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Heeft CytoDyn het ultieme anti-HIV-middel??

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  1. 13 juli 2020 18:20

    MisterBlues schreef op 13 juli 2020 17:35:

    Dit is van een zekere Mel van het Y-forum. Hij heeft gelijk: dit is de beste ‘check’ die we hebben:

    Welcome to the wonderful world of biotech. The road to approvals is rarely a straight line. Here are my takeaways from this mornings announcement.

    The Covid mild/moderate trial data is being unblinded this week. That is great news. They are also doing the safety review of the severe/critical data, which means if the data is good, they will immediately stop the placebo arm of the trial so that those patients can be given Leronlimab too. This is what we've been waiting for. Knowing what we know about the science of this drug, and the improvements patients have been experiencing, this would normally send the stock flying upwards.

    The BLA for HIV does not appear to be a major setback at all, on the contrary, they have said no additional trials are necessary. This means it's a procedural issue with the filing that needs correcting. The fact that the FDA is recommending a meeting is very, very good because those meetings are how they walk you through the application to approvals as quickly as possible. Again, people who aren't familiar with biotech may feel unsettled, but this is not bad news. It's fairly common. For example, Gilead, Roche, Genentech all received this same kind of rulings on drugs that were eventually approved.

    Dankje voor het plaatsen, inderdaad klinkt gerustellender , alleen waarom op de laatse dag een reactie vanuit de FDA.
  2. forum rang 4 MisterBlues 13 juli 2020 18:27
    quote: schreef op 13 juli 2020 18:20:


    Dankje voor het plaatsen, inderdaad klinkt gerustellender , alleen waarom op de laatse dag een reactie vanuit de FDA.
    Die vraag kan ik niet beantwoorden noch zie ik ergens op het Yahoo forum staan dat iemand daar wat achter zoekt zoals FC wel doet.

    Nog eens de feiten:

    FDA is super druk.
    Ze vragen geen nieuwe trials maar extra info.

    Een periode van 8 - 10 maanden zullen ze sowieso bezig zijn met het traject van de 'medicijn status toewijzing'. Is het dan niet zo verstandig om vooraf vast alles te vragen wat je nodig hebt als het niet helemaal duidelijk is?

    Het kan zo maar allemaal loos alarm zijn.
  3. [verwijderd] 13 juli 2020 19:36
    Biocon’s drug Itolizumab gets approval to treat Covid-19

    Biopharmaceuticals company Biocon has secured approval from the Drugs Controller General of India (DCGI) for its plaque psoriasis drug Itolizumab (ALZUMAb) for emergency use in Covid-19 patients.

    The approval is for 25mg / 5ml injection solution of the medicine to treat cytokine release syndrome (CRS) in moderate to severe acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) patients with Covid-19.

    Itolizumab is said to be the first new biologic therapy approved globally for the treatment of moderate to severe Covid-19 complications.

    The drug is an anti-CD6 IgG1 monoclonal antibody introduced in India in 2013 under the brand name ALZUMAb to treat chronic plaque psoriasis. Biocon repurposed the drug for the treatment of CRS associated with Covid-19.

    Itolizumab’s acts via immunomodulation. It binds to the CD6 receptor and blocks the activation of T lymphocytes, in turn suppressing the pro-inflammatory cytokines and decreasing the cytokine storm and inflammatory response.

    Biocon executive chairperson Kiran Mazumdar-Shaw said: “Itolizumab’s unique mechanism of action made it an ideal candidate for treating the ‘cytokine storm’, which is a leading cause of death in Covid-19 patients.

    “ALZUMAb has a seven-year proven track record of safety as doctors in India have been prescribing this biologic to treat acute psoriasis and ensure a better quality of life for patients and now we will be able to save many critically ill Covid-19 patients with our drug."

    Een test met 30 personen in Covid-19. Twintig kregen Itolizumab, 10 placebo. Van de 20 patiënten ging er niemand dood. Meer bijwerkingen dan Leronlimab.

  4. forum rang 4 MisterBlues 14 juli 2020 08:17
    Puntsgewijze samenvatting van de afgelopen Cydy-meeting door een TC van YF:

    3.7000-1.0300 (-21.78%)
    At close: July 13 3:59PM EDT

    10 hours ago
    Today’s call w/ mgmt…
    CFO, CEO, CBDO, CTO, SVP Clinical Ops for CRO (Amarex) attending.
    - Explaining letter from FDA about BLA (RTF letter)
    - 2018 hit endpoints
    - 2019 agreed with FDA on rolling review on higher dose 700 mg dose and FDA wanted monotherapy trial to enroll on 700 mg dose, which they achieved by October 2019
    - CYDY felt application was completed for BLA
    - Agency felt application not complete (RTF letter) which provided detailed information (clear information) about what is needed to cure the problem

    - Have opportunity for TypeA meeting to reach alignment with FDA
    - FDA used great detail about what they need, and CYDY will work on quickly and without trial (to reach detail they require)
    - Confident in a position to get the FDA what they need. This will be a minor set back. They mostly need things for 1 module of clinical and a few minor things in manufacturing filing.

    Dr. N. Ray update on manufacturing
    - Nobody in the world is more familiar with manufacturing this.
    - He will speak to the RTF on manufacturing
    - The FDA is not related to product but rather the devices they propose in the commercial packaging. FDA wants name of manufacturers of needles, syringes and test done was missing supposedly, but it was there in two sections. The manuf. of syringes and needles are inserted in their original packages and inserted into the CYDY commercial packaging. They need to understand this. This is self-injection at-home, so the information is on the original manufactures packages, and the FDA missed this.
    Dr. Kush Dotie (sp?)
    - From the CRO. Clinical section comments. Critical components is related for the fact that they are looking for 700 mg dose which was tested in the Monotherapy trial. Whereas the trials in multi-product for heavily treated patients was for 350 mg dose. FDA was additional analysis to be performed on the ongoing CD-03 trial which is trialing both 350 mg dose vs. 700 mg dose for an integrated comparison of efficacy and safety. Have completed all the treatments for all 500 subjects in the study. So we are in a strong position to address all the comments from the agency. Ongoing patients only in the follow-up. Initial study ended in June 2020, and all the items are available to be provided to the FDA.
    - Non-Clinical – no comments
    - Manufacturing – comments about syringes
    - Clinical – need comparison of doses analysis
    Unblind data in CD10 this week – most likely Thursday or Friday. Announce results next week once bio-statisticians done with their review.

    Dr. Kelly – licensing partnering etc. Talking to 5 worldwide pharma companies as well as companies in Brazil, Middle East, Africa and Asia.
    Dr. Brown was the first practitioners to reach a cure. Hoping to use Leron with patient with HIV patient with cancer getting a bone marrow transplant in order to cure the HIV.
    CFO – working diligently on uplifting. Earlier today, completed submission of multi-part application for NASDAQ. CYDY raised $50M in first 6 months. $42M has come from warrants. $12M in warrant exercises in June alone.
    No issue on $4 stock at uplist time – no problem
    On $3 stock price at time of uplist – still meet the net tangible asset standard
  5. forum rang 4 MisterBlues 14 juli 2020 08:25
    This post will address the RTR/RTF SOP issued by FDA
    and its nature. If you are interested in actual SOP language from the FDA's SOPP 8404, read below:

    is a very political thing. Remember in the old days, applicants used to file applications, FDA would accept them for review, and then there would an endless cycle of deficiency letters, responses, new deficiencies, etc. In fact, some files went through years of review, answers, supplementation, etc. That is because applicants didn't pay big user fees nor did FDA have review targets.

    Fast Forward: Congress mandates that FDA have goal dates/target action dates, etc. And the new statutes require a company to get a full complete response versus piecemeal reviews based on the underlying discipline. We know that when a company gets a CRL (complete response letters), investors get spooked into wrongfully thinking that the FDA has categorically and finally rejected the file (that is, the file will never get approved), and finally disapproved. Not the case. The CRL simply replaced the old deficiency letter (major, minor, telephone amendment) system. Also, congress has strict goal dates put in.

    FDA's CBER SOPP 8404 clearly states that FDA will err on the side of issuing an RTF: "RTF is an important regulatory tool to help CBER avoid unnecessary review of incomplete applications and supplements. Incomplete submissions can lead to multiple-cycle reviews and inefficient use of CBER resources and may also delay the review of more complete submissions from other applicants."

    Now, if the FDA has accepted a file for review, put it into the formal review queue, but then pummel the company with CRL's, it has two effects. First, the FDA can get tagged with not meeting its goal date; something the Commissioner has to answer for in its annual report to Congress. Remember, once FDA starts teh review because the file is accepted, the FDA clock starts. Also, it hurts the company because the nature of the CRL would be out of the blue.

    Starting years ago and in fact FDA created new Guidance in 2017, that continues to tighten the incoming filing requirements so that the file is not even accepted. For FDA, this means the 6 month/10 month review clock doesn't even start because there is no file yet that is in queue. So by bouncing files at the outset, it tells the company that it needs to do some additional things. This is, in fact, a first review, albeit informal review. It tells the applicant that FDA wants X, Y, or Z.

    I would rather have FDA tell me that first, versus hitting me with a CRL later on, when the market/investors/company is getting primed for approvals instead of rejections.

    I can tell you that big and small companies get RTR/RTF's. BMS/Bluebird just one a RTF/RTR. Years ago, Roche got one on herceptin (which is now a multi billion dollar drug).

    Why get a RTR/RTF? I have specific experience. Sometimes the data packet is not in the right form. For example, the file has line charts, but FDA wants bar charts and raw data tables. Sometimes, documents are submitted in the foreign language but no translation (believing that the translation was not needed per se or yet). I have seen foreign companies file in English, but it's bad English grammar (think Ching-lish, Ind-lish, Kor-lish). Other times, the data tables do not yet include the raw data or the methodology. These are correctable.

    Other times, you see that the deficiency is major like not enough data, new patients needed, etc. Now, what's the likelihood that if CYDY was availing itself of the pre-submission meetings to understand what clinicals would be needed, that it didn't do the needed clinicals?

    FDA's CBER SOPP 8404 states the various (general) reasons for a RTF, and you will see they are correctable:

    "Policy A. RTF decisions are made on submissions that do not, on their face, contain information required under section 351 of the Public Health Service Act; the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FD&C Act); or in the FDA regulations (e.g., § 601.2 for BLA and §314.50 for NDA). RTF decisions can therefore be based on findings such as:
    (1) Administrative incompleteness, such as clear omission of information or sections of required information;
    (2) Scientific incompleteness, such as omission of critical data, information or analyses needed to evaluate safety, purity and potency or provide adequate directions for use; and
    (3) Inadequate content, presentation, or organization of information such that substantive and meaningful review is precluded, such as illegibility; failure to translate portions of the application into English; data tabulations (line listings) or graphical displays that are uninterpretable; failure to reference the location of individual data and records in summary reports; absence of protocols for clinical trials; omission of critical statistical analyses or the analysis of a study as planned in the protocol (as opposed to a different, post-hoc analysis)
  6. forum rang 4 MisterBlues 14 juli 2020 09:50
    Ik ga bijkopen als de koers weer laag in de 3 komt, vandaag of morgen. Ik denk dat we vrijdag of volgende week weer in de lift zitten. Fundamenteel is er niets veranderd.

    Mocht later blijken dat ik een goede move heb gedaan dan krijgen alle regelmatige posters van dit forum van mij een gratis kaartje voor :-):

    Rijksmuseum Boerhaave te Leiden

    Zijne Majesteit Koning Willem-Alexander opent de tentoonstelling Besmet! op donderdag 16 juli in Rijksmuseum Boerhaave in Leiden. De tentoonstelling gaat over de uitbraken van besmettelijke ziekten en hoe die het leven kunnen ontwrichten. Ook sluit de tentoonstelling aan bij de recente uitbraak van het coronavirus en bij de maatschappelijke discussie over de vaccinatiegraad.
  7. 14 juli 2020 15:56

    MisterBlues schreef op 14 juli 2020 09:50:

    Ik ga bijkopen als de koers weer laag in de 3 komt, vandaag of morgen. Ik denk dat we vrijdag of volgende week weer in de lift zitten. Fundamenteel is er niets veranderd.

    Mocht later blijken dat ik een goede move heb gedaan dan krijgen alle regelmatige posters van dit forum van mij een gratis kaartje voor :-):

    Rijksmuseum Boerhaave te Leiden

    Zijne Majesteit Koning Willem-Alexander opent de tentoonstelling Besmet! op donderdag 16 juli in Rijksmuseum Boerhaave in Leiden. De tentoonstelling gaat over de uitbraken van besmettelijke ziekten en hoe die het leven kunnen ontwrichten. Ook sluit de tentoonstelling aan bij de recente uitbraak van het coronavirus en bij de maatschappelijke discussie over de vaccinatiegraad.

    Geweldig leuke actie Misterblues !
    Ik betaal het kaartje graag zelf , als Cytodyn niet meer laag in de drie komt vandaag of morgen wat ik hoop :).
    Ik zit er qua aandelen vol in.

    Mijn alias is tevens mijn mail adres.
    Per ongeluk verkeerd met inschrijven maar toch wel handig .

    Aandeel nu 3,95.
  8. forum rang 4 MisterBlues 14 juli 2020 18:02
    quote: schreef op 14 juli 2020 15:56:


    Geweldig leuke actie Misterblues !
    Ik betaal het kaartje graag zelf , als Cytodyn niet meer laag in de drie komt vandaag of morgen wat ik hoop :).
    Ik zit er qua aandelen vol in.

    Mijn alias is tevens mijn mail adres.
    Per ongeluk verkeerd met inschrijven maar toch wel handig .

    Aandeel nu 3,95.
    Klein plukkie bijgekocht, lage 4.

    CytoDyn Inc -OTCQB- $ 4,62 0,92 24,86 %

    Het gaat weer als een pijl. Recht zo die gaat. Maandag a.s. weten we al wat meer waar dit aandeel heengaat. De sterren of de modder. De dood of de gladiolen. 0 of 1.
  9. forum rang 4 nb 14 juli 2020 20:27
    ludieke actie, MB, erg leuk. actueel ook.
    ik weet nog niet wat ik doe, de rest verkopen of laten gaan...
  10. forum rang 4 MisterBlues 15 juli 2020 19:32
    Copied from another discussion from a guy in health care:

    The just released results for the MAB being studied in India, Itolizumab, were extremely encouraging on roughly 20 severe/critical patients. Virtually all of them got better while I believe at least three people in the control group died. My MD friends tell me the Indian trial was very well done from a clincal/scientific basis. On Thursday or Friday of this week, the data from Leronlimab's two trials for mild to moderate and severe/critical will be un-blinded so it will be interesting to see how those numbers look. There is a camp that thinks the numbers will be great, and there is a camp that does not want that drug to be approved for a number of reasons.

    If the Leronlimab numbers look good, there will be some pressure for the FDA to approve it despite the big pharma politics. I know there are going to be US trials starting on Itolizumab very soon given these encouraging results. One difference between Ito and Leron is that Leron works on CCR5 which is up the food chain in terms of regulation from the receptors that Ito works on which, in theory, would make it superior. Both appear to reduce viral loads almost to zero after 14 days unlike Remdesivir which unfortunately, despite all the hype from CNBC et al, has not been shown to reduce viral loads.

    IMHO, it's these MAB's that will be the difference maker with Covid as I don't think we'll see a vaccine anytime soon. We should know more about all this pretty quickly. If you want more info on these MAB's there are two docs on YouTube that do a good job explaining this - Dr. Been and Dr. Ram Yogendra. Ram goes by "Dr. Yo." Their videos are very interesting and well done if you want to check them out.
  11. [verwijderd] 16 juli 2020 08:53
    CytoDyn Files Application with Nasdaq for Uplist

    VANCOUVER, Washington, July 15, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- CytoDyn Inc. (OTC.QB: CYDY), (“CytoDyn” or the “Company”), a late-stage biotechnology company developing leronlimab (PRO 140), a CCR5 antagonist with the potential for multiple therapeutic indications, announced today it recently filed a comprehensive listing application package with The Nasdaq Stock Market to request an uplisting of the Company’s common stock. The Company believes it satisfies the initial listing requirements for The Nasdaq Capital Market®.

    Nader Pourhassan, Ph.D., President and Chief Executive Officer of CytoDyn, commented: “While we realize the regulatory review of our application to uplist to Nasdaq will take several weeks, we believe the Company is well positioned for success. As we advance the evaluation of our drug, leronlimab, including the upcoming results of the COVID-19 trials, we believe a listing on Nasdaq will enhance shareholder value by providing our shareholders with improved liquidity and by giving us greater access to the capital markets, which will allow us to achieve our objective of bringing leronlimab to market.”
  12. forum rang 4 nb 16 juli 2020 12:31
    we gaan het zien. Ik hou toch maar even vast
    Bedankt FC
  13. forum rang 4 MisterBlues 17 juli 2020 08:31
    Beleggers lijken weer vertrouwen te krijgen. Gisteren weer 7% meer koop dan verkoop.

    Het mooiste zou zijn als we komende maandag horen dat de placebo-patiënten nu ook Leronlimab krijgen.

    Gebeurt dat niet dan bouw ik mijn positie weer ten delen af. Want echt harde bewijzen zijn er nog steeds niet, dit ondanks - of juist dankzij - het feit dat ze zoveel ijzers in het vuur hebben. De ‘BLA-fouten’ helpen ook niet mee.

    Het slagen van de uplisting Nasdaq valt of staat met Covid-19 gecompileerde gegevensuitslagen.

    Graag een weerwoord.

    Fijn weekend!
  14. Sub!et 17 juli 2020 10:22

    MisterBlues schreef op 17 juli 2020 08:31:

    Graag een weerwoord.

    Fijn weekend!

    Volg je hierin.
    Er is in de afgelopen maanden nog geen rustig moment geweest .
    Terwijl anderen een zucht nodig hebben om vol de wind in de zeilen te krijgen we hier telkens de wind tegen.
    Er zijn zeer hoge verwachtingen ,maar heb vaak het gevoel dat het niet mag.
    Het doet mij denken dat dit een uitgelezen verhaal voor een film is.
    De gedachte dat er teveel op spel staat, er zijn een enorm prestige en massa $ te rapen.
    Zullen we ooit weten hoe de mach(t)inatie werkt ? Wie , wat , hoe ?
    Zal Cydy een eerlijke kans krijgen?
    De anderen naderen ondertussen snel mbt vaccin.

    Komt er nog bij dat, toen die 10$ piek er kwam, ik in bespreking was voor een alarmsysteem ,omdat een stel onverlaten het nodig vonden al mijn machines te moeten stelen uit mijn werkwagen. Had leuk geweest eens wat winst te kunnen nemen. Kan de centen goed gebruiken.

    Have a nice day

  15. forum rang 4 MisterBlues 17 juli 2020 21:44
    We gaan het maandag vast ten delen horen. Er is een interview ingepland door Nader met Patterson op de komende maandag om nog eens alles rond leronlimab wetenschappelijk op een rijtje te zetten. Zoiets doe je niet als je slecht nieuws hebt te vertellen want dan maak je je zelf belachelijk.

    Maandag krijgen we zeker een voorproefje! Fijn weekend! (Het komt denk ik goed met je centen @subiet!)
  16. 17 juli 2020 21:53
    Dank MB, voor je schrijven en alle anderen!
    Spannende tijden, ik zou zelf niet voor een vaccin kiezen nu, maar eerder een behandeling als ik het virus op zou lopen.
    Goed weekend!
  17. Fortuno 18 juli 2020 09:42
    WAT een achtbaan! Het uur der waarheid nadert. Nu ja, voor Covid-19 dan.
    NP stond in het laatste Proactive interview op springen. Wat zal hij blij zijn als hij de positieve resultaten eindelijk met de wereld kan delen!
    Dat hij weet dat de resultaten positief zullen zijn, is overduidelijk. Hoe goed exact? Daar zijn ze nu mee bezig.

    Dit Is een onwaarschijnlijk goede belegging.

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