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Energie in EU: produktie, bronnen etc

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  1. [verwijderd] 11 april 2019 02:40
    België betaalde vorig jaar een recordbedrag van 1,2 miljard euro om stroom aan te kopen in het buitenland. De impact voor de consument hangt af van het soort contract met zijn leverancier.

    Het gaat om een verdubbeling in een jaar tijd, blijkt uit statistieken van de Nationale Bank.

    Leveranciers voerden niet uitzonderlijk veel stroom in, maar door de problemen met de Belgische kerncentrales waren ze genoodzaakt buiten de landsgrenzen stroom te halen op momenten dat de prijs hoog stond.
  2. forum rang 10 voda 15 april 2019 15:09
    Eurowind Energy chooses Siemens Gamesa for Thorup-Sletten windfarm in Denmark

    Siemens Gamesa has signed an order with Eurowind Energy for Thorup-Sletten, the largest onshore windfarm in Denmark to date. The 18 onshore turbines will have a total capacity of 77 MW and an electricity production equivalent to the average annual consumption of approximately 65,000 households. The installation of the Thorup-Sletten wind farm, west of the Aggersund bridge in northwestern Jutland, will start in October of this year. Siemens Gamesa will also be responsible for service and maintenance of the wind farm for 20 years through a long-term service program tailored for Eurowind.

    Mr Jens Rasmussen, CEO for Eurowind Energy, said “We are proud of being the developer behind the largest onshore project in Denmark. This is yet another proof that onshore wind should continue to be an important part of the energy mix to keep Denmark at the forefront when it comes to wind energy. We have chosen Siemens Gamesa because we looked around in the market to find a turbine that is both a great match for these very windy conditions and can deliver high product quality and a highly competitive price. The upgrade of the turbine from 3.6 to 4.3 MW together with the 130 meters rotor was important to get the lowest cost per KWh produced.”

    Steven Pryor, Siemens Gamesa’s Onshore Business Unit CEO for North Europe and Middle East, said “Of course it means a lot to us to win this bid from Eurowind and to be able to continue driving the transformation to renewables in Denmark. We are constantly working to offer innovation, technology and solutions tailored to the needs of the individual customer.”

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
  3. forum rang 10 voda 15 april 2019 16:14
    Siemens Gamesa to renew Glennmont Partners’ O&M service agreement for Italy

    Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy reached an agreement with Glennmont Partners for the renewal of the O&M service agreement for its SGRE fleet, consisting of 236 wind turbines 189 units of G52-850 kW, 9 G80-2.0 MW turbines, 33 units of G87-2.0 MW and 5 G90-2.0 MW turbines with a total output capacity of 254.7 MW. These turbines are located in several wind farms in the south of Italy. The renewal of the O&M agreement comprises new services and different upgrades, reducing the cost of energy and providing greater control over operation and maintenance costs. Under the contract, SGRE will also operate these turbines and provide full scope maintenance services for ten years.

    SGRE has 2.219 MW installed in Italy and maintains 64 wind farms with a capacity of 1.667 MW, which accounts for a 75% of the total capacity installed. SGRE’s Service business unit maintains nearly 57 GW (onshore and offshore) in 62 countries.

    Mr John Paul Larrañeta, Service CEO of Siemens Gamesa’s Southern Europe and Africa region said that “We are very pleased that we have reached such an important agreement, not only for its significant size, but also because it demonstrates our clients trust Siemens Gamesa and our expertise in securing the maintenance of their fleets. It also increases our footprint in such an important and competitive market as Italy.”

    Glennmont Partners’ total portfolio of renewable power plant constitutes nearly 1GW of mixed generation technologies across Europe, and its strategy is to expand this significantly over the coming years. Partner Francesco Cacciabue said that “We are delighted to cement our relationship with Siemens Gamesa through this agreement. It is an example of the strategic alliances that will allow us to achieve growth while managing risk and providing value to our investors.”

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
  4. forum rang 10 voda 15 april 2019 16:55
    1,000 kilometres of the Nord Stream 2 Pipeline laid

    A total of 1,000 kilometres of the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline has now been laid in Finnish, Swedish and German waters. Two Allseas pipelay vessels, Solitaire and Pioneering Spirit, are currently installing the pipeline in the Swedish Exclusive Economic Zone. Some twenty vessels are currently being engaged in the project in the Baltic Sea, with nearly 1,300 people working on board the pipelay, pipe supply and survey vessels.

    Another milestone was also reached last week, when the project’s coating and logistics contractor Wasco completed concrete weight coating of its share of the steel pipes in its plant in Kotka, Finland, where approximately 101,000 steel pipes had been coated. This corresponds to half of the pipes needed for the twin pipelines.

    The twin pipeline system consists of two approximately 1,230-kilometres-long pipelines, each made up of some 100,000 pipe joints.

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
  5. forum rang 10 voda 16 april 2019 16:54
    Siemens Gamesa on track with the new SG 10.0-193 DD wind turbine for the world’s first zero subsidy offshore wind farm

    Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy and Vattenfall are collaborating to realize the supply of wind turbines at these offshore wind power plants being developed in Dutch waters. Pending final developments, the new SG 10.0-193 DD turbines could be installed at Vattenfall’s Hollandse Kust Zuid 1&2 and Hollandse Kust Zuid 3&4 projects. The HKZ 1&2 project is the world’s first zero subsidy offshore wind farm. Siemens Gamesa is in final negotiations to be awarded the contract for the SG 10.0-193 DD offshore wind turbines for the HKZ 1&2 project. In addition, the company would also be awarded the contract for additional SG 10.0-193 DD turbines at the HKZ 3&4 project if this tender is awarded to Vattenfall, subject to final investment decision.

    Mr Andreas Nauen, CEO of the Siemens Gamesa Offshore Business Unit said that “We look very much forward to increasing our collaboration and teamwork with Vattenfall through these projects. Vattenfall once again demonstrates their confidence and interest in our products.”

    In September 2018, Vattenfall received the irrevocable permit for the construction of the first subsidy-free wind power plant: Hollandse Kust Zuid 1&2. The first offshore works for this project have already started and must be realized ultimately in 2023. It will generate enough power every year to supply up to 1.5 million average European households with electricity.

    Mr Gunnar Groebler, Head of Business Area Wind at Vattenfall said that “This is a very important development for us. We are proud to have teamed up with Siemens Gamesa, the company has been a strong and reliable partner in other projects and we’re happy to extend our collaboration to Hollandse Kust Zuid”.

    The new SG 10.0-193 DD combines experiences and knowledge from five generations of proven direct drive technology in one 10 MW turbine. The newest generation of the Siemens Gamesa Direct Drive platform simultaneously provides low-risk and high performance. The 193-meter diameter rotor features blades that are 94 meters long - almost the length of a soccer field. Annual energy production is up to 30% greater when compared to its predecessor, the SG 8.0-167 DD.

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
  6. forum rang 10 voda 16 april 2019 19:56
    Nord Stream 2 submits third application in Denmark

    More than two years after submitting its first application for a route through Danish waters, Nord Stream 2 AG has submitted a third application. The third application, together with the Environmental Impact Assessment, covers a route in the Danish exclusive economic zone (EEZ) in the waters south of Bornholm. This application and the EIA has been submitted in accordance with the decision made by the Danish Energy Agency (DEA) on March 26, 2019. The EEZ border between Poland and Denmark was previously disputed and therefore the area was not available for any project developer. An agreement has been reached between the two countries, which, however, has not yet been ratified by Poland.

    Nord Stream 2 already has two pending applications with the DEA.

    In April 2017, Nord Stream 2 applied for the route based on the guidance received from Danish authorities for the existing Nord Stream Pipeline – this base case route crosses territorial waters to the south of Bornholm.

    In January 2018, the amended Danish Continental Shelf Act entered into force with retroactive effect only for the Nord Stream 2 project. The law gives the Danish Minister of Foreign Affairs the right to veto infrastructure projects running through territorial waters on political grounds. Such a judgement from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has now been pending for 16 months. Nord Stream 2 AG has not received any response at all.

    In August 2018, after 8 months without any indication of the timing of the Minister of Foreign Affairs recommendation, Nord Stream 2 was therefore forced to apply for a second, alternative route outside Danish territorial waters, north-west of Bornholm through the Danish EEZ.

    Both permitting processes, which included consultations with the public and expert authorities, nationally and internationally (the so-called Espoo procedure), have shown that all technical and environmental prerequisites are fulfilled and a construction permit could be granted for either route.
    Violation of investors’ trust

    For a project developer like Nord Stream 2 AG, it is incomprehensible why there has still been no decision on the route through territorial waters after 16 months since entry into force of the amended Danish Continental Shelf Act, and why there has been no decision on the route north-west of Bornholm even though there have been and are no relevant environmental or safety objections against this route. Asking for a third route option to be developed, despite two fully processed, ready-to-be-permitted applications on the table, can only be seen as a deliberate attempt to delay the project’s completion.

    Irrespective of its own starkly different legal assessment, Nord Stream 2 AG is now forced to submit this third application as a mitigation measure. Any project developer and investor on the whole depend on a predictable, stable and transparent regulatory framework and such actions from Denmark not only undermine fundamental Danish constitutional and European law principles of legitimate expectations and legal certainty but also hinder freedom of laying the submarine pipes in exclusive economic zones as set out in UNCLOS 1982 and as such is not compliant with the good faith principle required by UNCLOS 1982.

    Gazprom as the shareholder as well as five major European energy companies as financial investors from Austria, France, Germany and the Netherlands back the project. Committed investments currently equal almost all of the project’s CAPEX. Globally, more than 670 companies from 25 countries are involved in the project.

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
  7. [verwijderd] 17 april 2019 10:00
    China moet de komende jaren 6 tot 8 kerncentrales per jaar bouwen om haar energiedoelstelling voor 2030 te halen.
    Voeg daarbij dat India de komende tien jaar 21 nieuwe kerncentrales gaat bouwen
  8. forum rang 10 voda 18 april 2019 16:34
    Turbines for Vattenfall's Hollandse Kust Zuid wind farm

    Vattenfall and Siemens Gamesa are joining forces to deploy the newest available offshore wind power turbine (10 MW) in the North Sea. The plan is to install 76 of these powerful turbines in the Hollandse Kust Zuid 1&2 wind farm off the Dutch coast. If Vattenfall is awarded the tender to build Hollandse Kust Zuid 3&4, the turbines may be installed also there. The project involves 152 wind turbines in total. The turbines, being the latest generation on the market, will increase the efficiency by 30%, signifying tremendous progress in the development of the offshore wind industry. The turbine is fitted with 94-metre-long blades – almost the same length as a football field – that are capable of generating more capacity per rotor lap than the older, smaller turbines. With a capacity of 10 MW, the new turbines will enable this wind farm to generate enough electricity to supply 1-1.5 million households each year

    In September 2018, Vattenfall received an irrevocable licence to build Hollandse Kust Zuid 1&2, the first non-subsidised wind farm in the Netherlands. The initial preparations for this wind farm are now under way and various studies have started at the North Sea wind farm site. The wind farm is scheduled for completion in 2023.

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
  9. [verwijderd] 19 april 2019 10:01
    Terwijl Europese politici niet veel op lijken te hebben met kernenergie, is dat in andere delen van de wereld tegenwoordig een heel ander verhaal. We doen even een rondje om de wereld.

    Dinsdag liet ik u in onderstaande tweet al zien dat China fors inzet op kernenergie. China bouwt 6 tot 8 kerncentrales per jaar, waardoor haar nucleaire capaciteit in 2030 maar liefst drie keer zo hoog zal zijn als nu.

    Ik vertelde u dinsdag ook al over India. Hieronder zien we dat India vorige maand met de VS overeenkwam dat de VS er zes kerncentrales gaat bouwen.

    In Japan is de grootste werkgeversorganisatie zwaar aan het lobbyen om kerncentrales sneller te heropenen én langer open te houden. Kernenergie is wat hen betreft essentieel om de klimaatdoelstellingen op een verantwoorde manier te halen.

    In Brazilië heeft de regering besloten dat kernenergie een belangrijk onderdeel wordt (zie tweet) van het nationale energieplan 2050. Voor de Brazilianen is kernenergie cruciaal om aan de snel stijgende vraag naar elektriciteit te kunnen voldoen.

    Saudi Arabië
    Zelfs in Saudi Arabië gaan ze nu kerncentrales bouwen (zie tweet) Naar eigen zeggen omdat ze dan zelf minder olie verbruiken, dus meer kunnen exporteren.
  10. forum rang 8 josti5 19 april 2019 10:51
    In socialistisch Europa is kernenergie geen optie, omdat dit niet past in de eigenlijke agenda: het leegroven van de particuliere portemonnee.
  11. forum rang 8 objectief 20 april 2019 11:01

    josti5 schreef op 19 april 2019 10:51:

    In socialistisch Europa is kernenergie geen optie, omdat dit niet past in de eigenlijke agenda: het leegroven van de particuliere portemonnee.
    De socialisten nemen de politieke beslissingen niet in Nederland (en niet in Europa); nochtans komt is hier in Nederland geen nieuwe centrale.

    Waarom: niemand wil een kerncentrale in de buurt en Nederland is te klein om net als in China of elders op 1000 km er 1 in een afgelegen gebied te plaatsen; bovendien is er geen bouwer te vinden die een veilige centrale kan neerzetten (die de bouw van de centrale in Engeland; inmiddels vele jaren achter op de planning en tigx duurder, een financiele ramp)

    (NB. Bij een Sandd postbezorger valt er weinig te roven; ze kosten de Overheid enkel subsidies)
  12. forum rang 8 objectief 20 april 2019 11:21

    haas schreef op 19 april 2019 10:01:

    Terwijl Europese politici niet veel op lijken te hebben met kernenergie, is dat in andere delen van de wereld tegenwoordig een heel ander verhaal. We doen even een rondje om de wereld.

    Dinsdag liet ik u in onderstaande tweet al zien dat China fors inzet op kernenergie. China bouwt 6 tot 8 kerncentrales per jaar, waardoor haar nucleaire capaciteit in 2030 maar liefst drie keer zo hoog zal zijn als nu.

    Zeker niet geconstateerd dat dit vnl. grote landen zijn; die deze tijdbommen op duizenden km's van de mens kunnen zetten.

    Dit wordt lastig in Nederland, je woont zeker niet in de buurt van Borsele??

  13. forum rang 7 ffff 20 april 2019 18:06

    Wat een mooie overzichtsposting! Je zou van de weeromstuit weer eens opnieuw naar de Uraniumkoersen gaan kijken…..

  14. forum rang 8 objectief 21 april 2019 08:18
    Haas hoopt wat geld te besparen; maar hier volgt de realiteit van vandaag:

    In Engeland zijn ze al 10 jaar bezig met de bouw van een kerncentrale, die in 2023 af moet zijn. De kosten zijn intussen 3x zo hoog en de kans van opstarten in 2023 gering en bij oplevering wordt de prijs in elk geval 2x zo duur als de huidige.
    (zie onderstaand):

    Nieuwe kerncentrale voor Engeland is onbetaalbaar

    Deze week gaf de Britse regering groen licht voor de bouw van twee nieuwe kernreactoren in het zuidwesten van Engeland, die begin 2023 operationeel zouden moeten zijn. Volgens premier Cameron is dit “het begin van een nieuw nucleair tijdperk”. Bond Beter Leefmilieu denkt echter dat de voorstanders van kernenergie toch best even wachten om de champagnekurken te laten knallen. Als we de feiten op een rijtje zetten, ziet de toekomst voor kernenergie er helemaal niet zo rooskleurig uit als Cameron ons wil doen geloven.
    De geplande nieuwe kernreactoren behoren tot het relatief nieuwe type van European Pressurized Reactors (EPR) , dat heel wat krachtiger is dan onze oude reactoren van Doel en Tihange. Punt is dat er nog nergens ter wereld een EPR reactor is opgestart. In het Finse Olkiluoto kent de bouw van een nieuwe EPR kerncentrale al jaren vertraging omwille van bouw- en veiligheidsproblemen. De kans dat er in 2023 in Engeland effectief een nieuwe kernreactor in gebruik zal zijn, lijkt dan ook zeer klein.
    Bovendien is de kostprijs van de Finse kerncentrale ondertussen al opgelopen van 3 tot 8,6 miljard euro. Een kostprijs om u tegen te zeggen. Het verbaast dan ook dat de Britse regering de bouw van nieuwe kerncentrale ziet als een middel om de energieprijzen voor de Engelse consument betaalbaar te houden. Cameron beloofde aan het Franse energiebedrijf EDF dat deze voor 35 jaar een gegarandeerde prijs van 92,5 pond per megawattuur zal krijgen, het dubbele van de huidige marktprijs.Men verwacht echter dat zonne- en windenergie tegen de tijd dat de nieuwe kerncentrale stroom gaat produceren, goedkoper zullen zijn dan kernernergie. Bovendien zal de beloofde steun aan EDF de subsidies voor zonnepanelen en windturbines, technologieën die jaar na jaar goedkoper worden, overtreffen. Het is dan ook vreemd te lezen dat de Engelse krant the Sun onder het mom van betaalbare energiefacturen een petitie lanceert om subsidies voor hernieuwbare energie terug te schroeven. Willen de Engelsen een betaalbare energiefactuur? Dan zouden ze beter een petitie ondertekenen om geen nieuwe kerncentrale te bouwen.
    Tot slot: de geplande ondersteuning voor kernenergie valt onder de Europese regels voor staatssteun en moet dus goedgekeurd worden door de Europese Commissie. Aangezien deze twee weken geleden te verstaan gaf dat kernenergie geen staatssteun verdient, is het maar zeer de vraag of de Britse overheid haar plannen ook effectief zal kunnen waarmaken.

  15. forum rang 8 josti5 21 april 2019 09:10
    'de geplande ondersteuning voor kernenergie valt onder de Europese regels voor staatssteun en moet dus goedgekeurd worden door de Europese Commissie. Aangezien deze twee weken geleden te verstaan gaf dat kernenergie geen staatssteun verdient, is het maar zeer de vraag of de Britse overheid haar plannen ook effectief zal kunnen waarmaken.'

    Reden te meer voor Brexit, dus.
  16. forum rang 8 objectief 21 april 2019 13:37
    De geplande Brexit kost de Britten al tientallen miljarden; die eilandbewoners hebben natuurlijk door hun ligging en grootte minder met Europese Unie dan wij, maar door hun politiek gestuntel worden ze bijna gedwongen onder de macht van Brussel te blijven.
  17. forum rang 10 voda 22 april 2019 17:41
    Setting the groundwork for wind energy growth in Greece - WindEurope

    “Greece needs to establish a solid and efficient regulatory framework for Greek wind energy projects.” This was the key message delivered by Ivan Pineda, WindEurope’s Director of Public Affairs, at the 2nd Energy Union Future Leaders Academy in Thessaloniki. The event was organised by the Greek Energy Forum, with the support of the European Commission, from 12-14 April. Speaking to Energypress, Pineda noted that ‘technology-specific’ auctions are better than ‘technology-neutral’ auctions: they will maximise the benefits from renewable energy sources given that wind and solar complement each other, instead of compete against each other. Spatial planning is another major issue to consider. “We need a framework to promote the development of renewable energy sources and allocate the space wisely,” said Pineda.

    Pineda also highlighted that Greece is at the intersection of gas and renewable energy developments. The country has an opportunity to secure affordable and clean energy by ramping up the latter. Offshore wind in particular has significant potential in Greece. All Greek regions could stand to benefit, given that a whole supply chain will need to be put in place to support it. Spain provides a good example: the floating offshore wind substructures installed in Scotland by Equinor were manufactured in Spain, a country with no offshore wind projects of its own.

    Pineda also congratulated Greece for setting ambitious goals on renewables, particularly for wind. However, he underlined that without solid national energy planning, there is a significant risk that these goals will not be reached. “Greece cannot miss another decade trying to increase the share of renewables in the energy mix,” he said. It needs to take action particularly with regards to wind farm permitting, which is a challenge in Greece. Both the Greek Government and the Energy Regulatory Authority need to simplify the process and set up a “one-stop shop” for permits. One single entity should be responsible, from the beginning till the end, for the development and supervision of wind farm projects. This will not only mitigate any delays and obstacles, but also will shape a secure and efficient investment environment for repowering projects.

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
  18. forum rang 10 voda 22 april 2019 17:44
    Europe invests EUR 27 billion in new wind farms in 2018 - WindEurope

    According to WindEurope’s annual Financing and Investment Trends report, Europe invested EUR 27 billion in new wind farms in 2018, which will finance a record amount of future new wind energy capacity. The amount invested is similar to previous years. But thanks to cost reduction, especially in offshore wind, it will finance a record 16.7 GW of new wind capacity. 1 MW of new onshore wind capacity now requires EUR 1.4 million capital expenditure, down from EUR 2 million in 2015. And 1 MW of new offshore wind capacity requires EUR 2.5 million, down from EUR 4.5 millin in 2015.

    Most of the future new capacity for which investments were announced last year was onshore wind: 12.5 GW. Offshore wind accounted for 4.2 GW, though 38.5% of the amounts invested.

    In total 190 wind farms across 22 different countries in Europe reached Final Investment Decision (FID) last year. Northern and Western Europe still account for most new investments. The UK was the biggest investor, mostly in offshore wind. Sweden was second. Investments in Southern and Central and Eastern Europe were only 4% of the total, though Spain and Poland will pick up this year.

    A further EUR 24.1 billion was invested in the acquisition of wind farms including projects under development and of companies involved in wind energy. This is much more than in previous years. The maturity of wind energy and the competitiveness of the sector have brought in more investors as equity partners in projects, particularly from financial services. As investors become more confident about wind energy, they can price risk more accurately and invest earlier in projects.

    Developers are also increasingly financing wind farms through debt. New business and ownership models have diversified the pool of investors, with banks, institutional lenders and Export Credit Agencies (ECAs) looking to provide long-term finance. This has meant a significant increase in ‘affordable debt’, particularly via non-recourse financing (ie. not on a company’s balance sheet). Lower interest rates and falling risk premiums – as lenders become more comfortable with risk – means wind farms are getting competitive funding and lower financing costs.

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
  19. forum rang 10 voda 22 april 2019 17:46
    E.ON and Equinor launch the largest wind farm in Baltic Sea

    The Arkona offshore wind farm of E.ON and Equinor went into operation with a festive event in the port of Sassnitz-Mukran on the island of Rügen. German Chancellor Angela Merkel, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern’s Prime Minister Manuela Schwesig and Norway's Minister of Energy and Petroleum Kjell-Børge Freiberg launched power generation together with E.ON CEO Johannes Teyssen and other guests of honor. Arkona is the largest wind farm in the entire Baltic Sea.

    Chancellor Angela Merkel said that “Arkona sets a standard for the transition of the energy system. We will discuss how we achieve the climate goals. It is not sufficient to convert energy production. We see great potential in the heating sector. We are also facing a major change in the transport sector.”

    Johannes Teyssen said that “The task now is to expand renewable energies vigorously and at the same time make them cheaper. Green energy must be delivered to people and businesses much more efficiently than before. This is a Herculean task that requires all the strength of large companies. E.ON will focus on better integration and utilization of renewables for our customers and society.”

    Prime minister of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Manuela Schwesig said that “Today we are sending out a strong signal: we are making progress with the energy revolution. Offshore wind power is a crucial element here. This is a path with a future. It is a path we are taking together with strong partners like E.ON and Equinor. I congratulate the Arkona project on its completion,” said Prime Minister Manuela Schwesig on the occasion of the commissioning of the Arkona offshore wind farm today in Sassnitz.

    Norway's Energy Minister Kjell-Børge Freiberg said that “Today, we are not only celebrating the opening of the Arkona wind farm and the productive cooperation between E.ON and Equinor. The event is also a symbol of the close relations between Norway and Germany in the energy field.” Furthermore: “Technological advancements and cost reductions has given offshore wind a momentum in Europe, and I am glad to see Equinor and a number of other Norwegian companies entering this market in cooperation with companies like E.ON.”

    Mr Jon Erik Reinhardsen, Chairman of the Board of Directors at Equinor said that “The Arkona opening is a key milestone for Equinor. The wind farm has the capacity to supply renewable energy to 400,000 German homes. Equinor is already meeting 25 percent of Germany’s need for natural gas. Arkona is Equinor’s fourth wind farm coming online since 2012 and is a key contribution to developing Equinor into a broad energy company. We would also like to thank E.ON for its excellent work on the development and operations of Arkona.”

    Chris Peeters, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of 50Hertz said that “50Hertz was able to connect the Arkona offshore wind farm to the grid on time and at a lower cost to the grid customer than originally calculated. We are just as proud of this as we are of the very cooperative European cooperation in this major project with our two partners E.ON and Equinor. The joint offshore platform is clear proof of this and has also set a new standard for the implementation of such projects. Today is a really good day for the energy revolution in Germany and Europe and for the development of offshore wind energy in the Baltic Sea.”

    The Arkona wind farm is located 35 kilometers northeast of the island of Rügen. The wind farm has a capacity of 385 megawatts and can supply approximately 400,000 households with renewable energy. The investment volume amounts to EUR 1.2 billion. Compared to conventionally generated electricity, Arkona saves up to 1.2 million tons of CO2 annually. 60 turbines of the six-megawatt class from Siemens were installed. Arkona is a joint venture between E.ON and the Norwegian energy company Equinor.

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
  20. forum rang 10 voda 23 april 2019 16:16
    Eni, CDP, Fincantieri and Terna to develop wave power plants on an industrial scale

    The Chief Executive Officers of Cassa depositi e prestiti, Fabrizio Palermo, of Fincantieri, Giuseppe Bono, of Terna, Luigi Ferraris, and of Eni, Claudio Descalzi, signed a non-binding agreement today at the Eni headquarters in the EUR district of Rome to develop and build wave power stations on an industrial scale. The agreement seeks to combine the expertise of the collective companies to transform the Inertial Sea Wave Energy Converter pilot project into a project on an industrial scale for immediate application and use. ISWEC is the innovative system that converts energy generated by waves into electricity. Eni installed the project at its Ravenna offshore site.

    Under the terms of the agreement, Eni will share its findings from the ISWEC plant pilot project with the joint working group. The ISWEC built in collaboration with the Politecnico di Torino and the Wave for Energy spin-off, will share its technological, industrial and commercial expertise with the group, in addition to sharing information on the logistical and technological elements used at its offshore plant.

    Claudio Descalzi, CEO of Eni, said “Today's agreement is an important step forward towards building a new production system for renewable energy generated by wave power. This deal is part of our strategic decarbonization plan and stems from Eni's focus on research, development and the application of new technologies aimed not only at making traditional operating processes more efficient, but also at driving us to create new business segments in the energy sector. Collaborating with three exceptional Italian companies like CDP, Terna and Fincantieri will enable us to pool distinct skills that each company already possesses and help accelerate the development process of this technology.

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
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AMS 3 73
Amsterdam Commodities 305 6.740
AMT Holding 199 7.047
Anavex Life Sciences Corp 2 491
Antonov 22.632 153.605
Aperam 92 15.029
Apollo Alternative Assets 1 17
Apple 5 384
Arcadis 252 8.789
Arcelor Mittal 2.034 320.873
Archos 1 1
Arcona Property Fund 1 286
arGEN-X 17 10.341
Aroundtown SA 1 221
Arrowhead Research 5 9.749
Ascencio 1 28
ASIT biotech 2 697
ASMI 4.108 39.559
ASML 1.766 109.390
ASR Nederland 21 4.505
ATAI Life Sciences 1 7
Atenor Group 1 522
Athlon Group 121 176
Atrium European Real Estate 2 199
Auplata 1 55
Avantium 32 13.728
Axsome Therapeutics 1 177
Azelis Group 1 66
Azerion 7 3.412