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Heeft CytoDyn het ultieme anti-HIV-middel??

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  1. [verwijderd] 1 juli 2020 10:16
    Link werkt niet, ook niets te vinden op de site van Citron.

    Vanavond 18.30 reactie ceo volgens homepage CytoDyne:

    CEO will address shareholder concerns and give an update on CytoDyn’s progress on July 1 – Interview will be available after 9:30am PT
  2. [verwijderd] 1 juli 2020 15:50
    Citron pulls bearish Cytodyn report
    Jul. 01, 2020 9:42 AM ETCytoDyn Inc. (CYDY)By: Douglas W. House, SA News Editor7 Comments
    Citron Research has removed its bearish report on Cytodyn (OTCQB:CYDY +7%) that it published yesterday. Shares have retraced over 39% since printing $10.01 early in Tuesday's session.
    Shares had rallied 186% before the selloff.
  3. forum rang 4 MisterBlues 1 juli 2020 16:01

    hosternokke schreef op 1 juli 2020 15:50:

    Citron pulls bearish Cytodyn report
    Jul. 01, 2020 9:42 AM ETCytoDyn Inc. (CYDY)By: Douglas W. House, SA News Editor7 Comments
    Citron Research has removed its bearish report on Cytodyn (OTCQB:CYDY +7%) that it published yesterday. Shares have retraced over 39% since printing $10.01 early in Tuesday's session.
    Shares had rallied 186% before the selloff.
    Heb jij Premium?

    Wie heeft Premium en kan dat artikel even hier plaatsen of via bijlage.
  4. forum rang 4 MisterBlues 1 juli 2020 16:04
    De geschrokken beleggers / partijen hebben - althans nu - het pad omhoog weer gevonden.

    CytoDyn Inc -OTCQB- $ 6,37 0,69 12,15 % 09:47:54
  5. forum rang 4 MisterBlues 1 juli 2020 17:20

    hosternokke schreef op 1 juli 2020 16:46:

    Analyse van het gebeuren van gisteren:
    Misleading Headline on CydoDyn (CYDY) Triggers Algo Selling
    Enerzijds afschuwelijk, anderzijds een knap staaltje dievenwerk. Zeer interessant om te lezen, te meer omdat ik er niet ben ingestonken.

    Op een ander forum vond ik deze voorspelling over vanavond. Hij leek me wel aannemelijk:

    At 9:30 am PT, per CYDY website, CEO/DR Nader . Pourhassan, will smooth our concerns.I do not think he will give definitive results but encouraging. It is likely still to soon for compiled data. He will say the lawyers have sent a warning letter to Citron, and legal action is pending. The stock will go back up, but beware of another attack. Results submitted to FDA likely around July 15-25. Up listing July 15 to 30, then stock goes way up.
  6. 1 juli 2020 21:10
    Interview net met de ceo gezien op de website .

    Binnenkort nieuws over een distributie partner voor Leronlemab , deze week of uiterlijk maandag.
    Goede resultaten voor HIV.
    Uitleg over rapport van Citron .
  7. [verwijderd] 1 juli 2020 23:05
    Citron Research, Hindenburg Research en nog enkele van die flutbedrijven (vaak met dubieuze lieden als Adam Feuerstein op de achtergrond) proberen geregeld de koers van bedrijven (vaak op OTC) naar beneden te duwen om goedkoop aandelen op te vegen van bange beleggers. Vaak komen er dan nog via Yahoo allerlei brievenbus "legal firms" bij die beleggers oproepen tot claims. Allemaal niets van aantrekken als het bedrijf op de achtergrond solide is.

    Geen seconde gedacht dat er iets mis zou zijn met CytoDyn, daarom niet echt aandacht besteed aan dit gedoe gisteren. Nooit stop-losses inleggen, die aandelen worden anders van je "gestolen" door deze criminelen. Ik heb trouwens ook nog nooit meegemaakt dat zo'n short attack zo snel werd gesmoord. Meestal duurt het wel een paar dagen. Citron gewoon knock-out gemept bij Nader in recordtijd.

    Proactive video vandaag:

    Belangrijk is ook de werving van de S/C trial: 120/390. Mooie versnelling.

    Zeer belangrijk dat de M/M studie vandaag wordt afgerond. Ziekenhuizen gaan data opsturen, dan "unblinding" en resultaten verwerken. Komende vrijdag is Wallstreet dicht. Scheelt weer een dag tussen vandaag en bekend worden van de studie resultaten.

    Als altijd is Nader zeer enthousiast over Leronlimab.

  8. [verwijderd] 2 juli 2020 22:00
    CytoDyn Releases Mechanism of Action Animation for Leronlimab in Immuno-Oncology

    VANCOUVER, Washington, July 02, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- CytoDyn Inc. (CYDY), (“CytoDyn” or the “Company”), a late-stage biotechnology company developing leronlimab (PRO 140), a CCR5 antagonist with the potential for multiple therapeutic indications, announced today the public release of the animation for leronlimab in immuno-oncology.

    CytoDyn is encouraged by the potential of leronlimab to positively influence the tumor microenvironment by inhibiting T-reg infiltration, conversion of M2 macrophages (protumor macrophages) into M1 macrophages (antitumor macrophages), decreasing tumor angiogenesis, and inhibiting metastasis through CCR5 overexpression.

    CytoDyn is currently exploring the efficacy of leronlimab for several immuno-oncology indications, including metastatic triple-negative breast cancer, a mechanism of action basket trial for 22 solid tumors, and a Phase 2 combination therapy for metastatic colorectal cancer. The FDA has granted leronlimab Fast Track designation for metastatic triple-negative breast cancer.

    “We appreciate the work of Nucleus Medical Media to capture the potential benefits of leronlimab in the tumor microenvironment. The control of the tumor microenvironment is critical in the ultimate determination of clinical patient outcomes. We believe leronlimab may help leverage the immune system’s natural ability to fight cancer. Leronlimab’s safety profile and potential synergistic effects with current oncology treatments may prove to be an exciting opportunity within immuno-oncology,” said Scott A. Kelly, M.D., Chief Medical Officer and Chairman of the Board of CytoDyn.
  9. forum rang 4 MisterBlues 3 juli 2020 09:34

    hosternokke schreef op 1 juli 2020 23:41:

    Heb vanavond nog wat bijgekocht. Verwacht weer wat opleving richting 10 juli.
    Ik heb zelf bijgekocht na de eerste short-attack door Citron. Er lijkt weer een kleine short attack te zijn geweest. De attacks houden vanzelf op als de berichtgeving rond deze zaken doorkomt:

    - M2M trial data,
    - HIV BLA PDUFA date,
    -Mexico phase 3 with only 25 patients,
    -distribution agreement signed
    - uplisting to NYSE

    In verband met de short-attacks vond ik een aardig stukje op het Yahoo forum:

    Block Trade (Trades 10,000 shares or greater trades indicative of institution and wealthy individual interest that can move the share price) Update: 7/1 4 pm Price $6.48 which was 14.08% above yesterday's $5.68 close after the short attack. Total volume was a healthy 17,025,229 (but small in comparison to yesterdays 56,325,777 which reflected a lot of short attack panic selling. Hopefully we have learned our lesson and won't succumb to panic selling and bogus reports again:)).

    Block Volume was 3,219,349 or 18.91% of today's total volume with an average trade of 17,985. Kind of a normal day except for the 400,000 trade at $6.07 I mentioned in an earlier post. The volume was heaviest during the first 1/2 hour this morning reflecting a desire to get in or get back in at bargain prices compared to Monday's $8.77 close IMO.

    There appeared to be a mini short attack at about 2:19 and the price eventually dipped to $5.75 very briefly before moving back to $6.48 at the close. It seems investors have developed a thicker skin.

    Last Block trade was at 3:59.33 for a nice 31,239 shares at $6.45 which was a penny lower than the Ask but a penny higher than the Bid.

    Basically, things seem to have settled down. The NP interview explained that the Citron publication was nonsense, which we already knew by end of day yesterday, but it was reassuring to have him address it.

    Wat betreft de onderzoeken:

    Looks like there was a change of strategy on unblinding the severe/critical trial at 51 patients. They are up to 120 patients (out of a total of 390) and it is not clear whether or when they will ask for permission to take an early look. NP said patients are dying as you would expect in this cohort. You'd think they could figure it out from 120 patients and ask FDA for permission to do so.

    As for the mild/moderate trial, NP said the trial for 87 patients was completed today and they are waiting for the hospitals to collect and certify the data for them so they can start the analysis. Looks like there are more patients in this trial that discussed earlier. In my view, more is better because it increases the statistical confidence level. But it sounds like we won't be getting a trial result announcement for that trial for at least 2 weeks.

    Wat betreft de distributie:

    Whatever is going on behind the scenes, it was enough for a NP to announce that a "well known pharmaceutical company" was going to sign a distribution agreement with Cytodyn this week. I view that as very positive and confirms that another Pharma company has reviewed the science and whatever other non-public information Cytodyn has provided and concluded that leronlimab is an effective treatment for Covid 19. The official distribution agreement announcement is due by Monday. It should move the stock up.

    I like that CYDY is going the distribution route. It allows them to develop all the indications for the drug that will be fully reflected in the share price. It also does not force the sale of shares held for less than a year which would incur ordinary income tax rates.
  10. Fortuno 3 juli 2020 16:02
    Weet je wat het is met die short attacks? Daar worden voornamelijk de mensen de dupe van die eigenlijk niet goed weten waarin ze belegd zijn en daarom snel panikeren.
    Een goede les: weet gewoon wat je bezit en je ziet al snel door alle onzin heen.
    Ook had je geweten dat dit aandeel zich prima voor short attacks leent.
    Het is OTC, dus er is niet zoiets als een "afkoelingsperiode" die de Nasdaq wel kent als de koers in korte tijd teveel daalt.
    De koers blijft naar beneden donderen.
    De CEO is vaak onduidelijk en belooft in zijn enthousiasme vaak meer dan hij waar kan maken, ook is er vaak een onverwachte change of plans. Voer voor shorters dus.

    Ik hoop ook dat beleggers een goede les hebben geleerd door niet langer stop loss market orders in te leggen.
    Dure lessen onthoud je het beste.

    Het zal niet de laatste keer zijn dat shorters met criminele praktijken dit aandeel op de korrel nemen.

    Jammer genoeg hoort dit erbij, helaas kost het me altijd -tijdelijk- geld door onnodig koersverlies, maar het hoort kennelijk bij dit aandeel ( for the time being).

    Wie dit bedrijf goed heeft bestudeerd, wordt niet koud of warm van shortacties. Die $ 100 per aandeel wordt realiteit, met of zonder shortacties.

    De gemiddelde aankoopprijs van mijn stukken is 46 cent. Ik voel geen dag de behoefte om ook maar één stuk te verkopen.
    Ook als ik vandaag zou moeten beslissen om ergens in te investeren dan zou mijn keuze op dit aandeel vallen.

  11. forum rang 4 MisterBlues 4 juli 2020 09:06

    greedfearfear schreef op 3 juli 2020 16:02:

    Weet je wat het is met die short attacks? Daar worden voornamelijk de mensen de dupe van die eigenlijk niet goed weten waarin ze belegd zijn en daarom snel panikeren.
    Een goede les: weet gewoon wat je bezit en je ziet al snel door alle onzin heen.
    Ook had je geweten dat dit aandeel zich prima voor short attacks leent.
    Het is OTC, dus er is niet zoiets als een "afkoelingsperiode" die de Nasdaq wel kent als de koers in korte tijd teveel daalt.
    De koers blijft naar beneden donderen.
    De CEO is vaak onduidelijk en belooft in zijn enthousiasme vaak meer dan hij waar kan maken, ook is er vaak een onverwachte change of plans. Voer voor shorters dus.

    Ik hoop ook dat beleggers een goede les hebben geleerd door niet langer stop loss market orders in te leggen.
    Dure lessen onthoud je het beste.

    Het zal niet de laatste keer zijn dat shorters met criminele praktijken dit aandeel op de korrel nemen.

    Jammer genoeg hoort dit erbij, helaas kost het me altijd -tijdelijk- geld door onnodig koersverlies, maar het hoort kennelijk bij dit aandeel ( for the time being).

    Wie dit bedrijf goed heeft bestudeerd, wordt niet koud of warm van shortacties. Die $ 100 per aandeel wordt realiteit, met of zonder shortacties.

    De gemiddelde aankoopprijs van mijn stukken is 46 cent. Ik voel geen dag de behoefte om ook maar één stuk te verkopen.
    Ook als ik vandaag zou moeten beslissen om ergens in te investeren dan zou mijn keuze op dit aandeel vallen.

    Ik vind koersval (shorts) of afstraffing (tijdelijke slechte resultaten) bij uitstek een moment om te bekijken of je niet moet bijkopen: de markt heeft namelijk (tijdelijk) niet altijd gelijk maar wordt (ook) door emoties bepaald.

    Wat de Citron-aanval betreft dacht ik aanvankelijk dat beleggers hoogtevrees hadden gekregen vanwege een gerucht. Zo’n doelbewuste bloedlinke aanval als die van Citron had ik nog niet eerder meegemaakt.

    Ik handel zoveel mogelijk op basis van fundamentele gegevens – zover verkrijgbaar. Ik heb een keer een deel Cydy verkocht toen de rekrutering van de onderzoeken niet op leek te schieten. Dat is gewoon voorzichtigheid en heeft mijn GAK niet echt verslechterd toen ik weer bijkocht.

    GFF laten we hopen dat het idd straks een aandeel is op de Nyse met een koers van 100. ?? De weg is nog lang. Het zijn NIET alleen maar interne zaken die een bedrijf voor de wielen kunnen gaan rijden, zoals we wederom zagen.
    Ik heb nog een aardig stuk over de oncologie insteek van Cydy en Leronlimab, voor de late instappers zoals ik (zullen we maar zeggen). Als ik aan Cydy denk, denk ik vooral Covid-19 en dat is maar een deel ervan. Zie volgende post.

    Ik plaats verder nog wat PB’s van Cydy. Kan ik het lekker op dit forum terug lezen.
  12. forum rang 4 MisterBlues 4 juli 2020 09:10
    One critical issue that has not been addressed with the oncology side of Leronlimab is how incredibly disruptive it will be as to how medical oncology treatment is delivered. I was fortunate to build and be responsible for two free-standing cancer centers, one in a small suburban community and one that was part of a large health system in the Midwest. The latter center was a MD Anderson affiliate, and I have been to MD Anderson in Houston a few times.
    As many of you know, traditional chemotherapy is often administered two or three days a week for several weeks or on alternating weeks. The patients are often captive at the infusion sites for several hours, and many of them need sometimes expensive lab tests before each chemo session as they need to be in some sort of stasis before the chemo can be given. Medicare rules require that a MD be on site anytime chemo is administered and often these regimens are quite complex and have to be mixed on site by pharmacists using specialized hoods, etc. Medical oncologists are often some of the most highly paid doctors in private practice and the whole chemo process lends itself to that given the on-site nature of the treatment.

    Oncology is one of the most lucrative parts of the health care system. At my health system job, we did not have much of an oncology service line when I arrived and that was a huge push for us. Once we built our new cancer center and were fortunate enough to recruit a very busy medical oncologist from our nearby competitor, oncology quickly became 20 percent of our revenue, and our overall business at our hospital doubled in less than three years. This is a gigantic industry. By doubling I am talking about going from zero to over $150 million in net revenue.

    If Leronlimab can be given sub q to these patients, un-chaining them from being tied to a facility, etc., this is going to be massively disruptive to the entire industry and hospitals and health systems in particular. Besides the patients, the huge winners from this will be the major insurance companies as this ought to take literally billions and billions of costs out of the system. Earlier today, I sent an email along these lines to the regional president and chief medical officer of one of the big insurers as I used to work with these two folks telling them this is yet another reason why they need to get behind Leronmilab.

    What's going to make this challenging is that all the folks whose livelihoods are threatened by this are not going to just go away without a fight. Perhaps a few physicians reading this will take exception to this example, but many years ago, urologists treating prostate cancer were big on doing seed implants oftentimes as part of the standard of care. Then a few big urology groups around the country figured out they could buy their own radiation therapy units and started treating their own prostate patients in their MD-owned radiation oncology centers. Pretty much overnight patients who were getting seed implants, where the urologists could control this procedure and bill for it, were now told the new standard was intensity modulated radiation therapy, better known as IMRT.
    Given the huge disruption this will have to the immense cancer treatment process in the US, it will be very interesting to see how quickly this treatment becomes the standard of care if the results are what I think they will be. This will be another major test to see if we truly have the patients best interests at heart.
  13. forum rang 4 MisterBlues 4 juli 2020 09:14
    July 3, 2020

    CytoDyn Announces Execution of
    Exclusive Agreement with American
    Regent for Distribution and Supply of
    Leronlimab for Treatment of COVID-19 in
    United States

    This Agreement will allow for immediate distribution of leronlimab to patients for the treatment of COVID-19 upon successful completion of CytoDyn’s ongoing clinical trials and FDA approval

    VANCOUVER, Washington, July 03, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- CytoDyn Inc. (OTC.QB:
    CYDY) (“CytoDyn” or the “Company"), a late-stage biotechnology company developing
    leronlimab (PRO 140), a CCR5 antagonist with the potential for multiple therapeutic
    indications, announced today it has signed an exclusive Distribution and Supply Agreement
    with American Regent, Inc. (“American Regent”) for the distribution of leronlimab for the
    treatment of COVID-19 in the United States.
    Under the terms of the agreement, CytoDyn will supply leronlimab for the treatment of
    COVID-19 for distribution by American Regent and receive quarterly payments based on a
    profit-sharing arrangement.
    “Having this distribution agreement in place ahead of the readout from CytoDyn’s COVID-19
    clinical trials further emphasizes CytoDyn’s commitment to making leronlimab immediately
    available to patients based on the successful completion of its ongoing clinical trials,” said
    Nader Pourhassan, Ph.D., President and Chief Executive Officer of CytoDyn. “We are
    particularly happy to be partnering with a company with the proven expertise, unparalleled
    commercial reach and stellar reputation of American Regent.”
    “American Regent is looking forward to partnering with CytoDyn to provide COVID-19
    patients rapid and efficient access to a potentially life-saving drug,” said Mr. Harsher Singh,
    American Regent’s Vice President and Chief Commercial Officer.
    CytoDyn is currently enrolling a Phase 2b/3 clinical trial for 390 severe and critically ill
    COVID-19 patients, which is a randomized, placebo-controlled with 2:1 ratio (active drug to
    placebo ratio). The Company has also completed its enrollment of a Phase 2 randomized
    clinical trial with 75 patients in the mild-to-moderate COVID-19 population. CytoDyn has
    been granted more than sixty emergency Investigational New Drug (eIND) authorizations by
    the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and plans to provide clinical updates for this
    patient population in the coming weeks.
    About American Regent
    American Regent, Inc., a Daiichi Sankyo Group company, is a top-10 injectable
    manufacturer. For over 50 years, American Regent has been developing, manufacturing and
    supplying quality generic and branded injectables for healthcare providers. For nearly 20
    years, American Regent have been a leader in IV iron therapy. American Regent is
    committed to U.S.-based manufacturing. In 2018, more than 99% of units supplied were
    manufactured in its U.S.-based facilities making it uniquely positioned to quickly mobilize and
    respond to shortages or changes in market needs. Speed counts. Flexibility matters.
    Reliability and quality are paramount. Because patients should never have to wait for the medications they need. For more information, please visit

    Meer lezen op de Cydy site:
  14. forum rang 4 MisterBlues 4 juli 2020 09:18
    CytoDyn’s CEO Dr. Pourhassan to Appearon DrBeen Webcast on July 4, 2020Dr. Pourhassan and Mobeen Syed, M.D., M.S. will discuss the Company’s multi-pathway to exploring the many potential opportunities for leronlimab, includingCOVID-19

    VANCOUVER, Washington, July 03, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- CytoDyn Inc. (OTC.QB:CYDY), (“CytoDyn” or the “Company"), a late-stage biotechnology company developingleronlimab (PRO 140), a CCR5 antagonist with the potential for multiple therapeuticindications, announced today Nader Pourhassan, Ph.D., President and Chief ExecutiveOfficer of CytoDyn will be interviewed on the DrBeen webcast hosted by Mobeen Syed,M.D., M.S. on Saturday, July 4, 2020 at 6:00 pm PT. The interview will be available simultaneously on two channels:

    YouTube - DrBeen Medical LecturesLink:

    Facebook: DrBeen MedicalLink:

    Date: July 4, 2020Time: 6:00 pm PT

    Meer lezen:
  15. [verwijderd] 4 juli 2020 09:41
    CytoDyn Announces Execution of Exclusive Agreement with American Regent for Distribution and Supply of Leronlimab for Treatment of COVID-19 in United States

    This Agreement will allow for immediate distribution of leronlimab to patients for the treatment of COVID-19 upon successful completion of CytoDyn’s ongoing clinical trials and FDA approval

    VANCOUVER, Washington, July 03, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- CytoDyn Inc. (CYDY) (“CytoDyn” or the “Company"), a late-stage biotechnology company developing leronlimab (PRO 140), a CCR5 antagonist with the potential for multiple therapeutic indications, announced today it has signed an exclusive Distribution and Supply Agreement with American Regent, Inc. (“American Regent”) for the distribution of leronlimab for the treatment of COVID-19 in the United States.

    Under the terms of the agreement, CytoDyn will supply leronlimab for the treatment of COVID-19 for distribution by American Regent and receive quarterly payments based on a profit-sharing arrangement.

    “Having this distribution agreement in place ahead of the readout from CytoDyn’s COVID-19 clinical trials further emphasizes CytoDyn’s commitment to making leronlimab immediately available to patients based on the successful completion of its ongoing clinical trials,” said Nader Pourhassan, Ph.D., President and Chief Executive Officer of CytoDyn. “We are particularly happy to be partnering with a company with the proven expertise, unparalleled commercial reach and stellar reputation of American Regent.”

    “American Regent is looking forward to partnering with CytoDyn to provide COVID-19 patients rapid and efficient access to a potentially life-saving drug,” said Mr. Harsher Singh, American Regent’s Vice President and Chief Commercial Officer.

    CytoDyn is currently enrolling a Phase 2b/3 clinical trial for 390 severe and critically ill COVID-19 patients, which is a randomized, placebo-controlled with 2:1 ratio (active drug to placebo ratio). The Company has also completed its enrollment of a Phase 2 randomized clinical trial with 75 patients in the mild-to-moderate COVID-19 population. CytoDyn has been granted more than sixty emergency Investigational New Drug (eIND) authorizations by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and plans to provide clinical updates for this patient population in the coming weeks.

    About American Regent
    American Regent, Inc., a Daiichi Sankyo Group company, is a top-10 injectable manufacturer. For over 50 years, American Regent has been developing, manufacturing and supplying quality generic and branded injectables for healthcare providers. For nearly 20 years, American Regent have been a leader in IV iron therapy. American Regent is committed to U.S.-based manufacturing. In 2018, more than 99% of units supplied were manufactured in its U.S.-based facilities making it uniquely positioned to quickly mobilize and respond to shortages or changes in market needs. Speed counts. Flexibility matters. Reliability and quality are paramount. Because patients should never have to wait for the medications they need. For more information, please visit
  16. forum rang 4 nb 4 juli 2020 10:07
    Ik had het wel leuk gevonden als de Mexicanen er met de eer vandoor zouden gaan...
    Maar ja
  17. [verwijderd] 4 juli 2020 10:22
    Een prachtige bedrijf, America Regent.

    Quality is crucial!

    Betreffende America First:
    We just got some of the biggest news/clue in IMO. The White House FDA ect is all aware of this little OTC stock. Trump has said several times vaccine aren’t going to be the treatment. Therapeutics will be and he has said it over and over.

    The change was clear from day one when America left WHO and disbanded Dr Fauci COVID task force. It was all about vaccines now it’s all changed since then. Everything has changed. FDA is in direct contact with Trump himself or his team. People are just shocked and can’t except that the so called deep state is real. China is a real threat, anyone who has not read our national defense strategy read it. It’s not classified surprisingly....

    Read More:

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