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Draadje OT, bijzaken & geleuter in de marge! - Deel 2

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  1. flosz 17 januari 2009 11:10
    And so, my fellow Americans, for the final time: Good night

    Inauguration Theme
    • The theme "A New Birth of Freedom" commemorates the 200th anniversary of Abraham Lincoln's birth.
    • The theme was chosen by the Joint Congressional Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies in consultation with the Senate Historian's Office.
    • Inaugural themes are incorporated into the official Inaugural program, Inaugural Luncheon menu and decor.
    • Barack Obama will be sworn in as President of the United States on January 20, 2009 at noon on the west front of the U.S. Capitol overlooking the National monuments.
    • Obama will attend a private prayer service on the morning of his inauguration at the historic St. John's Episcopal Church on Lafayette Square.
    • Pew 54 is the President's Pew, reserved for the nation's leader.
    • After prayer service, it's traditional for the incoming and outgoing presidents to have coffee in the Blue Room in the White House.
    • After a brief meeting, the President-elect and the outgoing President will then proceed together to the Capitol for the swearing-in ceremonies.
    • The inauguration platform is located in the West Front of the Capitol.
    • The inaugural platform is constructed entirely from scratch for each inaugural ceremony.
    • The 2009 platform will be more than 10,000 square feet.
    • The platform is built entirely of lumber, to protect the surfaces of the Capitol.
    • The platform is fully ADA compliant.
    • Planning and design of the platform began more than a year ago.
    Vice President's Swearing-in
    • Just before the President-elect takes the oath of office the Vice President-elect will step forward on the Inaugural platform and repeat his oath of office.
    • The present oath repeated by the Vice President of the United States, Senators, Representatives, and other government officers has been in use since 1884.
    • While tradition dictates that the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court administers the oath of office to the President-elect, a variety of officials have administered the oath to Vice Presidents.
    • In 2009, Associate Justice of the Supreme Court The Honorable John Paul Stevens will administer the oath to Vice President-elect Joseph R. Biden, Jr.
    President's Swearing-in
    • The Constitution requires every President-elect to swear an oath before he can become President.
    • Traditionally the chief justice administers the oath to the President.
    • Chief Justice John G. Roberts, Jr. will administer the oath to President-elect Obama.
    • Chief Justice Rehnquist participated in every inauguration since becoming chief justice in 1986 through Bush's second inaugural in 2005.
    • The practice of taking oaths upon Bibles stemmed from English and American colonial history.
    • President-elect Obama plans to take the oath of office with his right hand on the same Bible used to swear in Abraham Lincoln.
    • Obama would be the first president sworn in using it since Lincoln in 1861.
    • The use of Lincoln's Bible fits the inaugural theme, "A New Birth of Freedom," a phrase Lincoln used in his Gettysburg Address that the inaugural committee selected to mark the 200th anniversary of Lincoln's birth.
    Inaugural Address
    • Obama said in an interview broadcast on Jan. 11 that he had been reading Lincoln in preparation for his inaugural address.
    • In December, the Washington Post reported that Obama told his chief speechwriter, Jon Favreau, to make the inaugural address no longer than 15 or 20 minutes.
    Inaugural Luncheon
    • Following the swearing-in ceremony, the President will sign his cabinet nominations and join invited guests in Statuary Hall in the U.S. Capitol for the Congressional luncheon.
    • The 2009 luncheon in Statuary Hall will be attended by approximately 200 guests including the new President, Vice President, members of their families, the Supreme Court, Cabinet designees, and members of Congressional leadership.
    • The menu draws on historic ties to the Presidency of Abraham Lincoln.
    • Lincoln enjoyed a far less grand meal after his inauguration in 1861. He dined at the Willard Hotel on corned-beef and cabbage and blackberry pie, according to the hotel.
    Inaugural Luncheon Menu
    First Course
    • Seafood Stew
    • Duckhorn Vineyards, 2007 Sauvignon Blanc, Napa Valley
    Second Course
    • A Brace of American Birds (pheasant and duck), served with Sour Cherry Chutney and Molasses Sweet Potatoes
    • Goldeneye, 2005 Pinot Noir, Anderson Valley
    Third Course
    • Apple Cinnamon Sponge Cake and Sweet Cream Glacé
    • Korbel Natural "Special Inaugural Cuvée," California Champagne
    Inaugural Parade
    • After the Inaugural Luncheon, the newly sworn President and Vice President will make their way down Pennsylvania Avenue to the White House, leading a procession of ceremonial military regiments, citizens' groups, marching bands, and floats.
    • After they reach the White House, the President and First Lady, Vice President and his wife, and special guests will review the parade as it passes.
    • Security officials will count the number of spectators arriving for the inaugural parade, and when the crowd reaches capacity, they will turn people away.
    • According to the Secret Service, about 300,000 to 350,000 spectators will be allowed in the area.
    • The Presidential Inaugural Committee put 5,000 tickets, priced at $25 apiece for bleacher seats, on sale on Jan. 9 at 1 p.m. and they sold out in less than a minute.
    • The tradition of an Inaugural parade dates back to the very first Inauguration, when George Washington took the oath of office on April 30, 1789, in New York City.
    • The early Inaugural parades primarily consisted of escorts for the President-elect to the Capitol.
    • In 1865, for Abraham Lincoln's second inauguration, blacks marched for the first time.

    The Crowd
    • The city's police chief, Cathy Lanier, said Jan. 8 that authorities were anticipating 1 million to 2 million people.
    • The largest turnout the Park Service has on record is 1.2 million for Lyndon B. Johnson's inauguration.
    • 10 large screens will be broadcasting swearing-in on the National Mall.
    • There will be a minimum of 4,100 portable toilets available to the public.
    • Officials said foreign leaders are traditionally discouraged from attending inaugurations due to enormous crowds and security concerns.

    • $40 million to $45 million is the estimated cost of the 2009 inaugural parade, balls, opening ceremonies, and other expenses for the Presidential Inaugural Committee.
    • The inauguration will also cost the District, Virginia, and Maryland a fair amount for security, cleanup, etc.
  2. flosz 17 januari 2009 11:13
    • Obama will be sworn in under the tightest security ever, shielded by a new, heavily armored Cadillac limousine, bullet-resistant glass, fighter planes overhead and Secret Service SWAT teams toting automatic weapons.
    • Obama will wear bullet-resistant clothing, speak behind a protective glass shield and ride in the parade in the armored Cadillac limousine, with doors and windows so thick that he probably would survive a bomb blast, law enforcement officials said.
    • Nondescript boxes that can detect the airborne releases of chemical or biological weapons such as lethal anthrax spores will be scattered among the crowds.
    • Snipers will be positioned on rooftops and balconies along Pennsylvania Avenue.
    • 58 law-enforcement and other agencies are working on security.
    • Every one of the 240,000 people attending the actual swearing-in ceremony will be screened by walk-through or hand-held metal detectors.
    "Cadillac One"
    • A new limousine, dubbed the 2009 Cadillac Presidential Limousine, makes its debut on Inauguration Day.
    • It has been nicknamed "the Beast."
    • Obama's new drive is a hulking, snazzed-up upgrade from previous presidential limousines, and will give him a better view of his inaugural parade than his predecessor.
    • The auto is reportedly tough enough to withstand a rocket-propelled grenade.
    • GM has exclusively built the presidential limousine since 1983.
    • Obama will use the limousine during the parade down Pennsylvania Avenue after his swearing in on the west side of the Capitol.
    Inaugural Balls
    • President Obama and Vice President Biden will appear at each of this year's ten inaugural balls.
    • Tickets cost $150 to all but the Youth Ball.
    • Typically there is a cash bar and food offerings are usually minimal.
    Compiled by the FOX News Brainroom.
  3. Hans Igor 19 januari 2009 16:32
    "Intel heeft een uitgebreide prijsverlaging doorgevoerd voor vooral zijn quadcore- en mobiele Celeronprocessors. De kortingen lopen op tot bijna 50 procent"

    Gaan de contracten voor Per.C6 nu ook voor de helft weg?
  4. forum rang 10 voda 22 januari 2009 19:47
    Waar is het "Sectornieuws - Biotech draadje" gebleven?
    Dit was toch een zeer succesvol draadje.
  5. forum rang 10 voda 23 januari 2009 18:52
    Volkomen verknipt, die Hamza....

    Gedwongen seks binnen huwelijk moet kunnen’

    SIDNEY - Een Australische moslimgeestelijke predikt dat echtgenoten hun vrouwen tot seks mogen dwingen en ook wel een ‘beetje’ mogen slaan. Hij hekelt de Australische wet die gedwongen seks binnen het huwelijk bestraft veroordeeld als verkrachting.

    In zijn preek ‘Sleutel tot een succesvol huwelijk’ verkondigt Samir Abu Hamza van het Islamitisch Centrum in Melbourn dat mannen op elk gewenst moment met hun vrouw naar bed moeten kunnen gaan. ‘Zelfs als ze brood staat te bakken.’ De vrouw heeft dat maar te accepteren. Hamza weigert dat verkrachting te noemen.

    ‘Australië tolereert zulke uitlatingen niet,’ reageert de Australische premier Kevin Rudd. ‘Seksueel geweld is niet acceptabel, onder geen enkele omstandigheid.’ Rudd eist dat de moslimgeestelijk zijn excuses aanbiedt.

    De preek van Hamza die uit 2003 dateert, is sinds kort op het internet te lezen. Daarin propageert hij ook fysiek geweld als ‘uiterste middel’ om hun vrouw tot gehoorzaamheid te dwingen. ‘Je mag haar slaan, maar alleen als laatste optie, na lang, langdurig advies mag je een klap geven.’ Met mate, dat wel. Want blauwe plekken of bloed is uit den boze. ‘Je gaar geen bezem pakken en dan claimen dat het Allah dat zegt.’

    Hamza’s ‘huwelijks adviezen’ vinden weinig weerklank onder de moslims in Australië verworpen. ‘Het is een hoogst ongepaste vertolking van de Koran en de molsim standpunten,’ stelt Joumana El Matrah van de Islamitische Raad voor Vrouwen Welzijn. Evenals premier Rudd veroordeelt zij Hamza’s opinie als een ‘achterhaald standpunt van een minderheid.’
  6. forum rang 10 voda 23 januari 2009 20:15

    josti5 schreef:

    Wat is dit voor onzin, op dit forum???
    Wel eens naar de titel van het draadje gekeken John? :-)
  7. forum rang 10 voda 26 januari 2009 16:39

    voda schreef:

    Waar is het "Sectornieuws - Biotech draadje" gebleven?
    Dit was toch een zeer succesvol draadje.
    Van: IEX Forum (
    Verzonden: zaterdag 24 januari 2009 20:35:49
    Aan: voda300 voda300 (

    Geachte heer/mevrouw,

    Bedankt voor uw bericht.
    Wij weten zelf ook even niet hoe deze thread is verdwenen, aangezien dit geen thread is die wij bewust zouden verwijderen. Wij onderzoeken nog wat er mee gebeurd is. Ik hoop u hiermee voldoende te hebben geïnformeerd.
    Met vriendelijke groet,

    Free Media Group Support | IEX Support

    Free Media Group BV
    Postbus 93616
    1090 EC Amsterdam

  8. forum rang 10 voda 26 januari 2009 19:25
    Dan maar hier....

    Gates Raises Charity Spending as Endowment Sinks 20% (Update2)
    Email | Print | A A A

    By Marilyn Chase

    Jan. 26 (Bloomberg) -- The wrecked economy last year took a 20 percent bite from the $35.1 billion endowment of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Still, the Microsoft Corp. founder said he’ll increase his group’s charitable spending this year.

    The Seattle-based foundation will spend $3.8 billion, or 7 percent of assets, to improve global health care in 2009, Gates said in a letter posted today on the foundation’s Web site. That’s a 15 percent increase from last year, he said.

    The money will fight epidemic diseases and support the foundation’s goal of halving the number children who die before age 5 within two decades by developing vaccines for malaria and expanding use of vaccines against diarrheal disease. Gates also wants to help farmers in sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia triple their incomes within 15 years by funding a “green revolution” of advanced agriculture, he said.

    “My goal is not to let this crisis reduce the amount of generosity,” Gates said in an interview today. His letter called the 20 percent loss “reasonable” and “better than most endowments.”

    Gates released the foundation’s losses in the first of what will be annual letters reflecting the organization’s work. He exited daily management of Microsoft in June 2008 to work full- time on his foundation’s grant-making in global health, development and education in 100 countries.

    Gates said he expects the recession to last more than two years.

    “If you take a longer time frame, such as five to ten years, I am very optimistic that these problems will be behind us,” Gates said.

    AIDS Failures

    Gates also acknowledged failures in recent trials of AIDS vaccines, an area of technology he has supported, and with microbicide tests his foundation funded.

    “I’m still quite hopeful that in the next four to six years we will have either a pill or a microbicide that people can use to protect themselves temporarily from getting HIV,” he said. HIV infects 2.7 million people a year. Gates funds tests of an experimental HIV prevention pill using an antiviral drug by Gilead Sciences Inc. He also acknowledged that HIV vaccines may still be a decade away.

    In his letter, Gates said foundations work best when market forces don’t, for example, when science produces medicine for diseases that afflict people who lack money to buy such products.

    Buffett’s Help

    The Gates Foundation war chest doubled in June 2006 when Warren Buffett pledged annual installments totaling 10 million shares of Berkshire Hathaway Inc. stock, then worth $31 billion.

    Buffett’s gift helped accelerate the foundation’s annual grants and allowed the expansion of its workforce to more than 600. In late 2010, the foundation plans to move to new headquarters near the site of the World’s Fair Space Needle in downtown Seattle.

    Gates said his annual letter, which doesn’t replace the foundation’s annual report on operations, grew from a suggestion by Buffett. He said he aims to capture Buffett’s candor, if not quite equaling his mentor’s sense of humor.

    Gates remains Microsoft chairman, eased out of day-to-day management of the software company in June 2008, and now devotes full-time to the foundation.

    The impulse to give away much of his personal fortune was inspired by his mother Mary Maxwell Gates, a teacher and civic activist, he has said. She encouraged Gates and his wife, former Microsoft manager Melinda French Gates, to share their fortune. Wed in 1994, the Gateses gave early grants focused on health, libraries and needs of their Pacific Northwest community. In 2000, they consolidated predecessor foundations into the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

    $19.9 Billion

    So far, the group has awarded $19.9 billion in grant commitments in 100 countries. Most goes toward fighting the top three infectious disease killers: AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria.

    The foundation has funded HIV drug programs with Whitehouse Station, New Jersey-based Merck & Co. in Botswana and malaria trials with London-based GlaxoSmithKline Plc in Mozambique. In India, the foundation’s Avahan program (“call to action” in Sanskrit) created a chain of clinics at truck stops and community outreach programs to prevent HIV in people most at risk.

    The foundation also has given $1.5 billion to the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization, helping that group vaccinate 176 million children in developing countries with new vaccines and 36.8 million children with basic immunization.

    The foundation’s AIDS work has seen Bill and Melinda Gates join statesmen and stars from South African President Nelson Mandela to Irish rock musician Bono. Bill Gates also advocates UN goals with UK Prime Minister Gordon Brown and other world leaders.

    For Related News and Information: Stories on philanthropy:

    To contact the reporter on this story: Marilyn Chase in San Francisco at

    Last Updated: January 26, 2009 12:56 EST
  9. flosz 30 januari 2009 01:01
    GenVec ended the year with approximately $17.4 million in cash, cash equivalents, and short term investments.

    GAITHERSBURG, MD –– January 29, 2009 –– GenVec, Inc. (Nasdaq: GNVC) announced today that it is lowering its operating costs in order to increase the Company’s efficiency, including eliminating 22 positions. These changes, effective immediately, reduce the Company’s workforce to 101 positions, and have been made to lower the Company’s expenses during this period of unfavorable economic conditions. The Company expects that lowering costs, in addition to revenues from funded collaborations, will provide the company with approximately 18 to 24 months of operating capital.
    Douglas Swirsky, GenVec’s Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer, noted that GenVec needs to reduce spending in order to maximize the utility of GenVec’s capital. “We regret having to reduce GenVec’s workforce,” said Swirsky, “but in response to the current economic climate we must reduce spending.” GenVec will continue efforts to increase revenues through additional collaborations, including a partnership around GenVec’s lead product candidate, TNFerade™.
    In addition to workforce reductions, GenVec will also be lowering its operating costs to conserve cash and become more operationally efficient. “We are also focusing on reducing overhead expenses and discretionary spending,” Swirsky stated. “These cost reductions will allow us to continue the development of TNFerade as we explore partnership opportunities for the program.”
    TNFerade is being developed for the treatment of cancer and is currently being used in PACT, a Phase III trial in patients with locally advanced pancreatic cancer. In November 2008, the Company announced interim survival data from this trial conducted after the 92nd death of patients that had
    participated in the trial. The next interim analysis will be conducted after 184 deaths have occurred (two-thirds of total expected events) in the trial. Over 220 patients have now been enrolled in the trial, and top-line data from this next interim analysis is now expected to be available in the first quarter of 2010.
    GenVec ended the year with approximately $17.4 million in cash, cash equivalents, and short term investments. Approximately $0.26 million of expenses are expected to be incurred in the first quarter of 2009 due to the costs of reducing GenVec’s workforce.
  10. forum rang 10 voda 30 januari 2009 14:38

    voda schreef:

    Waar is het "Sectornieuws - Biotech draadje" gebleven?
    Dit was toch een zeer succesvol draadje.
    Van: IEX Forum (
    Verzonden: zaterdag 24 januari 2009 20:35:49
    Aan: voda300 voda300 (

    Geachte heer/mevrouw,

    Bedankt voor uw bericht.
    Wij weten zelf ook even niet hoe deze thread is verdwenen, aangezien dit geen thread is die wij bewust zouden verwijderen. Wij onderzoeken nog wat er mee gebeurd is. Ik hoop u hiermee voldoende te hebben geïnformeerd.
    Met vriendelijke groet,

    Free Media Group Support | IEX Support

    Free Media Group BV
    Postbus 93616
    1090 EC Amsterdam

    Helaas pindakaas, na nog een verzoek om het draadje uit de backup-database weer hier te plaatsen is dit de respons.
    Ik heb mijn best gedaan...

    Re: Verdwenen draad op het Crucell forum‏
    Van: IEX Forum (
    Verzonden: vrijdag 30 januari 2009 8:08:42
    Aan: voda300 voda300 (

    Geachte heer/mevrouw,

    Helaas is de betreffende thread niet (meer) in onze back-up database te vinden en kan dan ook niet worden teruggeplaatst. Ik hoop u hiermee voldoende te hebben geïnformeerd.

    Met vriendelijke groet,

    Free Media Group Support | IEX Support

    Free Media Group BV
    Postbus 93616
    1090 EC Amsterdam

  11. forum rang 10 voda 30 januari 2009 15:21
    Beste Flosz, het is voor mij "mind-boggling" dat zij dit niet uit een back-up kunnen "restoren".
    Lijkt mij geen goede beurt van de IEX (vanuit een data storage point-of-view).
    Gelukkig hebben wij jou nog..... :-)


  12. flosz 30 januari 2009 18:00
    GSK hires new executive for North America
    30 January 2009
    By Alan Wolf - Staff Writer
    GlaxoSmithKline recruited a well-known executive from rival drug maker Eli Lilly to become its new president of North American Pharmaceuticals.
    Deirdre Connelly replaces Chris Viehbacher, who left GSK late last year after being passed over for the British drug maker's top spot. Viehbacher is now chief executive officer of French drug maker Sanofi-Aventis.
    Connelly, who takes her new spot on Feb. 9, will report to GSK CEO Andrew Witty.
    Wednesday, 11 June 2008

    The Office of President George W. Bush today announced the appointment of Deirdre P. Connelly to the President's Commission on White House Fellowships.

    30 January 2009
    GlaxoSmithKline and Genmab submit Arzerra (Ofatumumab) application to FDA for the treatment of advanced stage blood cancer
  13. flosz 2 februari 2009 08:06
    Merck KgaA.

    Merck close to deals for India acquisitions
    A global team of top executives in drug research, marketing and finance has been evaluating the acquisition targets for some time now

    Mumbai: Drug maker Merck Ltd, the Indian arm of Germany’s Merck KGaA, is in advanced talks to buy local drug, speciality chemicals, and food and beverage companies by the end of 2009, managing director Marek Dziki said
    He declined to provide investment details but two people familiar with the discussions said the acquisitions could be in the range of €50-150 million (about Rs320-961 crore).
    “There could be a couple of such deals here in the current fiscal as 2009 seems to be good as far as our growth plans are concerned,” Dziki said on Thursday after the company launched an iron supplement for women. Merck follows the calendar year for its accounting.
    “Some of the talks are in advanced stages, though we are not in (a) hurry as our priority for the target is better business model and proven track record for at least seven to eight years in the local market.”
  14. flosz 2 februari 2009 09:37
    Christenclubs bestrijden Darwin met miljoenen flyers
    In hun kruistocht tegen de evolutieleer zullen conservatieve christelijke aanhangers van het creationisme eind februari miljoenen brochures door heel Nederland verspreiden.

    Binnenkort is het 200 jaar geleden dat Charles Darwin werd geboren. Heel terecht dat dit jaar in het teken staat van deze man. De evolutietheorie is het mooiste wat de wetenschap ooit heeft voortgebracht, vindt Simon Rozendaal. Een theorie bovendien, die zonder subsidie tot stand kwam.
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