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Energie in EU: produktie, bronnen etc

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  1. forum rang 10 voda 1 maart 2019 19:39
    Poland to invest in solar panels as power prices rise

    Reuters reported that Poland expects its power capacity to increase by at least 200 megawatts (MW) annually in coming years thanks to planned incentives for smaller electricity consumers to invest in solar panels. Entrepreneurship and technology minister said that most electricity produced and used in Poland comes from aging coal-fuelled power stations and thus a rise in the cost of carbon emissions has boosted power prices.

    The ruling Law and Justice party was elected in 2015 on promises to sustain the coal industry, and it introduced policies that made it harder to invest in renewable energy.

    But the government changed direction last year due to a need to meet EU targets on renewable energy, and in June it approved a law amendment to reduce obstacles facing green energy investment.

    Still, the government is not unanimous on energy policy, with Energy Minister Krzysztof Tchorzewski supporting coal while Entrepreneurship and Technology Minister Jadwiga Emilewicz promotes clean air programmes and green energy.

    Emilewicz has proposed that incentives be introduced for households, smaller companies and local authorities to invest in solar panels, so they can generate electricity for their own needs and resell what they do not use.

    Such inducements include subsidies, easier financing, and a lessening of red tape.

    Emilewicz told Reuters that "It is highly probable that by 2020 and beyond, energy prices will not go down and other solutions than ad hoc cuts need to be sought because the spectrum of available instruments is limited.” She said that "This is why we prepared a programme for the development of prosumer energy, referring to those who are both producer and consumer.”

    He added that "If the price of electricity sold by the big power producers does not fall, then thanks to prosumer energy an individual consumer will not have to pay for it or will pay much less."

    Poland's wholesale power prices jumped in the second half of 2018. The ruling party adopted a law in December designed to prevent increases in electricity prices for households and industries in 2019 ahead of a general election in the autumn.

    Source : Reuters
  2. [verwijderd] 17 maart 2019 14:19
    Grootverbruikers vannacht betaald om stroom te verbruiken
    Vandaag om 10:39 door wle | Bron: DS/BELGA

    Grootverbruikers vannacht betaald om stroom te verbruiken
    Foto: Photo News
    De voorbije nacht was er zoveel elektriciteit beschikbaar op het net dat grootverbruikers enkele uren lang betaald werden om stroom te verbruiken. Die vreemde situatie komt steeds regelmatiger voor.

    De windmolens leverden vannacht veel stroom, en zes van de zeven kerncentrales waren beschikbaar. Daardoor werd er meer elektriciteit opgewekt dan nodig. Maar elektriciteit op grote schaal opslaan is momenteel nog niet mogelijk, en de centrales voor zo’n korte periode uitzetten is ook omslachtig. Dus ‘dumpen’ de producenten de stroom die ze op zo’n moment aanmaken.

    Dat zorgt ervoor dat de prijzen op de groothandelsmarkt vannacht op bepaalde momenten onder nul zijn gezakt. Eenvoudig gesteld: grootverbruikers die bereid waren om op dat moment extra stroom aan te kopen, kregen daar geld voor in plaats van dat ze moesten betalen. De prijs schommelde tussen de 39 cent en 4,59 euro per afgenomen MWh, zo blijkt uit de gegevens van groothandelsmarkt Epex.


    Het zijn vooral grote bedrijven uit bijvoorbeeld de chemiesector die op zo’n moment kunnen toezeggen extra stroom te verbruiken. Maar omdat er op een zondagnacht erg weinig bedrijven open zijn, moesten de prijzen tot onder nul zakken om ook hen te kunnen overtuigen.

    Huishoudens merken niets

    Het beeld van vannacht is een stevig contrast met de voorbije maanden. Het afgelopen najaar draaide ons land op amper één kerncentrale. De stroomprijzen op Epex piekten toen boven de 500 euro per MWh. Ook daar blijven de huishoudens dus van gespaard.

    ‘Steeds vaker’

    Een overaanbod waardoor de prijzen tot onder nul zakken, komt meer en meer voor, zegt energie-ondernemer André Jurres uit. Volgens heb gebeurt het nu al zo’n 30 dagen per jaar. ‘Zowel kernenergie als windturbines zijn niet flexibel. Kerncentrales kosten te veel om ze af te zetten’, aldus de oprichter van Essent en NPG Energy, vandaag CEO van Volt Energy.

    Negatieve stroomprijzen zijn een slechte zaak, aldus de energiespecialist. ‘Het toont aan dat de markt niet in evenwicht is, dat het systeem in elkaar aan het vallen is’. Toch is er ook een goede kant aan de zaak. ‘Voor de overheid en de sector is dit een signaal dat er nood is aan andere oplossingen. We hebben flexibele centrales nodig, in een overgangsfase gascentrales’.
  3. forum rang 10 voda 18 maart 2019 20:26
    Romania's energy sector requires USD 34 billion investment by 2030

    Reuters reported that Romania's energy sector needs as much as EUR 30 billion of investment in power, oil and gas production, mining and related infrastructure by 2030 to replace outdated plants and meet rising demand. The European Union state is one of the bloc's most energy-independent countries as a net exporter of power, although it has to import oil and about 10 percent of its gas needs.

    The 2019-2030 energy strategy draft, for which the energy ministry is awaiting feedback by the end of this month, looks at investment in gas and power networks, interconnections and energy production. The investment needs are estimated at 15 to 30 billion euros by 2030, with an additional 15 billion potentially needed between 2031-2050, the draft said.

    But government policy towards investors has been unpredictable, making it hard for energy developers to draft long-term strategies and deterring investment.

    Source : Reuters
  4. forum rang 10 voda 19 maart 2019 11:07
    Energierekening 2019, het kabinet zit ernaast

    vrijdag 15 maart 2019 door Arnoud Timmerman 1 reactie

    De energierekening zorgt al maanden voor tumult. Verhoogde overheidsheffingen en stijgende tarieven resulteerden in een fors hogere energienota in 2019. Iets dat tot voor kort stellig werd ontkend door het kabinet. Totdat het Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek (CBS) halverwege februari toch tot dezelfde conclusie kwam als vorig jaar: huishoudens gaan wel degelijk gemiddeld 334 euro meer betalen voor hun energierekening. Auw. Kunt u nog wel besparen op uw energiekosten door over te stappen? Op deze en meer prangende vragen geven wij graag antwoord.

    1. Waarom deugde de berekening van Mona Keijzer niet?
    In december 2018 betitelde staatssecretaris van Economische Zaken en Klimaat Mona Keijzer de berekeningen van als ‘bangmakerij’. Het zou allemaal om onjuiste getallen gaan, aldus de bewindsvrouw. Zelf haalde ze een berekening aan van het Planbureau voor de Leefomgeving, van 2017. Op z’n zachtst gezegd erg onhandig in een voortdurend veranderende energiemarkt. Ze rekende met een onrealistisch laag gemiddeld verbruik per gezin en ook ontkrachtte ze de voorspelde forse stijging van energietarieven en overheidsheffingen.

    2. Waarom klopte de berekening van wel?
    Waar het kabinet in de persoon van Keijzer rekende met een verbruik van 2500 kWh en 1100 m³ gas voor een gemiddeld huishouden, gaat uit van 3500 kWh en 1500 m³ gas. Dit is geen nattevingerwerk. Wij baseren ons namelijk op gegevens van 750.000 consumenten die hun jaarverbruik via onze vergelijker invoeren. Ben Woldring, oprichter van "Als je ons in 2017 zou vragen hoe de prijsontwikkeling en de energieprijs er in 2019 en in 2020 uitziet: dat is enorm koffiedik kijken. Het is heel moeilijk om daar betrouwbare cijfers over te geven."

    3. Wat zegt het CBS over de energierekening?
    Vorige maand kopte het CBS “Energierekening 334 euro hoger” in 2019. Daarin zagen wij onze berekening van eind vorig jaar bevestigd:
    Zie bijlage

    Volgens het CBS betalen huishoudens in 2019 bij een gelijkblijvend verbruik 61 euro meer aan belasting op elektriciteit en 101 euro meer aan belasting op gas. Levering van elektriciteit werd 31 procent duurder en gas 20 procent. De totale energierekening bestaat nu voor bijna de helft uit belasting, namelijk 47 procent.

    4. Wat heeft de fout van het kabinet voor gevolgen voor uw energierekening?
    In het vragenuurtje van 11 december 2018 noemde staatssecretaris Mona Keijzer dat het kabinet rekende op een stijging van de energierekening van 108 euro voor een gemiddeld huishouden in 2019. Dat blijkt (nu) dus 334 euro, ruim drie keer zoveel. Dat voel je in je portemonnee. Tegelijk kun je de vraag ook omdraaien: welke gevolgen heeft de foutieve berekening voor het kabinet zelf? De verantwoordelijke politici gingen door het stof. Minister Wiebes “baalde” en premier Rutte noemde het “een hele vervelende kwestie”. De oppositie ging nog een stap verder en sprak van een “enorme miskleun” en een “ongelofelijke stommiteit”.
    5. Heeft overstappen van energieleverancier nog zin?

    De energiekosten bestaan nu dus voor bijna de helft uit belastingen. Daar heeft geen enkele energieleverancier invloed op. Toch loont overstappen meer dan ooit, zeker wanneer u een contract heeft voor onbepaalde tijd met variabele tarieven. U kunt dan gemiddeld supereenvoudig 340 euro per jaar besparen door via te vergelijken en over te stappen naar een andere energieleverancier. Blijf geen slaper, maar word net als 1,4 miljoen(!) andere huishoudens in Nederland wakker. Ga direct naar onze energievergelijker. Mocht u hulp kunnen gebruiken dan zitten onze energiespecialisten zeven dagen per week voor u klaar!
  5. forum rang 10 voda 19 maart 2019 15:03
    EBRD arranges USD 52 million loan to replace coal-fired plant in Bosnia

    Reuters reported that European Bank for Reconstruction and Development has arranged a 46 million euro (USD 52.09 million) financing package to replace a highly polluting coal-fired plant in the central Bosnian town of Zenica. The bank said that the new combined gas-fired co-generation plant, Toplana Zenica, will supply power and heat to Zenica and its largest employer, an ArcelorMittal steel plant, the bank said in a statement.

    The ageing steelworks plant, which relies on coal for nearly half of its fuel input, has been the sole external provider of heating in the winter and a major source of pollution in Bosnia's fourth largest city.

    ArcelorMittal Zenica will form a joint venture with the city of Zenica and two Finnish companies, KPA Unicon and Finnfund, to implement the project aimed at securing greener and more cost efficient energy production.

    The EBRD will provide a 28 million euro loan for the project and Banca Intesa Sanpaolo S.p.A. a loan of 23 million euros.

    Mr Zsuzsanna Hargitai, the EBRD Director for the Western Balkans said that "We are pleased to sign this investment today which combines our strength as a financial institution with our goal to promote the green economy.”

    Environmentalist groups have urged European Union's policy makers to take a tougher stance on air pollution from the Western Balkan's coal power plants, blaming the fumes for 3,900 deaths across Europe and health costs of up to 11.5 billion euros a year.

    Source : Reuters
  6. forum rang 10 voda 19 maart 2019 15:07
    EON decommissions Blyth and Britain first offshore wind farm

    EON said that it is decommissioning Blyth, the UK’s first offshore wind farm. The wind farm’s two 2 megawatt turbines were the country’s first offshore wind farm. The turbines, said that EON, have reached the end of their technical lifespan. EON was part of a consortium that built the turbines in 2000 of the Northumberland coast. Blyth generated enough power to supply 2,000 households with renewable energy. Each year, it saved 4,520 metric tons of CO2 (carbon dioxide).

    According to an EON press release “Blyth ushered in a new era of renewable technologies. As an offshore wind pioneer, E.ON used this example to lay the foundation for the future of the technology. It has undergone rapid development. Since then, E.ON alone has installed a further 600 offshore wind turbines in the seas of northern Europe. The legacy of the first British offshore wind farm is a test area in the Blyth region for the construction, operation and maintenance of offshore wind farms. This hub for innovation at sea is a starting point which has seen the UK subsequently develop into a world leader in offshore wind.”

    The dismantling work, which will begin in April 2019, will take from four to six weeks. E.ON will recycle and reuse one of the turbines. The Port of Blyth will use the other one for training purposes.

    Source : Market Business News
  7. forum rang 10 voda 19 maart 2019 16:10
    Solarfields bouwt eerste zonthermische park in Groningen: ‘De transitie naar duurzame warmte is een gigantische opgave’

    Met het warmtenet Noordwest gaat Groningen ruim 10.000 bedrijven, instellingen en huishoudens voorzien van duurzame warmte. Een zonnewarmtepark van Solarfields wordt daarbij een van de bronnen.

    Het eerste zonthermische park van Solarfields wordt, indien de vergunningverlening en financiering rondkomen, aangelegd op het baggerdepot Dorkwerd bij het Zernike universiteitscomplex, net ten noorden van Groningen stad. Solarfields ontwikkelt dit park samen met K3 Delta. Het park is op korte afstand van het warmtenet dat ruim 10.000 bedrijven, instellingen en huishoudens van duurzame warmte gaat voorzien.

    ‘Dit warmtenet moet worden gevoed door meerdere bronnen’, stelt Jelmer Pijlman van Solarfields. ‘Alleen zo creëer je voldoende capaciteit en flexibiliteit om het net van voldoende duurzame warmte te voorzien, dag én nacht, het hele jaar door. Die mix kan bijvoorbeeld komen uit de restwarmte van datacenters, groen gas en ons park. Dat wordt 12 hectare groot. We maken gebruik van de kennis en technologie van onze Deense partner, die al veel ervaring heeft met het aanleggen van dit soort installaties.’

    Lees hier het volledige artikel ‘De transitie naar duurzame warmte is een gigantische opgave’ in de maart 2019-editie van Solar Magazine.

    Door Edwin van Gastel
  8. forum rang 10 voda 19 maart 2019 16:13
    1,65 miljoen van Postcode Loterij voor Energietuinen met zonneparken

    De Postcode Loterij geeft een boost aan het opwekken van duurzame energie in zogenaamde Energietuinen door heel Nederland, met een extra schenking van 1.650.000 euro voor de Natuur- en Milieufederaties.

    Met het project wil de stichting Natuur- en Milieufederaties zichtbaar maken dat grootschalige opwek van duurzame energie ook mooi kan zijn én kan samengaan met natuur en recreatie.

    ‘Wij zijn hier zo ontzettend blij mee’, laat netwerkdirecteur Annie van de Pas weten. ‘Om klimaatverandering tegen te gaan, is grootschalige duurzame energieopwek essentieel. Als Natuur- en Milieufederaties vinden we dat dit niet ten koste moet gaan van ons landschap en de natuur. Met het project Energietuinen laten we laten zien dat het anders kan. Dat duurzame energie van waarde kan zijn voor landschap en omgeving.’

    Met de 1,65 miljoen van de Postcode Loterij gaan de Natuur- en Milieufederaties de komende 5 jaar ten minste 2 iconische Energietuinen realiseren. Op deze locaties komt bijvoorbeeld een zonnepark met natuur, wandel- en fietspaden en moestuinen.

    De multifunctionele Energietuinen worden in cocreatie met de omgeving en belanghebbenden ontworpen en uitgevoerd. Een uitgebreid traject van voorlichting, educatie, samenwerking en begeleiding maakt onderdeel uit van het project. Hiermee willen de Natuur- en Milieufederaties de betrokkenheid onder burgers versterken en de professionaliteit van de burgerbeweging vergroten. Met de bedoeling dat er over een aantal jaar in heel Nederland plekken gaan ontstaan waar duurzame energieopwekking samengaat met natuur en landschapswaarden, recreatie en educatie.

    Door Els Stultiens
  9. forum rang 10 voda 22 maart 2019 15:57
    Van Oord gaat werken aan Fries windpark

    Gepubliceerd op 22 mrt 2019 om 15:39 | Views: 117

    ROTTERDAM (AFN) - Baggeraar Van Oord heeft samen met Siemens Gamesa een voorlopig contract getekend voor de aanleg van Windpark Fryslân aanleggen. De twee partijen hadden in augustus al de voorlopige gunning gewonnen. Een definitieve investeringsbeslissing verwacht Van Oord in het derde kwartaal van dit jaar.

    Van Oord neemt het ontwerp en de aanleg van de funderingen en de bekabeling van het windpark voor zijn rekening. Ook levert de baggeraar de machines waarmee de windturbines op hun plaats worden gezet.

    Het windpark wordt in het IJsselmeer gebouwd voor de Friese kust. Windpark Fryslân krijgt een capaciteit van 382,7 MW en is daarmee goed voor ongeveer 70 procent van de volledige Friese energiebehoefte. De bouw van het windpark begint dit jaar en in 2021 moeten alle molens draaien.
  10. forum rang 10 voda 27 maart 2019 15:17
    Fortum’s 90-MW wind power project in Närpes, Finland approved for renewables scheme

    Fortum’s Kalax wind power project in Närpes, Finland has been approved for the Finnish national renewables scheme. The effect of the wind power park is expected to be approximately 90 megawatt (MW) and the annual power generation approximately 300 gigawatt hours (GWh). The Kalax wind park will receive a support of EUR 2.87 per megawatt hour (MWh) if the market price for power is below EUR 30 per MWh. The renewables scheme was opened up for a total of 1,400 GWh of annual generation. The approved projects are to be commissioned within three years from approval. The Kalax project still requires an investment decision by Fortum.

    The cost of wind power has developed favourably over the recent years and Fortum is developing projects in the Nordics that are to be realised without public support schemes.

    Based on its strategy, Fortum will continue to build on its long-standing expertise to grow in CO2-free power generation. In solar and wind, the ambition is to increase the solar and wind portfolio to a multi-gigawatt scale. Fortum's business model in renewables consists of development, construction, and asset management of solar and wind assets. Fortum utilises partnerships and other forms of co-operation to maintain a more asset-light structure.

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
  11. forum rang 10 voda 1 april 2019 16:46
    Zeeland Tidal Power to power 100,000 households

    The “Zeeland Tidal Power” partnership consists of the companies Hillebrand, Istimewa, DELTA Energy, PZEM, Zeeuwind and Tocardo. This first tidal power plant in the Eastern Scheldt Barrier, part of the Deltaworks, is the largest tidal energy project in the Netherlands as well as the world’s largest commercial tidal installation of five turbines in an array. This project marked a very important step in the development of tidal energy, because tidal energy could grow into a significant Dutch export product. The export expectation of tidal energy is more than 200 Gigawatt.

    In the past years, extensive monitoring of the first tidal power plant in the Eastern Scheldt Barrier has been carried out in the Oosterschelde, taking into account environmental effects on soil protection and the impact on the storm surge barriers as well on the environmental effects on the estuaries behind the barrier. The results of this study, performed by the Marine research institutes Deltares and Wageningen University & Research, are very promising.

    Together with Rijkswaterstaat Zeeland Tidal Power is investigating the full rollout of the 100 MW plan, always and first taking into account the primary task of the Deltaworks, as water defense for the Netherlands. The Delta Works were built by Rijkswaterstaat to protect the country against flooding from the North Sea.

    The Eastern Scheldt Barrier is the largest and best known of the Delta Works. The 9 kilometre long structure seals off the Oosterschelde if there is a threat of flooding. The Eastern Scheldt Barrier is a unique project. At the time, it was the largest ever structure to be built in terms of its scale and dimensions. And it is still unequaled. The barrier is regarded worldwide as a landmark in hydraulic engineering.

    Tidal energy is a form of sustainable energy with an enormous worldwide potential. The major benefits of tidal energy are the limited impact on the environment, the invisibility of the turbines, the enormous available capacity and the exact predictability of generated power.

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
  12. forum rang 10 voda 1 april 2019 17:05
    Vestas debuts V136-4.2 MW turbines in Denmark for the country’s first subsidy-free wind park

    Vestas has received a milestone order from Hirtshals Havnefond for a 17 MW project in Denmark that will be the country’s first utility-scale subsidy free wind park. Located directly on the waterfront in the Port of Hirtshals in the northwestern part of Denmark, Vestas has developed a solution customised to the site’s medium to high wind conditions that includes four V136-4.2 MW turbines with 82-meter towers to optimise annual energy production, underlining wind energy’s position as one of the cheapest sources of energy globally.

    Hirtshals Havnefond has secured a short-term power purchase agreement (PPA) with Energi Danmark that in combination with the site’s strong wind conditions and the deployment of Vestas’ industry-leading technology have enabled the wind park to be financed on merchant market terms.

    The landmark project comes shortly after Denmark’s first energy-neutral auction in November 2018 that showed record-low level of subsidy prices, highlighting how the technology has matured with significant cost reductions for renewable energy projects as the result. According to Bloomberg New Energy Finance global latest benchmark analysis released this week, onshore wind’s levelised cost of energy has decreased by 49 percent since 2010 and 10 percent since 2018 alone.

    The project has strong ties to the community, as three of the turbines will be owned by the local foundation Hirtshals Havnefond and the fourth turbine will be sold in shares to local citizens and institutions. When fully commissioned, the wind park will provide energy for around 16.000 households.

    “We are very satisfied with our partnership with Vestas and we look forward to seeing this unique project develop further and deliver high and efficient energy production. By placing some of the markets most effective wind turbines on one of the most favourable wind sites available, we can operate the wind farm on a market basis”, says Jens Peter Lunden, Chairman for Hirtshals Havnefond.

    The contract includes supply and installation of the wind turbines as well as a 20-year Active Output Management 5000 (AOM5000) full scope operations and maintenance service agreement. Delivery and commissioning are expected in the fourth quarter of 2019.

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
  13. forum rang 10 voda 2 april 2019 15:21
    ENERCON to implement onshore-project Markbygden Phase II

    Large-scale project “Maximus” in Northern Sweden with 201 x E-138 EP3 and approx.850 MW installed capacity to be operational by mid-2021. / Search for co-investor underway. ENERCON continues to realize its plans for further large-scale wind energy projects in Sweden. In the course of Markbygden Phase II in the municipality of Piteå, in the Northern Swedish province of Norrbotten altogether 201 wind turbines of ENERCON’s new E-138 EP3 series with a total installed capacity of 844.2 MW will be connected to the grid. In parallel to the installation works the search for investors in the project named “Maximus” has begun. The company had taken the investment decision for the self-developed project already by signing the construction agreement for the transformer station with Swedish grid operator Svenska Kraftnät late 2017.

    Infrastructure works for “Maximus” has already been started. In the course of the project about150 kilometres of access roads have to be built. The wind farm will start operation as soon as the grid connection is available by mid-2020. To transfer the approx. 2.000 GWh renewable energy toconsumers in Sweden, a new transformer station will be built in Trolltjärn. This new 1.300 MW station is connected directly to the 400 kV grid. The entire wind farm is expected to be operational by end of Q3/2021.

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
  14. forum rang 10 voda 2 april 2019 15:34
    Vestas develops cost-competitive solution to secure 47 MW subsidy-free project in the UK

    Douglas West Wind Farm Ltd, owned by Greencoat UK Wind plc, has placed an order with Vestas for a 47 MW project to be located in South Lanarkshire, Scotland. Underlining onshore wind’s status as the most cost-competitive energy source, the project will be UK’s first standalone merchant wind park progressing to be built without any direct financial support. The wind park features the first 136m Vestas rotors in the UK and by utilising the newest and most advanced technology, the customer will realise the project on merchant terms. The wind park will feature a customised Vestas solution, including 13 V136-3.45 MW wind turbines delivered in 3.6 MW Power Optimised Mode with 82-meter towers to meet local tip heights-requirements and deliver a competitive cost of energy.

    The order follows a subsidy-free Vestas wind park in Denmark announced yesterday and a another one in Finland announced in late 2018, demonstrating how Vestas by deploying its industry-leading technology can develop a profitable business case on merchant market terms for its customers.

    The project was originally developed by 3R Energy and owned by Blue Energy. Blue Energy will manage the construction process on behalf of Douglas West Wind Farm.

    The order includes supply and commissioning of the wind turbines and a full-scope service agreement for 10 years with an option the customer to extend to 20. Deliveries are expected to begin in the second quarter of 2021, while commissioning is planned for the third quarter of 2021.

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
  15. forum rang 10 voda 2 april 2019 15:36
    The Renewables Infrastructure Group acquires French Tille et Venelle onshore wind farm

    The Renewables Infrastructure Group announced that it had acquired the 40MW onshore wind farm in Burgundy (France) Tille et Venelle. The project was acquired for EUR 30 million from turbine manufacturer and developer Envision Energy and included the construction costs and was net of project level debt financing.

    Tille et Venelle was developed by Velocita Energies, a Paris-based Envision Group company, which was managing the construction of the windfarm. The project, which involved 16 Envision turbines with a capacity of 2.5MW each, was set to become operational during the first quarter of 2020.

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
  16. forum rang 10 voda 2 april 2019 15:36
    MHI Vestas to supply five V164-9.5 MW turbines for Kincardine Floating Offshore Wind Park in Scotland

    With a maximum capacity of 50 MW, and MHI Vestas now confirmed, Kincardine looks to set a new standard in floating offshore wind as the industry advances toward utility scale projects. MHI Vestas Offshore Wind confirms a firm order, signed in 2018 with Spanish developer and construction company Cobra Group, part of the ACS Group, to provide five V164-9.5 MW turbines for the Kincardine floating offshore wind project. The contract, signed with Cobra’s UK offshore division, Cobra Wind International Limited (CWIL), keeps Scotland at the forefront of offshore wind innovation as the project will be the first floating project in the world to feature wind turbines over 9 MW.

    As floating offshore wind accelerates toward its full potential, MHI Vestas anticipates substantial learnings from Kincardine, enabling the turbine supplier to better understand installation and commissioning techniques, main component interactions, and power production.

    Kincardine, located 15 km southeast of Aberdeen Bay, will feature five V164-9.5 MW turbines in addition to a single V80-2.0 MW turbine already installed. The six-turbine project will feature Windfloat semi-submersible foundations and be located in water depth of 60-80 metres.

    MHI Vestas confirms that the turbines will be installed in spring 2020 and will include a 10-year service and maintenance agreement.

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
  17. forum rang 10 voda 5 april 2019 16:33
    Siemens Gamesa launches 5.X platform with a 170 meter rotor - the largest in the industry

    Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy continues to advance its product strategy by introducing a new onshore platform: the Siemens Gamesa 5.X platform, which encompasses two turbine models: the SG 5.8-155 and the SG 5.8-170. The platform introduces the largest unit capacity in the Siemens Gamesa onshore portfolio, 5.8 MW rated capacity, and the largest rotor diameters, 155 and 170 meters, resulting in maximum performance in high-, medium- and low-wind conditions. The 170-meter rotor is the largest in the onshore segment.

    The Siemens Gamesa 5.X onshore platform incorporates the company's proven technology, experience and expertise, based on its installed wind fleet of more than 90 GW worldwide. The SG 5.8-155 expands the swept area by 14% with respect to the SG 4.5-145, and Annual Energy Production (AEP) by over 20% (@ 8 m/s); the SG 5.8-170 provides an increase of over 37% in the swept area and more than 32% in AEP (@ 7 m/s) when compared with the SG 4.5-145.

    With a highly flexible design that enhances the entire value chain, from manufacturing through logistics to construction and service, the platform’s versatility makes it suitable for a broad range of sites. These wind turbines integrate the hallmarks of Siemens Gamesa technology, such as a doubly-fed generator, partial converter and a compact drive train designed with a three-stage gearbox. Additionally, compliance with the most demanding grid-related connection requirements is ensured by the inclusion of an optional premium converter.

    The first prototype installation of the SG 5.8-155 is planned for mid-2020, and production is scheduled to commence in Q4 2020. For the SG 5.8-170, the first prototype is planned for Q3 2020 and production will start in Q1 2021.

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
  18. forum rang 10 voda 5 april 2019 16:34
    GE Renewable Energy continues conquering Aragon's winds

    GE Renewable Energy has been selected as the technology provider for the Phoenix onshore wind project in Aragón Spain. The 342 MW project will be developed by Mirova, ENGIE and Forestalia and will create 10 new wind parks in the Spanish community. The project will feature 91 onshore wind turbines of GE's 3MW platform with a 130m rotor diameter and a hub height of 85meters. The units are ideally suited to take advantage of the wind conditions across the five Aragonese regions in the provinces of Zaragoza and Teruel where the parks will be located. The turbines will be produced at GE Renewable Energy's site in Salzbergen, Germany; the manufacturing of blades will be carried out at its LM Wind Power European facilities.

    GE Renewable Energy will also provide a 20-year Full Service Agreement offering data-driven insights, expert recommendations, and local advanced field services through GE's services and monitoring sites across Spain.

    Installation of the turbines will commence immediately at the ten new parks, which are being financed by JP Morgan, Santander and Sabadell. Phoenix's wind parks derive from the renewable energy auction awarded by the Spanish Ministry of Energy in May 2017, and have been declared investments of regional interest by the Government of Aragon.

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
  19. forum rang 10 voda 8 april 2019 16:16
    Siemens Gamesa committed to lowering offshore wind costs through EU-funded i4Offshore project

    As announced in December 2018, Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy and Aalborg University in Denmark are leading the i4Offshore research and development project focused on significantly reducing the cost of offshore wind power. Officially entitled "Integrated Implementation of Industrial Innovations for Offshore Wind Cost Reduction", the project is supported by a European Union grant of nearly EUR 20 million. Presented by Jesper Moeller, Siemens Gamesa’s project lead and Senior Specialist in Offshore Technologies at SGRE’s Offshore Business Unit, the information focused on the testing and innovative technologies to be installed during the planned five-year project. He said “The project has the clear goal of uncovering new ways to reduce LCoE to across the industry. SGRE – together with the 15 total partners in the project – will demonstrate highly significant cost reductions covering the entire value chain from manufacturing to assembly to installation and O&M.”

    Among the technology elements in focus, Moeller highlights the demonstration installation at a commercial site utilizing a hybrid material gravity jacket foundation optimized for low-cost manufacturing, and new low-cost cable-in-pipe array solution. Special focus is also being placed on optimized turbine and foundation installation, including installation solutions with a minimal environmental footprint.

    The i4Offshore project will utilize a standard SG 10.0-193 DD offshore wind turbine.

    This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 818153.

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
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