided information on major roads as well as highways. Given that traffic jams don’t just happen on motorways, it’s no surprise that HD Traffic was able to divert TÜV SÜD’s test drivers away from more jams than any other service, including TMC.
    Overall, HD Traffic provided the best quality of information on delays and jam lengths. Following such emphatic results, TÜV SÜD’s verdict couldn’t be clearer: TomTom HD Traffic “provides the best quality of traffic information” read the report’s closing comments.
    For more information on TomTom HD Traffic, visit our website

    - ENDS -
  7. [verwijderd] 27 april 2010 14:18
    Introducing TomTom Urban Rider – for smart, easy powered two-wheel navigation, every day

    Amsterdam, 27 April 2010 – TomTom is making easy and smart navigation available to powered two-wheel riders everywhere, with the launch of TomTom Urban Rider.

    This smart two-wheel navigator has a glove-friendly, intuitive screen and simplified user interface, but also ensures riders have the smartest navigation with innovative TomTom features like advanced lane guidance and IQ Routes™– all from just €249.

    “With TomTom Urban Rider, we’re making navigation truly accessible to all users of a powered two-wheeler,” says Corinne Vigreux, Managing Director at TomTom. “Whether you use your bike for the daily commute or for long rides on the open road at the weekend, it’s everything you’ll need in a great value package.”

    The most noticeable feature is the simplified menu, which has just two buttons – ‘Navigate to’ and ‘Browse map’. This lets users get going without any hassle, and is made even easier to use thanks to the glove-friendly screen with its larger icons – perfect for gloved hands.

    When it comes to safety, a welcome addition to the Rider products is advanced lane guidance. On the most difficult highway intersections, this provides a realistic 3D representation of the junction to keep users relaxed and safe.

    For even better routing, meanwhile, TomTom Urban Rider features IQ Routes. This innovative TomTom technology uses actual speed data collected from millions of users to calculate the fastest route for any hour of any day.

    And to help customers keep their map up to date between map releases, TomTom Urban Rider features Map Share™ technology. This lets them make corrections to their map and benefit from thousands of corrections made by TomTom users every day – free of charge.

    For the serious riders out there, TomTom is also releasing TomTom Rider Pro. This comes with a Bluetooth® headset in the box, for loud and clear voice instructions and for making and receiving phone calls when on the road.

    TomTom Urban Rider will be available from end of May 2010. For more information and to buy, visit

  8. [verwijderd] 27 april 2010 14:19
    Amsterdam, 27 April 2010 - TomTom’s proprietary HD Traffic service was recognized by TÜV SÜD in Germany for the superior quality of its traffic information.
    During two weeks of rigorous testing, HD Traffic was found to give drivers the most accurate and frequent live traffic information compared with any other traffic information service available in Germany. HD Traffic also provided the best road coverage of all the traffic information services tested.
    Overall, TomTom’s service scored 61% – which was 24% better than the runner-up.
    “The results of these independent tests clearly show that TomTom HD Traffic is the leading technology in the field of traffic telematics and traffic data collection,” says Harold Goddijn, CEO of TomTom. “Millions of users can now benefit from more than 10 years of research by avoiding traffic jams and reaching their destination faster and more relaxed.”
    Importantly, the tests were carried out by actual drivers on real roads. HD Traffic came out on top in every test, proving it really does help drivers make smarter route decisions that can save them time and money.
    Number one for accuracy, frequency and coverage
    HD Traffic via the TomTom GO 750 LIVE scored highest for accuracy, correctly reporting more than three quarters of all real-world jams. It proved 50% more accurate than the second placed traffic information service, which correctly reported only half the jams it encountered.
    TomTom’s service also delivered the most frequent traffic reports – a crucial factor, given how suddenly queues can appear because of new roadworks or an accident.
    In terms of coverage, HD Traffic was one of only two services that provided information on major roads as well as highways. Given that traffic jams don’t just happen on motorways, it’s no surprise that HD Traffic was able to divert TÜV SÜD’s test drivers away from more jams than any other service, including TMC.
    Overall, HD Traffic provided the best quality of information on delays and jam lengths. Following such emphatic results, TÜV SÜD’s verdict couldn’t be clearer: TomTom HD Traffic “provides the best quality of traffic information” read the report’s closing comments.
    For more information on TomTom HD Traffic, visit our website
  9. [verwijderd] 27 april 2010 15:41
    Financieele Dagblad

    · *TomTom CEO gaat derden toegang geven tot programmeer interface (API)
    · *TomTom CEO geeft geen commentaar op potentiele partners, omzet
    · *TomTom CEO geeft derden toegang vanaf aankomende zomer
  10. staalfreak2 27 april 2010 18:05

    Are GPS Devices Doomed?
    Posted: Apr 27, 2010 09:49 AM by Joseph Nguyen

    Smartphones have come a long way since the introduction of the first Smartphone in 1992. The Simon created by IBM introduced cutting edge technology to the mobile phone which included a calculator, calendar, email, and games. Today's smartphones have greatly expanded the smartphone's capabilities, but one area they're still trying to gain acceptance is in the personal navigation device (PND) arena.

    According to a recent study by market research firm iSuppli, the growth of portable navigation devices, by makers such as Garmin (NASDAQ:GRMN) and TomTom, will become virtually nil by 2014. At that time, they predict that smartphones used for navigation will reach 305 million units while PNDs will remain stagnant at 128 million units. With many people calling for the eventual demise of stand-alone GPS devices, should you be selling your shares in these GPS makers? Or is this argument simply overblown?


    If you're going to accept the argument that smartphones will overtake PNDs in the near future, you have to start by making one big assumption. That is that the majority of people who use a non-smartphone will eventually switch to a smartphone - including grandma. And to be realistic, you'd have to assume the switch would be to a smartphone comparable to the iPhone or Nokia 5800, which are two of the most dominant phone's that most closely resemble the size and touch screen interface of a stand-alone GPS. Other smartphones platforms such as the RIM's (NYSE:RIMM) Blackberry are more geared toward efficiency that wouldn't work well as a PND.

    According to a survey by The NPD Group, smartphones made up approximately 31% of the handset market at the end of 2009. Although this was an increase of 8% over the previous year, there has been a marked slowdown in the pace of growth from previous periods. Approximately 18% of those smartphones sold were Apple (NASDAQ:AAPL) iPhones and 40% were Nokia (NYSE:NOK) smartphones (according to, suggesting that the these two smartphone makers' share of total handsets is in the neighborhood of 18%. Although the analysis is a bit crude, you can see that of all the mobile phone users, there is still a large percentage of the population that have chosen to purchase a phone that wouldn't be considered ideal for use in automobile navigation.


    Second, the study by iSuppli argued that the advancement of technology and design in smartphones will lead the platform to reach the same level as PNDs on the market right now - which is a valid point. Sure, in due time most smartphones will have GPS functions that are comparable to the ones on the market today, but it fails to project where the technology of stand-alone GPS will be at that time. By the time smartphones catch up to PND devices available today, the new PNDs offered in the future will likely have surpassed current ones in technology and capability.


    A low-end stand-alone GPS with basic features will run you less than $100 today. A TomTom iPhone car kit will also run you about $100. Note that this car kit doesn't come with the TomTom navigation app for your phone, but similar apps can be found for free such as Google's (NASDAQ:GOOG) Navigator. Although the car kit probably has more room for the price to fall, you still have to pay to mount it and to keep it charged (if you don't have a car charger already). Also, as you begin to incorporate more advanced GPS receivers and quality navigation software into the smartphone, naturally the price of these added functions will be added to the retail price. So you end up paying for these embedded costs plus the accessories needed to use it.

    There are also intangible costs of using your smartphone as a GPS. Although you may not agree with it, the fact is a majority of Americans still use their cell phones while driving. If you want a handsfree kit, it'll cost you again!

    Bottom Line

    If you own stock in one of the major GPS makers, I'd consider continuing to hold them for now. There are some solid fundamental reasons why the GPS won't follow in the footsteps of other past technologies like the typewriter. (For related reading, take a look at Dial Up Choice Telecom Stocks.)

    Use the Investopedia Stock Simulator to trade the stocks mentioned in this stock analysis, risk free!

    By Joseph Nguyen

    Joseph Nguyen is an Research Analyst and contributing author at Investopedia. He graduated from the University of Alberta with a Bachelor of Commerce degree and specializes in financial analysis and research. Prior to joining Investopedia, he worked at a securities brokerage firm.
  11. Jake90 27 april 2010 18:19

    Nou dat wordt me ze allen uitstappen!!! Mooi niet voordat de koers het bedrijf eerst goed rechtvaardigd. Het is algemeen bekend dat TomTom een solide basis bouwt met nevenproducten dus TomTom haar eind is voorlopig nog wel even uitgesteld tot na de crisis!
  12. [verwijderd] 27 april 2010 20:52
    TomTom snoept marktaandeel van concurrentie af

    Bij de jaarcijfers toonde TomTom al vertrouwen in de resultaten voor dit jaar en dat vertaalt zich nu al in een verrassende (kleine) winst over het eerste kwartaal. De navigatieproducent wint bovendien terrein op cuncurrenten in Europa en de VS.

    "De vraag naar navigatieapplicaties zal groeien in alle markten en landen, en we zien nieuwe mogelijkheden voor allianties en verdienmodellen", zo liet TomTom-topman Harrold Goddijn optekenen bij de presentatie van de jaarcijfers.

    In het eerste kwartaal heeft de navigatieproducent meer dan geprofiteerd van die groei. Het haalde marktaandeel weg bij de concurrentie op de Europese en Amerikaanse markt. TomTom zegt dat het marktaandeel in de markt voor navigatiekastjes aan beide kanten van de Atlantische Oceaan is toegenomen, in Europa tot 47% van 45% en Noord-Amerika tot 22% tot 21%.

    Kwartaalresultaten TomTom
    Dat resulteert verrassenderwijs in een kleine nettowinst in het eerste kwartaal waar de markt op verlies had gerekend. Vooral dankzij een omzetstijging van 26 procent wist TomTom een nettowinst te behalen van eur 3,1 miljoen, tegen een verlies van eur 36,7 miljoen een jaar eerder. Analisten rekenden gemiddeld op een nettoverlies van eur 0,4 miljoen.

    Alles over TomTom
    De omzetstijging ten opzichte van het eerste kwartaal in 2009 komt des te hoger uit omdat die periode aan het begin van 2009 erg slecht was voor TomTom. Afnemers bouwden toen hun voorraden af om te anticiperen op de onzekere economische tijden en de val in consumentenbestedingen. De inhaalslag van klandizie geeft TomTom nu een duw in de rug.

    TomTom verkocht dus meer navigatiekastjes maar zag de gemiddelde verkoopprijs op jaarbasis met 10 procent afnemen tot eur 89. Dat is een stuk hoger dan eind vorig jaar toen er gerekend werd met een gemiddelde verkoopprijs van 79 euro. Maar de tijden dat TomTom honderd euro of meer voor zijn producten kan rekenen lijkt in de vechtmarkt waarop het actief is voorbij.

    TomTom handhaaft de verwachting voor heel 2010 van een gelijkblijvende omzet en winst per aandeel ten opzichte van 2009. Ook verwacht het ongeveer evenveel draagbare navigatiesystemen te verkopen als een jaar eerder toen het aantal uitkwam op 11,6 miljoen stuks. Het tweede en vooral het vierde kwartaal zijn traditioneel de belangrijkste kwartalen voor TomTom.

  13. [verwijderd] 27 april 2010 21:01
    TomTom: it just works!
    dinsdag 27 april 2010, 16:33 - Navigatie
    Naast de Go Live 1000 die vandaag gepresenteerd werd noemde TomTom tijdens hun event een aantal punten die het bedrijf naar eigen zeggen uniek maakt, waaronder: ‘It just works

    En daarmee wil TomTom zich onderscheiden. Kwalitatief hoogwaardige producten die vooroplopen in de techniek en daarbij ook betrouwbaar zijn. Het is vandaag de dag moeilijk jezelf aan de top te plaatsen in de navigatiemarkt. Smartphones die gratis apps aanbieden voor navigatie vormen gedegen concurrentie. Of toch niet?

    Volgens TomTom niet. Zij zeggen dat de producten die ze op de markt brengen bijna niet te evenaren zijn. Maar wat maakt TomTom dan zo speciaal ten opzichte van de andere navigatiesystemen? Volgens Harold Goddijn, CEO van TomTom zijn dat onder andere de volgende features: duidelijke stem, een batterij die langer meegaat, een beter scherm en lagere kosten doordat alles in de abonnementsprijs zit. Daarbij komt innovatie en betrouwbaarheid, TomTom positioneert zich hiermee aan de top van de markt.

    Ook uit de cijfers blijkt dat TomTom niet echt onder de concurrentie te lijden heeft. Eind vorig jaar verkochten ze in het laatste kwartaal vijf miljoen devices en in het eerste kwartaal van 2010 groeiden ze met 26%. Naar verwachting zal dit na de lancering van de Go Live 1000 nog eens flink stijgen.

    Volgens het bedrijf komt het succes doordat ze zich focussen op slechts 1 ding: navigatie. Met ‘dare to dream’ proberen ze continu innovatieve producten op de markt te blijven brengen. De Go Live 1000 is daar een goed voorbeeld van.
  14. jan6307 28 april 2010 13:31

    By Roger Cheng
    NEW YORK -(Dow Jones)- HTC Corp. (HTCXF, 2498.TW) signed a licensing deal to use Microsoft Corp.'s (MSFT) patents in its Android phones, giving the Taiwanese handset maker legal ammunition in its fight against Apple Inc. (AAPL).
    Microsof, Redmond, Wash., said early Wednesday that it had entered into an agreement with HTC to allow it to use its intellectual property in phones running on Google Inc.'s (GOOG) mobile operating system. HTC will pay Microsoft an undisclosed amount.
    The agreement provides HTC with much needed patents in its looming patent-infringement lawsuit with Apple, which claims that HTC is illegally using smartphone features such as a multitouch user control and a swipe-to-unlock screen. The suit is seen as an indirect attack on Google and Android by Apple, which targeted HTC because it has the weakest patent portfolio among the handset makers.
    The agreement also makes Microsoft an unlikely ally of Google. While HTC and Microsoft have long been partners, the embrace of Android by several handset maker has come at the expense of Microsoft's own Windows Mobile software. Now Microsoft could be HTC - and Google's - potential savior.
    "HTC and Microsoft have a long history of technical and commercial collaboration, and today's agreement is an example of how industry leaders can reach commercial arrangements that address intellectual property," said Horacio Gutierrez, corporate vice president and deputy general counsel Microsoft's licensing division.
    The deal also comes as Microsoft attempts to breathe new life into its own operating system, which has fallen behind Apple and Android. The company plans to launch phones running the next generation version of its operating system, Windows Mobile 7, by the holiday season.
    HTC, meanwhile, has found itself in the spotlight in recent months. Beyond the courtroom drama with Apple, the company was tapped to manufacture the high-profile Google phone, dubbed Nexus One. It was also responsible for the first 4G phone for Sprint Nextel Corp. (S), the Evo, and created the recently announced Droid Incredible, which many consider Verizon Wireless's latest flagship device. Verizon Wireless is jointly owned by Verizon Communications Inc. (VZ) and Vodafone Group PLC (VOD).
    -By Roger Cheng, Dow Jones Newswires; 212-416-2153;
    Click here to go to Dow Jones NewsPlus, a web front page of today's most important business and market news, analysis and commentary: You can use this link on the day this article is published and the following day.
    (END) Dow Jones Newswires
    April 28, 2010 07:28 ET (11:28 GMT)
    © 2010 Dow Jones & Company, Inc.

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Athlon Group 121 176
Atrium European Real Estate 2 199
Auplata 1 55
Avantium 32 13.722
Axsome Therapeutics 1 177
Azelis Group 1 66
Azerion 7 3.412