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Heeft CytoDyn het ultieme anti-HIV-middel??

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  1. [verwijderd] 29 april 2020 08:45
    In meer begrijpelijke taal...

    LAWSUIT HAS ZERO EFFECT ON ANTHING: Some shareholders are suing some CYDY Executives over stock shares the company awarded the CYDY Executives for performance late last year. They want the shares returned, claiming it is a breach of fiduciary duty to have awarded themselves the shares ( for great performance and meeting milestones ). This lawsuit is unlikely to go anywhere, with the job the Executives have done having increased share price by 1000% since last year. Under the very worst case, the Executives would have to give the shares back. Truly a tempest in a tea pot. Nothing to worry about! There is ZERO shareholder downside no matter what the outcome is.

    Read More:
  2. forum rang 4 MisterBlues 29 april 2020 09:04
    Begrijp ik goed dat eerstvolgende uitkomst Covid-19 onderzoek wordt bekend gemaakt in week 22, laatste week mei?

    En wanneer HIV Monotherapy 2?

    Cancer Triple-Negative Breast 3?

    Andere belangrijke data? Dank!
  3. [verwijderd] 29 april 2020 20:14
    CytoDyn’s Drs. Pourhassan and Patterson to Present Live at Wall Street Reporter’s Event to Discuss Paper Recently Submitted for Publication and Positive Results of eIND COVID-19 Patients

    VANCOUVER, Washington, April 29, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- CytoDyn Inc. (CYDY), (“CytoDyn” or the “Company"), a late-stage biotechnology company developing leronlimab (PRO 140), a CCR5 antagonist with the potential for multiple therapeutic indications, announced today that Nader Pourhassan, Ph.D., President and Chief Executive Officer, and Bruce Patterson, M.D., Chief Executive Officer and founder of IncellDx, a diagnostic services provider and an advisor to CytoDyn, will provide a comprehensive update on leronlimab for COVID-19. The Wall Street Reporter’s event is scheduled for Friday, May 1, 2020 at 12:30 pm ET / 9:30 am PT.

    Date: Friday, May 1, 2020
    Time: 12:30 pm ET / 9:30 am PT

    Dr. Pourhassan will provide an update on patient enrollment in eIND, Phase 2 and Phase 2b/3 COVID-19 trials. Dr. Patterson will discuss his latest discovery of the mechanism of action of COVID-19 and the effect of leronlimab.

    Interested participants are encouraged to login early prior to the start of the event, as the online event has a capacity of 3,000 participants and the Company’s recent investment community conference call had over 3,600 participants. The livestream presentation will be archived for 30 days. For anyone unable to attend, a video will be posted on CytoDyn’s website approximately 24 hours after the presentation. The conference sponsor provides corporate visibility services to CytoDyn for a fee.
  4. [verwijderd] 29 april 2020 20:52
    Date: Friday, May 1, 2020
    Time: 12:30 pm ET / 9:30 am PT >>> 18.30 NL-tijd

    Vrijdag 1 mei 2020
    De beurzen in Amerika, Canada, Denemarken en het Verenigd Koninkrijk zijn regulier geopend. Alle overige beurzen zijn gesloten.
  5. [verwijderd] 29 april 2020 22:25
    Capricor Initiates Compassionate Use Program for Severe COVID-19 Patients using CAP-1002, its Novel Cell Therapy

    * CAP-1002 Aims to Mitigate Severe Inflammatory Response Associated with COVID-19
    * Expanded Access Protocol Submitted to FDA

    LOS ANGELES, April 03, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Capricor Therapeutics (CAPR) a clinical-stage biotechnology company focused on the development of first-in-class biological therapeutics for the treatment or prevention of serious diseases, today announced it is providing CAP-1002, its novel cell therapy to patients with advanced COVID-19 under the compassionate use pathway. Two patients were treated last week at a leading healthcare center in Los Angeles, California with additional patients planned in the coming weeks. Infusions of CAP-1002 were administered safely and patients are currently clinically stable.

    “Physicians leading the fight against COVID-19 patients approached Capricor to discuss the use of CAP-1002 due to its strong immunomodulatory capabilities. They believe that the use of CAP-1002 for the treatment or attenuation of ARDS pneumonia in COVID-19 patients is based on solid scientific rationale and pre-clinical data. We know from previously published pre-clinical data that CAP-1002 mitigates the release of anti-inflammatory cytokines as well as macrophage activation in a number of models of inflammation including sepsis and autoimmune diseases. It is believed that COVID-19 induced ARDS pneumonia is a response to exaggerated and sustained cytokine storm. As such, we are hopeful that CAP-1002 will be of value to patients with respect to the treatment of COVID-19,” said Linda Marbán, Ph.D., Capricor’s president and chief executive officer.

    The compassionate use act allows FDA to immediately collect information on experimental treatments and then make the appropriate decisions about the safety and efficacy of those treatments. Physicians plan to re-dose patients as well as treat additional patients in the coming weeks. Additionally, Capricor has submitted an expanded access Investigational New Drug (IND) application to investigate the use of CAP-1002 in certain COVID-19 patients which is currently under review with the FDA.

    Dr. Marbán added, “In addition, we are continuing our efforts in developing our exosome platform technology as a potential COVID-19 vaccine and remain committed to advancing our DMD program. We expect to have data available this quarter from our HOPE-2 trial and look forward to sharing those results,” said Dr. Marbán.

    About CAP-1002
    CAP-1002 consists of allogeneic cardiosphere-derived cells, or CDCs, a type of cardiac cell therapy that has been shown in pre-clinical and clinical studies to exert potent immunomodulatory activity and is being investigated for its potential to modify the immune system’s activity to encourage cellular regeneration. The cells function by releasing exosomes that are taken up largely by macrophages and T-cells and begin a cycle of repair. CDCs have been the subject of over 100 peer-reviewed scientific publications and have been administered to over 150 human subjects across several clinical trials.

    Nog een kleinere speler dan CYDY, duurder medicijn, wordt alleen getest op ernstig zieke patiënten, maar lijkt ook te werken.

    Allemaal hetzelfde probleem, kunnen ze de productie op orde krijgen om veel te produceren!!

  6. [verwijderd] 29 april 2020 22:31

    MisterBlues schreef op 29 april 2020 09:04:

    Begrijp ik goed dat eerstvolgende uitkomst Covid-19 onderzoek wordt bekend gemaakt in week 22, laatste week mei?
    Dat horen we vrijdag wel. Betreffende de andere studies, BLA Combo is nu ingediend. Vier tot zes maanden beoordeling.

    Na beoordeling kan iets zomaar snel gaan. Ik denk dat mTNBC borstkanker heel snel zal gaan als de super veelbelovende resultaten doorzetten.

    Hierbij een link naar de laatste investor presentatie.

    Sheet 11 is borstkanker. Leronlimab doet het super, evengoed als Maraviroc, ook een CCR-5 antagonist, ook een super goed werkend middel, maar heel giftig.

  7. [verwijderd] 30 april 2020 13:02
    CytoDyn Reports Strong Results from eIND COVID-19 Patients Treated with Leronlimab; Majority of Patients Have Demonstrated Remarkable Recoveries

    54 eINDs approved by FDA and 49 patients have been treated with leronlimab thus far

    VANCOUVER, Washington, April 30, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- CytoDyn Inc. (CYDY), (“CytoDyn” or the “Company"), a late-stage biotechnology company developing leronlimab (PRO 140), a CCR5 antagonist with the potential for multiple therapeutic indications, today announced updates on 49 COVID-19 patients who have received leronlimab under the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) emergency Investigational New Drug (eIND) program:

    Eleven (11) Patients in NY hospital: All treated patients were in Intensive Care Units (ICU) because of acute respiratory failure, eight of whom were intubated (placed on mechanical ventilation). One patient was not intubated because of poor baseline pulmonary status (history of lung cancer and had undergone bilateral upper lobectomy). Seven patients were organ-transplant recipients (six patients were renal-transplant recipients and one patient had a history of heart transplant) and were on immunosuppressive regimen. Ten patients were on dialysis and nine were on vasopressors during hospitalization. Despite their pre-existing and severe conditions, we believe we were able to save the lives of four patients. All patient blood samples were evaluated and important powerful results from the effect of leronlimab were demonstrated in almost all of these patients. This data has been submitted to a prestigious journal and we expect the publication on Friday, May 1.

    Twenty-three (23) patients in Southern California hospital: Six patients were in critical condition (intubated) and 17 patients were severely-ill, needing oxygen support. No death was reported. Out of 6 critical patients, all were intubated patients, 3 were extubated (taken off ventilator), 2 patients remain relatively stable and still breathing with the assistance of a ventilator and one patient has shown deterioration in respiratory parameters. Of 17 severe condition (but not critical) patients, 11 patients demonstrated improvement in respiratory parameters (8 of them were discharged from hospital, including one patient in the news, Samantha Mottet), 2 patients remain relatively stable, 2 have shown deterioration in respiratory parameters and information is pending for 2 recently treated patients.

    Three (3) patients in Georgia hospital: All three ICU patients were intubated and two of them had renal failure at the start of leronlimab treatment. Of these 3 patients, 2 were extubated (taken off ventilator) and 1 patient remains on a ventilator but improving.

    One (1) patient in another NY hospital: Patient was taken off oxygen and discharged from hospital after leronlimab treatment.

    One (1) patient in Northern California hospital: Patient is now weaning from ventilator and transferred to rehabilitation hospital.

    Updates are pending for 10 other patients. Five additional patients have been approved to receive leronlimab under eINDs, which increases the total eINDs approved by the FDA to 54 patients.

    Bruce Patterson, M.D., Chief Executive Officer and founder of IncellDx, a diagnostics company and an advisor to CytoDyn, expanded on these findings by stating, “We are excited that patients are responding extremely well to leronlimab as expected from the novel mechanism of COVID-19 pathogenesis we discovered and will be reporting in the coming days.”

    Nader Pourhassan, Ph.D., President and Chief Executive Officer of CytoDyn said, “We believe these results, although anecdotal, are very impressive and the number of patients treated under eIND is rapidly increasing. The enrollment for our Phase 2 double-blind and Phase 2b/3 trials is moving along rapidly and we believe the results from both studies will be very powerful due to the mechanism of action (MOA) of affecting the viral load and restoring the immune system. With our first major paper very close to publication, we expect to have a second paper published shortly thereafter, as our MOA is as unique as our results.”
  8. [verwijderd] 30 april 2020 19:06
    Trump zou en moest een medicijn hebben. Fauci doet al dan niet uit lijfsbehoud mee en verloochend daarmee de hele medische wetenschap. Het is ronduit beschamend.

    Gilead zit er mooi mee. De resultaten zijn onder de maat. O'Day kan niet blij zijn als hij ook maar een beetje de eerlijkheid van Van de Stolpe in zich heeft. Eigenlijk een onmogelijke situatie.

  9. Sub!et 30 april 2020 20:35
    Filmpje bekeken.
    Dr. Patterson gaat in tegen Gilead.
    Spreekt heel overtuigend en kordaat.
    Ik zie 2 mensen die er van overtuigd en blij zijn.
    Mocht ik tussen de regels verstaan dat ze morgen met heel overtuigend materiaal gaan komen of is dat eerder whishfull thinking uit onbegrip dat dit niet meer exposure krijgt ?
    Kijk nu nog meer uit naar morgen.
  10. [verwijderd] 30 april 2020 20:43
    Morgen gaan ze de MOA (mode of action) uitleggen aan de medische wereld. Eerst in een publicatie, daarna aan de wereld via een persconferentie.

    Daarnaast gaan ze nog wat vertellen over de twee lopende studies, die naar mijn zin trouwens veel te traag gaan. Maar misschien hebben ze goed nieuws daarover.

  11. Sub!et 30 april 2020 22:34
    Bedankt voor de input en alle moeite tot nu toe.
    Zal een hele boterham zijn.
    Dat het ons mag smaken.
    Tot later.
  12. [verwijderd] 1 mei 2020 13:13
    Van het Yahoo-forum:
    Vicki13 hours ago
    With everyone working on this worldwide, I’m confused as to why no one else had identified Rantes CCL5?

    Lijkt me een goeie vraag.
  13. forum rang 4 MisterBlues 1 mei 2020 15:23

    FatCool schreef op 30 april 2020 20:43:

    Morgen gaan ze de MOA (mode of action) uitleggen aan de medische wereld. Eerst in een publicatie,

    Goed dat er een publicatie komt. Ook van vooraanstaande Nederlandse apothekers hoor ik namelijk veel twijfel of er wel binnen afzienbare tijd een goede virusremmer verschijnt.

    Emilie Gieling, apotheker UMC Utrecht, gelooft er niet in.

    "Virussen zijn heel lastig te behandelen. Dat zagen we bijvoorbeeld ook met tamiflu tegen de Mexicaanse griep. Het echt remmen van het virus zelf zal lastig worden, maar we kunnen wel heel veel aan het beloop van de ziekte doen. De boodschap is dat de behandeling nog steeds beter kan.”

    „Ik ben er niet al te optimistisch over dat er op korte termijn iets komt dat het tij kan keren”, zegt Gerard Hugenholtz, NVZA-voorzitter en ziekenhuisapotheker in het Diakonessenhuis Utrecht.

    Als er een serieuze publicatie is kan er kritisch meegekeken worden en dat vergroot de geloofwaardigheid.
  14. [verwijderd] 1 mei 2020 20:16

    MisterBlues schreef op 1 mei 2020 15:23:

    Goed dat er een publicatie komt. Ook van vooraanstaande Nederlandse apothekers hoor ik namelijk veel twijfel of er wel binnen afzienbare tijd een goede virusremmer verschijnt.
    Publicatie helaas uitgesteld. Meer vragen, te controversieel, nog wat toelichtingen, ? wie zal zeggen.

    Nog maar weer wat geduld hebben. Maandag zien we wel weer.

  15. [verwijderd] 2 mei 2020 10:07
    Nog twee video's van gisteren.

    Eerst kwam de nieuwe video van Dr. Yo uit. Waar hij een week geleden nog drie medicijnen stond te promoten, heeft hij nu zijn keuze bepaald.

    Daarnaast nog de video met Nader en Bruce. Helaas ontdaan van alle nieuwe informatie door het ophouden van het artikel (in JAMA).

    Wordt maandag vervolgd.

  16. [verwijderd] 2 mei 2020 21:40
    How local CEO navigated the choppy waters of early HIV research before his work on Covid-19

    May 1, 2020, 1:44pm PDT

    Dr. Bruce Patterson has seen this story before: A virus snakes its way into the population, killing thousands and throwing scientists headlong into the pursuit for any sort of treatment, let alone a vaccine or cure. Back during the emergence of the AIDS virus, Chicago-born-and-raised Patterson was a viral researcher in the early days of molecular biology doing the fundamental studies to figure out how the disease worked. “This isn’t my first pandemic,” he says. During this crisis, however, he is the founder and CEO of IncellDx Inc., a San Carlos-based diagnostics company that could play a major role in getting Covid-19 patients on a particular drug quickly. The company is ramping up its activities in the face of the coronavirus pandemic through its work with Vancouver-based CytoDyn Inc. and that company’s Covid drug candidate leronlimab.

    How do you describe what IncellDx does? IncellDx has 87 patents for technology that allows molecular diagnostics in a cell without destroying the cell. New sequencing technologies put cells and tissue in a blender and answer the question, “What’s there?” We know how much is there, what’s it in and how it will respond to drugs. That links to pharma because it provides context into pathways. Basically, we do personalized cellular medicine.

    What kind of timeframe are we talking about for these tests? We do what everyone does in solution but in the cell, and we get an answer in two to four hours, rather than three weeks. That makes a difference. I had a clinician tell me, “Some people with stage IV lung cancer don’t have two or three weeks to answer which therapy works for them.”

    How was the company funded? We built the company on sales, not on big money raises and venture capital. The best way was to bootstrap, quickly prototype a product, get it in the hands of thought leaders, show its significance and promise and then do strategic deals with reference labs and pharma companies. Some would argue it’s a slower path, but we got to profitability relatively quickly.

    What does your growth look like in terms of hiring? We’re looking to put people to work in areas like data entry, shipping, handling, all in support of clinical trials. When we get approval, we will need to scale massively. We will be selling these as a kit worldwide, once CytoDyn tells us where to go.

    How was it moving from academia to business? It’s one of the hardest transitions ever, but now I can tell an academic from a business person from a mile away. You have to resist the temptation to want to look at the deepest levels of mechanism when you discover something. In business, it’s how quickly you can get a provisional patent. Instead of “why is this happening?” it’s “this happens, it’s reproducible and we can make a kit out of it.”

    What’s been your most important lesson? In 1990, I was using colloidal gold in culture with HIV. It was a therapy for arthritis and it stopped the virus cold. I remember going home to my wife and saying, “I think I just locked up the Nobel Prize.” Now, I see studies where they put lice medicine in culture with Covid and it stopped the virus cold and I have flashbacks. We’ll see. I never want to dash innovation or hope, but after a while you have the experience after having worked in pandemics. The message is “the body isn’t a flask of cells.”

    What advice would you give the president on the crisis? I would say there’s a way to phase reopening based on the serologic tests. They have to use rapid serology tests that, hopefully, patients can do at home and are confirmed by more-sophisticated tests.

    Who is your mentor? My aunt (Mary Christensen). She was one of the first virologists in the 1960s and later head of virology at Children’s Memorial Hospital in Chicago when I was in virology at Northwestern University. We overlapped a few years before she retired. She could grow any virus any day in any culture and do analysis of it. She was really a trend-breaker and a leader in the field.

    What would you do if you had to change careers? I would race sailboats. It’s a chess match on water. The reason Larry Ellison and other smart people go into sailing is that it satisfies a profound intellectual urge while rolling in a physical aspect. It’s a great release: You can’t think of anything else while your body is hanging over the edge of a sailboat going 25 miles per hour and trying to figure out where to go next.

    Where is IncellDx in five years? We won’t be around. We’ll be under some other umbrella we do and be bought out and join with some larger group with a broader reach. We have a full portfolio of oncology assays on top of Covid, HPV, HIV and others. Our approach of looking at cells one at a time is being validated.

    Dr. Bruce Patterson

    CEO, IncellDx Inc.

    Education: B.S. from the University of Michigan; M.D. from Northwestern University

    The Resume: Chief resident of pathology at Northwestern Memorial Hospital; associate professor and director of diagnostic virology at Stanford University

    Reading list: I read books to escape. I love Stephen King, stories that have great character definition. It’s about getting away from it a little bit.

    Favorite restaurant: Evvia Estiatorio in Palo Alto and Coqueta in San Francisco


    HQ: San Carlos

    Employees: 20

    Founded: 2009

    What it does: Diagnostics company that quickly identifies within a cell whether a gene, for example, is there.

    Recent work: The company has focused on Covid-19 amid the pandemic, developing a companion diagnostic for CytoDyn Inc.'s leronlimab, an experimental HIV and cancer drug repurposed to treat patients with respiratory complications.

    The (New) Routine

    Patterson explained how his schedule has changed amid the pandemic:

    Less family time, but more exercising with them

    Less sailing and less working out

    Less eating as he limits grocery store visits

    More writing of research articles
  17. [verwijderd] 2 mei 2020 23:57
    Nadar Pourhassan filed an SEC Form 144 to sell 4,821,174 shares through his broker Jefferies before June 30, 2020. His stock sale is worth $15,670,668 at the 4/30/20 valuation.
    Als hij er al niet in geloofd....
  18. [verwijderd] 3 mei 2020 00:19

    lute11 schreef op 2 mei 2020 23:57:

    Als hij er al niet in geloofd....
    Als er één wel in gelooft is het Nader!!

    Maar verdiep je er eerst eens maar wat verder in voordat je dit soort dingen hier neer zet. Schrijf op z'n minst zijn naam correct...


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