Ronald Engels schreef op 7 september 2019 22:39:
Forumleden Klimaat discussie ter informatie Reactie aan:
Geachte heer Syp Wynia, volledig akkoord met U, met grote zekerheid is Man-made CO2 Global Warming puur bedrog van United Nations, IPCC en wereldregeringen, in verband hiermede mijn commentaar geplaats recentelijk op Seeking Alpha:
Nobody ever talks about it, except The Report of the Club of Rome 1972, who did not speak at all about CO2, but could it be that the 6 biilion people and possibly as much more animals we added since 1860 on our planet, all producing and consuming energy and food and as such about 65 % of all this energy/food is converted into only warm & heat radiation/induction heat and that this is somewhat heating up our Planet Earth.
Just for information the energy use now of all 7.8 billion people on this planet is approximately similar to about 120.000 Terrawatt per year, which is about only "ONE HOUR" of the energy produced and send to Planet Earth by our "ALLMIGHTY SUN".
This is about 0.0114 % of the Suns energy produced in one year, produced radiation and induction heat by all now living 7.8 billion people per year, now living on this planet earth and its animals.
Since 8.000 years the TSI, Total Solar Irradiance of our Sun has dropped from about 1370 Watt/M2 (8.000 years ago) to about 1361 Watt/M2 (2018), this is a drop of only about 0.65 % of our Suns energy output, due to mainly the continuously changing Milankovitch Cycles of Planet Earth around our Sun and in the next 40.000 years the TSI, Total Solar Irradiance of our Sun will drop to about 1335-1330 Watt/M2 or about another 2 %, so whether we like it or not, since 8.000 years our planet earth has cooled by about 2.4 Degrees Celcius and will probably drop at least about 6 to 8 Degrees Celcius more in the next 40.000 years as per the continuous changing Milankovitch Cycles.
At best more CO2, CH4, NOx and other chemical based greenhouse gasses about a maximum of 2.6 % of all greenhouse gasses, when including 97.4 % H2O (water vapor) in the 100 % greenhouse gasses equation in our lower atmosphere, can maybe possibly and hopefully increase planet`s earth Global Warming temperature by about 0.05 degrees celcius, when being very optimistic.
As such this whole CO2 Global Warming Media & Governments Hysteria is a huge joke, unbelievable that Scientists are so unwise and NOAA, NASA, IPCC, UNITED NATIONS, all Governments of this world are so unwise to get involved in the most non-scientifique, non-proven Global Warming CO2 and Climate Change discussion ever, unbelievable for Engineers like myself.
How more can all these so-called authorities "RIDICULE" themselves and never being taken serious anymore!
Sorry for the Scientifique Community, who would have ever believed, that they would fall into this "personal and financial funding interest Trap"
Best Regards, from Hulst, the Netherlands.