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Draadje OT, bijzaken & geleuter in de marge! - Deel 2

1.200 Posts
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  1. [verwijderd] 1 november 2006 17:35
    Duizenden berichten in één thread zorgt niet bepaald voor duidelijkheid. Daarom zetten we threads die meer dan 1.000 berichten hebben voort in een nieuwe thread: deel 2.

    --- Vorige delen ---
    Deel 1:

    --- Website bedrijf ---

    --- Koersen ---

    --- Informatie toevoegen? ---
    Om deze startpost uitgebreider te maken kunnen jullie concrete info/links mailen naar Wij zullen deze informatie, mits geschikt, toevoegen aan deze startpost!

    Met vriendelijke groet,

    Eric Mencke
  2. forum rang 4 Opstapelen 1 november 2006 19:11
    Wat een geleuter om het leuter draadje na 1000 post af te kappen en een nieuw leuter draadje te beginnen.
    Wat een geleuter!
    Erik(zo dat is eruit)
  3. [verwijderd] 1 november 2006 20:10

    De rijken mogen niet zeiken.

    Lange Frans & Korte Jort

    De lijst is uit. Nooit eerder was vermogend Nederland zó rijk. De Quote 500 groeit dit jaar zeer fors verder: 121,5 miljard euro bezitten de vijfhonderd meest vermogende personen van Nederland inmiddels. Een groei van ruim tien procent ten opzichte van de 110 miljard van vorig jaar. Ook zijn er verrassende nieuwe binnenkomers op de lijst.

    De 250 Rijksten van de 17de eeuw
    Loop met Jort Kelder langs de zakkenvullers van de 17de eeuw in de Philipsvleugel van het Rijksmuseum.

    Quote lanceerde woensdagavond in het Rijksmuseum de 250 Rijksten van de 17de eeuw. De zakkenvullers uit de 17de eeuw, een samenwerking tussen Quote en het Rijks, is een supplement van het jubileumnummer van het bijtertje onder de zakenbladen.
    De lijst, samengesteld door Kees Zandvliet (afdelingshoofd Geschiedenis van het Rijksmuseum), wordt gecomplementeerd met portretten van exponenten van het nieuwe geld, door fotograaf Erwin Olaf geportretteerd in een typische oud geld setting.
    Daarnaast kunt u in het Rijksmuseum de speciale tour langs de rijken van de 17de eeuw volgen. Jort Kelder en Kees Zandvliet nemen u met een speciale audiotour mee langs portretten van de vermogenden van de Gouden Eeuw.
    - Download hier de audiotour van Jort Kelder en Kees Zandvliet.
    - Bekijk hier het filmpje van Erwin Olaf’s fotoshoot.
    - Bekijk hier het filmpje van de babbels en bubbels tijdens de lancering.
  4. [verwijderd] 1 november 2006 20:35

    flosz schreef:


    De rijken mogen niet zeiken.

    Lange Frans & Korte Jort

    De lijst is uit. Nooit eerder was vermogend Nederland zó rijk. De Quote 500 groeit dit jaar zeer fors verder:

    People In Rich Countries Have More Sexual Partners

    Even though monogamy still dominates globally, people in developed countries tend to have a higher number of sexual partners than people in the developing world, say researchers from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, UK, after examining data from 59 countries. Even so, the incidence and prevalence of STDs (sexually transmitted diseases) and HIV is higher in the developing world.

    You can read about this study in The Lancet.

    The researchers said that although promiscuity is a factor in the number of STD cases, poverty and mobility have a much greater impact.

    The majority of people worldwide said they only had one sexual partner during the past 12 months.

    Surprisingly, the researchers' findings did not indicate that people were engaging in sexual activity at a younger age - there was no evidence that people are having sexual intercourse earlier. Most males and females worldwide start becoming sexually active when they are 15 - 19. In the United Kingdom, girls, on average, have their first sexual intercourse at 17.5 years of age, while boys do so when they are 16.5.

    People under 25 from developed countries tend to have more sexual partners than people of the same age in developing countries. Single people in developed countries are much more sexually active than single people in developing countries. In Africa two-thirds of single males and females had had sex during the last 12 months, compared to three-quarters in developed countries.

    Study author, Professor Kaye Wellings, when referring to higher rates of STDs in developing countries, said: "This suggests social factors such as poverty, mobility and gender equality may be a stronger factor in sexual ill-health than promiscuity....Men and women have sex for different reasons and in different ways in different settings. This diversity needs to be respected in a range of approaches tailored to whole societies, and to particular groups and individuals within them. The selection of public-health messages needs to be guided by epidemiological evidence rather than by myths and moral stances."

    "Sexual behaviour in context: a global perspective
    Prof Kaye Wellings FRCOG, Martine Collumbien MSc, Emma Slaymaker MSc, Susheela Singh PhD, Zoé Hodges MSc, Dhaval Patel PhD and Nathalie Bajos PhD
    The Lancet DOI:10.1016/S0140-6736(06)69479-8
    Click here to see article online (you may need to provide 'username' and 'password')

  5. [verwijderd] 1 november 2006 20:40
    Veel leesvoer Jan....:
    The Lancet Early Online Publication, 1 November 2006

    The Lancet DOI:10.1016/S0140-6736(06)69479-8
    Sexual behaviour in context: a global perspective
    Prof Kaye Wellings FRCOG , Martine Collumbien MSc a, Emma Slaymaker MSc a, Susheela Singh PhD b, Zoé Hodges MSc a, Dhaval Patel PhD c and Nathalie Bajos PhD d

    Key messages
    •Information about sexual behaviour is essential to inform preventive strategies and to correct myths in public perceptions of sexual behaviour. Increased research in this area in the past two decades provides a historically unique opportunity to take stock of sexual behaviour, and efforts to safeguard it, at the beginning of the 21st century. Gaps in knowledge remain, especially in Asia and the middle east, where obstacles to sexual-behaviour research remain.
    •Trends towards earlier sexual experience are less pronounced and less widespread than sometimes supposed (in many developing countries the trend is towards later onset of sexual activity for women), but the trend towards later marriage has led to an increase in the prevalence of premarital sex.
    •Most people are married and married people have the most sex. Sexual activity in young single people tends to be sporadic, but is greater in industrialised countries than in developing countries.
    •Monogamy is the dominant pattern in most regions; but reporting of multiple partnerships is more common in men than in women, and generally more common in developed countries than in developing countries.
    •Striking differences between men and women in sexual activity are explained in part by a tendency for men to over-report and women to under-report, but patterns of age mixing and the age structures of populations also help explain the difference, especially in African countries.
    •Marriage does not reliably safeguard sexual-health status. Married women find negotiation of safer sex and use of condoms for family planning more difficult than do single women. Very early sexual experience within marriage can be coercive and traumatic.
    •Condom use is increasing—in some cases, such as in Uganda, strikingly so—but in many developing countries, rates of use remain low.
    •Factors that determine variations and trends in sexual behaviour are environmental and include shifts in poverty, education, and employment; demographic trends such as the changing age structure of populations and the trend towards later marriage; increased migration between and within countries; globalisation of mass media; advances in contraception and access to family-planning services; and public-health HIV and sexually transmitted disease prevention strategies.
    •Public-health interventions should address the broader determinants of sexual behaviour, such as gender, poverty, and mobility, in addition to individual behaviour change.
    •Risk-reduction messages should respect diversity and preserve choice. Selective emphasis on different aspects of the ABC strategy needs to be tailored to individuals and settings. Young people need to be helped to achieve the best timing of first sex, but first sexual experiences are often forced, or even sold.
    •School-based sex education improves awareness of risk and knowledge of risk reduction strategies, increases self-effectiveness and intention to practice safer sex, and delays rather than hastens the onset of sexual activity.
    •No general approach to sexual-health promotion will work everywhere, and no single-component intervention will work anywhere. We need to know not only whether interventions work, but why and how they do so in particular social contexts. Comprehensive behavioural interventions are needed that take account of the social context, attempt to modify social norms to support uptake and maintenance of behaviour change, and tackle the structural factors that contribute to risky sexual behaviour.
    Sexual and Reproductive Health - a matter of life and death
    The increasing influence of conservative political, religious, and cultural forces around the world threatens to undermine progress in sexual and reproductive health, according to the first paper in the Series. The greatest challenge to sexual-health promotion in almost all countries comes from opposition from conservative forces to harm-reduction strategies, such as supplying contraception to sexually active young people and providing safe, legal abortion services.

    Family Planning: the Unfinished Agenda
    Europe, rather than the US, should take the lead in revitalising global commitment to family planning, according to the third paper. The authors argue that family planning should have a higher priority than investment in HIV prevention and treatment in most poor countries, because population growth poses a greater threat to development.

    Unsafe abortion: The Preventable Pandemic
    When abortion is made legal, safe and easily accessible, women’s health rapidly improves, according to the fourth paper in the Series. An estimated 19 million unsafe abortions take place every year. Women should have access to safe, legal abortion services as a fundamental right, irrespective of where they live, state the authors.

    Global control of sexually transmitted infections
    While HIV prevention must remain a major public health priority globally, the control of other sexually transmitted infections must not be neglected, state the authors of the fifth paper in the Series.

    Sexual and reproductive health for all - A call for action
    Sexual and reproductive health for all is an achievable goal - if cost-effective interventions are properly scaled up; political commitment is revitalised; and financial resources are mobilised, rationally allocated, and more effectively used. The final paper in the Series represents a call to action and focuses on what needs to be done to achieve universal access to sexual and reproductive health services by 2015.

    Reviving reproductive health
    Horton R - (DOI: 10.1016/S0140-6736(06)69484-1)
    Full Text
    Putting sexual and reproductive health on the agenda
    Glasier A, Gülmezoglu AM - (DOI: 10.1016/S0140-6736(06)69485-3)
    Full Text
    Cairo after 12 years: successes, setbacks, and challenges
    Langer A - (DOI: 10.1016/S0140-6736(06)69486-5)
    Full Text
    Sexual and reproductive health: rights and responsibilities
    Shaw D - (DOI: 10.1016/S0140-6736(06)69487-7)
    Full Text
    Sex, politics, and money
    Thomas G - (DOI: 10.1016/S0140-6736(06)69488-9)
    Full Text
  6. [verwijderd] 1 november 2006 20:54
    Ecologists Will Study West Nile Virus, Malaria, Bird Flu And Other Infectious Diseases
    Main Category: Infectious Diseases / Bacteria / Viruses News
    Article Date: 31 Oct 2006 - 22:00pm (PST)

    Over the past 20 years, unprecedented changes in biodiversity have coincided with the emergence and re-emergence of numerous infectious diseases around the world. To address this problem, the National Science Foundation (NSF) and the National Institutes of Health (NIH) have announced funding for eight projects under the Ecology of Infectious Diseases (EID) program, a multi-year, joint-agency effort now in its seventh year of funding.

    "The joint program supports efforts to create a predictive understanding of the ecological and biological mechanisms that govern relationships among human-induced environmental changes and transmission of infectious diseases," said Samuel Scheiner, program director in NSF's biological sciences directorate, which funds the EID program along with NSF's geosciences directorate.

    Interdisciplinary projects funded through the EID program will study how large-scale environmental events -- such as habitat destruction, biological invasions and pollution, as well as a variety of interventions -- alter the risks of viral, parasitic and bacterial diseases emerging in humans and animals.

    These studies will contribute knowledge and analytical tools that will help public-health officials, wildlife managers, farmers and others to control the spread of diseases among humans, domestic and wild animals, and crops, say EID scientists.

    This year's awards include developing a better understanding of the effects of avian migration and human-caused change on the distribution and risks of avian influenza; predicting variations in West Nile virus transmission in different regions; the changing dynamics of malaria and other diseases in Papua New Guinea; disease resistance in estuarine populations like oysters and the response to climate change; sudden oak death and links among pathogens, hosts and environments; the influence of environmental change on how parasites move through human, invertebrate and environmental pathways; and others.

    The coincidence of broad-scale environmental changes and the emergence of infectious diseases may point to underlying and predictable ecological relationships. Yet both basic and applied research in infectious disease ecology have been largely piecemeal, said Scheiner.

    Potential benefits of the EID program include development of disease transmission theory; improved understanding of unintended health effects of development projects; increased capacity to forecast outbreaks; and improved understanding of how diseases emerge and re-emerge.

    Previous research looked at diseases only after they had reached humans, or only at non-human animals, said EID program directors at NSF and NIH's Fogarty International Center. The EID program links those different components to produce a comprehensive understanding of disease transmission, said Joshua Rosenthal, NIH program director for EID.


    Contact: Cheryl Dybas
    National Science Foundation
  7. gogogoo 1 november 2006 21:03
    Even lekker dit draadje vullen:

    Mind to Market: A Global Analysis of University Biotechnology Transfer and Commercialization
    September 2006 by Ross DeVol and Armen Bedroussian
    Anna Babayan, Meggy Frye, Daniela Murphy, Tomas J. Philipson, Lorna Wallace, Perry Wong and Benjamin Yeo

    The cities of Delft, Leiden, The Hague and Zoetermeer are part of the West-Holland cluster, considered “one of the largest and most prestigious biotech clusters in Western Europe.”14 The region is home to some of the top universities in the Netherlands: Leiden University, Delft University of Technology; and BIOMAC, an interdisciplinary graduate school specializing in research on structure function relationships of bio-macromolecules.15 The cluster features 60 biotech companies, such as Astra Zeneca, Centocor, Crucell, Genecor International and Toshiba Medical Systems. Other key institutions include: the Dutch Organization for Applied Scientific Research Institute, Prevention and Health; Leiden/Amsterdam Center for Drug Research; Medical Genetics Center of the Southwest Netherlands; Biotechnological Sciences Delft/Leiden; Leiden BioScience Park; Technopolis; and Delft Tech Park.16

    Founded in 1575, Leiden University has been working on technology transfer since the early 1980s.
    Leiden is home to one of the most successful university spin-offs on the continent, the biopharmaceutical Crucell, named by Fortune in May 2005 as one of the 25 “breakout” companies for that year. Crucell, which produces vaccines and antibodies, is located in the university-run BioScience Park; its founder, Dinko Valerio, had been a professor of gene therapy at the university. In 2005, Leiden adopted a new innovation
    plan for the university that includes loans to professors for startups.
  8. [verwijderd] 1 november 2006 21:05
    Hoi Flosz,
    Sorry Flosz, was waarschijnlijk nog onder de indruk van de posting van de rijken en waaruit blijkt hoe ze de vrije tijd invullen
  9. [verwijderd] 2 november 2006 07:00

    108 Teletekst do 02 nov
    Vaccin tegen baarmoederhalskanker

    ` Het vaccin Gardasil dat vrouwen moet
    beschermen tegen baarmoederhalskanker
    is vanaf vandaag verkrijgbaar.Gardasil
    zou bescherming bieden tegen virussen
    die de ziekte kunnen veroorzaken.

    Het vaccin werkt alleen bij meisjes en
    jonge vrouwen die nog niet sexueel
    actief zijn.Ze moeten de behandeling
    van zo'n vierhonderd euro zelf betalen.
    Volgend jaar bekijkt de Gezondheidsraad
    of het vaccin moet worden opgenomen in
    het Rijksvaccinatieprogramma.

    In Nederland sterven ieder jaar 200
    vrouwen aan baarmoederhalskanker.Dit
    ondanks het uitstrijkje dat alle
    vrouwen kunnen laten maken.
  10. [verwijderd] 2 november 2006 12:04
    RTRS-Megafusie tussen Amerikaanse apothekers
    WOONSOCKET (ANP) - De op een na grootste drogisterij- en
    apotheekketen in de Verenigde Staten CVS koopt de Amerikaanse
    postorderapotheek Caremark Rx voor ongeveer 21 miljard dollar
    (16,5 miljard euro) in eigen aandelen. Het gecombineerde concern
    heeft een gezamenlijke omzet van ongeveer 75 miljard dollar en
    telt meer dan 160.000 werknemers.

    Caremark levert aan bedrijven, vakbonden en overheids- en
    gezondheidsinstellingen medicijnen via de post. Door
    postorderapotheken staan de traditionele apotheken in de VS
    onder grote druk omdat zij hun klantenaantallen en verkoop zien
    teruglopen. Door Caremark over te nemen, kan CVS bij de inkoop
    van medicijnen fors lagere prijzen afdwingen, zo menen

    De aandeelhouders van Caremark krijgen 1,67 aandeel CVS per
    eigen aandeel. De aandeelhouders van CVS hebben na afronding
    54,5 procent van het gecombineerde bedrijf in handen. CVS-topman
    Tom Ryan wordt de nieuwe bestuursvoorzitter van de combinatie
    die CVS/Caremark gaat heten. Het nieuwe hoofdkantoor wordt de
    huidige hoofdvestiging van CVS in de plaats Woonsocket in de
    staat Rhode Island.

    ((ANP Redactie Economie, email economie(at), +31 20
    504 5999))
  11. [verwijderd] 3 november 2006 06:59

    120 Teletekst vr 03 nov
    Kort binnenlands nieuws

    ` Nederland geeft 80 miljoen euro voor
    de ontwikkeling van nieuwe medicijnen
    tegen aids,malaria en tbc.De medicijnen
    zijn bestemd voor de armste landen.Elk
    jaar sterven 6 miljoen mensen aan aids,
    tbc en malaria,de meesten in Afrika.

    ` Rijkswaterstaat en het KNMI geven in
    de winter bij naderend slecht weer een
    gecombineerd weer- en verkeeralarm.Dat
    gebeurt bij dreigende ontwrichting.

    ` Dit jaar begint een recordaantal
    mensen een eigen bedrijf.De Kamer van
    Koophandel schat het aantal op 85.000.
    Dat zijn er 10.000 meer dan vorig jaar.
    Vooral vrouwen en allochtonen beginnen
    vaker voor zichzelf.
    Gaat er een stukje naar Crucell?
  12. [verwijderd] 3 november 2006 12:10
    16 October 2006


    Cambridge Biostability Limited (“CBL” or “the Company”), the technology developer of temperature-stable liquid vaccines, today announces that the Company has appointed John Lambert as Chairman of the Company with immediate effect. John will take over the role from David Stone, who is currently Chairman and Chief Executive Officer.

    John (aged 53) was President of Chiron Vaccines and Vice President to Chiron Corporation between 2001-2005. Between 1987 and 2000, he was at Aventis Pasteur where he rose to become the President of Aventis Pasteur MSD (the vaccines joint venture between Aventis Pasteur and Merck & Co) from 1998 to 2000. His working career began in the financial area in 1972, when he joined Servier Laboratories in the UK, which culminated with his appointment as Financial Director in 1981.

    John has acted as the representative of the Vaccines Industry for the Developed World on the Board of the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunisation (“GAVI”) from 2004 to February 2005 , and was President of the European Vaccine Manufacturers Association (“EVM”) from 2001 to 2003 (2 year tenure).

    David Stone, Chief Executive of CBL, said:
    “John Lambert has had an internationally renowned & distinguished career in the field of vaccines and we are delighted that he has decided to become Chairman. He has a wealth of experience which will be invaluable to the business as it develops its role in the supply of stable vaccines to the developed and developing world.”

    John Lambert said:
    “CBL is undertaking crucial work in the stabilising of vaccines which is very exciting. I am committed to helping bring this innovative technology to a broad audience of people to help ease the cost and difficulties of immunisation, and believe that my invaluable prior experience in the vaccine world will help make this a reality.”

    Notes to Editors
    About Cambridge Biostability
    Based in Cambridge and founded in 1998, CBL has developed a revolutionary technology, which formulates vaccines into ready-to-inject stable liquid suspensions requiring no refrigeration or reconstitution. The Company has filed seven patent families worldwide and has a number development programmes underway including one supported by a grant from the UK’s Department for International Development to develop a stabilised pentavalent childhood vaccine as a liquid suspension. CBL is also working with US Government agencies to develop a stable multivalent vaccine against Botulism and a stable anthrax vaccine.

    Pagina 3.

    John Lambert Executive Vice President

    Aan de zijkanten ziet u een nieuwe naam, John Lambert die wij
    hebben aangesteld voor strategie en integratie. John is een veteraan in het vak, is president
    geweest van Aventis en van Chiron Vaccins. Hij werkt nu voor ons en zal de strategie voor
    groei verder tot emplooi brengen.
    AVA Crucell
    10 januari 2006

    Pagina 21.
  13. [verwijderd] 3 november 2006 12:11
    AEX-Euronext: ABN AMRO lanceert Turbo's op de Amsterdam Midkap-index
    Euronext Amsterdam meldt:
    Voor het volledig persbericht, kunt u de onderstaande link gebruiken.,4245,1626_53424_961073381,00.doc
    Einde bericht.


    ABN AMRO lanceert Turbo’s op de Amsterdam Midkap-index®

    Amsterdam, 3 november 2006

    ABN AMRO breidt met ingang van vandaag het aanbod van het succesvolle Turbo product verder uit met Turbo’s op de Amsterdam Midkap-index® (AMX). Ook worden er nieuwe Turbo’s geïntroduceerd op ASMI, BAM, Binck, Crucell en OCE. AMX is de “eerste divisie” van Euronext Amsterdam. Hierin zijn op dit moment 24 middelgrote bedrijven opgenomen.

    Als eerste in Nederland maakt ABN AMRO het beleggers met Turbo’s mogelijk om met een hefboom te beleggen in de AMX, waarmee het een uniek product is.

    “Dit is goed nieuws voor de actieve belegger”, zegt Erik Mauritz van ABN AMRO Markets. “AMX aandelen hebben goed gepresteerd. Dat blijkt ook wel uit de prestaties van de AMX versus de AEX. Beiden hebben 45,38 euro (100 gld) in 1983 als startwaarde, maar de AMX staat nu op 620 en de AEX op 490."

    Met Turbo’s kan een belegger met een hefboom extra profiteren van koersbewegingen, zowel omhoog als omlaag. Turbo’s Long profiteren van een stijging en Turbo’s Short van een daling. Een AMX Turbo Long met een hefboom van 4 stijgt bijvoorbeeld 4% in waarde als de AMX met 1% stijgt. Dit werkt ook andersom; daalt de AMX met 1%, dan daalt deze AMX Turbo Long met 4% in waarde.

    Er zijn nu al Turbo’s op meer dan 100 onderliggende waarden variërend van de Dow Jones Index tot goud, Google, India, de Euro/Dollar en zelfs sinaasappelsap. “Bij onze particuliere beleggers bleek behoefte te bestaan aan Turbo’s op de AMX zelf en op meer Midkap fondsen dan de bestaande op Corus, Fugro, LogicaCMG en Randstad.”.

    ”Dit past in het streven van Euronext dit segment meer in de schijnwerpers te krijgen”, zegt Mark Adema, Directeur van Euronext Indices. “De verschillende indices tonen een verschillend profiel, en door producten erop wordt het voor de belegger mogelijk hierop in te spelen.”

    Op kunnen geïnteresseerden meer informatie vinden over de kenmerken van deze nieuwe Turbo’s, de risico’s en de werking van Turbo’s. Meer informatie over de Amsterdam Midkap-index is te vinden op

    De waarde van een belegging kan fluctueren. Resultaten uit het verleden bieden geen garantie voor de toekomst.

    Voor meer informatie:
    ABN AMRO: Erik Mauritz: 020 - 3836151
    Euronext Amsterdam : 020 – 550 4488/4098
  14. aossa 3 november 2006 12:28
    Re: Turbo's op Crucell

    Crucell Turbo Long NL0000077865 / 07786 17,00 5,7 1,00 15,10 18,30 03.11.06 3,21 3,31
    Crucell Turbo Long NL0000077873 / 07787 15,00 3,7 1,00 13,30 18,30 03.11.06 5,01 5,11
    Crucell Turbo Long NL0000078160 / 07816 18,00 8,0 1,00 16,00 18,30 03.11.06 2,31 2,41
    Crucell Turbo Short NL0000078004 / 07800 20,00 4,0 1,00 22,90 18,30 03.11.06 4,58 4,68
    Crucell Turbo Short NL0000078012 / 07801 24,00 2,0 1,00 27,50 18,30 03.11.06 9,18 9,28
  15. aossa 3 november 2006 12:57
    Re: turbo's op Crucell

    De optiehandelaren gaan het geweten hebben.
    Voorzichtigheid blijft geboden zolang de koers geen richting kiest.

    Turbo Long met stop-loss op Eur15 en hefboom 3,7 lijken me wel iets, alhoewel niet goedkoop (bied: 5,01 laat: 5,11). Vergelijk met de call 15 jun07 (bied: 4,40 laat: 4,55). Met de turbo heb je wel het risico definitief uitgestopt te worden eens de koers even onder de Eur15 piekt, met total loss van je investering voor gevolg, met de Call's kan je een tijdelijke dip even aanzien. Opletten dus en zelf een stop-loss inbouwen.
  16. aossa 3 november 2006 13:38
    The Five Dumbest Things on Wall Street This Week

    Advancis Pharmaceutical (AVNC - commentary - Cramer's Take - Rating) is moving forward again.
    The Germantown, Md., developer of anti-infective drugs agreed this week to rename itself. A federal court found in September that Advancis infringed on the trademark of France's Sanofi-Aventis (SNY - commentary - Cramer's Take - Rating). The companies agreed last month to a settlement under which Advancis will change its corporate name by June 30, 2007.

    Volledig artikel:
  17. [verwijderd] 3 november 2006 14:56
    Next Clinical Trial of VaxGen's Anthrax Vaccine Delayed
    PR Newswire - November 03, 2006 08:00
    Conference Call Scheduled for 11 a.m., EST, Today

    BRISBANE, Calif., Nov 03, 2006 /PRNewswire-FirstCall via COMTEX/ -- VaxGen, Inc. (Pink Sheets: VXGN.PK) announced today that it has received a clinical hold notification from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) that will postpone the initiation of the company's second Phase II trial for its investigational anthrax vaccine, rPA102.

    /Logo: )

    The FDA's Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research (CBER) said the hold notice was issued because data submitted to date by the company are insufficient to determine that the product is stable enough to resume clinical testing. In the notification, the agency expressed concerns that the vaccine's potency could decline during the immunization phase of the trial, potentially resulting in an uninterpretable outcome.

    The notification is not related to any adverse event or preclinical finding related to the vaccine.

    VaxGen, at the FDA's encouragement, will meet with the agency as soon as possible to discuss approaches to satisfying the agency's requirements so that the trial can be initiated. "We look forward to meeting with FDA/CBER to further understand their concerns and to examine possible ways to resume clinical development of rPA102," said Lance K. Gordon, Ph.D., President and CEO of VaxGen.
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Forum # Topics # Posts
Aalberts 466 7.097
AB InBev 2 5.525
Abionyx Pharma 2 29
Ablynx 43 13.356
ABN AMRO 1.582 51.867
ABO-Group 1 22
Acacia Pharma 9 24.692
Accell Group 151 4.132
Accentis 2 267
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ageas 5.844 109.896
Agfa-Gevaert 14 2.051
Ahold 3.538 74.343
Air France - KLM 1.025 35.220
Airspray 511 1.258
Akka Technologies 1 18
AkzoNobel 467 13.046
Alfen 16 25.021
Allfunds Group 4 1.510
Almunda Professionals (vh Novisource) 651 4.251
Alpha Pro Tech 1 17
Alphabet Inc. 1 406
Altice 106 51.198
Alumexx ((Voorheen Phelix (voorheen Inverko)) 8.486 114.826
AM 228 684
Amarin Corporation 1 133
Amerikaanse aandelen 3.837 243.503
AMG 971 134.010
AMS 3 73
Amsterdam Commodities 305 6.735
AMT Holding 199 7.047
Anavex Life Sciences Corp 2 491
Antonov 22.632 153.605
Aperam 92 15.027
Apollo Alternative Assets 1 17
Apple 5 384
Arcadis 252 8.787
Arcelor Mittal 2.034 320.848
Archos 1 1
Arcona Property Fund 1 286
arGEN-X 17 10.333
Aroundtown SA 1 220
Arrowhead Research 5 9.747
Ascencio 1 28
ASIT biotech 2 697
ASMI 4.108 39.445
ASML 1.766 108.747
ASR Nederland 21 4.502
ATAI Life Sciences 1 7
Atenor Group 1 521
Athlon Group 121 176
Atrium European Real Estate 2 199
Auplata 1 55
Avantium 32 13.690
Axsome Therapeutics 1 177
Azelis Group 1 66
Azerion 7 3.412