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  1. -PR- 28 maart 2006 12:20
    Afgaande op bovenstaande bericht is Austalië op dit moment 'the place to be'.

    - Een komende deal met China voor levering van Uranium.

    - Een bezoek van Austalische officials aan India om hen te bewegen het non-proliferatie verdrag te laten teken zodat ook zij Australisch Uranium kunnen gaan afnemen.

    - Aandelen die sterk bewegen door de bovenstaande nieuwsfeiten [...[Dow Jones] Talk including by PM John Howard that Australia and China could sign agreement covering use, exploration of uranium fueling extension of powerful rally among companies in sector. Energy Resources of Australia (ERA.AX) adds 2%, while Deep Yellow (DYL.AX) soars 26%, Energy Metals (EME.AX) jumps 9% as does Toro (TOE.AX). Marathon (MTN.AX) rises 8.5%, Hindmarsh (HMR.AX) leaps 10%, Summit (SMM.AX) posts yet another fresh high in adding 14%. Paladin (PDN.AX) rally runs out of puff, its down 1.2%. (RCB)

    Contact us in Sydney. 61 2 8235 2950; ...]

    - En de uranium spot prijs die maar blijft gaan en gaan en gaan (Duracell ;) nu al $ 40,50 volgens UX.

  2. faites-vos-jeux 28 maart 2006 19:33
    strookt met het beeld dat -PR- schetst (alleen is koersdoel maar 1 Austr. dollar boven huidige koers):

    UBS Ups ERA To Buy After US, India Pact

    Tuesday, March 07, 2006 5:41:19 PM ET
    Dow Jones Newswires

    UBS upgrades ERA (ERA.AU) to Buy from Neutral after share price falls 15% since Feb. 1 and after U.S. moves to supply nuclear technology, fuel to India. Along with pending Australian deal to supply to China "should be seen as positive." Keeps target of A$14.85 vs last A$12.00.(MCE)
  3. [verwijderd] 28 maart 2006 20:37
    Ik ben er nog steeds niet uit wat ik moet doen. Volgens jullie is dit dus een goede belegging voor de komende jaren. Ik wil 3 posities aankopen. Zijn afzonderlijke aandelen beter of is een tracker beter. Welke 3 adviseren jullie mij.
    Ik wil ook 3 in teerzand aankopen, dus als jullie daar goede ideeen over hebben, ook graag. Alvast bedankt voor jullie hulp.
  4. faites-vos-jeux 28 maart 2006 22:35
    3 uranium aandelen dat is een boel en ook nog 3 x teerzand; of was dat voor een fictieve portefeuille? als het voor echt bedoeld is zou ik zeggen beter 1 x teerzand en 2 gewone olieaandelen
  5. [verwijderd] 28 maart 2006 22:58

    faitesvosjeux schreef:

    3 uranium aandelen dat is een boel en ook nog 3 x teerzand; of was dat voor een fictieve portefeuille? als het voor echt bedoeld is zou ik zeggen beter 1 x teerzand en 2 gewone olieaandelen
    Het gaat niet om aantallen, het gaat om bedragen tov de totale porto. Daarnaast is diversificatie leuk, maar als je helig gelooft in een strategie, dan is dat met een korrel zout te nemen.
    Ik investeer maar in 2 zaken. De bulk van het geld gaat in commodities en de rest in emerging markets (met name Azie en Oost-Europa).
    Uiteraard wel in heel veel verschillende bedrijven.
  6. -PR- 29 maart 2006 11:27
    Je moet in een portefeuille altijd een mate van spreiding aanhouden. Als je alles op een paard zet dan zul je net zien dat ie de finish niet haalt en je kunt fluiten naar je centen.
    Zelf probeer ik altijd een evenwichtige spreiding in mijn portefeuille aan te houden.

    Mijn portefeuille (verdeeld in sectoren of geografie)
    Spreiding top 5

    1. 24,69% Resources
    2. 16.81% Europa
    3. 08,78% Transport
    4. 07,61% Water
    5. 07,35% Industrie

    (Europa bestaat uit verschillende beleggingsfondsen zowel de gehele regio als individuele landenfondsen. Voor Europa telt Oost Europa en Rusland mee.)

    Omdat ik in Uranium geloof de komende jaren kan de toppositie nog groter worden, maar bij 33% ligt voor mij toch wel de lat omdat het anders te onevenwichtig wordt.

  7. -PR- 29 maart 2006 13:11
    Volgens onderstaande bericht bestaat er een kans dat er in Australië een 4e producerende mijn wordt toegestaan. Het betreft de Honeymoon mijn van SXR Uranium One. En dat is uiteraard goed nieuws voor SXR Uranium One. (zie onderstaande 2 nieuwsberichten)

    SXR Uranium One is gisteren gesloten op CAD 8,40 -0,59% (dat is 80.65% hoger dan een jaar geleden, en 3,70% hoger dan twee jaar geleden.)
    Nieuwsbericht is van vandaag. Mogelijk een flinke koerssprong vandaag....

    DJ AUSTRALIA WATCH: China Syndrome Fires Three Mines Debate

    By Owen Brown

    A Dow Jones Newswires Column

    SYDNEY (Dow Jones)--With some irony, Prime Minister John Howards confirmation Tuesday that Australia is poised to sign a uranium export treaty with China coincided with the 27th anniversary of the Three Mile Island incident in the U.S.

    The partial meltdown at the U.S. power plant almost three decades ago helped to popularize the term China Syndrome, a nightmare scenario in which an overheated reactor core supposedly burns through the earth until it emerges on the other side of the world.

    A visit from this weekend by Premier Wen Jiabao, Chinas third-ranked leader, is generating similarly superheated debate about Australias uranium export policy.

    Australia and China are expected to sign treaties that allow uranium sales to Chinese nuclear plants and also permit Chinese resource companies to explore for uranium within Australia.

    The prospect of increased exports to China has boosted expectations that Australian will ultimately approve new uranium mine projects, ending the long standing three mines policy.

    But anti-nuclear campaigners are incensed by a treaty that will permit exports to a nuclear-armed country that struggles to meet its international obligations ranging from trade to human rights and which belligerently threatens the island democracy of Taiwan.

    The prospect of increased demand from China has already triggered a surge in the stocks of several listed uranium exploration companies.

    For example, shares in Toro Energy Ltd. (TOE.AX) issued at A$0.25, debuted Friday at A$0.86 cents and peaked at A$1.495 Tuesday.

    Pressure On Three Mines Policy

    Australias uranium reserves are the worlds largest but government policy allows for only three mines - Ranger in the Northern Territory, owned by Energy Resources of Australia Ltd. (ERA.AX), a unit of global miner Rio Tinto Plc. (RIO.L), hree uranium mines are BHP Billitons (BHP.AX) Olympic Dam mine in South Australia, Energy Resources of Australia Ltd.s (ERA.AX) Ranger mine in the Northern Territory and Heathgate Resources Beverley mine in South Australia.

    Through those mines Australia exports more than 11,000 metric tonnes of uranium oxide a year to 11 approved countries including the U.S., the U.K. and France.

    BHPs application for a massive expansion of Roxby Downs, already the worlds largest uranium mine, alone could meet the expected demand from China and India, a country also seeking supplies from Australia but currently barred by its failure to sign the nuclear nonproliferation treaty.

    Despite the chance of oversupply, Australian companies are keen to jump on the China sales bandwagon.

    Phillip Sutherland, Chief Executive of the South Australian Chambers of Mines & Energy, said up to 15 companies are exploring for uranium in the state, with any agreement with China likely to spur further activity.

    "We are going to see certainly a lot more activity on the exploration front in the uranium game," Sutherland told Dow Jones Newswires.

    Such a prospect might entice one of the state Premiers including recently re-elected Mike Rann in South Australia to break Labor ranks and campaign for additional mines and in so doing end the existing three mines policy.

    But Ian Hore-Lacy, general manager of the Uranium Information Center, said with Chinas annual demand for uranium predicted to grow in the next 15 years to just 8,000 tonnes from 1,500 tonnes, it is unlikely that additional capacity from new mines will be required.

    "It isnt an instant bonanza for us," Hore-Lacy told Dow Jones Newswires.

    But even if the demand from China isnt sufficient to spur the opening of new mines, the sales agreement might at least prompt a reopening of the three-mines debate.

    "I think its a catalyst," Hore-Lacy said. "But it isnt going to be a major influence."

    David Noonan, nuclear campaigner for the Australian Conservation Foundation, an environmental lobby group, is opposed to the export agreement with China as a fundamental change in a policy that previously limited uranium sales to open, democratic countries.

    Noonan said the Australian publics acceptance of uranium exports to countries such as the U.K. wont necessarily extend to supplying authoritarian state.

    "It (China) isnt a transparent society in the way the U.K. is," Noonan told Dow Jones Newswires.
    (Ray Brindal in Canberra contributed to this column)


    Fourth Australian Uranium Mine Should Be Approved June

    By Matt Chambers

    MELBOURNE (Dow Jones)--Australias fourth uranium mine is likely to be approved in June by Canadas SXR Uranium One Inc. (SXR.TO) and could be in production next year, as prices of the nuclear fuel soar and China readies to buy from Australia.

    Drilling at SXR Uraniums Honeymoon project in South Australia state is going well and directors are expected to sign off on the fully-permitted mine in June, a source familiar with the situation said late Tuesday.

    Production could start within 18 months of the decision, the source told Dow Jones Newswires.

    Honeymoon had previously been shelved because of rising construction costs but a revised mine plan and skyrocketing uranium prices now look like making the 880,000 pounds, or 400 metric tons, a year project viable.

    Adding to the appeal of uranium prices which have risen fourfold in the past three years is an upcoming nuclear treaty between energy-hungry China and Australia, which is expected to open new export markets for Australian uranium.

    Resource Capital Research analyst John Wilson, who covers Australias uranium industry, agreed Honeymoon is likely to get approval.

    "Everything were learning about Honeymoon is encouraging and from the sentiment it looks like it will go ahead," Sydney-based Wilson said. "Were hearing its likely to be approved."

    Australia currently exports all output from its three existing uranium mines and Prime Minister John Howard said this week that an agreement to export more of the nuclear fuel to China could be signed as early as next week, during a visit by Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao.

    New exports are primarily expected to come from an expansion at BHP Billitons (BHP.AX) Olympic Dam mine in South Australia, which sits atop the worlds biggest uranium deposit.

    SXR Uranium wasnt available for comment on the mine or whether it has contracts to sell its uranium. The company has previously said it will make a decision on whether to mine at Honeymoon mid-2006.

    "I assume SXR has been talking to people. I know a lot of people are talking to the Chinese, so I dont think theyll have any trouble finding a buyer if they havent already," Wilson said.

    Honeymoon is about a tenth the size of Olympic Dam, which is expected to more than treble uranium out
  8. -PR- 29 maart 2006 13:15
    Honeymoon is about a tenth the size of Olympic Dam, which is expected to more than treble uranium output to 15,000 tons a year from 4,000 tons a year. BHP will likely start reaping production from the expansion around 2011.

    In 2004 a study on Honeymoon estimated startup costs would be US$24.5 million.

    The two other operating Australian mines are Rio Tinto PLC (RIO.L) subsidiary Energy Resources of Australia Ltd.s (ERA.AX) Ranger mine in the Northern Territory and Heathgate Resources Beverley mine in South Australia.

    ERA is expected to hold talks this year with indigenous communities about the possible development of the Jabiluka uranium mine in the Northern Territorys Kakadu National Park.

    Ranger, currently Australias biggest uranium mine, produced nearly 6,000 tons of uranium last year and the much smaller Beverley mine produces about 580 tons a year.

    Spot prices of uranium are currently at US$40.50 a pound, driven higher as the U.S., China, India and Russia plan more nuclear power plants and as reactor stockpiles dwindle.

    Uranium prices may rise as high as US$54 a pound this year and to US$58 a pound in 2007, Wilson said.

    "The fundamentals in the industry are strengthening," Wilson said. "There have been 15 new power plants applied for in the U.S. since just before Christmas, so there is a lot of potential new demand for uranium."

    Each new reactor needs about 600,000 pounds of uranium a year and world mine output only covers about 60% of current reactor demand.

    -By Matt Chambers, Dow Jones Newswires;


    -Edited by Graham Morgan

    (END) Dow Jones Newswires
  9. faites-vos-jeux 29 maart 2006 21:04
    ik moet bekennen dat ik ook sterk "overwogen" ben in resources, vooral olie

    ik heb even gedacht in "Energy Resources of Australia" (ERA) te stappen, maar het is moeilijk daarover broker rapporten te vinden, behalve dat UBS, die de grondstoffen goed volgen, ERA op "koop" heeft en Cameco op "houden"

    gewoon BHP Billiton (bij)kopen is waarschijnlijk nog het verstandigst (zeg ik ook richting Edje)

    ML die BHP op koop heeft staan, heeft een koersdoel van 11,50 pond (dat wordt dus geen 40% dit jaar Postzak!)

    nog een leuke quote uit een Australisch artikel van 28/3:

    Shaw Stockbroking mining analyst John Colnan said BHP Billiton's massive Olympic Dam mine in South Australia, which holds the world' largest uranium deposit, was the pick of the yellowcake producers.

    "The rest of it is just reminiscent of dotcom days," he said.
  10. [verwijderd] 29 maart 2006 21:15

    faitesvosjeux schreef:

    ik moet bekennen dat ik ook sterk "overwogen" ben in resources, vooral olie

    ik heb even gedacht in "Energy Resources of Australia" (ERA) te stappen, maar het is moeilijk daarover broker rapporten te vinden, behalve dat UBS, die de grondstoffen goed volgen, ERA op "koop" heeft en Cameco op "houden"

    gewoon BHP Billiton (bij)kopen is waarschijnlijk nog het verstandigst (zeg ik ook richting Edje)

    ML die BHP op koop heeft staan, heeft een koersdoel van 11,50 pond (dat wordt dus geen 40% dit jaar Postzak!)

    nog een leuke quote uit een Australisch artikel van 28/3:

    Shaw Stockbroking mining analyst John Colnan said BHP Billiton's massive Olympic Dam mine in South Australia, which holds the world' largest uranium deposit, was the pick of the yellowcake producers.

    "The rest of it is just reminiscent of dotcom days," he said.
    Om geld binnen de porto vrij te maken heb ik BHP enkele dagen geleden verkocht...
  11. -PR- 31 maart 2006 09:08
    In Australia ontstaat steeds meer support voor een deal met China omtrent Uranium:


    Australia's Labor To Support Uranium Pact With China

    CANBERRA (Dow Jones)--A uranium supply agreement that could be signed with China in coming days will be supported by Australias opposition Labor Party as long as it includes tough safeguards, resources spokesman Martin Ferguson said Friday.

    "Labor has always expressed its support for Australian uranium sales to China provided it remains a signatory to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty and enters into a bilateral safeguards agreement to guarantee the peaceful use of Australian uranium and the safe disposal of waste materials," Ferguson told a uranium conference in Adelaide.

    Fergusons remarks didnt directly address Labors restrictive policy on opening new uranium mines within Australia.

    Australia holds almost two-fifths of the worlds known uranium reserves but so far only three mines are operational with a fourth preparing to begin production.

    In the speech entitled "Australias Pivotal Role in the Global Nuclear Cycle," Ferguson clearly regards a uranium-rich future for Australia underpinned by long-term expansion of local production and export sales.

    Prime Minister John Howard said Thursday negotiations that could pave the way for uranium exports to China were "going well".

    Any agreement will be strictly in accordance with Australias long-standing adherence to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty to which China is a signatory, he added.

    Chinas Premier Wen Jiabao arrives in Australia at the weekend amid heightened expectations the two countries will sign an export agreement.

    Ferguson said there is widespread and growing understanding in Australia about how important the nations uranium resources are to the world as part of the solution to energy security and climate change fears.

    "We are beginning to understand that because of this Australia has a global leadership role to play in making the worlds nuclear industry safer and more secure, and in protecting us against nuclear proliferation," he said.

    Prime Minister Howard has also left the door open for a possible change of Australias uranium exports policy to allow sales to India, even though that country is yet to sign the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.

    But Ferguson suggested such a move wouldnt have opposition support, telling the conference that a policy restricting uranium sales only to countries that are signatories to the treaty and with whom it has bilateral safeguards agreements has served Australia well for 30 years.

    As the worlds second biggest supplier of uranium, Australia cant have one set of rules for some countries and another set for others, Ferguson said.

    A soft approach on nuclear non-proliferation will lead to a less secure world and potentially set back the peaceful use of nuclear technology for decades, he added.

    A delegation of Australian bureaucrats will travel shortly to India and the U.S. to investigate a U.S.-India agreement covering the peaceful use of nuclear energy.

    Although the agreement doesnt compel India to sign the nuclear non-proliferation and comprehensive test ban treaties, it will open its civilian nuclear industry to international inspection.

    -By Ray Brindal, Dow Jones Newswires, 612 6208 0902;

    -Edited by Owen Brown

    (END) Dow Jones Newswires

  12. -PR- 31 maart 2006 09:40
    Ook het FD heeft de koersexplosie en potentie van Uranium in de gaten gekregen.


    Toename kernenergie stuwt uranium

    Weinig grondstoffen hebben het de laatste jaren zo goed gedaan als uranium . In vijf jaar tijd is de prijs verzesvoudigd en volgens analisten is het einde van de rally nog lang niet in zicht. 'Tsjernobyl is alweer lang geleden.'

    AMSTERDAM - De schrik zat er goed in. Toen Rusland in januari plots de gaskraan naar Oekraïne dichtdraaide, bleek de druk in het gasnetwerk in grote delen van Europa fors af te nemen. Meteen werd het iedereen duidelijk dat de Europese afhankelijkheid van Russische energie wel erg groot is.

    Landen als Frankrijk en Finland zagen in de situatie een bevestiging dat de plannen om hun nucleaire energievoorziening uit te breiden een goede keuze is geweest. En hetzelfde gold voor Zwitserland, dat besloten had zijn kerncentrales niet te sluiten maar te moderniseren.

    In het Verre Oosten zijn landen als China, Zuid-Korea, Japan en India al langere tijd op zoek naar manieren om hun afhankelijkheid van olie uit Rusland en landen in het Midden-Oosten te reduceren. In die landen wordt de nucleaire capaciteit dan ook fors uitgebreid. Dat ze tegelijkertijd de uitstoot van broeikasgassen flink beperken, wordt gezien als mooi meegenomen.

    Nu al wordt niet minder dan een zesde van de wereldwijd gebruikte elektriciteit door kerncentrales opgewekt. Volgens het Internationaal Atoomagentschap zijn er op dit moment dertig nieuwe centrales in aanbouw en zitten er nog zeker honderd in de pijplijn voor 2020. Als die allemaal gebouwd worden, neemt het aantal kerncentrales in de wereld met bijna een derde toe.

    'Kernenergie heeft zich bewezen als het enige echte alternatief voor fossiele brandstoffen', zegt Cees Quirijns, analist bij Theodoor Gilissen Bankiers. 'Natuurlijk zijn er allerlei veiligheidsrisico's en milieutechnische bezwaren, maar zeker in het Verre Oosten, waar de meeste nieuwe centrales zijn gepland, maken ze zich daar niet zo druk over. Tsjernobyl is alweer lang geleden en ze hebben wel wat anders aan hun hoofd.'

    Met de uitbreiding van het aantal kerncentrales in de wereld neemt de vraag naar uranium , de grondstof voor reactoren, snel toe. Volgens schattingen van zakenbank UBS de komende vijf jaar met minstens 2,5% per jaar. Het aanbod blijft daar sterk bij achter. De mondiale vraag bedraagt nu 175 miljoen pond per jaar, terwijl de mijnbouwproductie niet verder komt dan 110 miljoen pond. Van de totaal benodigde hoeveelheid uranium wordt dus maar 63% door mijnbouwers geleverd. Zonder de voorraden uit de ontmantelde Russische kernkoppen zou er dan ook onvoldoende uranium zijn om de centrales draaiende te houden.

    Geen wonder dat de uraniumprijs de laatste jaren de prijsstijgingen van bijna alle grondstoffen in haar schaduw zet. Begin 2001 werd er $ 6,75 voor een pond neergelegd. Twee jaar later was dat $ 13 en inmiddels kost een pond van het radioactieve metaal $ 40,60.

    Volgens Steve Kidd, directeur van de World Nuclear Association, is een verdere stijging van de prijs onvermijdelijk. De komende jaren blijft het aanbod immers ver achter bij de vraag. In een interview met persbureau Bloomberg zei hij vorige week: 'De uraniumprijzen lagen jarenlang op een bijzonder laag niveau. Voor mijnbouwers was het dan ook volstrekt oninteressant om te investeren in nieuwe capaciteit.'

    Pas sinds kort zijn bedrijven als Cameco, SXR Uranium , BHP Billiton en Rio Tinto bezig hun productie op te voeren. Maar Kidd wijst erop dat het jaren duurt voordat een mijn ontwikkeld is. Nieuwe mijnen zullen volgens Kidd dan ook niet eerder dan over een jaar of vijf operationeel zijn.

    Volgens Quirijns zou de uraniumprijs zomaar naar $ 200 per pond kunnen oplopen. Toch hoeft dat voor beleidsmaker geen reden zijn om af te zien van de bouw van nieuwe kerncentrales. Uranium maakt nog altijd maar een paar procent uit van de totale kosten van een centrale. Nog een verviervoudiging van de prijs doet dat percentage stijgen naar 10%. 'Dus dat zijn de kosten niet. Maar vergeet niet dat als zo'n centrale eenmaal staat, er geen substituut is voor uranium . Ik vind het dan ook een erg interessante grondstof.'

    Voor beleggers is het echter niet zo gemakkelijk om te profiteren van een verwachte stijging van de uraniumprijs. Er bestaan namelijk geen uraniumfutures. De prijs komt 'over the counter' tot stand tussen een koper en een verkoper. Toch is het volgens Quirijns zeer goed mogelijk om 'exposure' te verkrijgen.

    Daarbij moet allereerst gedacht worden aan de uitbreidingsplannen. Centrales moeten immers gebouwd worden en de gespecialiseerde bedrijven die dat doen (zoals ABB ), zijn wel op de beurs te koop. Vervolgens kan er gedacht worden aan uraniumdelvers. En ten slotte, en dat is in de ogen van Quirijns meteen het risicovolst, kan een belegger zijn geld steken in de ontelbare kleine bedrijven die sinds kort begonnen zijn met exploratie.

    Copyright (c) 2006 Het Financieele Dagblad
  13. -PR- 3 april 2006 08:57
    Australië en China hebben een overeenkomst getekend over de levering van Uranium aan China.

    Australia/China Uranium Pacts Pave Way For Export Growth

    CANBERRA (Dow Jones)--Two agreements between China and Australia covering the supply of uranium for peaceful purposes pave the way for increased exports of the fuel and related technology and services, Mitchell H. Hooke, executive director of industry lobby the Minerals Council of Australia, said Monday.

    The agreements also add impetus to a need for reform of the opposition Labor Partys no new uranium mines policy that currently restricts mining to three projects, he said.

    "They will pave the way for commercial negotiations for uranium to be part of the suite of growing exports of minerals and energy and related technology and services to China," Hooke said in a statement.

    The agreements will add further weight to the conclusion of a free trade agreement currently being negotiated between the two countries that will deepen the existing economic complementarity of the two economies, he said.

    He was commenting after the agreements on Nuclear Material Transfer and Nuclear Cooperation were signed by Australian Prime Minister John Howard and Chinese Premiere Wen Jiabao, who is here on a four-day visit.

    China wants long-term sources of energy to fuel its economic growth and is already the worlds second largest energy consumer behind the U.S. and by 2030 is expected to be generating electric power equivalent to that currently generated by the U.S., Japan, Canada and Germany combined, he said.

    Australia hosts around one-third of the worlds economic demonstrated resources of uranium, but output has been restricted by the Labor Party policy, which dates from 1984, he said.

    This policy is inherently flawed, as there are no production restrictions on existing operations and it obviously places no limits on global supply given that other countries, such as Canada and Kazakhstan, can fill the vacuum left by Australia, he said.

    Although the agreements recognize the strength of Australia as a strategic supplier, Hooke warned that global markets arent there for the taking and there isnt any guarantee Australia will be a preferred source of supply, he said, noting China has nuclear cooperation agreements with nine other countries.

    Earlier, Resources and Industry Minister Ian Macfarlane said he didnt expect uranium exports to China to begin until after 2008, with significant volumes unlikely before 2010.

    Macfarlane said he expected more uranium mines to be developed in Australia to meet growing Chinese demand for nuclear energy and he also called on the Labor Party to dump its "antiquated" uranium policy to help promote investment in the industry.

    Australias uranium exports are sourced from three mines: Ranger in the Northern Territory, operated by Energy Resources of Australia Ltd. (ERA.AX), a 68.4%-owned unit of Rio Tinto PLC (RIO.L); BHP Billiton Ltd.s (BHP.AX) Olympic Dam operation; and General Atomics Beverley mine, both in South Australia state. A fourth mine, the Honeymoon Project, has permits to mine uranium and is expected to decide whether to bring the project into commercial production by mid-2006.

    Total Australian exports of uranium in calendar 2005 of 12,360 metric tons, or about 20% of world supply, were valued at A$573 million, according to official figures.

    Miners export the uranium under long-term contract to utilities in 12 countries in Asia and Europe, and to the United States.

    -By Ray Brindal, Dow Jones Newswires, 612 6208 0902;

    -Edited by George Bernard

    (END) Dow Jones Newswires
  14. -PR- 4 april 2006 08:50
    Het balletje begint nu te rollen in de Uranium bussiness. Vandaag een hele stroom nieuws:

    AUSTRALIA PRESS: BHP Billiton, ERA In Taiwan Uranium Deal

    SYDNEY (Dow Jones)--Australian mining companies BHP Billiton Ltd. (BHP.AX) and Energy Resources of Australia Ltd. (ERA.AX) have agreed to supply uranium to Taiwan, the Sydney Morning Herald reported Tuesday, citing Taiwanese officials.

    The uranium will supply electricity producer Taipower, the newspaper said.

    Osman Chia from the Taipei economic and cultural office in Canberra, Taiwans defacto embassy, told the Sydney Morning Herald the deal would result in the Australian uranium being exported to Taiwan via the U.S.

    ERA, majority-owned by Rio Tinto PLC (RIO.L), said no uranium had yet been shipped to Taiwan because all available production was already committed, the newspaper reported.

    Newspaper Web site:

    (END) Dow Jones Newswires

  15. -PR- 4 april 2006 08:50
    MARKET TALK: Aussie Min Flags Taiwan Uranium Exports

    2319 GMT [Dow Jones] Australian Foreign Affairs Minister Downer confirms export of uranium to Taiwan possible under treaty signed with Taiwan in 2002; exports must go via U.S., says Taiwan signed nuclear nonproliferation treaty prior to 1972, fulfills all obligations of treaty although no longer recognized as state. Sydney Morning Herald reports uranium miners BHP Billiton (BHP.AX), Energy Resources Australia (ERA.AX) have struck deal to supply uranium to electricity producer Taipower, just as Australia signs pact allowing uranium to be exported Taiwans rival China.(BBA.US)

    Contact us in Singapore. 65 64154 140;
  16. -PR- 4 april 2006 08:51
    DJ INTERVIEW:Canada's SXR Confident About Honeymoon Uranium

    By Matt Chambers

    MELBOURNE (Dow Jones)--Looking to reap the benefits of surging uranium prices, Canadian miner SXR Uranium One Inc. (SXR.TO) says its confident the Honeymoon mine in South Australia state will be approved and could be producing late next year.

    "We anticipate having our board approve Honeymoon at the end of the second quarter," Chief Financial Officer Jean Nortier told Dow Jones Newswires in an interview. The mine will bring the number of producing Australian uranium mines to four.

    "Were still finishing our feasibility study but based on what we have at the moment we believe well be able to convince the board to go ahead with it."

    SXR, formed in December when South Africas Aflease Gold and Uranium Resources Inc. combined with Southern Cross Resources, plans to sell uranium on the spot market during 2008 to take advantage of surging prices, then look for longer term contracts, Nortier said.

    "Well start to see into the spot market, which gives us a bit of flexibility starting up, and were looking at entering into contracts after that," he said.

    The news Australias fourth uranium mine is likely to be given the go-ahead comes as shares in local miners skyrocket and after China and Australia signed a nuclear treaty Monday for the export of uranium from Australia.

    SXR shares have risen 50% since the start of the year as uranium spot prices rose to more than US$40 a pound and as it readies to mine in Australia and at its Dominion mine in South Africa, due to start early next year.

    With China, India, Russia and the U.S. building more nuclear reactors and stockpiles dwindling, Nortier said he doesnt expect prices to plateau.

    "Weve been very bullish on the uranium price and we expect it to continue its rise," he said.

    Honeymoon has previously been mothballed because lower uranium prices meant the permitted mine wasnt viable but spot uranium prices have risen fourfold in the past three years.

    Nortier said the price of developing Honeymoon may rise slightly on the US$24.5 million mooted in a 2004 study.

    "It may be marginally more, but if it is its not going to be substantial," he said.

    After approval by the board, the mine is expected to take about 18 months to bring into production, Nortier said. "Were looking at end of 2007, beginning of 2008," he said.

    SXR has been drilling in the first quarter to sure up a mine which will produce about 880,000 pounds of uranium a year. A previous report estimated the cost of mining to be about US$12.40 an ounce.

    A spokesman for South Australian mining minister Paul Holloway said the mine was permitted and waiting on environmental licenses and rehabilitation plans.

    The mine is not subject to the Australian Labor Partys "No New Mines" policy because the mine was permitted before the South Australian Labor government came to power, the spokesman said.

    South Australia has said it will lobby to change the partys policy on uranium mining at the next annual convention in 2007.

    Australias resource-rich states of South Australia, Queensland and Western Australia are all controlled by Labor governments.

    This leaves Australias Northern Territory the only prospective area where another uranium mine could be built.

    While controlled by a Labor government, the Northern Territory isnt officially an Australian state, meaning the countrys ruling conservative Liberal-National coalition would be able to approve a new mine.

    If there are Australian exports to China they are likely to come from an expansion at BHP Billiton Ltd.s (BHP.AX) Olympic Dam mine in South Australia, which sits atop the worlds biggest uranium deposit.

    Honeymoon is about a tenth the size of Olympic Dam, which is expected to more than treble uranium output to 15,000 tons a year from 4,000 tons a year.

    The two other operating Australian mines are Rio Tinto PLC (RIO.L) subsidiary Energy Resources of Australia Ltd.s (ERA.AX) Ranger mine in the Northern Territory and Heathgate Resources Beverley mine in South Australia.

    -By Matt Chambers, Dow Jones Newswires;


    -Edited by Graham Morgan

    (END) Dow Jones Newswires

  17. -PR- 4 april 2006 08:52
    DJ MARKET TALK: Rio Should Take Over Lead From BHP - Dealers

    1303 [Dow Jones] Rio (RIO.AX) up 0.8% at A$80.30, should take over price leadership from BHP (BHP.AX) this month, say dealers. BHP up 2.6% at A$29.66, up 27% from March low; RIO up 20%. Buyback has exaggerated BHPs strength in recent days. "Rios a laggard," says senior institutional trader. "Rio should be A$85 at the moment and the stocks thin." Another trader says Rio better placed to benefit from uranium exports to China than BHP. Rios ERA (ERA.AX) already in production, has capacity to double output, whereas BHP wont produce much till mid-2010s. Adds, recent replacement buying of BHP for buyback likely to diminish soon. Some say it peaked yesterday. Forecasts for BHP stretch to A$35, whereas on RIO there are calls for A$100. (DWR)

    Contact us in Sydney. 61 2 8235 2950;

    (END) Dow Jones Newswires
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