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  1. [verwijderd] 17 november 2006 23:17
    van 'mijn'bedrijf blijven ze af!

    Johnson & Johnson behoorde met een winst van 1,1% tot USD 67,24 ook tot de grotere stijgers onder de hoofdfondsen. De fabrikant van onder meer pleisters en baby-shampoo neemt biotechbedrijf Conor Medsystems over voor USD 1,4 miljard.
  2. danicole 19 november 2006 11:53
    Identification Of "Seven-Helix Coiled Coil" Has Implications For Disease Research, Drug Discovery

    Understanding and replicating the diverse ways in which cellular proteins fold and interconnect is key to understanding life processes and major disorders, such as Parkinson's disease.

    Now, new research from biochemists and structural biologists at Weill Cornell Medical College in New York City suggests the challenge in replicating those connections will be more difficult than scientists have imagined. But the promise of doing so using "bioengineering" may be much greater for medical science, too.

    As reported recently in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, the researchers discovered that the structure of one of the most common protein-to-protein "hook-ups" -- the alpha helical "coiled coil" -- is more variable than previously believed
  3. [verwijderd] 20 november 2006 19:53

    GENEVA : UN Secretary General Kofi Annan on Monday urged 155 countries to speed up their faltering attempt to strengthen global safeguards against biological weapons, warning of the growing threat from terrorism and developments in biotechnology.

    Annan told a review conference on the Biological Weapons Convention that the risks had evolved swiftly in line with developments in the life sciences since the last meeting five years ago ended with "deep and bitter divisions".

    "We see today a strong focus on preventing terrorism, as well as renewed concern about naturally occurring diseases such as SARS and avian flu," he said in his opening speech.

    Annan said the convention was operating in a very different environment to November 2001.

    "Differences will remain. But I urge you to find, once again, creative and resourceful ways around them," he added.

    The Convention prohibits the development, use and stockpiling of biological weapons.

    Unlike the chemical and nuclear weapons treaties, it has little in the way of verification measures such as on-site inspections of military and private medical and pharmaceutical research laboratories.

    Attempts to set up checks have been rejected by several countries, including the United States, which pulled out of negotiations on the issue shortly after President George W. Bush came into office.

    Masood Khan, the Pakistani ambassador chairing the conference, said the issue of verification was likely to take a back seat in Geneva while other measures take precedence.

    "I don't think it will be possible to have discussions on this," he told journalists. Nonetheless, the climate of the talks was considerably better than five years ago, he added.

    The United States said on Monday that it supported other reinforcements negotiated in recent years, including global disease surveillance, biosecurity measures to prevent misuse of technology, and national policing.

    US Assistant Secretary of State John Rood told the conference that the major threats in the current strategic environment "come from rogue states and terrorists".

    Rood reiterated that the US believed Iran and North Korea may have biological weapons in violation of their treaty commitment, while Syria - which has signed the convention but not ratified it - carried out research.

    "The activities of North Korea, Iran and Syria are of particular concern given their support for terrorism and lack of compliance with their international obligations," Rood explained.

    Several countries on Monday also highlighted the need to get more of the UN's 193 members on board the Convention. Israel, Kazakhstan and several African countries are absentees.

    "We have several states that have neither signed nor ratified. We must fill that vacuum," Khan remarked.

    The treaties banning biological and chemical weapons, and restricting the proliferation of nuclear weapons, are the three pillars of global protection against weapons of mass destruction.

    Biological weapons are regarded as the weakest link, because of the lack of independent checks on countries and the relative ease with which medical research on viruses or bacteria can be misused by individuals.

    "The advances in life sciences and biotechnology are mind boggling, they're moving at a very fast speed so you need to be vigilant," said Khan.

    "Unlike nuclear weapons or chemical weapons you do not need big laboratories or an elaborate command and control system or huge facilities to develop weapons. Vigilance is the watchword," he told journalists.

    On Saturday, Annan warned that biotechnology had brought the world to the threshold of a new era of both danger and opportunity, akin to the advent of nuclear power in the 1950s.

    He called for a broader global drive encompassing industry, science, health experts and governments to ensure that the peaceful uses of biotechnology can be harnessed with minimal risk. - AFP/de

  4. forum rang 10 voda 21 november 2006 16:35
    Goede Bank, die Van Lanschot:

    AEX-Persbericht van Lanschot Bankiers
    Euronext Amsterdam
    Van Lanchot meldt:
    CenE Bankiers hoogste score klanttevredenheid financiële dienstverlening
    In het jaarlijkse onderzoek van het tijdschrift Management Team naar de honderd
    beste adviesbureaus van Nederland, de MT100, komt CenE Bankiers - onderdeel van
    Van Lanschot Bankiers - als nummer één uit de bus op het gebied van
    klanttevredenheid binnen de sector Business Finance. Ook Van Lanschot Bankiers
    zelf (op nummer vijf) en Kempen (onlangs door Van Lanschot overgenomen en in het
    onderzoek terug te vinden op de negende positie) staan binnen de financiële
    sector hoog genoteerd. De MT100 is een in opdracht van het blad Management Team
    jaarlijks uitgevoerd onderzoek onder enkele duizenden managers.
    CenE Bankiers, sinds twee jaar onderdeel van Van Lanschot, is een
    gespecialiseerde bank voor de medische sector. De dienstverlening van CenE
    Bankiers richt zich op medici, apothekers en zorginstellingen. Naast de
    uitstekende score op het gebied van klanttevredenheid, haalde CenE Bankiers
    binnen de sector Business Finance ook de nummer één positie op het gebied van de
    onafhankelijkheid van het advies en inhoudelijke kennis..
    Einde bericht.
  5. forum rang 10 voda 21 november 2006 21:31
    Under embargo until 21/11/06 – 6PM
    Bayer Diagnostics’ extensive portfolio covers a myriad of congenital and acquired disease states, including:
    allergy, anemia, autoimmune disorders, cardiopulmonary care, cardiovascular/heart, diabetes, fertility,
    infectious diseases, HIV/AIDS, urinary tract infections, kidney and metabolic function, thyroid functions,
    oncology and virology, as well as immunosuppressant therapy and therapeutic drug monitoring.
    Bayer HealthCare Diagnostics Division global headquarters are based in Tarrytown, New York, U.S.A, and
    operate as part of Bayer HealthCare LLC.
    For further information, please contact:
    Media Contacts
    Susan Oelerking
    Bayer HealthCare
    Tel.: 01-914-366-1807
    Forward looking statement
    This news release contains forward-looking statements based on current assumptions and forecasts made by Bayer Group
    management. Various known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors could lead to material differences between the actual
    future results, financial situation, development or performance of the company and the estimates given here. These factors include
    those discussed in our public reports filed with the Frankfurt Stock Exchange and with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission
    (including our Form 20-F). The company assumes no liability whatsoever to update these forward-looking statements or to conform
    them to future events or developments.
    About Innogenetics
    Innogenetics is an international biopharmaceutical company building parallel businesses in the areas of
    specialty diagnostics and therapeutic vaccines.
    In 2005, total revenues (product sales, royalties, and license fees) reached €48.6 million, with a profitable
    Specialty Diagnostics Division. Its Diagnostics Division develops a large number of specialty products
    covering three areas: infectious diseases (hepatitis C, hepatitis B, and HIV), genetic testing (HLA tissue
    typing and cystic fibrosis), and neurodegeneration (Alzheimer’s disease). In its Therapeutics Division,
    Innogenetics focuses on the development of therapeutic vaccines to address unmet medical needs in the
    field of infectious diseases, with two compounds now in clinical trials (hepatitis C in phase IIb and hepatitis B
    in phase I).
    Founded in 1985, Innogenetics is listed on Euronext Brussels [Ticker: INNX]. Innogenetics’ headquarters are
    in Gent, Belgium, with sales subsidiaries in France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Brazil, and the United States.
    Innogenetics employs 525 people worldwide and has a market capitalization of approximately €295 million.
    For further information, please contact:
    Filip Goossens
    Investor Relations Manager
    Tel.: +32 (0)9 329 1639
    BTW BE 0427.550.660 RPR Gent
    Forward looking statement
    This press release contains forward-looking statements that involve risks and uncertainties, including but not limited to projections of
    future revenues, operating income, and other risks. Prospective investors should be aware that these statements are estimates,
    reflecting only the judgments and projections of Innogenetics’ management, and no undue reliance should be placed on such forwardlooking
  6. [verwijderd] 22 november 2006 01:01
    Cell culture system hailed as ‘transforming cultivation’

    By Kirsty Barnes

    Get the latest Market Reports on Integra Biosciences cell culture

    Study highlights advantages of CELLine
    Disposable bioreactor boosts protein yields
    Roller improves cell culture yields

    21/11/2006 - Integra Biosciences is hailing its novel cell culture system as being responsible for dramatically transforming the effectiveness of small-scale antibody production.

    The Swiss firm said its CELLine system is bringing “considerable cost and time-saving benefits to cell cultivation” - in particular, high production yields and a 90 per cent reduction in media supplement requirements were cited.
    CELLine uses a proprietary membrane technology to separate off the cultivation chamber with an upper semi-permeable membrane through which nutrients can diffuse, and a lower one that allows gases to diffuse.

    This novel compartmentalised arrangement means that medium can be exchanged without influencing the function or growth of the cells and gases, said Integra.

    “Traditional cell growth limitations brought about by a lack of nutrients or the accumulation of metabolic waste can be overcome just as easily as oxygen deficiency.”

    “Such optimised conditions promote significant cell growth and lead to drastically increased cell densities.”

    Specifically, Integra said that cells growing under the optimal conditions created in CELLine reach densities of 107–108 cells/mL and the concentration of expressed protein is typically 50–100 times above what is found in standard cell culture disposables. Concentrations of monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) range from 1–2mg/mL.

    The firm also points to positive feedback it has received from staff at Germany's Institute for Molecular Medicine & Experimental Immunology (IMMEI) as an example of the bioreactors' efectiveness.

    Petra Peters a technical assistant at IMMEI who has used Integra's CELLine 350 to produce antibodies for the past year said: “Working with CELLine 350 is very time efficient and cost-saving.”

    While initially sceptical of the flask's benefits, Peters said he “can now produce large amounts of antibody in a very short time
  7. [verwijderd] 22 november 2006 08:02
    RTRS-Octoplus verleent licentie aan Koreaanse farmaceut
    LEIDEN (ANP) - Het biotechnologiebedrijf Octoplus heeft een
    exclusieve licentie verleend aan het Zuid-Koreaanse
    farmaciebedrijf Green Cross voor het ontwikkelen en het op de
    markt brengen van een medicijn tegen chronische
    middenoorontsteking. Dat heeft Octoplus woensdag bekendgemaakt.

    Het geneesmiddel, OP-145, is ontwikkeld om de terugkerende
    infectiecyclus te doorbreken die chronische middenoorontsteking
    veroorzaakt. Het product bevindt zich momenteel in de tweede
    fase van klinisch onderzoek. Na afronding van dit onderzoek
    voert Octoplus een internationaal fase 3 onderzoek uit. Green
    Cross zal dit onderzoek uitvoeren in Zuid-Korea en is
    verantwoordelijk voor de marktintroductie van het product.

    Octoplus houdt de productierechten op OP-145 en is
    verantwoordelijk voor de farmaceutische ontwikkeling van het
    medicijn. Green Cross betaalt Octoplus een bedrag vooraf en
    vervolgens mijlpaalbetalingen en royalties. Financiële details
    hierover worden niet bekendgemaakt.

    ((ANP Redactie Economie, email economie(at), +31 20
    504 5999))
  8. [verwijderd] 22 november 2006 08:14
    Persbericht 22 november 2006
    Galapagos en Cystic Fibrosis Foundation
    breiden alliantie in taaislijmziekte uit
    Mechelen, België en Bethesda, Maryland, VS; 22 november 2006 – Galapagos NV (Euronext & LSE: GLPG) heeft de target discovery samenwerking tussen haar servicedivisie BioFocus DPI en de Cystic Fibrosis Foundation (CFF) uitgebreid. De verlenging van de samenwerking met 15 maanden bouwt voort op de alliantie die in april 2005 startte; het gaat om meer dan €800.000 aan onderzoeksbetalingen. Zoals gepresenteerd tijdens de recente Cystic Fibrosis Conferentie in Denver, VS, gebruikt BioFocus DPI haar SilenceSelect adenovirale platform voor het identificeren van nieuwe drug targets voor therapieën tegen taaislijmziekte.
    “Het project verloopt zeer goed, daarom zijn wij verheugd en trots dat de CFF de alliantie met ons wil verlengen. Dit stelt ons in staat om gevalideerde targes aan te leveren die de basis kunnen vormen voor nieuwe geneesmiddelen”, aldus Onno van de Stolpe, Chief Executive Officer van Galapagos. “Dat ons platform met succes wordt ingezet door patiëntenorganisaties zoals de Cystic Fibrosis Foundation geeft veel voldoening.”
    “Wij zijn blij met de kwaliteit van de behaalde resultaten binnen de alliantie tot nu toe. Het innovatieve targe discovery platform van Galapagos kan veelbelovende targets opleveren voor de behandeling van taaislijmziekte”, volgens Robert J. Beall, PhD, president en CEO van de CFF en Cystic Fibrosis Foundation Therapeutics (CFFT). “Onze interactie met dit team is heel positief, en geeft vertrouwen in een succesvol resultaat van deze alliantie.”
    Over taaislijmziekte
    Cystic fibrosis of taaislijmziekte is een genetische ziekte die in de VS alleen al zo’n 30.000 kinderen en volwassenen treft. Een defect gen zorgt dat het lichaam abnormaal dik, taai slijm produceert dat de luchtwegen blokkeert en vaak leidt tot levensbedreigende longinfecties. Daarnaast belemmert de ziekte een goede werking van de alvleesklier, hetgeen leidt tot problemen bij de voedselopname. De gemiddelde levensverwachting van CF patiënten is gestegen van de vroege kinderjaren tot thans midden dertig, maar veel patiënten leveren een jarenlange strijd tegen verschillende longaandoeningen.
    Over de Cystic Fibrosis Foundation en CFFT
    De Cystic Fibrosis Foundation heeft tot doel te zorgen voor de middelen voor onderzoek naar medicijnen om Cystic Fibrosis (CF) te genezen en te beheersen en de levenskwaliteit voor CF patiënten te verbeteren. Met geld dat sinds haar oprichting in 1955 bijeengebracht is via schenkingen van privé-personen, bedrijven en stichtingen, steunt het onderzoek van de CF Foundation en de zorg om iedere dag CF patiënten een nieuwe dag erbij te geven.
    CFFT is de aan de CF Foundation gelieerde non-profit organisatie die zich richt op geneesmiddelenonderzoek en -ontwikkeling. CFFT steunt en beheert activiteiten gericht op het ontwikkelen van CF-geneesmiddelen door onderzoek naar en klinische evaluatie van nieuwe middelen. De CF Foundation biedt financiële ondersteuning aan de activiteiten van CFFT, met name het Therapeutics Development Program. Meer informatie over CF, de Cystic Fibrosis Foundation of CFFT kan gevonden worden op de volgende website:
    , ,
    Over Galapagos
    Galapagos is een beursgenoteerde onderneming die zich richt op innovatief gentechnologisch geneesmiddelenonderzoek (Euronext Brussel, GLPG; Euronext Amsterdam, GLPGA, Londen AiM: GLPG) dat programma’s heeft om medicijnen te ontwikkelen, gebaseerd op eigen doeleiwitten (“targets”) die een rol spelen bij de bot- en gewrichtsziekten osteoartritis, osteoporose en reumatoïde artritis. Via haar divisie BioFocus DPI, biedt Galapagos een breed scala aan van producten en diensten op het gebied van “target-tot-kandidaat medicijn”. Farmaceutische en biotechnologie bedrijven krijgen hiermee toegang tot technologie om targets te ontdekken en te valideren alsmede drug discovery activiteiten tot en met het afleveren van een preklinisch kandidaat medicijn. Daarnaast levert BioFocus DPI adenovirale reagentia voor de snelle identificatie en validatie van nieuwe targes en collecties van chemische moleculen voor drugdiscovery. Galapagos heeft meer dan 330 medewerkers, waaronder 144 PhDs, in zeven landen, met hoofdkantoor in Mechelen, België. Meer informatie over Galapagos en BioFocus DPI is te vinden op
    Galapagos NV
    Onno van de Stolpe, CEO
    Tel: +31 6 2909 8028
    Cystic Fibrosis Foundation
    Suzanne Pattee
    VP, Public Policy and Patient Affairs
    Tel: +1 301 907 2548
    Laurie Fink
    Director of Media Relations
    Tel: +1 301 841 2602
    Dit bericht kan toekomstgerichte verklaringen bevatten, zoals, bijvoorbeeld verklaringen die de woorden “gelooft”, “verwacht”, “streeft naar” “plant”, “tracht”, “schat” “kan”, “zal”, ”zou kunnen” en “continueert” bevatten, alsmede gelijkaardige uitdrukkingen. Dergelijke toekomstgerichte verklaringen kunnen gekende en ongekende risico’s en onzekerheden en andere factoren inhouden die er toe zouden kunnen leiden dat de werkelijke resulaten, financiële toestand, prestaties of realisaties van Galapagos, of resultaten van de industrie, beduidend verschillen van historische resultaten of van toekomstige resultaten, financiële toestand, prestaties of realisaties die door dergelijke toekomstgerichte verklaringen expliciet of impliciet worden uitgedrukt. Gelet op deze onzekerheden wordt de lezer aangeraden om geen overdreven vertrouwen te hechten aan deze toekomstgerichte verklaringen. Deze toekomstgerichte verklaringen gelden slechts op de datum van publicatie van dit document. Galapagos wijst uitdrukkelijk elke verplichting af om toekomstgerichte verklaringen in dit document bij te werken als weerspiegeling van enige wijziging van haar verwachtingen aangaande deze toekomstgerichte verklaringen of van enige wijziging in de gebeurtenissen,
    voorwaarden en omstandigheden waarop dergelijke verklaringen zijn gebaseerd, tenzi dit wettelijk of reglementair verplicht is.
    SilenceSelect® is een geregistreerde handelsmerk van Galapagos NV en/of haar dochterondernemingen.
  9. [verwijderd] 22 november 2006 08:30
    RTRS-Galapagos ontvangt meer geld van stichting
    MECHELEN (ANP) - Biotechbedrijf Galapagos krijgt van de
    Amerikaanse Cystic Fibrosis Foundantion (CFF) meer geld om
    onderzoek te doen naar medicatie tegen taaislijmziekte. Dat liet
    Galapagos woensdag weten. Het gaat om 800.000 euro voor de
    komende vijftien maanden.

    De twee partijen breiden daarmee een samenwerking uit die
    begon in april 2005. Destijds kreeg Galapagos, dat voor bijna 21
    procent in handen is van Crucell, 1,3 miljoen euro voor

    In de Verenigde Staten lijden zo'n 30.000 mensen aan
    taaislijmziekte. De aandoening is een defect gen dat zorgt voor
    abnormaal dik, taai slijm. Dit blokkeert de luchtwegen en leidt
    tot levensbedreigende longinfecties.

    ((ANP Redactie Economie, email economie(at), +31 20
    504 5999))
  10. [verwijderd] 22 november 2006 11:04
    First closing of BioGeneration Ventures Fund
    21 November 2006 17:11
    By Tornado Staff

    BioGeneration Ventures has announced the first closing of its new BioGeneration Ventures Fund at €13 million. The firm will specifically invest in Dutch start-up and early stage life sciences companies to bridge the current "equity gap", which hinders the development of new life sciences companies. The fund is financed by the Netherlands Genomics Initiative (NGI) and the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) in combination with the holding company of Leiden University and ABN-AMRO Capital Life Sciences as the lead private investors.
    Edward van Wezel, Managing Partner of BioGeneration Ventures, comments: "This fund is a unique combination of public and private funding aimed to support start-up and early stage companies in the life sciences in the Netherlands. We aim to offer more than just funding; we will actively support young companies in setting up and developing their business and raising additional funding. Together with our partners NGI, NWO, the holding company of Leiden University and ABN-AMRO, we have created the first fund of this size and focus in the Netherlands, supported by a team of experienced professionals with a proven track record".

    BioGeneration Ventures is a venture capital management company providing venture capital for early stage life sciences companies in the Netherlands. The management of Biogeneration Ventures has a successful track record in creating, managing and investing in early stage life sciences companies and combines all skills and experience needed to successfully build value.

    If you like to be updated on investment deals done in Europe, subscribe now to our Weekly Deals in Europe Report

  11. danicole 23 november 2006 08:07
    HHS Buys Additional Vaccine For Potential Use In An Influenza Pandemic

    HHS' effort to stockpile vaccine is part of a broader effort by the department to accelerate the development and production of new technologies for influenza vaccines within the U.S. Earlier this year, HHS announced a $1 billion investment to support the advanced development of cell-based production technologies for influenza vaccines and will help to modernize and strengthen the nation's influenza vaccine production by creating an alternative to producing influenza vaccines in eggs.
  12. forum rang 10 voda 23 november 2006 18:05
    RTRS-Bayer verkoopt chemieonderdeel aan private investeerders
    LEVERKUSEN (ANP) - Het Duitse concern Bayer verkoopt het
    chemieonderdeel H.C. Starck aan de investeringsmaatschappijen
    Carlyle Group en Advent International voor 1,2 miljard euro. Het
    farmacie- en chemiebedrijf gaat de opbrengst gebruiken om
    schulden af te lossen. Dat maakte Bayer donderdag bekend

    Starck produceert vuurvaste, poedervormige metalen zoals
    molybdeen en wolfraam. Deze worden onder meer gebruikt in
    straalmotoren. Ook houdt het in het Noord-Duitse Goslar
    gevestigde Starck zich bezig met de productie van keramiek en
    speciale chemicaliën. Er werken 3400 mensen bij Starck in
    vijftien vestigingen in Europa, Azië en Noord-Amerika. De
    verkoop moet nog wel worden goedgekeurd door de autoriteiten en
    wordt naar verwachting begin 2007 afgesloten.

    De Amerikaanse investeerders betalen Bayer meer dan 700
    miljoen euro in contanten en nemen ook een schuld van ongeveer
    450 miljoen euro over. De nieuwe eigenaren van Starck willen het
    bedrijf binnen drie tot vijf jaar naar de beurs brengen.

    Met de verkoop van Starck wordt de schuld van het concern
    uit Leverkusen met 1 miljard euro gereduceerd. Bayer heeft zich
    diep in de schulden gestoken om de overname van de Duitse
    farmaceut Schering voor 17 miljard euro te financieren. Deze
    acquisitie wordt waarschijnlijk begin volgend jaar afgerond.

    ((ANP Redactie Economie, email economie(at), +31 20
    504 5999))
  13. danicole 24 november 2006 07:49
    FDA Reaches Tentative Agreement With Pharmaceutical Companies On User Fees To Review Advertisements

    FDA has reached an agreement with the pharmaceutical industry that would require companies to pay fees to the agency for evaluating television advertisements in exchange for quicker reviews of the ads, the Wall Street Journal reports. Under the agreement, pharmaceutical companies would pay FDA $40,000 to $50,000 at the beginning of each year for each television ad campaign they planned to air.
  14. danicole 24 november 2006 07:55
    Pattern Of Human Ebola Outbreaks Linked To Wildlife And Climate

    A visiting biologist at the University of California, San Diego and her colleagues in Africa and Britain have shown that there are close linkages between outbreaks of Ebola hemorrhagic fever in human and wildlife populations, and that climate may influence the spread of the disease.
  15. danicole 24 november 2006 08:01
    Setting The Stage To Find Drugs Against SARS

    Scientists at the U.S. Department of Energy's Brookhaven National Laboratory have set the stage for the rapid identification of compounds to fight against severe acquired respiratory syndrome (SARS), the atypical pneumonia responsible for about 800 deaths worldwide since first recognized in late 2002. Researchers from Brookhaven's biology department and the National Synchrotron Light Source (NSLS) characterized a component of the virus that will be the target of new anti-SARS virus drugs. The results were published online by Biochemistry on November 17, 2006
  16. [verwijderd] 24 november 2006 14:04
    bioMérieux will be awarded up to E54.5 million by France's Agence de l'Innovation Industrielle to pursue molecular biology research
    (24/11/06 12:17 CET)

    bioMérieux will be awarded up to E54.5 million by France's Agence de l'Innovation Industrielle to pursue molecular biology research

    Copyright Companynews

    The appendixes relating to the press release are available on:

  17. [verwijderd] 25 november 2006 15:25
    SARS Origination Discovered

    Nov 25, 2006 03:12 PM

    There is a big discovery out of china this week into the disease that shocked the world back in 2003. Researchers say "SARS," or Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome, originated in cats. The highly-contagious disease swept through China three years ago, infecting 8,000 people and killing 800, and now scientists have found the genetic link, proving that the disease jumped from one species of cats to humans.
  18. [verwijderd] 25 november 2006 15:35
    At Solvay Pharmaceuticals we are exploring every avenue to increase vaccine capacity and are making significant investments to increase vaccine supply using pioneering cell-culture manufacturing technologies that do not rely on conventional egg based vaccine production," commented Dr Bram Palache, study author and member of Solvay Pharmaceuticals Influenza Pandemic Preparedness team.

    Volledige artikel

    First-Time Analysis Reveals Millions Of Europeans Left At Risk From Influenza
    Main Category: Flu / SARS News

    A powerful analysis from this month's Vaccine 1 highlights the huge gap between current vaccination coverage across Europe and the recommendations endorsed by the European Union. Currently, only one third (35%) of all high risk populations are receiving seasonal influenza vaccine in Europe, resulting in avoidable morbidity, hospitalisations and mortality.

    For the first time, researchers have attempted to develop a model to enable European public health officials to visualise the need for better influenza control and implement the World Health Organization's (WHO) recommendations for vaccination coverage. The model highlights the consequences of low vaccine coverage, including preventable death, and demonstrates that the cost of increased vaccination could be offset by the reduced demand on healthcare services.

    "This valuable model shows there is a lost opportunity in Europe right now to protect the health of people at risk across the EU. The real societal burden of influenza epidemics is often underestimated, and there is needless suffering and deaths that could be prevented by increasing the rate of vaccination to include all people at risk of influenza. Our hope is that this model will demonstrate the public health implications of influenza and focus both governments and vaccine suppliers to address the underutilization of influenza vaccines," said Dr Albert Osterhaus, Chairman of the European Scientific Working Group on Influenza (ESWI).

    The gap between current influenza vaccine use and the population who could benefit has important implications for global influenza pandemic preparedness. In 2003, the World Health Assembly resolved to aim for at least 50% of the elderly population to receive annual seasonal vaccines by 2006, and 75% by 2010. In October 2006, the WHO followed this with a call to all countries preparing for a pandemic to increase use of seasonal influenza vaccines 2 to help increase vaccine production capacity in preparation for a pandemic and to reduce the likelihood of a pandemic strain developing in the first place.

    "This analysis confirms around half a million people are dying unnecessarily from influenza each year and many more are needlessly put at risk. Increasing vaccination rates in Europe would accomplish two important tasks. It would dramatically reduce the number of cases of death and illness from influenza, and contribute to flu pandemic preparedness in Europe by increasing vaccine production and distribution capacity," continued Dr Osterhaus.

  19. [verwijderd] 25 november 2006 15:36

    Influenza experts from Solvay Pharmaceuticals in collaboration with a research team at Mapi Values in the UK, took on this project in response to a World Health Assembly resolution issued in 2003 in an effort to help establish the health and economic impact of influenza vaccination within the European Union 25 Countries.

    "At Solvay Pharmaceuticals we are exploring every avenue to increase vaccine capacity and are making significant investments to increase vaccine supply using pioneering cell-culture manufacturing technologies that do not rely on conventional egg based vaccine production," commented Dr Bram Palache, study author and member of Solvay Pharmaceuticals Influenza Pandemic Preparedness team.

    "Production capacity for influenza vaccines is currently insufficient for pandemic preparedness. As a key player in the influenza vaccine industry we believe that pre-pandemic vaccines stockpiled may be one real way of offering adequate levels of immunity and protection to face up to the real challenges of a future influenza pandemic," concluded Dr Palache.

    Research Results - Visualising The Gap

    * For the EU-25, it was estimated that up to a half (49.1%) of the population (223.4 million people) should be vaccinated against influenza, ranging from 56.4% in the UK to 41.6% in Cyprus.

    * There were on average of 174 vaccine doses distributed per 1000 population within the EU-25, which leads to an average vaccination rate of the target population of 35.4% based on current supply constraints

    * As a consequence up to 144.4 million people who are considered "at risk" may not be vaccinated.

    * Implementing a 100% vaccination rate programme for all risk groups across the EU-25 would lead to an estimated reduction of number of influenza cases of 7.22 million, 1.96 million reduced primary care physician visits for influenza treatment, 796,743 less hospital admissions and 68,537 fewer influenza related deaths for all EU-25 countries

    * Implementing a 100% vaccination rate programme for all risk groups in France, Germany, Italy, Spain and UK would require an additional 1.52 billion Euro but this would result in an estimated savings of 39.45 million Euro of reduced primary care visits and a further saving of 1.59 billion Euro in reduced hospitalisations.

    "This analysis confirms that increasing vaccination rates is fully justified through a cost-benefit analysis. This model is a clear call to action for visualising our vaccination goals. I cannot stress enough the urgency of action for public health officials and governments across Europe to address this issue today and prepare for a pandemic tomorrow," concluded Dr Osterhaus.


    Dr Palache earned a Master of Science degree in Biochemistry from the University of Amsterdam in 1980. Upon graduation, he began his professional career as a Clinical Research Associate at Solvay Pharmaceuticals in the Netherlands. This role provided Dr Palache with a wealth of background and experience in the clinical development of new drugs in various fields. Throughout his career at Solvay Pharmaceuticals, he has held a variety of clinical leadership roles. Currently he is serving as the director for the clinical development program of Solvay Pharmaceutical's new cell-cultured influenza vaccine using Madine Darby Canine Kidney (MDCK) cells, which was registered in 2001 in the Netherlands.

    Dr Palache received his PhD in 1991 from Erasmus University in Rotterdam, the Netherlands, and continued at the university as an Influenza Research Fellow at the Dutch National Influenza Centre.

    He has been on the Executive Committee of the European Scientific Working Group on Influenza (ESWI) since 1993, a member of the Clinical and Public Health Working Groups of the Association of the European Vaccine Manufacturers (EVM) since 2001, and a member of the EVM Pandemic Working Group since 2005.

    Dr Palache helped to establish the Influenza Vaccine Supply International Task Force (IVS) in 2003, and he has chaired the Policy Practice and Communication subgroup (PPC) of the IVS since 2004. In 2006 he became the Solvay Pharmaceutical's representative on the Asia Pacific Advisory Committee Influenza group.

    Dr Palache is author of over 40 papers, most of which were published in peer-reviewed medical scientific journals. He is co-author of the Influenza Rapid Reference book, which was published by Elsevier in 2006.


    In 2003 the World Health Assembly (WHA) expressed concern over the general lack of national and global awareness for a future influenza pandemic and therefore issued a resolution urging the 25 European Union Member States to

    * Establish and implement strategies to increase vaccination coverage of all people at high risk, including the elderly and people with underlying disease, with the goal of attaining vaccination coverage of the elderly population of at least 50% by 2006 and 75% by 2010.

    * Assess disease burden and economic impact of annual influenza epidemics as a basis for framing and implementing influenza prevention policies.

    * To draw up and implement national plans for pandemic preparedness

    * To contribute to heightened preparedness for influenza epidemics and pandemics through national surveillance

    * To support the research and development on improved influenza vaccines.

    This resolution was reinforced by the European Union where Member States agreed to make additional efforts to improve uptake on their territory in accordance with their own recommendations and to achieve the World Health Organisation target of 75% in high risk groups before 2010.

    About Solvay Pharmaceuticals

    Solvay Pharmaceuticals is a research-based pharmaceutical company, active in the therapeutic areas of cardiology (cardio metabolic), neuroscience, influenza vaccine and a select group of specialized markets. Solvay Pharmaceuticals core activities consist of discovering, developing and manufacturing medicines for human use. Solvay Pharmaceuticals is a member of the worldwide Solvay Group of chemical and pharmaceutical companies, headquartered in Brussels, Belgium.

    Solvay Pharmaceuticals has been at the forefront of influenza vaccine research and production for more than 50 years and today plays a critical role in the global advancement of scientific knowledge on influenza and vaccination. Today, Solvay's Influvac® is currently used for the prevention of seasonal influenza in more than 60 countries worldwide and over 200 million doses have been sold to date. Solvay Pharmaceuticals provides 23% of season vaccines in Western Europe.

    Solvay Pharmaceuticals works in partnership with governments around the world to produce and supply influenza vaccines for a pandemic influenza outbreak. The company is actively involved in key international industrial organisations and collaborative groups including European Vaccine Manufacturers (EVM), European Scientific Working group on Influenza (ESWI), Influenza Vaccine Supply International Task Force, Joint EMEA Industry Task Force and Asia-Pacific Advisory Committee on Influenza (APACI).

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