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  1. forum rang 10 voda 20 oktober 2012 17:16
    EU: overdreven veel zonnepanelen in Duitsland
    Gepubliceerd op 20 okt 2012 om 16:50 | Views: 135

    MÜNSINGEN (AFN) - De Duitse EU-commissaris Günther Oettinger (Energie) waarschuwt dat Duitsland te veel panelen voor zonne-energie installeert.

    Hij vindt het onlogisch om er zoveel panelen aan te sluiten. ,,Ik geloof dat deze euforie in Duitse begrensd moet worden'', zei hij zaterdag bij een partijbijeenkomst van de CDU in Münsingen.

    ,,Duitsland is niet echt een zonnig land'', vindt hij. Toch staat in het land de helft van alle oppervlakte aan zonnepanelen ter wereld. ,,Ofwel zijn die anderen allemaal gaga, of...'', zei Oettinger, die de zin niet afmaakte.
  2. forum rang 10 voda 22 oktober 2012 16:22
    Siemens stapt uit zonne-energie
    Gepubliceerd op 22 okt 2012 om 11:02 | Views: 1.535 | Onderwerpen: energie

    Siemens AG 15:58
    EUR 78,10 +0,10 (+0,13%)

    FRANKFURT (AFN) - Het Duitse technologieconcern Siemens wil stoppen met zonne-energie. Alle activiteiten op dat terrein staan in de etalage, zo maakte de onderneming maandag bekend. Er is al contact met mogelijke kopers.

    Zonne-energie levert volgens Siemens niet op wat het bedrijf ervan had verwacht, onder meer door tegenvallende groei en aanhoudende prijsdruk. Het concern blijft wel technologie ontwikkelen voor de duurzame opwekking van energie, maar zal zich voortaan toeleggen op wind- en waterkracht.

    Siemens kondigde onlangs een kostenbesparingsprogramma aan. Onderdeel van dat plan is dat activiteiten die onderpresteren worden afgestoten. De zonne-energietak leed in 2011 een verlies dat groter was dan de omzet van nog geen 300 miljoen euro.
  3. forum rang 10 voda 25 oktober 2012 16:43
    DNV bedenkt drijvende zonnepanelen op zee
    Gepubliceerd op 25 okt 2012 om 11:25 | Views: 564

    SINGAPORE (AFN) - Om te kunnen blijven voldoen in de groeiende behoefte aan duurzame energie, heeft het Noorse adviesbureau DNV iets nieuws bedacht: een groot drijvend platform van zonnepanelen op zee. Donderdag heeft het bedrijf een concept gelanceerd tijdens een belangrijke energieconferentie in Singapore.

    Het ontwerp bestaat uit een verzameling drijvende zeshoeken, met in totaal 4200 zonnepanelen. Tezamen moeten zij een zonne-eiland vormen met de omvang van een groot voetbalstadion en de capaciteit om 2 megawatt aan stroom op te wekken. Wanneer meerdere eilanden aan elkaar worden gekoppeld, ontstaat een veld van 50 megawatt of meer, dat genoeg elektriciteit kan opwekken voor 30.000 mensen.

    Volgens DNV kan het eerste eiland al binnen enkele jaren op een zee met voldoende zon drijven. ,,Het is nu aan de zonnepaneelleveranciers, offshorebedrijven en energieproducenten om gezamenlijk met de bouw te starten'', aldus een woordvoerder. Voor de uitvoering van het plan is het onder meer noodzakelijk een kabelaansluiting op de zeebodem aan te leggen om de opgewekte stroom naar land te vervoeren.
  4. forum rang 10 voda 25 oktober 2012 17:03
    Chhattisgarh aims INR 10,000 crore investment in solar energy

    Press Trust of India reported that Chhattisgarh Government has set an ambitious target of attracting INR 10,000 crore worth of investment in the solar energy sector in the near future.

    Mr Raman Singh CM of Chhattisgarh said that the government has formulated a clear and comprehensive policy which envisages seeking INR 10,000 crore investments in the sector.

    Mr Singh said that the sector has immense potential to generate large scale employment. A solar energy plant with INR 10 crore investments has the potential to create nearly 500 jobs.

    He said that on the other hand, a thermal power plant with INR 10,000 crore investments generates just around 700 jobs.

    He added that Chhattisgarh, which recently unveiled a new policy for the solar energy sector is committed to reduce dependence on coal to meet its power need.

    Source - Press Trust of India
  5. forum rang 10 voda 25 oktober 2012 17:16
    AAAAAIIII, wat zonde...

    Algeria puts off decision on Desertec solar project

    Algeria has decided to postpone its decision on participating in the Sonelgaz Desertec Renewable Energy Program until 2013 and is waiting for Germany's Desertec to approve its preconditions.

    The official at the Algerian ministry of energy and mining said that the Algerian government would delay its final resolution on the project till the mid of 2013 as it is still unclear whether Algeria will take part in the project.

    He said that the government is reconsidering the economic gains it may acquire from participation and is testing the acquiescence of the foreign partner to its terms, which require manufacturing the project appliances and needs in Algeria, as well as involving the Algerian experts in the project. Algeria's participation may not exceed 50%.

    The EUR 400 billion Desertec project intends to convert solar energy from Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia, Libya, Egypt and Saudi Arabia and export it to Europe. It is expected to supply as much as 15% of Europe's power needs by 2050.

    Mr Christoph Partsch GM of the German Algerian Chamber of Commerce and Industry was earlier quoted as saying that the forthcoming round of talks between the German company and the Algerian government will be launched in Oran in October and some serious steps will be disclosed by the Q1 of 2013.

    Algeria is facing a 1,300 MW shortfall in power supply, pointed out Mr Abdul Rahman Mabtoul, a former senior executive at Sonatrach. The Algerian government generates 9,700 MW, while the demand is as high as 11,000 MW. The government needs to invest USD 20 billion over the next 5 years to resolve the power supply crisis.

    Source - Zawya

  6. forum rang 10 voda 25 oktober 2012 20:48
    Chinese zonne-energie
    Door Chien Wang op 25 okt 2012 om 15:00 | Views: 1.412 | Categorie: Overig | Onderwerpen: LDK Solar, Q-Cells, Suntech Power, zonne-energie

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    Zonnepanelen kennen een veelbelovende toekomst. Electriciteit opwekken via zonnepanelen is concurrerend ten opzichte van gewone stroom voor consumenten in westerse landen met hoge belasting op energieverbruik. Echter, zonnepanelenfabrikanten hebben het op dit moment zwaar, vooral vanwege toegenomen concurrentie vanuit China.

    Als gevolg van enorme capaciteituitbreiding is er overcapaciteit in de industrie ontstaan en is de winstgevendheid sterk gedaald. De capaciteitsuitbreidingen zijn mogelijk gemaakt door steun van lokale overheden en goedkope leningen van staatsbanken. Voor investeerders is de zonnepanelenindustrie een duidelijk voorbeeld van de manier waarop China het lot van sectoren kan bepalen.

    Sinds 2004 is de verkoop van zonnepanelen grofweg vertwintigvoudigd. Waarom?

    De stijging van de olieprijs in de afgelopen jaren heeft doen beseffen dat de productie van olie beperkt is. De hoge olieprijs drijft de kosten voor bedrijven en consumenten sterk op en is slecht voor economische groei. De olieafhankelijkheid moet verminderd worden en het is noodzakelijk om te zoeken naar alternatieve vormen van energie.
    Landen en consumenten worden meer milieubewust. In 1997 is het Kyotoprotocol opgesteld om de uitstoot van broeikasgassen te verminderen. Als groene energie is zonne-energie populair onder consumenten en politici. Meerdere landen stimuleren het gebruik van zonnepanelen met subsidies.
    Technologische vooruitgang zorgt ervoor dat zonne-energie rendabel is. Nieuwe technieken en schaalvergroting zorgen ervoor dat de zonnepanelen meer energie produceren en tegelijker tijd de productiekosten dalen. Vanwege schaalvoordelen zijn de productiekosten exponentieel afgenomen en is in sommige westerse landen “grid parity” bereikt: voor de consument wordt het net zo voordelig om electriciteit via zonnepanelen af te nemen als via het gewone netwerk.

    Chinese panelen
    De toekomst van zonne-energie ziet er dus veelbelovend uit. Vooral het feit dat zonne-energie qua kosten kan concurreren met gewone stroom weegt zwaar. Lang heeft Duitsland de wereldwijde vraag naar zonnepanelen bepaald. In Amerika, China en Italie groeit de vraag nu ook. Op de korte termijn is dit gunstig voor fabrikanten.

    Chinese bedrijven hebben zich ook gericht op de productie van zonnepanelen. Hoewel het private bedrijven zijn, hebben Chinese zonnepanelenfabrikanten de afgelopen jaren leningen kunnen krijgen tegen gunstige voorwaarden. Deze leningen zijn verstrekt door China Development Bank of door lokale overheden in hun drang om de locale economie te stimuleren en werkgelegenheid te creeren.

    Dit is bijvoorbeeld het geval bij Suntech Power, wereld's grootste zonnepanelenproducent naar omzet gemeten. Hiernaast hebben sommige Chinese overheden kapitaal verstrekt in ruil voor een aandelenbelang. Een voorbeeld is de gemeente Xinyu, die via een investeringsmaatschappij onlangs een 20%-belang heeft ingenomen in LDK Solar. Dankzij goedkoop krediet hebben Chinese producenten de productiecapaciteit sterk kunnen verhogen. Bovendien kennen Chinese fabrikanten lagere productiekosten in vergelijking met hun westerse concurrenten.

    Subsidies en overcapaciteit
    Door de forse uitbreidingen in Chinese productiecapaciteit is er dus sprake overcapaciteit. Momenteel wordt de productiecapaciteit geschat op 100GW waar de jaarlijkse vraag 30GW tot 50GW wereldwijd bedraagt. Een prijzenoorlog is het gevolg, waarbij Amerika en Europa door middel van invoerheffingen en anti-dumping-regels proberen eigen bedrijven te beschermen.

    Een extra tegenvaller is dat er momenteel subsidies herzien worden. Duitsland, bijvoorbeeld, zal waarschijnlijk op korte termijn subsidies korten met 20% to 30%. In Nederland lopen bestaande subsidieregelingen dit jaar af en er zijn nog geen nieuwe subsidies aangekondigd. Veel fabrikanten zijn vanwege de prijzenoorlog en overcapaciteit niet meer winstgevend. Het businessmodel voor Amerikaanse en Europese fabrikanten is veranderd met de opkomst van Chinese concurrenten.

    Het meest bekende voorbeeld van bedrijven die hier slachtoffer van worden is Q-Cells, ooit Duitsland's grootste zonnepanelenproducent. Ook Chinese producenten hebben het zwaar. Hierbij speelt mee dat in de goede jaren zij teveel leningen hebben genomen en zo de balans hebben laten verslechteren. In de huidige omstandigheden zijn zij genoodzaakt om te snijden in de productiecapaciteit en schulden te saneren met behulp van de lokale overheden.

    Zonnige toekomst
    Zo heeft Suntech de capaciteit met 40% verlaagd en de gemeente Wuxi gevraagd om herstructurering van bestaande leningen. De Chinese centrale overheid probeert te helpen door een gedeelte van de zonnepanelen op te kopen en aan te sluiten op het landelijke electriciteitsnetwerk. Echter, de centrale overheid is niet van plan om verdere steun te bieden en ziet liever de industrie haar eigen problemen oplossen door middel van faillissementen en consolidatie.

    Kortom: in eerste instantie leken de zonnepanelenfabrikanten de grote winnaars. Met de opkomst van Azie is de situatie veranderd van een winstgevende groeimarkt naar een industrie met hevige concurrentie. Niet alleen westerse bedrijven zijn uiteindelijk het slachtoffer geworden maar ook Aziatische bedrijven zelf. De uiteindelijke winnaar is de consument en het milieu. Op de langere termijn, wanneer de industrie geherstructureerd is, ziet de toekomst er nog steeds zonnig uit.
  7. forum rang 10 voda 29 oktober 2012 16:38
    Beijing to launch CNY 70 billion plan to rescue solar industry

    An expert from an official energy institute said that the central government is planning to unveil a series of projects totaling CNY 70 billion to save the troubled solar industry. However, the source of funding for the ambitions plan that comes amid a slowing economy remains unknown.

    Mr Wang Sicheng, a research fellow from the NDRC's Energy Research Institute, said that the stimulus projects would be sponsored by several government departments, including the National Development and Reform Commission, State Grid and the National Energy Administration.

    Mr Wang said that interdepartmental meetings were being held frequently to nail down the final details.

    The NEA issued a decree in mid September 2012 that required each province to build a 500 MW distributed photovoltaic generation project, which is based on large number of small generators. Thirty one provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions would add more than 15 gigawatts in total installation capacity.

    Mr Wang said that "Based on the current subsidy of CNY 0.4 per 1 kilowatt hour, the project will cost the government CNY 6 billion a year in subsidies. But the investment to build these facilities will cost CNY 150 billion in total. Where does the money come from? There is a big question mark."

    Another concern is the delivery of subsidies to power generators. A source close to NEA said subsidies to major wind and solar plants stopped coming in September 2010 and companies were lobbying for the money.

    The source close to NEA said that the Ministry of Finance, which recently took charge of the subsidies from power companies, is working on clearing the delays.

    Chinese solar equipment has met with frequent US anti dumping measures this year and Europe largely reduced imports.

    In response, Chinese officials decided to expand the domestic market to boost the industry, and results are already apparent.

    Mr Wang said that "Solar projects totaling 5 gigawatts in installation capacity have received the green light this year."

    Source - Caixin
  8. forum rang 10 voda 30 oktober 2012 19:22
    A GBP 20 million scheme to turn Wales buildings into power stations

    It is reported that a GBP 20 million solar technology project turning buildings into power stations will create 300 jobs in Wales.

    A partnership including the universities of Bangor and Glyndwr (Wrexham) and TATA Steel in Shotton is spearheading an initiative aimed at taking advantage of large properties by integrating new technologies into roofs and walls to generate and store clean renewable energy.

    They say Wales is on the threshold of a £1billion global renewable industry if it capitalizes on the structural mass of supermarkets, retail outlets and industrial parks, such as Deeside, St Asaph and Llangefni.

    First minister Mr Carwyn Jones and business secretary Mr Vince Cable will unveil the scheme with a new pilot manufacturing facility at Baglan Energy Park, near Port Talbot.

    Enormous environmental benefits underscore Baglan, which could reduce the UK’s CO2 output by millions of tonnes a year.

    The pilot unit at SPECIFIC, the Innovation and Knowledge Centre, led by Swansea University, will develop functional coated steel and glass products to incorporate into existing and new buildings, enabling walls and roofs to generate, store and release energy.

    Dr Peter Holliman, head of chemistry at Bangor University, has been working on the PVA (Photovoltaic Accelerator) side of the SPECIFIC project. He said that "We've been working on low cost PVs, increasing the amount of light we capture as well as the processing and manufacturing to make them at lower temperatures. We have been able to use cheaper substrates and save energy, reduce processing time from overnight to a few minutes. What's great about SPECIFIC is that is gives us the opportunity to take it out of the lab and into a real production line; that's the benefit of bringing partners together."

    Mr Kevin Bygate CEO of SPECIFIC added that "What we are achieving at the Baglan Bay Innovation and Knowledge Centre is of global significance. It has the potential to create a range of renewable energy applications which will be available commercially within a few years. The funding secured to date and the unique collaboration between government, academia and industry has enabled us to make rapid progress within a relatively short timescale. We are delighted to be launching this pilot manufacturing facility today which will pave the way for rapid commercialization and the creation of a major UK industry."

    This ease of use will help address a widely predicted global shortage of energy supply, providing building owners and occupiers with a reliable energy source at point of use.

    And, as these technologies are developed into commercially viable products, the market demand will lead to jobs being created in the supply chain (downstream from manufacture) as there will be a need for people to install and maintain them over the lifetime of each product.

    As this will be a new industry, new jobs will be created and the engineers will need to have green energy skills, according to SPECIFIC. They will probably already live in the local area and be able to service local demand, which bodes well for areas of Wales.

    As residents start to introduce the solutions into their homes (again new build and retrofit), developers and SMEs will enter the market; creating more jobs to meet the growing demand.

    Take up of the proposition is expected to anchor advanced manufacturing jobs in North Wales. It could also serve to protect jobs that already exist by moving into new markets.

    Professor Dr Dave Worsley, research director at Glyndwr University, said the project could have a massive effect on the region and the future of green energy. He told Business Post that "We have to come up with ways to trap solar energy and then release it in low energy form. If you think of the size of the average superstore and how many there are. There are thousands of square meters of buildings out there just keeping the rain out. Imagine if we had the whole surface generating solar energy."

    Source - Daily Post
  9. forum rang 10 voda 2 november 2012 18:42
    New Yorkers kunnen lege mobiel opladen dankzij zonne-energie

    New Yorkers die na de storm Sandy met hun handen in het haar zitten omdat hun mobiele telefoon of smartphone leeg is, kunnen deze laten opladen met zonne-energie. Greenpeace zet een campagnetruck in waarmee dat mogelijk is, zei de milieuorganisatie met het hoofdkantoor in Amsterdam vrijdag.

    De truck staat in de zwaargetroffen buurt Far Rockaway, in Queens. Als mensen in de rij staan voor voedsel en hulpgoederen, kunnen ze hun telefoons en kleine apparatuur afgeven bij de 'Rolling Sunlight' van Greenpeace. De vrachtwagen wordt normaal gebruikt voor de Amerikaanse Greenpeace-campagne voor duurzame energie en tegen kolencentrales.

    Op veel plekken in onder meer New York is de stroomvoorziening nog altijd niet hersteld. Een van de nijpendste problemen blijkt het niet kunnen opladen van telefoons en smartphones. Om toch bereikbaar te blijven zijn in de stad geïmproviseerde oplaadpunten gebouwd. Daar kunnen de telefoons worden opgeladen door hard te trappen op een fiets.
  10. forum rang 10 voda 5 november 2012 17:18
    China klaagt bij WTO over zonne-energie
    Gepubliceerd op 5 nov 2012 om 16:49 | Views: 357

    PEKING (AFN) - China heeft bij de Wereldhandelsorganisatie WTO geklaagd over de manier waarop de EU de eigen zonnepanelenindustrie steunt. China is vooral boos omdat in sommige Europese landen alleen subsidies voor duurzame energie worden verstrekt als de panelen in Europa zijn gemaakt. Zo worden Chinese bedrijven die dezelfde spullen maken benadeeld, vindt China.

    China en Europa hebben al langer ruzie over de manier waarop de gebieden de eigen 'zonne-energie' steunen.
  11. forum rang 10 voda 8 november 2012 16:34
    Tweede EU-onderzoek naar Chinese zonnepanelen
    Gepubliceerd op 8 nov 2012 om 11:56 | Views: 515

    BRUSSEL (AFN) - De Europese Commissie heeft donderdag een tweede onderzoek geopend naar Chinese zonnepanelen en de belangrijkste onderdelen daarvan. De Europese brancheorganisatie voor zonnepanelen, EU ProSun, heeft in Brussel geklaagd dat haar Chinese concurrenten oneerlijke overheidssubsidies krijgen van Peking.

    Het is volgens Brussel de grootste zogeheten antisubsidiezaak die het ooit onderzocht. China exporteerde in 2011 voor 21 miljard euro zonnepanelen en onderdelen naar de EU.

    In september initieerde Brussel een onderzoek naar de mogelijk dumping van Chinese zonnepanelen op de Europese markt.

  12. forum rang 10 voda 8 november 2012 16:47
    China launches WTO case against EU solar subsidies

    PA reported that China has filed a World Trade Organization case challenging subsidies provided by some European Union members to promote the solar panel industry, adding to its trade disputes with Europe and the United States.

    Commerce Ministry spokesman Mr Shen Danyang said that China is requesting a consultation at the WTO. It is accusing some EU countries of providing subsidies for power generated by solar facilities in which the main components are made in European countries.

    Mr Shen said such subsidies seriously damaged China's photovoltaic exports.

    The statement did not name the countries targeted in the WTO case, but the official Xinhua News Agency cited a Commerce Ministry official as saying that Italy and Greece subsidize projects that use EU produced solar equipment.

    The case follows an anti dumping probe Beijing announced last week into European exports of poly silicon used in making solar panels, and the EU earlier began investigating whether Beijing was improperly subsidizing exports of solar panels.

    China and its trading partners pledged after the 2008 global financial crisis to avoid taking actions that would hamper trade but have launched a series of anti subsidy investigations and imposed punitive tariffs on some goods.

    Solar and other renewable energy technology is especially sensitive because governments that are under pressure to cut high unemployment see it as a growth industry and source of well paid jobs.

    The US International Trade Commission is to vote on whether Chinese trade practices have injured the US solar industry. It's the final hurdle in a more than yearlong effort by the US to impose steep tariffs on Chinese solar panels.

    Washington imposed tariffs of up to 250% on imports of Chinese made solar panels in 2012 to counter what it said was improper subsidies to the industry, but those tariffs aren't finalized unless the ITC votes to find harm to the US industry.

    The disputes have added to financial pressure on Chinese and other solar equipment producers that are suffering heavy losses due to lower sales and a price cutting war.

    Source - Associated Press

  13. forum rang 10 voda 11 november 2012 16:12
    National Solar Mission Phase II policy to be announced in a month

    Business Line cited Mr Tarun Kapoor joint Secretary, Ministry of New and Renewable Energy as saying that the basic contours of the policy for the Phase II of the National Solar Mission will be announced in a month’s time.

    Under this phase, the Government of India intends to engender the creation of 3,000 MW of solar power capacity in batches.

    Speaking at the Sixth Renewable Energy India 2012 Expo, Mr Kapoor said that all means of financing the feed in tariff would be used including viability gap funding, generation based incentives and bundling of solar power with conventional power that has not been earmarked for sales under any power purchase agreements, so that the weighted average cost of the bundled power becomes affordable to the electricity distribution companies.

    Mr Kapoor said that there would be measures to encourage local manufacture of solar modules too, but that would be different, because the steps taken to develop local manufacture did not help the local industry.

    The second phase will also give a big push to off-grid solar applications. There will be changes in the off-grid scheme to make it simpler. Further, use of solar power for heating will be encouraged.

    He said that “Grid connected rooftop projects are most important for us. A 10 MW pilot project will soon be launched, which will be spread over 5 to 6 locations.”

    Source - Business Line
  14. forum rang 10 voda 18 november 2012 17:00
    TSML Engineering becomes the exclusive distributor of SolarWorld

    TSML Engineering, a division of Tuwairqi Steel Mills which operates under the renowned Saudi Group, Al Tuwairqi Holdings has signed a sole distributorship contract with SolarWorld, AG. This contract will make TSMLE an exclusive distributor of SolarWorld’s Photovoltaic Modules in Pakistan.

    In the presence of Horst Roeslor, Consultant to the Board, Pakistan German Business Forum and Hans Juergen Paschke, Consul & Deputy Head of Mission, Consulate General of Germany, the contract was signed by Mr Asad Malik and Mr Kai Klingenhagen. Mr Zaigham Adil Rizvi director Projects of TSML was also present on the occasion.

    SolarWorld AG is one of the biggest manufacturers of solar modules and solar power systems worldwide and contributes to a cleaner energy supply all over the world. The company employs approximately 3,000 people and carries out production in Freiberg, Germany and Hillsboro, USA. SolarWorld Asia Pacific, based in Singapore is the regional office of the SolarWorld group for Pakistan.

    According to the Pakistan Electric Power Company, There is no pretense that solar power is the only answer, Pakistan needs to produce 16,000 MW of electricity a day but only manages 13,000 MW. Pakistan needs reliable and sustainable solar power systems. SolarWorld’s PV Modules guarantees consistent output and set themselves apart with their outstanding product features.

    Source - TSML
  15. forum rang 10 voda 23 november 2012 16:45
    India to get 1100 MW grid connected solar power

    Business Line cited Mr GB Pradhan secretary, Ministry of New and Renewable Energy as saying that India would see additional 1,100 MW of grid connected solar power installed in the national solar mission soon.

    However, the country targets to install 20,000 MW of solar power under the national mission by 2022. Till now, it has renewable energy capacity of 27,000 MW.

    Source - Business Line
  16. forum rang 10 voda 30 november 2012 16:36
    Ukraine and Ukraine can build solar and wind power plants for UAE

    Interfax cited Mr Viktor Yanukovych President of Ukrainian as saying that Ukraine has offered to build solar and wind power plants for the United Arab Emirates. Today Ukraine has offered the full construction of solar and wind power plants. We believe that this area is very promising for us.

    The president said that the United Arab Emirates is interested in building renewable energy sources and in attracting new technologies. According to him the promising areas for the two countries cooperation include the defense sector agriculture energy space and high technology. The Ukrainian president is on an official visit to the United Arab Emirates. A number of bilateral documents were signed during this visit.

    Source -
  17. forum rang 10 voda 3 december 2012 16:29
    30000 MW is targeted from renewable energy during the 12th Plan period

    Dr. Farooq Abdullah the minister of New and Renewable Energy informed the Lok Sabha that the total installed capacity of renewable energy based power in the country is 26,267 MW. A capacity addition of 30,000 MW is targeted from renewable energy during the 12th Plan period.

    The contribution of renewable energy based power generation is likely to be in the range of 6% to 8% in the total electricity mix of the country and major part of power generation would continue to come from thermal and hydro power.

    Mr Abdullah said that the Government is implementing the Jawaharlal Nehru Solar Mission to promote harnessing/utilization of solar energy for power generation and other applications in the country. The Mission envisages installation of 20,000 MW capacities by the year 2022. Solar projects/systems can be installed throughout the country.

    The places receiving higher direct solar insulation are better suited for installation solar power projects. A target of 10,000 MW has been fixed for solar power projects during the 12th Plan. So far, 1045 MW of solar power projects have been installed in the country.

    Source – PIB
  18. forum rang 10 voda 5 december 2012 17:02
    Potential of Renewable Energy

    Dr Farooq Abdullah minister of New and Renewable Energy informed the Lok Sabha that government is implementing a project entitled Ladakh Renewable Energy Initiative to minimize dependence on diesel in the Ladakh region and meet power requirement through local renewable sources.

    The approach is to meet power requirements through small/micro hydel and solar photovoltaic power projects/systems and use solar thermal systems for water heating/space heating/cooking requirements.

    The project envisages setting up of solar power plants in 70 villages and 120 institutions and distribution of solar systems in the region. The project also aims at setting up of 30 small/mini hydel projects with an aggregate capacity of 23.8 MW. The project is under implementation since 1st June 2010.

    Source - PIB
  19. forum rang 10 voda 5 december 2012 17:12
    Qatar aims increase solar power

    Reuters reported that Qatar aims to raise the share of solar power in electricity generation to 16% by 2018.

    An official said that Qatar the world’s top exporter of liquefied natural gas has the world’s highest per capita greenhouse gas emissions. Like other OPEC nations it has been wary of a global shift to renewable energy, fearing it will hit demand for oil and gas.

    Mr Fahad Bin Mohammad Al Attiya chairman of the organizers of talks in Doha from November 26th to December 7th among almost 200 nations on slowing global warming said that “We are working on a project to develop 1,800 MW of solar power. That will be 16% of our total electrical output. The project was due to be operating by 2018. He said the tiny Gulf state now has negligible use of solar power despite strong sunshine year round. It makes sense for us. We will also have a feed-in tariff system so that people can put solar systems on their roof and contribute to the grid.

    Mr Al Attiya said that “All these measures have been applied now because solar prices are becoming reasonable and competitive. With the amount of solar hours we have it is economically feasible. Qatar has so far disappointed environmentalists by failing to set clear targets for reducing its greenhouse gas emissions at the UN talks. It has argued that its liquefied natural gas exports help other nations turn from more polluting coal.

    The government said that Qatar is pursuing voluntarily a national initiative to reduce greenhouse gas emissions as long as they are in line with sustainable development. To Qatar, climate change represents a double jeopardy. On the one hand, global warming threatened its fragile desert ecosystems. On the other, effective action to solve the problem would undermine demand for fossil fuels.

    Source – Reuters
  20. forum rang 10 voda 8 december 2012 16:28
    MENA to pump more capital into renewables

    While the UAE, Kuwait, Oman, Egypt, Jordan and Morocco are moving forward with at least ten solar power facilities worth USD 6.8 billion more regional renewable energy projects will be announced in the next 12 months.

    Ms Anita Mathews exhibition director of Middle East Electricity said that “By 2030, almost 15.7 per cent of the world’s energy will be coming from renewable sources. With global hydrocarbon resources dwindling amid a concerted effort to build a green environment while reducing carbon emissions, countries across the world are now turning to green energy.”

    She said that while the Mena region has a long way to go to catch up with the rest of the world in terms of renewable energy investment, governments are definitely reviewing their strategies and aiming at increasing the shares of renewable energy in their energy mix of the future.

    According to the latest Global Trends in Renewable Energy Investment report, Global renewable energy investment has reached an all time high in 2011 of USD 257 billion but the Mena region lags behind the rest of the world, accounting for only 2.1% of total renewables investment for the year.

    Though Mena countries have an abundance of renewable sources to become a world leader in renewable energy predominantly solar and wind policy uncertainty created by socio political turmoil has delayed progress.

    Additionally, disincentives built into electricity price subsidies have stalled renewables deployment within the Mena region according to the report, which was released this year in collaboration between the United Nations Environment Program and the Frankfurt School of Finance and Management. Countries spared by the turbulence such as the UAE and Morocco however made significant advancements.

    With the renewable energy sector highlighted as a key focus this year, the event’s organizers Informa Exhibitions believe that regional investment in the sector will pick up again after a disappointing year in 2011 in which investment had dropped by 18% from 2010.

    Informa will also launch Solar Middle East alongside Middle East Electricity, a three day event dedicated to the regional solar industry which is set to become the largest gathering of solar technology suppliers ever seen in the Middle East.

    Source - Trade Arabia
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