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  1. [verwijderd] 2 augustus 2012 09:52
    Er was sprake van dat zonnepanelen belast zouden worden met 6% BTW
    Helaas pindakaas, 21% BTW
    geweldig voor het milleu en natuur weer

    Dank u wel meneer Rutte!
  2. forum rang 10 voda 2 augustus 2012 17:08
    China to add 40 million KW nuclear power by 2015

    China is likely to add 40 million kilowatts of operational nuclear power generating capacity during 2011-2015 under the premise of guaranteeing operation safety.

    This is part of China's strategy of promoting development of green economy.

    Mr Zhao Jiarong deputy secretary general of the National Development and Reform Commission said “Apart from the accelerating development and utilization of nuclear power, China will also add more than 70 million kilowatts of hydropower generating capacity and more than 15 million kilowatts of solar power generating capacity during 2011-2015.”

    According to China's development plan for 2011-2015, China targets to reduce the energy consumption by 16 percent, carbon dioxide emission by 17 percent, and total pollutant emission by 8-10 percent. Besides, China plans to raise the weight of non-fossil energy use to 11 percent of total energy use of China during the period.

    Source - Xinhua

  3. [verwijderd] 20 augustus 2012 12:36
    Ff een berichtje voor de koopjesjagers
    Dit paneel nu al voor 299 Euro inc btw
    140 watt!
    Nog even en het is zover!

    Product Afmetingen en Gewicht
    Lengte 1476 mm
    Breedte 670 mm
    Hoogte 40 mm
    Gewicht 14 kilogram

    Technische Specificaties Daglichtpaneel
    Nominaal vermogen 140 Wp
    Gemiddelde Dagopbrengst (GDO) 560 Wh
    Gemiddelde Weekopbrengst (GWO) 3920 Wh
    Spanning bij maximaal vermogen 17.5 V
    Stroom bij maximaal vermogen 8 A
    Openklemspanning 21.5 V
    Kortsluitstroom 9.04 A
    Keurmerken CE, ISO9001, IEC61215
  4. forum rang 10 voda 27 augustus 2012 16:35
    Zuid-Koreanen willen Q-Cells overnemen
    Gepubliceerd op 27 aug 2012 om 11:18 | Views: 705

    FRANKFURT (AFN) - De in surseance verkerende Duitse producent van zonnecellen Q-Cells heeft een overeenkomst getekend met het Zuid-Koreaanse Hanwha over een overname. Het Spaanse solarbedrijf Isofoton maakte echter bekend een tegenbod te willen doen op Q-Cells.

    Q-Cells vroeg in april uitstel van betaling aan. Het bedrijf tekende zondag met Hanwha een deal voor een overname. Daarmee is circa 250 miljoen euro gemoeid. De transactie moet nog wel worden goedgekeurd door de schuldeisers van Q-Cells later deze week. Wereldwijd telt Q-Cells ongeveer 2300 werknemers. Ooit was Q-Cells 's werelds grootste producent van zonnecellen die gebruikt worden in zonnepanelen.

    Isofoton meldde maandag een tegenbod te gaan doen op Q-Cells bij de curator van het bedrijf. Het is niet bekend hoe hoog dat bod is.
  5. forum rang 10 voda 1 september 2012 16:58
    Duitse zonnestroom legt Nederlandse gascentrales plat

    23-08-2012 | Gepubliceerd 09:44
    23-08-2012 | Laatst bijgewerkt 11:45

    De invloed van gesubsidieerde zonnestroom uit Duitsland op de Nederlandse elektriciteitsmarkt wordt steeds groter. Dure Nederlandse gascentrales worden op piekmomenten stil gelegd.

    De Duitse Energiewende is in volle gang: Duitse kerncentrales worden in hoog tempo vervangen door zowel fossiele alternatieven (gas en kolen) als extra wind- en zonnestroom.

    Dit heeft echter grote gevolgen voor omringende landen, zoals Nederland, waarvan de stroomnetten verbonden zijn met het Duitse net.

    Duitse zonenenergie

    Duitse zonne- en windstroom wordt fors gesubsidieerd en deze productie verdringt op piekmomenten overdag, als de stroomprijzen op groothandelsmarkten het hoogst zijn, duurdere, ongesubsidieerde stroom uit gascentrales.

    De 'gratis' Duitse zonnestroom beïnvloedt ook Nederlandse groothandelsprijzen via de import, zo signaleerde Z24 afgelopen februari. Zie: Duitse zon drukt dagprijs Nederlandse stroom.

    Nederlandse gascentrales

    Inmiddels is het effect zo sterk dat de import van gesubsidieerde groene stroom uit Duitsland het functioneren van Nederlandse elektriciteitscentrales beïnvloedt. Zo heeft Essent zijn Claus- en Moerdijkcentrales die op gas draaien, woensdag stil gezet. Ook Eneco laat zijn nieuwe Econogen gascentrale maar weinig draaien, zo signaleert Het Financieele Dagblad donderdag.

    "Onze schone gascentrales, die nota bene zijn gebouwd om grillige duurzame energie te ondersteunen, worden nu uit de markt gedrukt," aldus de woordvoerder van Essent tegenover het FD.

    Exploitanten van Nederlandse elektriciteitscentrales hebben het extra zwaar, omdat er sprake is van forse overcapaciteit.

    Uit onderzoek van adviesbureau PwC en energiespecialist Kyos eerder dit jaar, bleek dat de bouw van nieuwe gas- en kolencentrales tussen 2011 en 2014 zorgt voor circa 10.000 megawatt aan nieuwe stroomcapaciteit in Nederland. Tot 2020 komt daar naar verwachting nog eens 5.000 megawatt bij.

    In combinatie met de toegenomen import van gesubsidieerde Duitse, groene stroom is dit meer dan genoeg om in Nederlandse stroombehoefte te voorzien.

    Lees ook:

    Duitse zon drukt dagprijs Nederlandse stroom
  6. forum rang 10 voda 6 september 2012 16:18
    EU onderzoekt dumpen Chinese zonnepanelen
    Gepubliceerd op 6 sep 2012 om 09:08 | Views: 711

    BRUSSEL (AFN) - De Europese Commissie heeft een onderzoek ingesteld naar het mogelijk dumpen van Chinese zonnepanelen op de Europese markt. Dat is gebeurd naar aanleiding van een klacht van een groep Europese producenten van zonnepanelen. Volgens deze groep verkopen Chinese bedrijven de producten onder de marktprijs.

    Het onderzoek kan uiteindelijk leiden tot een handelsoorlog tussen de EU en China. Het Aziatische land waarschuwde daar in juli al voor. Vorig jaar verkochten Chinese firma's voor 21 miljard euro aan zonnepanelen en aanverwante producten op de Europese markt. China liet donderdag weten het onderzoek ,,zeer te betreuren''. Peking zou verscheidene keren hebben opgeroepen het geschil door overleg op te lossen.

    De Verenigde Staten legden de import van zonnepanelen uit China afgelopen voorjaar al heffingen op, nadat daar eveneens onderzoek had uitgewezen dat de Chinese producten te goedkoop werden aangeboden. Volgens Europese producenten krijgen de Chinese fabrikanten staatssteun.

    De commissie meldde donderdag dat de groep klagers had aangetoond dat de Chinese producten een ,,aanzienlijk negatief effect'' hadden op de financiële situatie van de Europese zonnepanelenindustrie. De afgelopen maanden is een aantal Europese producenten van zonnepanelen en zonnecellen failliet gegaan, niet alleen door concurrentie uit China maar ook door het verlagen van subsidies voor zonnepanelen.
  7. forum rang 10 voda 8 september 2012 17:17
    Uit het linkje van Nu:

    expected ?

    Worlds first 3D solar cell is surprisingly efficient

    Posted on September 5, 2012 by Jorn van Dooren

    Scanning electron microscope image of initial prototype of light trapping 3D photovoltaic structures on a thin silicon wafer.

    Solar3D, Inc., the developer of a breakthrough 3-dimensional solar cell technology to maximize the conversion of sunlight into electricity, today announced the successful fabrication and operation of a working 3-dimensional silicon solar cell that produces at least 250% of the power of a basic silicon solar cell.

    Dr. Changwan Son, Solar3D’s Director of Technology, commented, “When measured relative to a conventional solar cell design, our working prototype produces electricity beyond our previous expectations. First, we fabricated our working prototype. Then we created a simple cell based on the conventional design, using the same fabrication environment, to serve as a control sample. By measuring the side-by-side power output of both cells, we were able to determine the relative performance under a number of conditions, ranging from bright sunlight to lower, diffuse light. In each test, our 3D Solar Cell consistently outperformed the control cell and produced at least 2½ times the amount of electricity under the same conditions.”

    “This is a game-changing result,” said Jim Nelson, CEO of Solar3D. “Two powerful characteristics of our 3D Solar Cell make it superior to current technology. First, it is substantially more efficient in producing power. Second, is our wide-angle light collection feature, which allows our 3D Solar Cell to collect light at all times of the day, month and year, an attribute unique in the solar world. Our computer simulation analysis indicated that the combination of these two features would produce double the power of a conventional solar cell. Based on the performance of our first working prototype, it appears that our 3D Solar Cell will exceed even that ambitious expectation. This device could be a giant leap forward, allowing solar power to achieve grid parity.”

    Dr. Son continued, “Our mandate was to create a solar cell that would produce substantially more power than the current technology at a low enough cost of production to deliver a considerably lower cost per watt of solar electricity. We spent the first half of the year completing our fabrication process methodology. In July, we announced the fabrication and showed pictures of the first cell. Now, we have an actual working cell that produces substantially more power than the control samples, which fulfills part one of our two-part goal. Now, our near term objective is to continue to improve the fabrication process and the power output, as we optimize the cost of manufacturing. We believe that the result will be a 50% reduction in the cost of solar electricity. Perhaps the installed system cost savings will be even greater.”

    Mr. Nelson concluded, “We are focused on bringing this breakthrough technology to market. Our next major step will be to produce a manufacturing prototype, which is required to undertake a pilot production run in early 2013. The pilot run will prove the 3D Cell’s performance characteristics in a production environment and lead us to a manufacturing partner and entry into the marketplace by the end of 2013.”
  8. forum rang 10 voda 13 september 2012 16:31
    Korea Midland Power to build an 8 MW solar power plant in Thaila

    Bangkok Post reported that Korea Midland Power Corporation has joined a Thai renewable energy project to build an 8 MW solar power plant in the Southeast Asian country.

    As per report, Korea Midland signed a contract with Toyo Thai Corp PCL, a Thai construction company and Siam Steel Grating Group, a Thai utility equipment maker, to build the solar farm in Ang Thong, one of the central provinces of Thailand.

    The project will receive a 10 year subsidy of THB 8 per kilowatt hour, and include the sale of power to the Provincial Electricity Authority of Thailand. Investment estimates and time schedules were not provided.

    South Korea's power utilities are committing to boosting the use of renewable energy after the government imposed a mandatory quota this year to cut carbon emissions.

    Korea Midland forecast the Siam project will be counted as its commitments to the use of renewable.

    Source - Bangkok Post

  9. forum rang 10 voda 27 september 2012 21:06
    First Solar May Supply World’s Biggest Solar Power Plant

    By Christopher Martin - Sep 27, 2012 8:22 PM GMT+0200

    First Solar Inc. (FSLR), the world’s largest maker of thin-film panels, may win a contract to supply NextEra Energy Inc. (NEE) for what would be the world’s biggest solar farm.

    First Solar may be the only manufacturer with the capacity to supply enough thin-film panels for NextEra’s Blythe project, which is evaluating the technology, Ben Schuman, an analyst at Pacific Crest Securities in Portland, Oregon, said today in an interview.

    First Solar is building the 290-megawatt Agua Caliente solar farm in Arizona for NRG. Photographer: Joshua Lott/Bloomberg
    NextEra is considering thin-film cadmium telluride solar panels as one possible technology for its 1,000-megawatt Blythe project in southern California, according to a document filed with the California Energy Commission Sept. 24.

    “It would definitely be a positive for First Solar if they were able to win a 1,000-megawatt project,” Schuman said today in an interview.

    NextEra hasn’t decided on a panel supplier for the project and may use more than one, said Steven Stengel, a spokesman for the Juno Beach, Florida-based power company.

    First Solar, based in Tempe, Arizona, is already working with the power company on another project, the 550-megawatt Desert Sunlight power plant in Riverside County that’s jointly owned by NextEra and General Electric Co.

    First Solar also built a 21-megawatt project in the city of Blythe for NRG Energy Inc. (NRG) that was commissioned in 2009 and sells electricity to Edison International (EIX)’s Southern California Edison utility under a 20-year contract.

    Blythe Purchase

    NextEra received approval June 27 from a bankruptcy court to purchase Blythe from the former developer, the bankrupt SolarTrust of America LLC.

    First Solar is building the 290-megawatt Agua Caliente solar farm in Arizona for NRG. It’s 85 percent complete with about 250 megawatts of capacity in operation, making it the world’s biggest solar project producing electricity, according to First Solar.

    First Solar rose 5.3 percent to $22.01 at 2:16 p.m. in New York. The shares have declined 70 percent in the past year. Alan Bernheimer, a First Solar spokesman, declined to comment on a potential agreement with NextEra.

    To contact the reporter on this story: Christopher Martin in New York at

    To contact the editor responsible for this story: Reed Landberg at
  10. [verwijderd] 27 september 2012 21:13
    Hoi Voda, ik zie dat jij zowat in je eentje een Solar draad beheert. Mooi bericht over First Solar. Is momenteel het beste fonds in mijn Porto en ik verwacht dat dat nog veel beter gaat worden. Vanavond weer een stijging van 10% en als die 1000 MW opdracht inderdaad binnengesleept wordt, kan de sky the limit worden.
  11. forum rang 10 voda 27 september 2012 21:21
    Excuus Bobo, had jouw "credits" voor het artikel er bij moeten zetten. Bij deze dan.
  12. [verwijderd] 27 september 2012 21:34

    voda schreef op 27 september 2012 21:21:

    Excuus Bobo, had jouw "credits" voor het artikel er bij moeten zetten. Bij deze dan.
    Ben juist content dat jij ons altijd op de hoogte houdt van nieuws. Zo pikken we soms iets leuks op, wat we misschien anders gemist hadden. Mijn berichten mag je altijd "pikken". Keep up the good work.
  13. forum rang 10 voda 3 oktober 2012 16:39
    Makkah to build USD 640 million solar energy project

    According to Saudi daily Al Eqtisadiah, the development is intended to meet growing energy requirements in the municipality and shave about SAR 2.2 billion off the holy city’s electricity bill.

    Mr Osama bin Fadl Al Bar Mayor of Makkah said that “The project will be established on an area of about 2 million square meters. About 20 international consortiums consisting of about 100 companies will compete for the execution of the project. The location of the development would be chosen by the successful contractor, which would purchase the piece of land and then return it to Makkah authorities at the contract’s close. Bids to build the project will open during the first week of next year.”

    He said that depending on its success other municipalities in the Gulf’s most populous nation could develop their own solar energy strategy which could save the kingdom up to 8m barrels of oil per day by 2030.

    A report published by Citigroup last month said that Saudi Arabia, the world’s largest exporter of crude oil, could become a net importer of oil by 2030 if domestic energy consumption continues to grow at its current rate.

    Oil demand for use in domestic electricity consumption is currently rising by about 8% annually with around 3 meter barrels per day or a quarter of total output currently serving national energy requirements. All of Saudi Arabia’s natural gas, the kingdom's other natural resource is currently allocated for domestic consumption.

    Source - Arabian
  14. forum rang 10 voda 4 oktober 2012 16:36
    Sumitomo Corp invests in 550 MW Desert Sunlight Solar Farm

    Sumitomo Corporation of America, together with its parent, Sumitomo Corporation, have invested in the Desert Sunlight Solar Farm, a 550 MW solar power project under construction in the California desert, east of Palm Springs.

    This is Sumitomo's first investment in US solar projects and will expand Sumitomo's renewable energy portfolio, which already includes over 1,800 MW in projects across the United States.

    According to the US Department of the Interior, Desert Sunlight is the largest solar photovoltaic facility approved for US public land. It will generate enough energy to power more than 165,000 homes and displace 300,000 metric tons of greenhouse emissions per year, equivalent to taking 60,000 cars off the road. It is located on approximately 4,100 acres, and the facility is estimated to create more than 630 jobs at peak construction.

    The solar farm, whose other investors include GE Energy Financial Services and NextEra Energy Resources farm, was initially developed by First Solar Inc, the largest US utility scale solar project developer. First Solar will construct, operate and maintain the project, which uses the company's advanced thin film PV technology. Desert Sunlight has secured Power Purchase Agreements to supply Southern California Edison with 250 MW and Pacific Gas & Electric with 300 MW of clean energy for the next two decades.

    Sumitomo's investment was made through a purchase of part of GE Energy Financial Services' share in the Desert Sunlight project, giving the company 25% ownership.

    Mr Teruyuki Miyazaki VP Power & Telecommunications Business at SCO A said that "The investment in Desert Sunlight is a good representation of what Sumitomo is doing in regards to supporting a clean energy fixture. This, along with our earlier investments in major renewable energy projects in the US, allows us to leverage our experience and know how as a long term strategic investor and work with strong partners on high quality renewable energy projects in the advanced stages of development or construction."

    Sumitomo is growing the renewable energy business and has extensive experience developing, operating and owning power generating facilities such as wind geothermal biomass and solar business around the world. Participation in the Desert Sunlight project is Sumitomo's fifth renewable energy investment in the US. Other investments include:

    Recently completed 845 MW Shepherds Flat Wind Farm in Oregon
    Two Kansas wind farms, the recently completed 131 MW Cimarron II and 168 MW Ironwood projects
    Stanton wind project, a 120 MW wind power facility in Texas

    Globally, Sumitomo owns and operates two wind power facilities in Japan and a 50 MW wind facility in China, the largest wind energy market in the world. The company is also an investor in four solar power projects; 31 MW project in southern France; 14 MW project in Canary Island Spain; 10 MW project in southern Italy and a 5 MW project in Germany.

    Mr Alex Urquhart president & CEO of GE Energy Financial Services said that "Sumitomo has repeatedly proven to be a knowledgeable and reliable world class partner. We welcome the Sumitomo team to the Desert Sunlight project and look forward to expanding our relationship through future transactions."

    Sumitomo has a strong global commitment to sustaining the environment by contributing to environmental businesses. The Company will build upon its investment in Desert Sunlight and will continue to actively seek opportunities to develop, construct and own solar and other renewable energy projects in the advanced development phase in the US and Canada. With its global experience in developing constructing and operating renewable projects, Sumitomo is an attractive long term investor to any renewable energy developer looking for a strategic partner.

    Desert Sunlight supports the initiatives of the State of California of a 33% Renewable Portfolio Standard of 15,000 MW to 20.000 MW of renewable energy by 2020.

    Source - Sumitomo Corporation
  15. forum rang 10 voda 7 oktober 2012 17:38
    SWCC plans 3 solar powered desal plants

    Mr Abdul Rahman Al Ibrahim governor of the Saline Water Conversion Corporation said that company will establish three new solar powered desalination plants. We are reducing dependence on oil and using alternative energy sources to run our plants.

    He said that two solar powered desalination plants are currently operating in Al Khafji and Jubail and we are planning to establish three more such plants in Haqel, Dhuba and Farasan. These solar powered desalination plants are established to support oil and gas powered stations and we have plans to establish similar plants inside the existing desalination complexes.

    Mr Al Ibrahim reported big progress on the desalination plant being constructed in Ras Al Khair on the Arabian Gulf coast adding it would be ready within 2 years. Electricity production at the Ras Al Khair plant will start in April 2013 while desalination water production in 2014. About 55% of work on the project has been completed. The application of new technology would enable the corporation to save a lot of energy. For example, Yanbu 3 plant can save 5 million barrels of oil annually.

    He highlighted SWCC 's preparedness for the upcoming Haj season. We'll work around the clock to ensure adequate supply of water to Makkah and other holy sites. Jeddah and Taif would not face any water shortage during this Haj season.

    He said that Shuaiba 4 would supply an additional 240,000 cubic meters of water to Jeddah while the Ras Al Khair plant would pump a million cubic meters of water to Riyadh. Yanbu-3 will supply 550,000 cubic meters.

    Mr Al Ibrahim emphasized the government's plan to privatize the corporation to improve its efficiency and increase production. The privatization plan is with the Supreme Economic Council. No time schedule has been given for the process.

    He said that total investment in SWCC plants reached more than SAR 60 billion. We have established strategic water storage that can meet water needs of the country for two weeks, even if all plants stop working.

    Source - Arab News
  16. forum rang 10 voda 10 oktober 2012 16:42
    First Solar partners with Kiran Energy and Mahindra Solar One

    The Economic Times reported that first solar has completed the agreements with Kiran Energy Solar Power and Mahindra Solar One for supplying its advanced thin film solar modules for solar projects of the two companies in Rajasthan.

    The company in a statement said that "First Solar, Kiran Energy Solar Power and Mahindra Solar One have completed an agreement for the supply of former's advanced, thin-film solar modules for two solar photovoltaic power plants totalling 50 MW in Rajasthan."

    Kiran Energy and Mahindra Solar One, a JV between Kiran Energy and Mahindra are developing 20 MW and 30 MW solar projects, respectively, in Rajasthan under the second batch of the first phase of the national solar mission. The NSM aims to install 20,000 MW of new solar electricity generating capacity by 2022.

    However, First Solar will supply more than 5,85,000 advanced thin-film solar modules for the two projects. The construction on these projects are expected to begin this year and be completed in the Q1 of 2013.

    Mr Sujoy Ghosh First Solar India Country Head said that "We look forward to work with these companies to support India's renewable energy goals and we are pleased they selected our technology as the best solution for the high ambient temperatures and diffuse sunlight conditions here."

    The two projects are expected to produce an average of more than 85,000 MW hours of clean electricity per year, equivalent to the annual electricity needs of more than 97,000 average Indian households and displace more than 80,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide per year.

    Mr Pramoda Karkal COO of Kiran Energy said that "This partnership will enable us to create a high quality solar plant that could rank among the best in the country in terms of quality, uptime and output."

    Source - The Economic Times

  17. forum rang 10 voda 18 oktober 2012 16:49
    JFE Group wins order from Mitsui to build 3 solar power plants

    Bloomberg reported that JFE Holdings Inc has won an order from Mitsui & Co and Tokio Marine Asset Management Co to build three solar power plants in Japan through subsidiaries.

    Four units of JFE Steel, 100% owned by the Tokyo based company, will supply the plants with the combined capacity of 8.3 MWs in Yamaguchi and Wakayama prefectures in western Japan. The plants will be operational in the first half of 2013.

    Mitsui, Japan's second biggest trading company and Tokio Marine Asset Management are working on a project to construct 10 solar power stations across Japan at a total cost of JPY 9 billion.

    The Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry in Japan has approved clean energy projects totaling 1,780 MWs of capacity, with solar accounting for 83%, as of the end of September 2012 under a government incentive program.

    Source - Bloomberg

  18. forum rang 10 voda 19 oktober 2012 15:47
    Iraq to pump USD 2 billion into solar and wind projects

    Reuters reported that Iraq plans to spend up to USD 1.6 billion on solar and wind power stations over the next 3 years to add 400 MW to the national grid to help curb daily blackouts.

    Nine years after the US led invasion that toppled Saddam Hussein investment is needed in most of Iraq's industries not least power generation which produces just 8,800 MW of the 14,000 MW needed. The dilapidated national grid supplies only a few hours of power a day leaving Iraqis to swelter in the summer months when temperatures can top 50 degrees Celsius.

    Mr Laith al Mamury the head of the planning and studies department at the ministry of electricity said that invitations have been sent to about 25 leading companies to manufacture and install solar and wind power plants. The companies include Japan's Toyota Tsusho Corporation Swiss engineering group ABB and Egypt's Orascom Construction .The ministry has allocated an initial USD 200 million from the 2013 budget to add 50 MW to the grid next year focusing on deserted and border areas

    The ministry has plans to reach 22 GW of power generation capacity to meet demand in 2016 by upgrading and building new power projects to solve the chronic shortages.

    Mr Mamury said that each MW of solar or wind energy cost around USD 3.5 to USD 4 million but the initial outlay would be offset by lower running costs because the stations do not need fuel to operate. In the long term the aim is for solar and wind energy to account for 2% of power generation volume. Opec member Iraq has the world's fourth largest oil reserves and is producing more than 3 million barrels per day for the first time in three decades.

    Source - Reuters
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