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Heeft CytoDyn het ultieme anti-HIV-middel??

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  1. forum rang 4 MisterBlues 25 mei 2020 11:10

    FatCool schreef op 24 mei 2020 12:40:

    Het gaat helaas slomer dan sloom. De FDA zal nul moeite doen om het traject van de kogel ook maar iets te polijsten. Voordat we data hebben gebeurt er niets. En met de trage uitrol van de mild/moderate fase 2 studie verwacht ik zelfs voor eind juni geen positief nieuws van de FDA. En de EMA volgt blind de FDA (zie ook de twijfelachtige "goedkeuring" van Remdesivir eerdaags). Met een beetje pech vraagt de FDA zelfs eerst nog een grotere fase 3 in mild/moderate voordat er toestemming komt.

    Leronlimab's grootste kans is in Mexico. Daar kunnen ze in een paar dagen de test met 30 patiënten in "severe" uitrollen. Dan nog een paar weken opvolgen, eventueel EUA in Mexico?

    I would love it: Mexico first, America second!!!

    En waarschijnlijk Nederland vijftigste of zo iets. (die "medewerkers" van het RIVM liggen te slapen, zijn alleen maar met hun modelletjes aan het prutsen).

    Het zou mooi zijn als we morgen enkele tussentijdse resultaten krijgen te horen van de severe-groep in Amerika.

    Verder wil ik veel horen over Mexico, vooral over het tijdspad dat ze verwachten te bewandelen.
  2. [verwijderd] 26 mei 2020 23:32
    Update van de cc vanavond:

    Covid-19 trials:
    Mild/moderate (50/75) - er kan gestopt worden na 50, dus over 14 dagen zou er een resultaat kunnen zijn. Afhankelijk van hoe snel de uitrol gaat besluit men al dan niet te stoppen of de 75 patiënten af te ronden.
    Severe 37/390 - er kan gestopt worden bij 50 voor een interim resultaat.
    eIND - 65 tot 70 patiënten gedaan.

    Productie: Samsung eerste flesjes (120000) eind juni/begin juli. Minimaal 1,2 miljoen vials in 2020, indien nodig meer. AGC kan er thans 30000 leveren, nog zo'n portie in de rest van 2020. Eerste contcten met Lonza.

    Financing - is min of meer rond met een grote investment bank. Hooguit een geringe uitbreiding van aantal aandelen (een lening). Meer nieuws hierover ergens volgende week. Daarmee zou uplisting in gang kunnen worden gezet. Komende twee weken/maand zijn er veel ontwikkelingen.

    Betreffende trials met Leronlimab: 10 fase 2 trials: 22 solid kanker, borstkanker, HIV preventie, NASH, GvHD en MS. Eén fase 3 trial - mono HIV.

  3. [verwijderd] 28 mei 2020 08:02
    CytoDyn (OTCMKTS:CYDY) Investor Update Unveils Coming Uplisting and Potential Interim Readout Followed by a Massive Development Pipeline Plan

    By Gavins Felicity - May 27, 2020

    Yesterday CytoDyn Inc. (OTCMKTS) delivered a gripping investor update after hours clearly projecting a bright path forward that included an uplisting to a major exchange without immediate term dilution. In addition, the company clearly defined its plan to get a major investment banker to proceed with the uplisting and then either finance its growth at higher equity valuations or license some of its massive pipeline of 32 indications. What was very clear from the call is that they believe that one of their COVID-19 trials has hit the mark for a possible interim readout now that 2/3rds of the patients have been enrolled, but that decision will be evaluated in another two weeks as they ramp of enrollment and see how far they can get toward their goal of 75 patients. CYDY also indicated the positive development that FDA was more interested in them finishing the Phase II trial than giving them blanket compassionate use for leronlimab in severe COVID-19 patients. Because of the recent confusion from the vaccine and hydroxy-chloroquin pronouncements, versus the trials, and the Remedesivir trial issues, the FDA is getting more conservative. This FDA administration clearly wants results from a well controlled trial which they agreed the CYDY protocol meets. .

    Remdesivir Failure Leads to a New Leader in COVID-19

    After the recent failure of remdesivir on severe COVID-19 patients, CYDY is now categorized as a front runner in monotherapy treatment by Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology News. The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) ran a large controlled study to evaluate the safety and efficacy of remdesivir and used preliminary results of the accelerated time to recovery endpoint to issue an Emergency Use Authorization for COVID-19 in adults and children. The rationale behind the approval was that the median recovery time was 11 days for patients treated with remdesivir versus 15 days for those that received the placebo. With no other treatments reading out in a large randomized controlled trial, Dr. Fauci declared in an interview with NBC News that remdesivir was “the standard of care, “ but cautioned that while the results were statistically significant, we still need a treatment for severe and critical patients with more meaningful results.

    The shortcomings of remdesivir were apparent once the full dataset was reported in a New England Journal of Medicine Article that showed the benefit was more limited in scope. The study revealed that there was no benefit for those with the most severe baseline status who were on non-invasive ventilation or intubated on a ventilator, or who were receiving extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO). The mortality was 7.1% in the remdesivir group versus 11.9% in the placebo group. The benefit appeared to be much bigger among the group that was less sick. Putting the science aside and just using common sense, remedesivir is only an antiviral. Therefore, the later it is given the less effect it should have as the viral infection gives rise to the cytokine storm which in turn leads to mortality. Remdesivir has not demonstrated any effect on the cytokine storm.

    CytoDyn’s drug, leronlimab, has a unique mechanism of action that quiets the cytokine storm in patients. This was demonstrated in the compassionate use patients’ blood tests. Dr Lalezari revealed in a Superstock Live presentation that its compassionate use results showed that “a great majority of patients are starting to show improvement within two to three days of the first dose.” There was a consistent change in biomarkers by day three whereby the IL-6 levels returned to normal, the CD4/CD8 ratio improved, and there was a notable decrease in serum viral load. In addition to these biomarkers, CytoDyn was measuring the levels of Rantes (CCR5) and discovered a trend that in mild to moderate COVID-19 patients it was elevated about 5 fold and in severe to critical patients the number was elevated 100 fold over normal levels. The discovery of the pathogenesis of the disease was spelled out in the preprint article called Disruption of the CCL5/RANTES-CCR5 Pathway Restores Immune Homeostasis and Reduces Plasma Viral Load in Critical COVID-19. Dr. Patterson labeled COVID-19 a “Rantes disease.” This journal article is currently under peer review.

    On the Superstock Live update in mid May, Dr. Patterson explained a case study where a woman was on ECMO for 30 days, and then 3 days after leronlimab treatment came off the ventilator. This woman failed remdesivir, the current standard of care,. Dr Patterson said: “anecdotes don’t come off of life support.” These anecdotal reports have earned CYDY the lead position in the race for a COVID-19 treatment.

    Voor de rest va het artikel:
  4. [verwijderd] 29 mei 2020 23:49
    ARCA Biopharma (NASDAQ: ABIO) Nearly Quintuples in Price on Very Speculative COVID-19 Therapy

    May 29, 2020

    Midden in dit artikel:

    COVID-19 is a Rantes Disease not an Viral Disease

    A recent article in preprint called Disruption of the CCL5/RANTES-CCR5 Pathway Restores Immune Homeostasis and Reduces Plasma Viral Load in Critical COVID-19 explains the coagulopathy and the results of a potential treatment. This journal article is very powerful in that it explains COVID-19 in excruciating detail. The article has essentially elucidated the complete pathogenesis of the disease. The article highlights that

    “Platelet activation, which leads to the initiation of the coagulation cascade, can be triggered by chemokines including CCL5, suggesting that leronlimab treatment may be beneficial beyond its immunomodulatory effects on inflammation and hemostasis in COVID-19 patients.”

    The lack of results in Gilead Sciences (NASDAQ: GILD) remdesivir clinical trials highlights that this is not a viral disease. The virus peaks in the body within 5 days so common sense tells us that giving a viral inhibitor when the virus is already on the way down makes little sense given the toxic profile of remdesivir. In a desperation to do something remedesir was declared as the standard of care by Anthony Fauci.

    The most promising treatment in development is CytoDyn’s (OTCMKTS: CYDY) leronlimab. This is a drug with an incredible safety profile of 800+ patients without any SAE’s related to the drug. It’s a monoclonal antibody that can be self-injected weekly. Rantes is what drives the pathogenesis of the disease and is responsible for 5 times the normal levels in mild to moderate patients and over 100 times to severe and critical patients. Leonlimab is a CCR5 inhibitor and blocks the rantes which is responsible for the cytokine storm among other things. The reason researchers like Dr. Patterson believe this drug works is because in the severest of patients trial results showed a restoration of the blood levels or a quieting of the cytokine storm 3 days after injection. All this was explained in the journal article and has been documented in clinical trial results that have trickled out from compassionate use trials. This is why patients like Samantha Mottet took to the airwaves to educate people. For the most part this drug has been ignored by the administration and been given marching order to complete the trial. Its expected enrollment will be completed in two weeks so speculation of the most important regulatory action to take place on the planet is largely being ignored by investors. CYDY will be the next to readout on a COVID-19 therapy and preliminary journal articles indicate it works.
  5. [verwijderd] 1 juni 2020 00:26
    Amerikaans farmabedrijf maakt medicijn met ons antilichaam 47D11

    HILVERSUM - Een Amerikaans farmaciebedrijf gaat een coronamedicijn maken dat gebaseerd is op een in Nederland gevonden antilichaam. Dit heeft Frank Grosveld, hoogleraar celbiologie aan de Erasmus Universiteit, zondag gezegd in het radioprogramma Dit is de Dag (NPO Radio 1).

    Volgens Grosveld doorstond het Rotterdamse antilichaam ’47D11’ afgelopen weken enkele cruciale tests op levende wezens. „Het medicijn zal er over vijf, zes maanden zijn. Voor het ontwikkelen van een medicijn is dit een heel snel traject.” Om welk farmaciebedrijf het gaat, kan Grosveld in deze fase nog niet zeggen.

    Grosveld is één van de ontdekkers van het antilichaam, het hoofdbestanddeel van het coronamedicijn. Hij deed zijn ontdekking samen met collega-wetenschappers Berend Jan Bos (Universiteit Utrecht) en Bart Haagmans. „Dit antilichaam reageert op SARS1, het werkt het ook voor het huidige coronavirus, dat ook wel SARS2 wordt genoemd. Als er een SARS3 komt, is de kans groot dat het daar ook goed op reageert.”

    Volgens de hoogleraar kan de impact van het medicijn enorm zijn. „Je kan het gebruiken als medicijn, als je al besmet bent en als preventief middel voor hoog-risicogroepen.” Grosveld zegt voor zijn onderzoek enkele tonnen subsidie te hebben gekregen van het kabinet.

    En nog een jaar of vijf voordat het getest is en op de markt kan worden gebracht. Het moet eerst nog werken :).

  6. forum rang 4 MisterBlues 1 juni 2020 19:45
    Hoelang nog eer dat er een bericht komt dat de aanvankelijke waarnemingen in het experimentele Corona tijdperk februari / maart 2020 gewoon juist waren dat Remdesivir niet of nauwelijks, of in het geheel niet werkt?

    Gemengde resultaten bij studie naar coronamedicijn remdesivir

    Gepubliceerd op 1 juni 2020 17:47 | Views: 1.897

    Reacties (3)

    NEW YORK (AFN/RTR) - Of coronamedicijn remdesivir van Gilead Sciences goed werkt, blijft onduidelijk. In een nieuwe studie naar het gebruik bij coronapatiënten met gematigde klachten was volgens het Amerikaanse farmacieconcern sprake van gemengde resultaten.

    Bij de mensen die het middel vijf dagen kregen toegediend, leek het in de meeste gevallen aan te slaan. Maar de patiënten die tien dagen remdesivir kregen toegediend, lieten geen significante verbetering zien.

    Op de beurs in New York werd het nieuws over de testresultaten niet goed ontvangen. Het aandeel ging maandag duidelijk omlaag.

    De Amerikaanse geneesmiddelenwaakhond FDA gaf eerder al versneld toestemming voor het gebruik van remdesivir voor behandeling van ernstig zieke coronapatiënten. In meer landen gebeurde dat onlangs ook al. Toch lopen er nog meerdere onderzoeken naar hoe effectief het middel eigenlijk is bij de behandeling van Covid-19. Een eerdere studie leek erop te wijzen dat remdesivir vooral werkt bij minder zware gevallen van corona. Ook meldden de onderzoekers dat remdesivir het best in combinatie met andere behandelwijzen kan worden toegediend, aangezien nog altijd veel patiënten die het middel kregen uiteindelijk overleden.
  7. [verwijderd] 3 juni 2020 10:12
    Wall Street Reporter call gisteren

    Belangrijkste nieuws:
    Mild/moderate studie (58/75). moeilijk te werven, patiënten zonder zuurstof gaan niet naar het ziekenhuis.
    Severe studie (51/390) - loopt beter nu.

    Op 15/6 stoppen ze met mild/moderate. Resultaten van beide studies binnen eind juni, ik persoonlijk denk eerste week juli.

    De heren zijn zeer optimistisch!!!

  8. forum rang 4 MisterBlues 5 juni 2020 11:33
    De Zweedse situatie is geen voorbeeld voor de rest.

    De feiten:

    Anders Tegnell, de Zweedse Jaap van Dissel (RIVM), heeft oprecht spijt van zijn beleid. Hij zou nu willen zijn gegaan voor iets tussen de Zweedse en de Europese aanpak.

    442 mensen gingen er dood in Zweden vooral in Zweedse zorghuizen, waarvan een gedeelte in de laatste levensfase elke palliatieve zorg heeft moeten ontberen. Dat is 10x zoveel als in de omringende landen die even dunbevolkt zijn.

    Er onstaat uit duidelijke gegevens van bloedbanken, waterzuiveringsinstallaties en medische testen geen noemenswaardige groepsimmuniteit, nergens, ook niet in Zweden.

    Ook is de Zweedse aanpak niet goed voor het voorkomen van een recessie, daar deze door meso en vooral macro economische zaken wordt veroorzaakt. Zweden lijdt net zo goed als alle omliggende landen ook al zijn de horeca etc. open gebleven.

    Inmiddels lijkt daar de pandemie opnieuw te beginnen. In Stockholm zijn er in 1 dag 400 besmettingen bijgekomen. Ik denk dat deze Tegnell nog opgehangen gaat worden aan de hoogste boom in Zweden (figuurlijk gesproken).
  9. forum rang 4 MisterBlues 5 juni 2020 11:43

    FatCool schreef op 1 juni 2020 23:21:

    Dr Patterson over Rantes. Interview van 1 juni 2020.

    Ik blijf het vaag vinden. Ik kan er ook gewoon te dom voor zijn. :)

    Ik vind de rekrutering moderate en severe matig verlopen en een teken aan de wand. Het staat haaks op de eerder gecommuniceerde enorme resultaten die behaald zouden zijn met Leronlimab.

    Aangezien het kandidaat-medicijn op meerdere fronten strijd vind ik dat ook weer een veeg teken.

    Ik heb mijn positie zwaar verminderd. Ik denk dat de koers komende tijd gaat zakken naar 2,5 en alleen nog gaat stijgen als er spectaculaire resultaten komen uit de severe groep ergens in juli. Zo niet dan is het weer wachten en gaat de koers naar 2.

    Misschien. Alles ter lering ende vermaek. :)

    Ik heb besloten om nu weer even afstand te nemen van beleggen en rustig te wachten tot er een terugslag komt.

    Ik ben veel te veel aan het ouwe hoeren en dat was met de lock down erg leuk om te doen maar nu wacht de wereld weer buiten op mij.

    Succes met je Cytodyn en je gevecht tegen het establishment. :)

  10. [verwijderd] 11 juni 2020 22:32
    CytoDyn Reached Its Enrollment Target for Phase 2 COVID-19 Trial for Mild to Moderate Indication - Primary End Point Announcement Is Next

    VANCOUVER, Washington, June 11, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- CytoDyn Inc. (CYDY), (“CytoDyn” or the “Company"), a late-stage biotechnology company developing leronlimab (PRO 140), a CCR5 antagonist with the potential for multiple therapeutic indications, announced today the Company has met its 75 patient enrollment for its Phase 2 clinical trial entitled “Study to Evaluate the Efficacy and Safety of Leronlimab for Mild to Moderate COVID-19.”

    This Phase 2 trial evaluates clinical improvement of several symptoms over a 14-day period, including changes in multiple clinical baseline metrics after days 3, 7 and 14. The Company expects the evaluation clinical patient data to be available two weeks after the last patient is enrolled. Because there are more patients who have been screened for enrollment, final enrollment is expected to exceed 75.

    Nader Pourhassan, Ph.D., President and Chief Executive Officer of CytoDyn, commented, “Based upon our understanding of clinical outcomes from severe and critically ill COVID-19 patients, we are guardedly optimistic about the potential results from the mild-to-moderate patients. Furthermore, CytoDyn will do an interim analysis of patient data in the Phase 3 trial for severe and critically ill COVID-19 patients and we hope to have these important results in 2 to 3 weeks.”

    About Coronavirus Disease 2019
    CytoDyn has met its 75-patient enrollment target in its Phase 2 clinical trial for COVID-19, a randomized clinical trial for mild-to-moderate COVID-19 population in the U.S. and enrollment continues in its Phase 2b/3 randomized clinical trial for severe and critically ill COVID-19 population in several hospitals throughout the country.

    SARS-CoV-2 was identified as the cause of an outbreak of respiratory illness first detected in Wuhan, China. The origin of SARS-CoV-2 causing the COVID-19 disease is uncertain, and the virus is highly contagious. COVID-19 typically transmits person to person through respiratory droplets, commonly resulting from coughing, sneezing, and close personal contact. Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses, some causing illness in people and others that circulate among animals. For confirmed COVID-19 infections, symptoms have included fever, cough, and shortness of breath. The symptoms of COVID-19 may appear in as few as two days or as long as 14 days after exposure. Clinical manifestations in patients have ranged from non-existent to severe and fatal. At this time, there are minimal treatment options for COVID-19.
  11. [verwijderd] 15 juni 2020 20:58
    Laatste Proactive video.

    80/75 fase 2 moderate/mild nu. Nog een aantal patiënten meer, vermoedelijk 85 tot 90 die meedoen. Komende woensdag stoppen ze met behandelen en start de evaluatie: 3, 7 en 14 dagen beoordelingen.

    70/390 in de fase 2b/3 severe nu. Interim studie met 51 patiënten evaluatie is ingegaan eind mei. Eind juni de 28 en 14 dagen mortality score.

  12. [verwijderd] 18 juni 2020 17:35
    IncellDx Files Patent for CCL5/RANTES Utility as a Diagnostic, Prognostic, and Therapeutic Biomarker in COVID-19 and Other Cytokine Storm Conditions
    Company files Pre-EUA with FDA for CCR5 Receptor Occupancy and COVID cytokine panel including IL-6, IL-8,TNF-a, GM-CSF, and CCL5/RANTES

    June 18, 2020 07:00 AM Eastern Daylight Time
    SAN FRANCISCO--(BUSINESS WIRE)--IncellDx announces the patent filing with the USPTO and the Pre-EUA with the FDA for CCL5/RANTES Utility as a Diagnostic, Prognostic, and Therapeutic Biomarker in COVID-19. Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), the causative agent of a novel coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), is now a global pandemic. Growing information has demonstrated that a dysregulated and/or hyper-immune response causes a “cytokine storm” with massive increases in cytokines and chemokines which leads to infiltration of immune cells in multiple organs driving the significant co-morbidity and mortality in severe COVID-19. CCL5/RANTES is a chemokine that binds to the chemokine receptor CCR5. CCR5 is expressed on immune cells such as T-lymphocytes, macrophages, and NK cells. CCL5/RANTES acts like a magnet for these cells expressing CCR5. Thus CCL5/RANTES is a marker for the early stages of immune dysregulation in COVID-19 and as a possible therapeutic marker to determine when and how long therapy targeting CCR5 or RANTES should be continued. Other Cytokines included in the COVID-19 Cytokine Panel can be used to monitor other COVID-19 therapeutic approaches targeting other cytokines involved in the cytokine storm.

    Dr. Bruce Patterson, chief executive officer of IncellDx, commented, “When we were developing a cytokine quantification assay for possible COVID trials in China, we discovered that infected patients had consistently high levels of CCL5/RANTES in plasma which in some cases was 100 times normal depending on the severity of the disease. Other reports in the literature demonstrated that CCL5/RANTES can be elevated in renal failure, liver failure, coagulopathies, and in Kawasaki’s disease, all co-morbidities seen in COVID-19. Therapies targeting CCR5 are currently in trials against COVID-19 and we are extremely excited about filing an initial inquiry with the FDA concerning the potential use of a battery of companion tests to monitor the efficacy of drugs in the fight against this virus. It makes sense that we have diagnostics for the presence or absence of virus, exposure to the virus, and the next round of diagnostics should be personalized medicine approaches to determining the efficacy of COVID-19 therapies.”

    Dr Patterson is the primary author of the pre-print Disruption of the CCL5/RANTES-CCR5 Pathway Restores Immune Homeostasis and Reduces Plasma Viral Load in Critical COVID-19 currently undergoing peer review.

    Company files Pre-EUA with FDA for CCR5 receptor occupancy and a COVID cytokine panel including IL-6, IL-8,TNF-a, GM-CSF, and CCL5/RANTES.
  13. [verwijderd] 19 juni 2020 20:29
    For some with COVID-19, symptoms can linger for weeks, even months

    When Nina Dalsania Makadia felt the first symptoms of COVID-19 in March, she braced herself for a couple of miserable weeks.

    The Kennesaw mother of three young children expected the virus to be like a bad cold or the flu. Her headache, chills and fever would require rest and recuperation in bed, she thought. After that, she’d be better, and life would return to normal.

    But things haven’t returned to normal for the 38-year-old.

    Three months since falling ill, Makadia still can’t shake extreme exhaustion. Even going up and down the stairs in her home leaves her winded. Then there’s the leg soreness, dizziness and gastrointestinal bleeding.

    Chris Riley, a lobbyist and former chief of staff to Gov. Nathan Deal, started feeling achy in mid-March, a few days after learning about state legislators testing positive for the coronavirus.

    At first, he noticed a loss of taste and smell. Then, he said, he developed fatigue and a “hard headache” that couldn’t be dulled by Advil or Tylenol. Little by little, the 51-year-old’s headaches started to dissipate, his fever broke, and he was better. Or so he thought.

    “I started training for an Ironman (triathlon) again,” said Riley, who lives in Gainesville.

    But his running pace was way off. He felt anxious and was having trouble sleeping. His blood pressure was unusually high. And, all of a sudden, he depended on reading glasses. Even so, he dismissed the symptoms as part of life or the aging process. Maybe, he thought to himself, he just needed to train harder.

    But his physician, Dr. Reisman, knew better. Reisman kept in close touch with Riley, monitoring his vitals and overall health. Riley’s blood pressure, usually about 125 over 60, was around 180 over 100.

    Riley didn’t need to go the hospital, but Reisman knew his patient was not over the coronavirus.

    For COVID-19 patients who are not sick enough to be hospitalized, there is no specific drug or treatment, other than rest, fluids and fever-reducing medicine, such as Tylenol. Primary doctors monitor for red flags, such as trouble breathing, which would trigger an ER visit.

    Reisman knew about a post-COVID trial for survivors of mild to moderate COVID-19 symptoms. Riley enrolled in the clinical trial for leronlimab, a drug that was originally developed to treat HIV, but is showing promise in the coronavirus fight. He had four injections in his stomach over two weeks.

    Riley said he immediately felt better. He returned to a faster pace, his blood pressure returned to normal and the other symptoms – the anxiety, the insomnia - faded.

    It’s possible he was given a placebo or perhaps it was time that helped him heal, but Riley is confident that it was the leronlimab.

    Doctor who was also COVID-19 patient

    Dr. Chris Recknor, a Gainesville internist who runs one of the six sites for the leronlimab clinical trial, is also a COVID-19 survivor.

    He first got sick in April, starting with an intense headache. Then, he started bumping into things and saw floaters in his eyes. Those aren’t the most common coronavirus symptoms, but he knew something wasn’t right and decided to get tested to, if nothing else, rule out the infectious virus. The test was positive.

    His conditioned worsened to the point where he thought he might have a heart attack. He ended up in ER at Northeast Georgia Medical Center three times and was twice admitted for overnight stays.

    “I felt like my heart was pumping so hard, it felt like it was coming out of my ears,” he said.

    His physician at the hospital obtained “compassionate use” permission from the Food and Drug Administration to prescribe leronlimab.

    Researchers think that the drug may work by calming the aggressive immune response called the “cytokine storm,” which occurs in ill COVID-19 patients.

    Recknor said he felt better within two days after getting the medication and has fully recovered.

    “The only way I can explain it is, it was like it felt like I had 1,000 cups of coffee,” said Recknor. “And then after the medicine, it was like a relaxing time on the beach. A couple days after the medicine, I was back to doing everything normal. I knew there were other people like me having crazy symptoms.”

    So Recknor, who is a clinical trialist and founder of the Center for Advanced Research & Education, contacted the drug company and offered to run one of the country’s clinical trial sites. Those in the trial are post-COVID survivors looking for relief after several weeks of battling the illness.

    Results from the Phase II clinical trial are expected in July.
  14. [verwijderd] 21 juni 2020 21:39
    Het kantelpunt is nabij???

    stormy op Yahoo MB:
    It’s like New Years Eve! Doctors talking! Trial patients talking! Trial results about to be released! Big pharma talking to CytoDyn! And now the national conversation is starting to turn to therapeutics and away from vaccines. The knowledge of Leronlimab is building. What will be first? Buyout offers? Partnership offers? Trial results? Uplisting? Etc? Then there are all the other applications for Leronlimab treatment. There is excitement in the air just like a New Year, potentially a historic moment. Happy New Years Eve! The world is waiting for our LERONLIMAB!
  15. forum rang 4 MisterBlues 22 juni 2020 09:30
    Ik moet je eerlijk zeggen dat ik erg blij was met het bericht van Hosternokke dat:
    IncellDx announces the patent filing with the USPTO and the Pre-EUA with the FDA for CCL5/RANTES Utility as a Diagnostic, Prognostic, and Therapeutic Biomarker in COVID-19

    Ik had eerder aangekondigd dat dit wenselijk en noodzakelijk was en nu dit is aangevraagd ben ik weer geprikkeld en betrokken. :)
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Antonov 22.632 153.605
Aperam 92 15.042
Apollo Alternative Assets 1 17
Apple 5 384
Arcadis 252 8.789
Arcelor Mittal 2.034 320.924
Archos 1 1
Arcona Property Fund 1 286
arGEN-X 17 10.349
Aroundtown SA 1 221
Arrowhead Research 5 9.750
Ascencio 1 28
ASIT biotech 2 697
ASMI 4.108 39.580
ASML 1.766 109.695
ASR Nederland 21 4.507
ATAI Life Sciences 1 7
Atenor Group 1 522
Athlon Group 121 176
Atrium European Real Estate 2 199
Auplata 1 55
Avantium 32 13.810
Axsome Therapeutics 1 177
Azelis Group 1 66
Azerion 7 3.441